September (2016) Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: 4.3 miles
    9/2: Rest day
    9/3: 9.4 miles
    9/4: 5.7 miles
    9/5: 6 miles

    I was asked to be one of two honorary leaders for our weekly Joe 2 Go run this morning because our two fearless leaders would be out of town for Labor Day. So I got to run a bit slower than usual, chat with a whole lot of folks, and run 6 beautiful, cool, lovely miles this morning. Followed by coffee, which is always great.


    Now to utilize my Labor Day! I've got to prep for my thesis defense tomorrow, plus I wanna get my running laundry done this morning and prep my lunches for the week. And then I'll be at a Labor Day BBQ this afternoon nomming burgers and chips and puppy chow (google it: it's not dog food!) and beer and all kinds of good stuff. Hooray!


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Health Network Via Half-Marathon
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k
    10/16: Halloween Half-Marathon
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon

  • lavender624flood
    lavender624flood Posts: 30 Member
    I wanted to do a Whole 30 AIP in August but the time got away from me. I am starting this month, for obvious reasons, "Thirty days hath September, April, June and November".

    I am trying to follow the Wellness Mama plan:

    My typical day on the autoimmune diet:

    Breakfast– A sauté of protein and cooked vegetables, a cup of homemade bone broth (if I have some ready), some fermented vegetables, and/or some raw vegetables..
    Lunch– A huge salad with leftover protein (meat, offal or fish) or A stir fry with some type of protein (meat, offal, seafood) with a lot of vegetables and allowed spice. Kombucha tea or Herbal tea.
    Dinner– A sauté or soup with some type of protein (meat, offal, seafood) with a lot of vegetables and allowed spices,
    No carbs.
    No grains.
    Consuming at least 9 cups of vegetables a day, especially brightly colored vegetables, leafy greens, and onions and garlic.
    Sleep. It is my nemesis. I stay up late and skimp on sleep so I can get more done (self-employed). Going for 6-7 hours a night for this Whole30. [Please do not ask what I have been averaging. :-( ]
    Stress reduction: 8k - 10k Steps/day,2x/day (2.5-3 mi.), Rebounding 1/day, Meditation 1/day, & Qi Gong 2x/wk
    Supplements. MCT oil, Vitamin D (and daily sunshine in the morning), Magnesium, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C.

    September Walk/Run Miles Goal: 70-80 miles by 9/30

    9/1 2
    9/2 1.5
    9/3 1.5
    9/4 2

    ~ Lavender
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @MobyCarp Great race description and awesome run, congrats!

    @kristinegift All the best for your thesis defense enjoy the BBQ :)

    @shabaner Your hill sounds like a great challenge! Hope the new shoes will help with the heel issue.


    New distance PR for me yesterday! I had planned to do the second 30km run called for in my training plan. Set my alarm for 5:30 and eas out of the door by sunrise. It was a nice cool 17C when I started; but it warmed up to 26C by the time I fiished, so the last ~hour was a little uncomfortable. Still, I was feeling good enough after 30km that I spontaneously decided to add another 2.5 km to reach "20 miles" (a little more, actually, but during the run I wasn't sure about the conversion ^^).

    All in all, I'm happy with the run, I stuck to roads and well-maintained trails this time and was able to finish 32.5km in the same time as 30km two weeks ago. I just wish I'd done it on a different day - I had to spend most of the rest of the day traveling (for work), only arrived at the hotel at midnight, had some late dinner & drinks with colleagues until 2:30am, so I'm spending my rest day today sitting in the conference auditorium, trying to decide which talk I could skip to get some sleep...
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Wow, lots of pages since Friday! :smiley: I quickly read through all of the posts figuring when I got here I could chime in about a few...but there's too many! :blush:

    @Elise4270 I am registered for Jenks also and am working on getting back up to HM mileage ahead of November. Given the way things have been these last few days starting back up it is hard to imagine. It should be possible but I also worry about overdoing it ahead of my scheduled November HM's. So I am trying to just not think about those right now and instead just focus on building back up by feel with a touch of brains.

