September (2016) Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for the well wishes. The muscle relaxer didn't seem to help. Hit the Advil/Tylenol first thing this morning. I go back to the doc November 28th. I did leave a detailed message with them yesterday. Maybe they can help. This usually works out in a week or so. I swear my body thinks I'm 99.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    So back to the grind this morning. Up at dawn, ready to run at 6:30. Dodging the sprinklers and goose poop.

    It was 77 degrees and pretty awful humidity when I went out this morning. Made for a tough 4 miles. The tired legs from last night's agonizing run didn't help. I had to keep telling myself, the faster I go, the faster I can get home. It also took a lot of convincing to get myself to run the last half mile instead of walking it. Still, I made it.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Way to go @kristinegift!!!
    @ddmom0811 I had no idea there were bears in Orlando! Stay safe.
    @9voice9 that sounds like a serious workout. So I take it they just took on every set of stairs they ran by? Interesting idea. Not sure I could do that at the moment, but I will probably look at my surroundings differently for a while.

    Another 2 easy miles today. According to Garmin I will be rested enough to do a workout tomorrow.

    9/1 - 2 miles
    9/2 - 2 miles
    9/3 - Rest
    9/4 - 3 miles
    9/5 - 2 miles
    9/6 - 2 miles
    9/7 - 2 miles

    Total 13 of 50 miles
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member


  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    In other news, I don't have any toenails falling off yet, but I have a fingernail that is. I slammed it while changing a water cooler tank and it got all black. It was like that for weeks, and now it's showing signs of getting loose. Not sure what to do about it, since it's only like half falling off and the other half is pretty stuck on. Any black toenail veterans have any advice? :smile:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @ddmom0811 - yeah, also surprised to hear that you have bear issues in Orlando. Be careful out there!
    @5512bf - Great interval run, especially in the heat!
    @RespectTheKitty -Dodging sprinklers? I seek them out!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Great job @kristinegift! Congratulations on finishing and passing your defense.

    @ariceroni I was going to ask about your PhD as well - hope your semester goes well.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @RespectTheKitty -Clip off whatever is loose, if it isn't painful to do so. Definitely wrap it in a bandage so you don't catch the loose bits on anything. You don't want to rip off the part that's still attached if it's not ready to come off!

    @WhatMeRunning - Nice consistency on your runs. Sounds like they might be getting a little less difficult for you!

    @kristinegift - Congrats on your thesis defense! I know how much of a relief it is to be done, even when you had little doubt you'd pass. Thank goodness my Master's program didn't require a thesis. I probably would have gone batty...
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    This evening is a post dinner half marathon middle distance run, yeah me. We have a chance for thunderstorms and temps still in the 80's tonight so it could be an indoor track kinda night as well. Yeah Nascar Run.

    Wow! Way to be disciplined about it!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 - yeah, also surprised to hear that you have bear issues in Orlando. Be careful out there!
    @5512bf - Great interval run, especially in the heat!
    @RespectTheKitty -Dodging sprinklers? I seek them out!

    Part of the reason I stay in my neighborhood so much is to run through the sprinklers in the morning. Our common area in the front by the ponds go off for about 4-6 hours every other day, I'm sure the dozen or so houses that overlook the ponds are tired of seeing me run by their back deck 15 times a day shirtless.

    @lporter229 I did exactly what you are doing last week. I took an extra day off and cut a run short. I felt like my Sunday run was the best effort I've had in a long time. Last night I felt great and this morning the legs are not talking to me nearly as bad as the did the same time last week. Taking a break really helped get me back on track mentally and physically and ready to tackle the last 3 weeks before I taper.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    In other news, I don't have any toenails falling off yet, but I have a fingernail that is. I slammed it while changing a water cooler tank and it got all black. It was like that for weeks, and now it's showing signs of getting loose. Not sure what to do about it, since it's only like half falling off and the other half is pretty stuck on. Any black toenail veterans have any advice? :smile:
    If tugging on it is no good, trim off the part that is hanging off. :smile: It can't look any worse. No matter what you do it is going to look messed up. :smile:
  • untermrad
    untermrad Posts: 24 Member
    Last night: speed workout on the treadmill for 6.2 miles.

    9/1 6.3 miles
    9/3 6.2 miles, split into two equal runs as I started out way too fast.
    9/4 6.3 miles
    9/6 6.2 miles (treadmill)

    Upcoming races:
    9/10 - Louisville Pure Tap 5k
    10/1 - Norton Sports Health Great Pumpkin 10k
    10/22 - Urban Bourbon Half Marathon
    11/24 - Hungry Turkey 5k
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited September 2016
    @5512bf - Glad to hear you are feeling stronger after the "rest". It's so easy to forget how important recovery weeks are, even though we talk about it all the time and they are built into nearly every training schedule. I think we tend to push ourselves because we believe that is what makes us stronger, ignoring the fact that the recovery is equally important. I am trying to hone on that aspect of my training and really pay attention to what my body needs. I think it's especially important with the extreme weather we have been having. We are all trying to maintain these training schedules but not considering the fact that the extra heat and humidity adds another degree of difficulty to each run. When you are running the kind of mileage that you are, you just can't ignore that for too long. It catches up with you. Way to be smart about it.

