What's your number one food craving?

What's your food cravings and what do you use as a substitute?


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    chocolate - no subs, just control quantity
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I would agree. Substitutions don't make the craving go away. If I REALLY want something, I eat/drink it and I REFUSE to feel guilty about it.

    Now, to answer your original question, I don't really crave certain foods, I crave textures. Crunchy, soft, creamy. That kind of stuff. I'm a weirdo. :smiley:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member

    I still eat cheese, I just make sure I'm measuring it out properly. I'm not big on substitutions and I don't think they make cravings go away.
  • ac_astwood
    ac_astwood Posts: 22 Member
    Chocolate or cake with icing. A couple squares of dark chocolate (85% or 90% cocoa) is a fully satisfying substitution for me. I have dark chocolate almost every evening after dinner as a part of my daily calorie allowance
  • sohifirefly
    sohifirefly Posts: 55 Member
    Tex-Mex and Cake. I agree with what the others have posted so far. It's all about moderation. I don't eat it every day and usually not every week but if I am craving it bad enough I just plan my calories around it so I can have it without guilt. I've found that if I try to completely eliminate foods I end up failing because I obsess about the thing I can't have.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Right now? Okroshka.. a summer cold soup. I don't have the main ingredient for it so I will have to wait till next year :( I guess I could make it with sour cream, but it's just not the same, so no substitute.

    For other cravings when I have them, the only thing that helps me is to have the thing I'm craving and get it out of my system. Substitutes only make things worse for me, like when I was a kid and wanted legos but got cheap plastic blocks instead. I kept wanting the legos until I got them.
  • lovebirb
    lovebirb Posts: 52 Member
    sushi! to combat my craving i must hide far away in a log cabin
  • Ricksh1000
    Ricksh1000 Posts: 88 Member
    edited September 2016

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Desserts, just eat less than I actually want.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Reese's Peanut Butter cups. I've been obsessed with them since I was a kid!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Another vote for substitutions don't work when you really crave something.
  • candice072
    candice072 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. Ice cream and chips for me. (Not together haha) moderation doesn't help when their are so many calories in a very small serving. So I've been turning to weight watcher ice cream. They have lots of frozen treats that are delicious. Substitute chips all taste awful.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 667 Member
    Ice cream and chocolate candy. I don't do substitutions because I end up still craving the "real" stuff after eating the subs.
    But I know there are some things I can't keep in the house. Peanut M & Ms--I've eaten a family size bag in 3 days. So. No.
    But Wherthers Chewy caramels, a serving is 6 pieces for 170 calories, and I'm always able to stop at 3 pieces.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I dont really have cravings. nothing is floating my boat at the moment.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Homemade bread with sweet cream butter and apple butter
  • kelhea
    kelhea Posts: 52 Member
    Potato chips are my weakness! I usually try to resist the temptation but if I'm really needing something salty then I go for some crackers and hummus
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    Burgers & BBQ.

    What do I do as a substitute... extra cardio.
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    candice072 wrote: »
    What's your food cravings and what do you use as a substitute?

    Chocolate - erm I don't I just eat it but within my calorie goal x