    For my long run yesterday I was debating whether I should try a long run at all given how I have only been pulling off around 2 miles per walk/run for my first couple attempts back at running (and they sucked big time). :bawling: I kept having the 25% to 33% rule pop up in my head and I kept having to tell it to STFU. :rage:

    I started out heading off on a familiar 8 mile route figuring I could turn around early whenever I felt like it. :relaxed: Well, at about 1/4 mile in is one of the toughest little hills in my area. It is long enough to warrant serious consideration but it is mainly the grade that makes it tough. I was determined to make it to the top of that hill. :grimace:

    I made it halfway.

    My legs were really feeling it and my HR was up in 5k race territory. And yes, much to my chagrin, I was running slow. :disappointed:

    So I walked to the top of that hill and made an executive decision that it was a hill workout day instead. :mrgreen: So I ran (and walked) up and down that hill for 3 miles. Take that you stupid hill!

    Stupid hills. :angry:

    Today I set out on a recovery run. I headed out on a familiar path that gives me options of 2 to 6 miles, maybe more if I get creative. I was really hoping to run at least one mile at an easy pace but was not going to let my HR creep up more than necessary either. I made it 1/2 mile. :confounded: I also secretly hoped to have the strength to maybe go the standard 4 miles that I have always done on that route. No such luck. By mile 1 my legs were letting me know they were unamused. So I made it a two mile route. Towards the end I started suspecting I may have pushed a little too hard today because my legs were burning while running and it was really hard to keep moving them forward at the end.

    Yesterday the "Garmin Recovery Advisor" told me it would be 66 hours before I would be fully recovered. Today it said 44, which means I did not add any recovery time from todays run at all. That little feature is curious indeed. I'm putting it to the test as I build back up.

    Happy Labor Day to all in the states, and Happy Monday to everyone else!

    9/1 - 2 miles
    9/2 - 2 miles
    9/3 - Rest
    9/4 - 3 miles
    9/5 - 2 miles

    Total 9 of 50 miles
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I spent 7.1 miles aggravating my strained calf muscle yesterday. The day prior it was painful but all day yesterday it felt fine... until I went on my run. The slight pain came back in the first mile and continued to the end. I had planned a 12 mile run but thought it prudent to end it early. I needed to get back to the marina to make dinner anyway.

    I'm skipping my run today and tomorrow, hoping Wednesday will bring a pain free run. It's nothing serious, it just needs more time to heal than I'm willing to give it.

    11.6 out of 120 miles for the month.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2016
    @WhatMeRunning I think we're all in similar situations. I probably could try to run and see where I get. But DH swears that if I run I'll damage that nerve and my leg will never work at all, LOL!

    Don't hurt yourself for jenks. There's always next year, or maybe the Garmin Half.

    Haha! Way to show that hill!

    Well, @7lenny7 dang! Good luck with the calf. Wishing you well for tomorrows run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2016
    @_nikkiwolf_ congratulations on the new distance!

    @kristinegift Love the pic of the runners! Special times! I'm going to pretend I'm in the pic too :wink:

    Congratulations @MobyCarp! Not slower than honey. I don't think my synapsis even fire that fast!
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Had to cut short my run today - so much to learn! Coming from cycling I totally misjudged my eating today and got an upset stomach about half way through original plan - on the bike wouldn't have been an issue.

    I've similar learning curves to explore with hydration and temperature control. On the bike I used to drink fairly constantly on any rides longer than 20 mins or so, but if I drink similarly on the run it gets quite uncomfortable (not to mention having to carry something) so as my runs are getting longer, ironically I'm probably drinking less and just have to learn to pre-hydrate! Similarly, my cycling tops have 3/4 or full length zips and pockets so very easy to cool down or to carry extra layers when needed, but obviously not so easy with running gear - got that to look forward to with the unpredictable British autumn weather now here!

    Anyway, good news is that whilst my ankle was uncomfortable, it wasn't painful - I ran a little slower than usual and managed fine. Anyway, today's 5.6k takes me up to 20k so far this month:

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I spent 7.1 miles aggravating my strained calf muscle yesterday. The day prior it was painful but all day yesterday it felt fine... until I went on my run. The slight pain came back in the first mile and continued to the end. I had planned a 12 mile run but thought it prudent to end it early. I needed to get back to the marina to make dinner anyway.

