Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good Morning,

    Almost wrote Monday, just feels like one.

    Pedicure lady called to reschedule to Saturday, which is just as well rash still on feet and with any luck it will be almost done by then. Have an ob/gyn apt Friday hoping it is also done by then too..... I will ask coworker to see if she can drive me to Friday's apt. Not feeling very brave right now.

    Question of the week time: What will you be focusing on this week?

    AOTD: Between numerous Dr apts and rash, I will be focusing on meditation. I have meals in freezer and lunches mostly plan, so to keep me from eating from stress will be my plan.

    Still feels like a Monday :/ . Lana mailing one of the cards I got over the weekend for you today.

    Wishing all a great day. Waving to all who follow.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I need to learn more about the relationship between ADD and bipolar and symptoms on and off of the meds. DH has done some amazingly damaging things over the years. But if you don't know what to look for people, even therapists, miss this key thing about him because he won't speak of it, I don't think. We've yet to get to couples therapy, which we need if we are going to stay together.

    Thanks again

    Definitely look into couples therapy, but make sure that you have time alone with the therapist. That way you can let them in on the issues you're experiencing that your husband won't tell them. I wish you the best. x
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday morning

    My kids don't start school until tomorrow, but I took today off of work in order to go to a conference with 1st grader (get-to-know the teacher conference) and to take DD to her first volleyball practice this afternoon.

    Breakfast was a fried egg with sauteed mushrooms and a tiny bit of reduced fat cheese shreds. Lunch will be a salad. Supper will be inside-out egg roll dish. A big key will be to stay out of any sweets and soda. (My no-soda challenge ends on 9/ ALMOST there!) Will probably just drink ice water and find something else to occupy myself if I crave sweets.

    Mailing b-day card to Grandma today. She will be 87 on Thursday. Sad to say her health seems to be failing a bit and her mind, even more so. :(

    Also planning to do the kids "first day of school pictures" today so we don't have to rush so much tomorrow morning. :)
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Breakfast was three eggo waffles with fake 'lite' syrup. I'm not proud :wink:
    But on my new meds I'm eating so little that I figure it'll all even out in the end. Lunch is the banquet 'chicken fried chicken' meal. I just cover it in chipotle tabasco and it's not half bad. I didn't feel like meal prep this week, and since I'm watching my budget so strictly, $0.8-$1.5 a frozen meal didn't seem like a bad price to pay to just shove it in my bag and go.

    Got my boyfriend a pair of Polo jeans this weekend (they were on sale for $15, and I was all about that) and they were a 32x34, which is usually his size, but because they're 100% cotton and have no stretch, he can't button them. I think I unexpectedly gave him more diet/workout motivation. He's still got that last 25 to lose as well.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member

    Back from northern Michigan. It was gorgeous and the kids were able to max out the last few moments of summer but it was also a lot of driving in a short amount of time.. which ended up facilitating some wretchedly poor food choices on my part. Well, I'm back on plan today.

    Kids are off to school. First day of 6th grade and 4th grade. Ahhh..!! Some folks were talking about ADD earlier - my 6th grader struggles with this particular brain wiring, so it's always kind of stressful getting back into the school year. he has so many good qualities but can make some really bad choices. I think I probably have some version of it also- I am a major procrastinator and will go off track about 500 times before actually completing anything.. umm... kind of like being a Serial Starter. :)

    It's storming here but I have a running date for lunch- hopefully I can keep it. I'm on W2 D2 for C25K. I'm slow. Walkers in their 80s pass me when I run. I hope I'm as fast when I am 80.

    All, have a wonderful Tuesday. May you find something joyful.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,878 Member

    Hello All~~

    Zipping through, tossing beach bag onto lounge chair......

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member

    DIdn't feel as bad as I expected after the bowl of pasta. I'm glad I got my vitamins and added Magnesium (which I've been told to take at night as it causes bathroom visits) also got some vitamins and special shampoo for my hair. Not sure how old you all are but I guess I am perimenopausal so my hair has been thinning and it's freaking me out. I have A LOT of hair but to see a change is still worrisome. Hopefully both will work. I think I have been seriously lacking on vitamins for the past few years. Time to be a grown up!

    Also (and this made me happy about both my WI and Pasta binge) is that today was TOM. Never so happy. LIke I said, being perimeno. I went from being clockwork to hit/miss and it makes me crazy. At least now I can attribute some of my mood/food/bloating to someething.

    On that note-

    AOTD: Water Water Water and hopefully 3 days in the gym.