    There is officially 1 week left before I can register for Boston. Hard to believe it's finally here. I had an early qualifier in October last year, so it feels like it took FOREVER to get here. Super excited.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    You crazy folks and your nonstop running! I go away for the weekend and I'm afraid to open up the thread because I'm so far behind, which makes me even further behind!

    The big news, for me, is that I've finally selected my "Big Race" for 2017. My schedule is such that I feel I should only schedule one big race per year, sometime between mid April to mid May. This year I ran my first marathon and I toyed with doing another marathon next year, mainly to crack that 4:00 mark, but decided my heart is on the trail, and on longer miles, so I'm signing up for the Chippewa 50K Trail Race next year. In the next few weeks I'll start working up a training schedule, looking forward to a lot of long, beautiful winter trail runs!

    As I had posted, my stupid calf muscle shortened my long run and has kept me sidelined since. The good news is, the pain only lasted one day but I'm trying to be smart and not overdo it right away. I'd run tonight but it looks like I'll be working very late instead, so perhaps tomorrow.

    @kristinegift I have a series of trail runs (4 mile & 5.5k) every other week but I'm not running those all out, nor do I really care how I do. They're more of a social race than a competitive race for me. The one race I really DO want to do well in is a 5K on Sept 17th that our church is organizing to benefit teen homelessness. It's a small race and I have a slight chance to maybe perhaps place in my age group if I do well, if i end up registering for it. The problem is that it conflicts with my son's soccer game that day. Any other race I'd skip, but this one I'd really like to do. Perhaps I'll take your and @juliet3455's advice, skip the race and continue to take it easy. That would be the smart thing. I'm going to drop my monthly goal from 120 miles to 100 miles so there's less motivation to overdo it.
    And nice job defending!!!! DEFENSE! DEFENSE! DEFENSE!

    @WhatMeRunning good to see you back out there, even if you are in rebuild mode!!!
    @9voice9 congrats on your race time! Sounds like you ran a great race!
    @orphia, that canola picture is awesome!
    @skippygirlsmom hope you, and especially your mom (@skippygirlsmomsmom?), feel better soon!
    @marjael, sorry to hear about your tumbles, but impressed you kept at it, way to go!
    @shanaber, some great running there! When I tried to shift more calories to morning I just ended up eating more. Night time eating is my weakness and I haven't been able to reign that in. My weight has been stagnant now for nearly a year and still have 15 pounds to go. I'm hoping to get that back on track again this fall as I get my running back on track. As far as eating before running, one thing I want to do is to slowly reduce the time needed between eating and running. right now I prefer a 2 hour gap but I plan to decrease that by 15 minutes for long runs. When 1:45 works well, I'll go to 1:30, then 1:15, etc. My motivation for this that I finally picked a trail ultra for next year and I want to be able to eat real food during the race. I'm not talking about eating a big meal or anything, just a bagel or something like that.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited September 2016
    I just made it official and changed my registration on my upcoming two races.

    The HM scheduled in just over two weeks (9/24) got bumped down to the 5k distance. They have a 10k option but I'm honestly not sure I'll be ready for that in just two weeks. I am certain I COULD finish the 10k, but not sure that I SHOULD.

    My fall full marathon on 10/15 also got bumped down to a 5k because that is the only option shorter than HM, and I don't think I'll be HM ready in one month. That one kind of sucked since it was my only planned full for 2016, but that is just how it is.

    Now to just focus on getting back on track. I still have time to figure out what is going on with the November onslaught of races I signed up for.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I just found this challenge and am going to jump in.
    I'm testing out my ticker...let's see if I did this correctly.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @LastMinuteMama Welcome


    September 1 - 12.8km - Tempo&Reps/4:20, 3:30
    September 2 - 7.7 km - Easy/6:00
    September 3 - 6.1 km - Easy/6:30
    September 4 - 17.2km - MP/4:35
    September 5 - rest
    September 6 - 8.0 km - Easy/6:05
    September 7 - 8.9 km - Easy/5:40


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    25/09: Black Sea 10k
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    So, the ticker thing worked, I hope it's not weird, but I'm gonna introduce myself...

    I'm a 41 y/o married, working, mom of two boys who used to run often. Many 5Ks & 10ks, 2 obstacle courses, a half, a triathlon and then...and then, I really don't know what happened.

    Life got busy, I got lazy (about exercise), and my sneakers got dusty.

    The "event" that I am training for right now is "To LOVE Running Again". I am happy to say that I'm on week 4 of running. I'm hoping that after a few more weeks I won't have to talk myself through 6 miles,that I'll just be doing it, enjoying it, loving it - again.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @LastMinuteMama Welcome! To love running again is a noble goal :)
  • Marjael
    Marjael Posts: 111 Member
    4.24 miles today - I've been sticking to the trails lately, but this morning ran down the road - definitely a faster pace on the road.
