September (2016) Running Challenge



  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    @ariceroni Glad to hear you are feeling pain-free, and fingers crossed your appointment brings good news.

    @greenolivetree I personally just buy ridiculously bright, reflective clothing for the winter. All of my long-sleeved running tops are either fluorescent orange, pink or yellow. For me, that's fine because I wouldn't run anywhere without street lights and I stick to main roads for safety reasons, so there are always pavements (sidewalks for you american folks).

    @Elise4270 Glad to see you're getting moving a lot more now. It must feel so good after so long :)

    @juliet3455 That's awesome that you're in a magazine - You are practically a celebrity!

    Just a slow parkrun for me today to warm up the legs before the half marathon tomorrow. I normally wouldn't run the day before a race, I never have before, but I missed my Thursday run due to being tackled to the floor by a child (the joys of special ed teaching) and my knee was a bit sore. It didn't hurt yesterday or this morning but I thought I had best run today to check I wasn't going to have any problems, but as expected, it's fine and actually the bruise that's come out is pretty small, so I guess my hands took the brunt of the landing (they look pretty battered to be honest). I will be sensible tomorrow though, it if hurts I will slow down. There are always other races.

    September Running Challenge

    1st-4th - Poorlysick
    5th - 3.53 miles
    6th - 4.06 miles
    8th - 10.02 miles
    10th - 3.1 miles
    11th - 6.07 miles
    13th - 3.01 miles
    17th - 3.11 miles

    MTD - 32.90/70 miles

    Upcoming races:
    18th Sept - Run Reigate Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • sewfrenzie
    sewfrenzie Posts: 9 Member

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited September 2016
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this one here (warning, some bad language, but then again, we're runners and we LIVE on TMI and 4-letter words!): No, you're wearing too much neon

    "17. At the first sign that your favorite running shoe might be discontinued you buy as many pairs as you can find."
    I know a few people around here that do that... not to name names, but they know who they are!!
    Not me. Unfortunately!
    I didn't notice the Saucony Cortanas would be discontinued, until it was too late... Recently, I've also started to regret I didn't stash some Brooks PureFlow 3s. I just bought a pair of 5s, but they are weird. I liked the 3s much better, but I can't find them anymore. Why do shoe companies keep messing with perfectly fine shoes?

    @lporter229 Congratulations, that's awesome!

    @juliet3455 Wow, that sounds like a lot of bears! I'm glad I don't have to worry about wild animals here. I love the magazine picture - looks like you really enjoy those hill repeats :smiley:

    @ceciliaslater I have a spot on my toes where I tend to get blisters when I run too long time with wet socks. I recently found out that bike chamois cream on the spot is great for preventing them! The one I use is called "Udderly Smooth" - really stupid name, but it works.

    @KatieJane83 That's a great time on the 10mi race, congrats!

    @Elise4270 I'll keep my fingers crossed for your next doc visit, hope you can start running again soon!

    @skippygirlsmom That's a really beautiful beach!

    @greenolivetree Reflective clothing is nice, of course, but it only works when there is some light to reflect, i.e. the moment the car's headlight hit you. On curvy roads, that might be a little late. Since I do a lot of running on dark country side roads, I prefere blinking stuff. Of course, I still buy the reflective clothes in addition, but my main "visibility" are LED clip lights (I use this one and that - the second one is even brigher than the first one, but the first one is also really visible). I got the second one for my birthday end of April, so I didn't really have a chance to test it much; but the first one is really visible, especially in blinking mode (more attention-catching than steady). In strobe mode, the battery also lasts longer; so far I needed to replace it maybe once per year.
    In the past, I also used some of those shoe lights. My problem with them is that they don't fit every shoe. They worked for the Saucony Guides I was using when I bought the lights; when I retired those and started running in Saucony Cortana and Brooks PureFlow, I found that they didn't fit the shape of the heel on the Brooks at all, and only fit okay-ish on the Cortanas. They would gradually come loose and fall off every few kms. Eventually, I lost them completely and switched to the LEDs to clip on my clothes.

