6/20 30 Day Shred



  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 2 Day??? - I've lost track without my work calender! Anyway still have a rotten cold but pushed through it today, didn't complete all of level three, skipped a bit of the weights.

    Watched (fast forwarded ) through level 3 to see what I am in for on Monday. I AM A LITTLE SCARED!. It looks to be quite hard. I think my *kitten* is going to get kicked!
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello guys I thought I lost this thread...glad I found it again. Im still doing well Im on Day 3 Level 3....Its actually not as bad as I thought. I find it easier than the other levels. Almost there and things are going well. I hope all of you are hanging in there, and congrats to everyone for sticking it out.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    10 days done – Level 1 complete! Booyah!

    I did 10 pushups!!! I couldn’t even do ONE at the beginning. And the first circuit of cardio I couldn’t get through at all without breaks and modifying the jumps. Today I was determined. Through blood, sweat and tears, I did it all straight through with no modifications!

    I ended up with a gain, but honestly, I feel amazing. I’m doing my workout before work in the morning and it’s better than all the Starbucks in the world. (This coming from a coffee junkie :tongue:). I’ve never been a morning workout person but I am totally addicted. I do my shred, then stand in the shower flexing and looking at all my new muscles. I am so happy with the results after only 10 days!

    Here are my stats:

    I am only doing the shred – no other supplemental workouts.
    I am Shredding 30 days straight – no break days.
    I didn't take measurements.

    Beginning weight = 184.6
    Ending weight = 186.6

    Level 1 = +2 pound weight GAIN

    I took some pictures but really the changes aren't noticeable too much on the photos yet (although I can see it happening naked lol :wink:). This one was the best one where you could see a difference on the back of my legs.


    Tomorrow begins level 2! Great job everyone, I love to hear how you're doing so thanks for posting!

    Hi friends! Ok, Level 2 is DONE!!! Yay! I've made it another 10 days! I thought I would keep track of my progress this way so I apologize if this takes up the whole page.

    What I learned from Level 2 - it was sooooo hard. But the very last day I am completely amazed at what I can do that I couldn't when I first started. Last night I even went out and bought 5 lb weights and used them today for circuit 2. I feel like I saw more changes with my body during Level 1 than I did with Level 2...UNTIL I SAW THE PICTURES!!! :noway: :love:

    Here's the thing though, I didn't do a good job at all of taking my before pictures when I first started so these are just from day 10 to day 20. I'm amazed at what just 10 measly days did to my body! I peeked and watched level 3. I am disappointed that there still are a lot of plank moves, but the rest of it looks like it'll be fun. Honestly though, if this is what planks do to your body, I'm gonna be on board. So...here it goes!

    I am only doing the shred – no other supplemental workouts.
    I am Shredding 30 days straight – no break days.
    I am using 3 lb weights
    I didn't take measurements.

    Beginning weight = 186.6
    Ending weight = 186.0

    Level 1 = +2 pound weight GAIN
    Level 2 = - .6 weight LOSS




    Needless to say, I am extremely pleased so far, regardless of the weight gain. I cannot wait to see the progress in 10 more days. I just effing :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: this program!!

    Big hugs to you all for keeping onwards with it!
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    :drinker: woot woot, Cella30!!:drinker:

    Can totally tell a difference!!!

    I :love: love/hate:grumble: Jillian! the results are there, keep up the good work.

    and thanks for sharing, it encourages me to keep going. :happy:

    I'm on level 2, but I have to look up what day...but at any rate, yesterday is the first day I did it all without stopping. :happy: O boy, I wanted to stop, but I didn't. I'm going to do it a few more days before moving on to level 3.

    kudos to you!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Completed Day 1/Level 2 last night before bed. Struggled on the plank/push ups and the walking back and fore lunges (can't remember proper name). Wish I'd watched the workout beforehand because I found looking at the floor (as you are often during this level) and trying to see what I was supposed to be doing a bit awkward.

    Bum cheeks are aching a bit today but don't know whether walking nearly 5 miles yesterday contributed to that too. Had a silly idea to join the"Walking Challenge for July" and I've got a lot of catching up to do if I'm to reach my goal!

    Cella - Gosh, what a difference in 10 days!! You deserve it for being so dedicated!

    Anyway haven't completed Day 2 yet, will have to do it before bed again :ohwell:

    Enjoy the rest of your day x
  • andrucifer
    andrucifer Posts: 25
    I am on Day Two of her shred. I have started her workout before, got busy, and never went back. She is tough but it is definitely a great workout. I have not made it past Workout Two yet!: ohwell:
    Look forward to joining everyone on this journey!!
  • andrucifer
    andrucifer Posts: 25
    I am so happy for you!
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    Freaking awesome Cella30! You're results are fantastic so far and it's such an inspiration to see. Bring on today's shred!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Cella30 - Your results have been awsome, you really must push yourself during your workouts!

    I completed my last day of level 2 today (sortof). My husband is away and my daughter got out of bed just as I finished circuit 2 so I had to stop at that point! Darn kids!

    On to level 3 tomorrow. I am a little scared....
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks so much for all your words of encouragement on my progress. I can't wait to see how you all are coming along!

    Ok, so I just finished Day 1 of Level 3...and I lived to talk about it! :bigsmile: I kinda like it! Just as a heads up for all you HRM wearers, in the 1st circuit there is a superman pose that felt like the HRM was crushing my sternum. I had to rip it off mid-move. And circuit 3, holy shy-nola. I had to modify every single move. It was tough and a killer on my wrists. Another thing I found was the strength and cardio circuits didn't seem to be much different. But boy, are my thighs going to burn tomorrow. Which is fine by me, good riddance! :laugh:

    I didn't give it my all since I'm trying to learn the moves, so I was pleasantly surprised to see I had burned almost 250 calories. Overall, I think I like this level more than 2 so far. Oh, and the weighted jumping jacks? They seemed effortless! Of all the moves, I thought for sure that would be the one that would kill me considering level 1 I thought I was going to have a heart attack during them without the weights. :tongue:

    Feeling great today so sharing the :heart:. Shred on, fellow shredders! :drinker:
  • vintagefool
    Cella - you look freakin AWESOME! Wow, what a difference after just 10 days! Those final before and afters are gonna be incredible I bet.

