Bunch-A-Losers (CLOSED GROUP)



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    For thursday's challenge, I stayed under calories, and My NSV is that I passed my an ice cream shop...and did not get ice cream.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    I've sorta slacked on sticking with the challenges. Just checked them and here's how I'm doing:

    Was under calories, but only drank 8 cups of water

    Drank 8 cups of water, but didn't have time to try a new recipe - had leftovers for dinner. :-P

    I will definitely be under calories tonight. My NSV is that All of my clothes are too big! Even the smaller jeans that I bought about a month ago.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    i may be absent minded today or whatever but on the chart what does the red and purple background means... i kinda am thinking of the biggest percent lost but im just checking


    and sorry if it has been said already
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I have met all but one mini challenge so far and that one was the try a new recipe one. My NSV is going from a tight size 14 to a comfortable size 10. It's great. :happy:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    i may be absent minded today or whatever but on the chart what does the red and purple background means... i kinda am thinking of the biggest percent lost but im just checking


    and sorry if it has been said already

    Yes, the red is the highest percent for the week and the purple is 2nd highest.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    For Team "Losers of Doom" - Our 3rd teammate "princepessa" has ceased to respond to us and I've seen no posts on the thread since the beginning - She was grayed out on the chart, as not weighing in - but now she's not grayed anymore - but shows the same weight for all 3 weigh in's? Has you contacted you directly with her weight? if not, my guess is she's out... If so, let me know.


    Go "Losers of Doom!" ;-)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Tuesday complete! I was under calorie and drank 98 oz of water
    Wednesday complete! I drank 104 oz of water and modified an old recipe I haven't had since joining MFP
    Thursday complete! I was under calorie and did 20 strength because I still had last weeks challenges written down and went shopping and purchased a pair of shorts size 4. When I started I was wearing size 16.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Challenges done so far. Nsv for the week: my family all gave me compliments on my shrinking size over the holiday weekend. That was a first.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Thursday's challenge complete.

    I fit into a size 16 pair of pants! :D
    that's two sizes now.
  • Thursday:
    under calories
    share a NSV for the day :)

    NSV- a shirt that used to hug me now fits loose!!

    Thursday's challenge complete!:smile:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    challenges are something I'll have problems focusing on til next week. I think most I'll get anyway, but I'm busy focusing taking care of my daughter and granddaughters right now. The doctors say daughter should be doing better next week but I'm just taking 1 day at a time!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    NSV: My dress pants that I wore for an interview were too big! :] Sure, I might've looked like a dork, but it sure felt good to know that they aren't shrinking on me.
  • Crazyjoe11
    Crazyjoe11 Posts: 83
    Hi, didn't lose anything this week 177 :-(
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Thursday's challenges have been completed

    - under my calories for the day.

    - My NSV: I was able to fit in my old pair of jeans ... with some "extra" room and as a bonus the clothes I bought a month ago, are already getting to big for me to wear.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    As of right now, I still need week 2 weigh-ins from,


    and week 1 and week 2 weigh-ins were not recieved from:

    These above people are deemed inactive and are no longer a part of this challenge UNLESS you've heard otherwise.

    If they are a part of your team, then you are now a two man team unless other people join.

    thanks guys :D
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Tuesday complete! I was under calorie and drank 98 oz of water
    Wednesday complete! I drank 104 oz of water and modified an old recipe I haven't had since joining MFP
    Thursday complete! I was under calorie and did 20 strength because I still had last weeks challenges written down and went shopping and purchased a pair of shorts size 4. When I started I was wearing size 16.
    Friday complete! I wad under calorie and drank 108 oz of water
  • Friday:
    8 cups of water
    Under calories

    Friday's challenge complete!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    sunday morning. latest weight: 176.6lbs
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Tuesday complete! I was under calorie and drank 98 oz of water
    Wednesday complete! I drank 104 oz of water and modified an old recipe I haven't had since joining MFP
    Thursday complete! I was under calorie and did 20 strength because I still had last weeks challenges written down and went shopping and purchased a pair of shorts size 4. When I started I was wearing size 16.
    Friday complete! I was under calorie and drank 108 oz of water
    Saturday complete! I did 63 minutes of cardio. My tip is to plan what you are going to eat as much as possible including snacks. Don't let too much time go between eating. I have a pre planned snack within two hours after each meal. This way I do not get too hungry and just grab anything.