    I'm skipping my run today and tomorrow, hoping Wednesday will bring a pain free run. It's nothing serious, it just needs more time to heal than I'm willing to give it.

    11.6 out of 120 miles for the month.

    @7lenny7 When's your next race? Is there any reason you can't take more than a couple days off? I strained my calf 3 weeks ago and figured it'd be a 3-5 day fix, and I'm just now feeling 90% again. I think taking a few more days might be useful, or at least doing some serious foam rolling, maybe even getting a massage depending on the type of strain, and lots and lots of icing & compression! I was back running within 2 days after my initial strain thanks to an excellent deep tissue massage, but have been running about 50% of my regularly scheduled mileage. Not to be a Debbie Downer! Just be cautious; you don't wanna be running around on a bum calf for the fall!
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member


  • livia89n
    livia89n Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm still a beginner, so can I set it really low (especially compared to some of you!) without being mocked too much? I've just recently done my first 5k :D

    I am even more beginner than you, haven't ran my 5k yet :smiley:

    I will make it a challenge to run 3 km x 3 times per week (means 11 runs for the remainder of the month), should be adding up to 33 km, so 20 miles. Looks good for a starting small.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9/1 - 7 miles
    9/2 - 6 miles
    9/3 - rest day - cross country meet but I noticed I put in about 3.5 miles running all over the course ha ha
    9/4 - 5 awful miles
    9/5 - 5 not as awful miles

    20 out of 115 miles


    I have to go read all the posts.
  • libelulla1
    libelulla1 Posts: 22 Member
    9/1 3.0 mi (6mph avg, fastest in months)
    9/4 5.1 mi
    9/5 3.2 mi (sprints)

    Goal: 50 mi
    Total: 11.3 mi
    38.7 to go

    Upcoming Race:
    Peachtree City Classic 15k 10/15/16
  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member


  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    edited September 2016
    Actually made it out for a run after work today (I'm not jealous of you American's having an extra day off at all :neutral:) and it was hard work, even at 11:15 average pace, but I guess that's to be expected after spending a week mostly in bed due to being ill. At least I made it round without any coughing fits! Should be back on track now, fingers crossed.

    @MobyCarp Congrats on the AG win, and for coming so close to that course record! A great race report as always. Wishing you a happy taper :)

    @WhatMeRunning Sounds like you're taking a good approach to recovery so far, and doing the best you can to ignore that voice in your head telling you to ramp it up. Keep ignoring it and do what you know will be best, youll be grateful in the long run (no pun intended...)

    @7lenny7 Hope your calf recovers soon.

    September Running Challenge

    1st-4th - Poorlysick
    5th - 3.53 miles

    MTD - 3.53/70 miles

    Upcoming races:
    18th Sept - Run Reigate Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • ccontr11
    ccontr11 Posts: 25 Member


    Another 3mile run today.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Okay - the Macon Tracks Labor Day Road Race.

    It looks like my PR for that distance is 1:06:25 (chip). I know I didn't make that today - but prob close? Last I saw the clock before I put my head down to charge thru the finish was 1:06:39, and I know I'd need to add a few seconds at the end and subtract a couple at the beginning. Garmin has it as 1:07:07, but of course, that's a few seconds extra at the beginning and several at the end. I'm guessing the final chip will come in around 1:06:45 or so.

    OTOH - has me doing Race Pace (137-153 bpm) for 67% of the time, and Tempo (120-136 bpm) another 7%. That's a good thing (assuming that the data is being fed accurately and slotted accurately between Garmin and MMR).

    I felt good most of the race - was pleased with most of the mile mark paces. It was a lovely cool morning (64 degrees per Garmin). Overall - a good morning. Next time, I'll go for a PR.

  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    9/1 13 mile run
    9/2 off day
    9/3 23 mile run
    9/4 off day
    9/5 10 mile run

    274 miles to go.