    Lana- hope you are feeling better!!!! Thinking of you!

    Chamie- Glad you enjoyed your trip. Shake off the food choices and back OP.

    Annie=87 for grandma. That's amazing. My dad is 86 and is so miserable. I really worry about stuff like mind going etc (for me). I can't remember anything now as it is!

    Hello to 25, Do the meds cause lack of appetite?

    Sara- good for you on meditation. I do it 2x a day for years and it really has saved me from...well myself ; )
    hope the rash feels better-

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Calny- They do. I think it's only a temporary side-effect (should last about 2-3 weeks?) but in the mean time I can be absolutely physically starving but have no desire mentally to eat. I have to eat at pre-planned times, or mentally force myself if for no reason other than getting my stomach to stop hurting. I'm looking forward to this ending, really.

    Also, to do wonderful things for your hair, I'd recommend a combo of the "Nature's Miracle Hair Skin & Nails" gummies (you can get them at Target, in a giant pink bottle) and some Argan Oil Conditioner. I use the Marc Anthony brand you can get at Rite Aid. Both have done great things for me.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    25- I am not sure what you are taking it for..but I wish something would have that side effect on me!! Was your hair thinning hormonally? Mine is a mix of hormones and thyroid.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited September 2016
    Jen, I am finding my hair is thinning partly from age and hair processing (coloring in my case). Also consider getting a good scalp "mask" which is thick massaged into scalp and wait 5-10 minutes (consider using the kitchen sink - the next shower I took I almost slid from the conditioner residue) - many brands out there. Scalp treatment conditioning is over looked by many people. Only need to do this process once a month.

    Got off work early, pedicure postponed until Saturday. Went home anyway. Rash is fading in the places it started and is moving in that direction in the last places to show up - so Yippee!!

    Off to crochet. BBL
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Nice day at home with my kiddos. Met DS's first grade teacher. Impressed so far - she seems very organized and good at communicating. DD started volleyball and seemed happy about that. School starts for both tomorrow, which means I have to start getting up 30 minutes earlier so I can be ready before I get them out of bed. Sigh. And I get to drive DS to school each day, which actually gets me to work early.

    No sweets today. Followed South Beach Diet and it was a good day. Only slightly hungry at one point but found an approved snack. Will need to pack for work carefully tomorrow to keep my willpower up and my stomach satisfied. There is nothing worse than being hungry and knowing you don't have anything you can eat.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie- I always seem to have trouble wanting to eat and not having appropriate food available.Trying to get stuff in house, but once it's here,he tends to eat it all until gone. He can anything he wants and not gain a pound.
    I know what you mean with your Grandma. Mine will be 81 in a few weeks and in fair health. Grandpa will be 87 in Feb and not so good health. Really concerning. He's trying to do his best, but he's only getting worse. Hate seeing it.

    25 I have been using Argon Oil for about 5 yrs. I don't know that I can tell it helps at all. I just use so little, it's lasted forever.. Might have to try those hair is so dull and frizzy... I do color a lot. I used to flat iron my hair, up until a couple months ago. That was definitely not good for my hair.

    Sara- Glad rash seems to be going away...hope you can enjoy yer pedicure...

    Chamie- tomorrow is a new day...don't let it get you down.

    Waves Lana! Hope yer enjoying lounging..

    Stress is my biggest enemy right now...all i wanna do is eat...keepin it pretty much under control, for now...boy is it difficult...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good morning,

    Alarm clock has been waking me up so far this week, which means I am sleeping a little better.

    Pedicure got rescheduled to Saturday - nail lady had an emergency dr apt so by then my skin wont be so tender, I hope. I am more worried about the ob/gyn apt on Friday. :(

    Making a pumpkin bunting for work made from crocheted pumpkins. I can do the first 2 of 3 rounds without the tutorial but the 3rd round I have to follow along, so I make the pumpkin in the morning/ night before and wait until after work to finish. I have 3 done and will make 5 or 6. Supposed to make pumpkin faces for Halloween (candy is already out there before Labor Day) but I wont and then they can hang in my cube until Thanksgiving.

    Sounds like stress is the buzz word this week. Make sure to breathe deeply as much as you can today. Walk the stress off if you can. Listen to your favorite music. Think of your favorite color. These all help a little.

    Real world is finding me. I will be under the Palm Tree with Lana (knitting or crochet project by hammock) with Tilley after work.

    Wishing all a great Wednesday.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning.

