Ketosis diet

kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone hit a plateau and tried the ketosis diet? If you know anything about it please share.


  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    um.. you know ketosis is the state in which your body is basically starving and starts using muscles for nourishment, right?
    (I know there's more scientificy stuff to it.. that's just what I remember from my nutrition class)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    um.. you know ketosis is the state in which your body is basically starving and starts using muscles for nourishment, right?
    (I know there's more scientificy stuff to it.. that's just what I remember from my nutrition class)

    There are two forms. Ketosis is the 'safe' one...the other is ketosis acidosis. They are not the same.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    um.. you know ketosis is the state in which your body is basically starving and starts using muscles for nourishment, right?
    (I know there's more scientificy stuff to it.. that's just what I remember from my nutrition class)

    actually in ketosis your body burns fat

    By restricting carbohydrates drastically to a mere fraction of that found in the typical American diet, the body goes into a different metabolic state called ketosis, whereby it burns its own fat for fuel.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    um.. you know ketosis is the state in which your body is basically starving and starts using muscles for nourishment, right?
    (I know there's more scientificy stuff to it.. that's just what I remember from my nutrition class)

    There are two forms. Ketosis is the 'safe' one...the other is ketosis acidosis. They are not the same.

    YES you are right.. I've read that many times. People get it wrong all the time.
  • elds2000
    elds2000 Posts: 3 Member
    You have to drop your Carbohydrate levels low enough to go into ketosis. Then your body has stopped using glucose for fuel and uses your body fat instead. It usually takes a few days to use up your glucose and begin this process, The ketones are a side effect (a state of ketosis). If you want to know you are in ketosis, you can buy Keto-sticks in your pharmacy and check your first morning urine for ketone levels. The darker the color, the more ketones your body is releasing, which means it is using fat stores for fuel. Most ppl have to stay at 10-20 carbs per day to do this but it varies. Some can go up as high as 30-50 carbs per day and maintain a state of ketosis. I have to stay around 20 or less and my husband can stay around 30 or less.

    In diabetics, ketosis acidosis is an unhealthy state which happens due to the nature of the disease if not monitored properly (that's the short story in plain English).
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.

    Oh well it will only be for a month max..
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.

    Oh well it will only be for a month max..

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.

    Oh well it will only be for a month max..

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.

    No, not necessarily. If you use ketosis to burn body fat, then maintain a healthy diet after (that could maintain that bodyfat anyhow), you won't gain anything back, or at most you'll gain a slight amount of bodyfat to the level of your current diet's maintenance. It's people that use low carb to lose...then go back to their previous diet that got them fat in the first place...or even one similar. You bet they'll gain it all back then.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I try to keep my carbs <100g's (all veggies & fruits) on heavy weight training days and on light days I'm in ketosis. This is typically 4x's a week. Has worked well for fat shedding.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.

    Bullllllcraaap! Have u ever done the diet?? Didnt think so... Ive done it as a cut... Lost 25lbs in 1 month(was a fail cuz i lost lot o muscle..) but when i stopped and got back to eating healthy/eatin my maintance i gained only 6-7lbs back n then dropped them again.

    Thnx for the bro sience thoUgh
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    makes your breath stink! :laugh:
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Has anyone hit a plateau and tried the ketosis diet? If you know anything about it please share.

    Unless you feel you are very sensitive to carbs, there really is no true metabolic advantage to being in a state of ketosis as long as you are consuming sufficient protein.

    If you feel as if your weight loss has stalled, I would try upping your protein. :glasses:
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    I've hit ketosis (not ketoacidosis -grins-) and it is very therapeutic for losing excess bodyfat. If you're high carb it might feel crappy initially but once your metabolism makes the change it's great. Just do it till you get your fat where you want then start adding fruits and veggies for energy. I've went for months getting most energy from fat with no decrease in performance or fat gain. tasted great too:)
    sugar shouldn't be considered a carb btw :)
    ketosis - works every time it;s tried -but you can't hit the soda afterwards :)
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.

    Oh well it will only be for a month max..
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.

    Bullllllcraaap! Have u ever done the diet?? Didnt think so... Ive done it as a cut... Lost 25lbs in 1 month(was a fail cuz i lost lot o muscle..) but when i stopped and got back to eating healthy/eatin my maintance i gained only 6-7lbs back n then dropped them again.

    Thnx for the bro sience thoUgh
    Why, yes I have tried it. I am a seasoned low carber. I have lost and gained 1000 lbs over the last 30 yrs. I speak from experience. If you want to use it to lose and maintain with another dietary method, blessings to you. I have found it extremely difficult to jump off and on the low carb wagon. I am too much of an additive personality, I suppose. If I eat any "carbage" I gain and I crave and I eat. I have to abstain from high carb foods of all sorts because of that.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    makes your breath stink! :laugh:

    Now that is a fact!! Ur breath will stink, ull taste *kitten* in mornings, ur urine will smell strooong and will be so dark that ull have the doc on speed dial! I was in high ketosis at half way cut lol Dont remeber the MLs too lazy to check on the ketostix right now,
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Has anyone hit a plateau and tried the ketosis diet? If you know anything about it please share.

    You know you've struck a raw chord here? It always happens...the To Carb or Not To Carb debate. Anyway, if by "ketosis diet", you mean low-carb or Atkins, then I can tell you my experience. I've been doing Atkins since February of this year. Down 45 lbs. Ketosis, like earlier posters have said, is a state in which your body is burning your body fat for fuel, instead of carbs. I keep mine at 20 net carbs a day, mostly from vegetables. It is completely healthy. It is a lifestyle change. And, as with any diet, you will gain weight back if you go back to your old way of eating. If you decided to commit to low-carb, the first 2-3 days you will get the "carb-flu". You will feel fatigued, have headaches, etc. It goes away, and you'll come out on the other side with a ton of energy, feeling really good. For me, after about 2 weeks, my cravings for carbs went away completely. I like to say that I've been through mine and 4 birthdays in my family without even a craving for cake or cupcakes. If you do decide to eat refined or starchy carbs (bread, pasta, stuff made with flour, etc) it's not the end of the world, you can hop back into ketosis again. For me, though, I've felt so good, I didn't want to try my luck, and risk more cravings, thus blowing my diet. I would strongly suggest that you either read the Atkins books that detail the plan, and be prepared to do it the right way, no cheating. If you're only trying to do it as a lose-weight-quick thing, it will fail you, you will gain your weight back, and then become Anti-Low Carb, and start spouting info on here about how it didn't work for you....we low-carbers don't need any more of that! So good luck, and if you're serious, you can friend me for help or advice!
  • coffeemisto
    coffeemisto Posts: 2 Member
    The Dukan Diet has a 5-10 day state of Ketosis that works well.
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    I am a low carber and I am also diabetic. I am full of energy and love this lifestyle. It's a bit of a "cave man" diet really. Protein, fat and carbs in the form of veg. My protein choice is meat/ fish etc. But even vegetarians can follow this lifestyle. It is easy and natural if done right. I am never hungry and I am full of energy. My diabetes loves it and I take less insulin now than I ever have. :happy:
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