    I took photos on Day Two and then again a few days ago before starting Level 2. I was going to pull them up earlier today to compare, but the memory card somehow malfunctioned and I lost them all :sad: I wonder if it would be worth re-taking photos now that I'm already on day 14 :ohwell:

    Oh well. Yesterday inadvertently became my rest day, when it's usually Sunday, so Day 4 of Level 2 was completed today. I only burned 220 calories today, which is 30 calories than before so it seems my body is getting used to the work-out. Gotta really push it out tomorrow, the half-way mark finally!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Thank you vintagefool!

    Day 2 on Level 3 DONE.

    Wow, ok so Jillian found some new muscles to torture in this level because I woke up sore. It was hard to get into it this morning, my muscles are hating me. lol I kept telling myself, only 9 more days left and I'm done!! I've got to give it all I got.

    Side note: Jillian is awfully touchy-feely with the girls in this level and it's awkward to watch. I think Natalie can't stand her. :tongue:

    Hope you all have a great start to your week!:flowerforyou:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Day 1 Level 3 Complete! I was glad to leave level 2 I was on it for too many days so it was getting boring. Level 3 is going to be a challenge but I like that it is quite different from the first two levels. It kicked my butt this morning. I was going slowly trying to get the moves right, my lack of coordination certainly gets in the way!

    I measured yesterday and I am done about 5" overall and down about 4 lbs, so I am pretty excited about this. The scale says I dropped 2 lbs from last week. However, I am not 100% sure this is correct. I am not sure why so much, but I am not going to argue :love:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    I measured yesterday and I am done about 5" overall and down about 4 lbs, so I am pretty excited about this. The scale says I dropped 2 lbs from last week. However, I am not 100% sure this is correct. I am not sure why so much, but I am not going to argue :love:

    That is fantastic!!! 5" and 4 lbs is just amazing!! Great job shellrae, you have got to be feeling awesome right now.
  • vintagefool
    Day 1 Level 3 Complete! I was glad to leave level 2 I was on it for too many days so it was getting boring. Level 3 is going to be a challenge but I like that it is quite different from the first two levels. It kicked my butt this morning. I was going slowly trying to get the moves right, my lack of coordination certainly gets in the way!

    I measured yesterday and I am done about 5" overall and down about 4 lbs, so I am pretty excited about this. The scale says I dropped 2 lbs from last week. However, I am not 100% sure this is correct. I am not sure why so much, but I am not going to argue :love:

    That is absolutely incredible progress, congrats!!

    Day 5 of Level 2 finished, which means I'm officially halfway through the shred. Hurrah, hurrah! I must admit I spent a little too much time checking myself out in the mirror this morning. My abs are looking awesome (especially on an inhale where less fat and more muscle is visible :laugh: ), I couldn't help but think, "Where did all that definition come from?!?" I love you Jillian. I mean, I actually hate you most days, but I love you still.
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Ohhhh starting to get sore from doing level 3 this morning.....
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 day 2 - Oh my god! I am sooooo sore this morning, I feel like I did the first time I tried level 1. Level 3 is challenging but I am impressed that I can almost do the complete set of travelling pushups!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    I didn't get a chance to post this morning, but I did squeeze in my Day 3 Level 3 done this morning. woot woot!

    shellrae1973 - you aren't kidding! My obliques are still sore when I laugh or tense up my stomach muscles. Isn't it funny? I thought the first Level abs weren't doing anything much and I wondered how people had such big changes in their stomach area. Now I get it! I'm also feeling it in my back-fat muffin top area. I feel like a midget punched me repeatedly in my kidneys. lol Lastly, my inner thighs have taken a beating too. Seriously though, my stomach, muffin top and thighs are my least favorite parts about myself so I'm super stoked that they are all sore. Good bye fatty Mcfat!

    vintagefool- I love this: "I love you Jillian. I mean, I actually hate you most days, but I love you still." My sentiments exactly!! :laugh: Are you still loving Level 2?

    dreamtoned10 - how are you hanging in there?

    jadam6: Have you started Level 2 yet? What do you think of it?

    LTRUITT3: How's your progress coming along? Have you finished yet?

    Lenajw: Have you moved on to level 3 yet? Do you like it?

    andrucifer: Just checking in on you too...how are you feeling? Past the soreness yet, I hope?

    iStace2000: How is level 2 coming along for you?

    You all are doing so great, I can't believe how long we've stuck with it. Such an accomplishment!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I haven't done a workout since Saturday night. I've come down with a virus (I'm assuming it's a virus because I know a few people who have had the same symptoms) which has left me feeling dizzy and nauseous. Can't think of doing any exercise and all I want to do is curl up on the sofa. Hope it passes soon as I'm going on holiday on Monday :cry: May complete this 30 day shred by the end of the year at this rate!

    Cella - I've done two days at level 2 - I didn't find it too bad except the walking lunges I found a bit difficult and I still can't do proper push ups so the plank - push ups were a struggle too.

    Keep up the good work everyone and I'll catch up with you soon x
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 day 3 - Today was a killer I am sore and was lacking a lot of energy for some reason. Made it through but barely!

    I think when I finish level 3 I will take a few days off and probably start rotating the shred level 1,2,3 until after the middle of August when my vacation ends. I want to start ripped in 30 (I am more than a little scared of this!)