    On hair softeners.. HA! My kids had lice (YUCK and YUCK) the last week of summer and so I also pro-actively treated myself with a lovely oil based lice killer. It did give me soft silky hair. Silver linings and such. Really the whole episode was quite gross. I don't recommend it. Stick with the argon and vitamins. My hair is crazy thick, so I put argon on it to calm it down and avoid triangle head.

    Went shopping yesterday so I have some decent options. I will plan out my day before I eat.

    I totally flaked on my workout plan yesterday. Today I will not and will check in here when it's completed.

    Yay, humpday.


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday morning

    Whew! The kids are off to school! All in all, the morning went smoothly. DD is not our morning person and when she's nervous, she's worse. It comes off as bad attitude and a little bit of ADHD wildness. Always hard because although we give her her meds before she gets out of bed, it takes a little while for them to take effect. But we got everyone ready without too much trouble. It was a bit quieter around the house with DS off at college and only two kids to wrangle. :) I always feel a little emotional on the first day of school. It's hard - and exciting - to see the kids growing and maturing. Little guy wasn't going to have me walk him in to school until we actually got in the car to drive there. Then he wanted Mom with him. So, I obliged. He was happy to be there, seeing friends. I think he forgot he's "too cool" to hug/kiss his mom because I got both before he headed into his classroom! Makes my heart smile!

    Good plan for the day. Back at work where neighbor's candy dish is tempting but just saying "no". I got through yesterday, I can get through today.

    Sara - I'm glad your rash is getting better. I recently had a bite or sting on my arm that really overreacted and it's finally going away. I almost went to the doctor for it, it was that bad.

    Jen - you mentioned perimenopause. I think I'm heading into that stage of life. (I'll be 44 in mid-Sept.) My TOM surprised me last night. It's early (although I'm not great at tracking.) I should have known with how emotional I was this weekend...but I was chalking it all up to the start of school emotions. I should really start tracking better.

    Checked into a new book last night and think I will order it for my Kindle this weekend.

    Church choir starts tonight for the year. Not sure I'm ready to be back on a schedule with that, but it's good to get out and spend time with others. And music is always good for my soul.

    Make it a great day!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    I've been thinking it's Thursday all day, so to see it's still Wednesday makes me sad.
    Finally completed my food diary from the beginning to the end of the day yesterday, for the first time in absolute ages. Usually I stop counting after work because I calculate out my dinner and take mental note of how many calories I have left. I don't think that's working, though.

    Also, you know what's really frustrating? Trying to fit an iced PSL into your calorie limits! As a 23 year old middle-class white girl, it is my duty to drink as many of these things as possible over the next few months, and Starbucks isn't making it very easy. Even with skim milk and no whip (sacrilege, really...) it's still 220 calories for a grande. :frowning:

    Oh well. At least I'll be entertained today, my s/o works Tier 1 support at Apple, and he's dreading the announcement. He has zero idea what it's going to be (they don't tell him anything) but I think most of my day will be spent telling him it's going to be okay as their phone lines blow up. Hahahah

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Just glad to be done. Had shower while dinner heats in toaster oven, stuffed zucchini from Sunday.

    Will do a little crocheting/knitting and reading.

    I will be snoring with Miss Tillie later under Lana's Palm Tree.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    It is Wednesday... Thank goodness! Although, it's really my Tuesday. Blah

    About perimenopause....I have always been irregular, as far as changing every few months..of course, we had a new girl start, so its my obligation to change, again...haha..I was 4 days early and it was not normal and barely lasted 3 days...I will be 42 this normal? I would not mind one little bit if it all stopped, completely... Sooner the better...

    I have very thick hair, too...and, naturally curly...lovely combo...I also spray water from a hose for a big part of the, my hair just seems to grow all day long...can't seem to find anything that really helps this... Drives me crazy!

    Mmmm...PSL....soo yumm

    Sara- sounds like a really cute project. I love fall decorations/ accessories.

    Waves Lana and all who stop by! Have a good evening!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,878 Member

    We're under the palm tree.

    What did I miss? What's going on at Apple?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Window open after a warmer Wednesday. I really would like these temps to stay. October can become and Indian Summer......

    Lana - If I am correctly Apple is releasing a whole slew of products and if Dawn's s/o has anything to do with customer service, he will be busy......

    I am hoping to finish the pumpkins for bunting tonight and then take a baby blanket I have just started to ob/gyn apt tomorrow. How to reward myself for going to apt and driving myself, is the next question.

    Will stop by and lurk from work. Wave to all who follow. Wishing all a great Thursday.