    ... Dang it, I shouldn't have gone and looked for those links for the clip lights. As I did, I stumbled accross the Nathan Orion - a waist light sounds awesome, now I feel like I need to buy that right now! I find headlamps rather useless - lots of fog here from October to December, and headlamps just illuminate the fog in front of my face. The only thing that works for me in foggy nights is a flashlight held hip-high. A waist-light sounds perfect, why did I never see one of those before?
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Good Girls go to Heaven - Bad Girls go to are from Jersey ??
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: 4.3 miles
    9/2: Rest day
    9/3: 9.4 miles
    9/4: 5.7 miles
    9/5: 6 miles
    9/6: 6 miles
    9/7: 4 miles
    9/8: 3.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/9: Rest day
    9/10: 5.3 miles
    9/11: 13.1 - Via HM
    9/12: 3 miles with the Coffee Crew!
    9/13: 7.9 miles
    9/14: 4.3 miles run commute home
    9/15: 7.3 miles run commute to work
    ........: 6.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/16: Rest day
    9/17: 8.1 miles with the Saturday crew!

    8 easy miles in cool, fall temps followed by hot coffee. What's a better way to start a Saturday? I can't think of one!

    Felt so good today after yesterday's massage. No tightness in my calves or hamstrings, quads felt great, and everything felt easy. I could even tell that my shoulders were more relaxed. The miles just fly by when you aren't waiting for aches and pains to go away ;)


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11 LVHN Via Half-Marathon DONE!
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k
    10/16: Halloween Half-Marathon
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I need advice on what to buy for early morning running since it's getting light much later. Reflective or led? Belt, vest, wristband? Headlamp? I can see pretty good with street lights but I want to BE SEEN by drivers. What's the best option/brand? And not annoying to get on because it's hard enough getting out the door before 6am as is :-/

    @greenolivetree I don't particularly care for headlamps because I don't like how they feel on my head; plus I wear a hat with a bill most of the year and putting the lamp over the bill means it shines mostly on the bill and not in front of me. I do have a headlamp light though and I loosen it up and wear it around my middle over my reflective vest, or I have clip-on lights that I put on the front and back of my vest. Sometime soon I am going to buy a running flashlight (has a hand holster thing so you don't have to grip it the whole time) so that I can illuminate what's in front of me better. I have awful "in the dark" eyesight so I want as much light as I can get!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited September 2016
    9/1- Rest
    9/2- 4.13
    9/3- 10.03
    9/4- 3.02
    9/5- Rest driving home from visiting family
    9/6- 7.01
    9/7- 7.01
    9/8- 7.17
    9/9- 4.06
    9/11- Rest
    9/12- 4.04
    9/13- 7.06
    9/14- 4.06
    9/15- 8.88
    9/16 REST

    Total: 89.38/115

    Today's notes: Today's run was the last long run of the cycle, and with my HM in 7 days, it felt good to do a FFLR that put my average pace near my Goal HM pace.

    The first 9 miles I averaged 9:17 pace with the slowest split mile 1 @ 9:25 and the fast split mile 6 @ 9:11

    For the final 2 miles, I kicked up the pace a little. Mile 10 was 9:08, slightly faster than goal pace, and mile 11 was 8:54, solidly in Steady State pace.

    Total miles: 11
    Total time: 1:41:39
    Average pace: 9:14
    Average HR: 164 (high, but I felt good during the run)

    All in all, I am really ready for next week's easy running and, finally, my attempt at a 2:00:00 or less HM
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Long Slow Run day today, but had a weird last mile-and-a-half. After 9 miles of plodding along, suddenly I'm cruising down the street with this light fast stride ... pace must have been half a minute per mile faster than usual. I have no idea how that happened. If there is a switch somewhere, please tell me where it is!
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Sep  1     0.0      0.0 
    Sep  2     6.5      6.5 
    Sep  3     4.3     10.8 
    Sep  4     5.1     15.9
    Sep  6     4.3     20.2
    Sep  8     5.1     25.3
    Sep 10     8.2     33.5
    Sep 11     5.0     38.5
    Sep 13     4.3     42.8
    Sep 15     5.1     47.9
    Sep 17    10.8     58.7


  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @greenolivetree I use a headlamp and those clip on LED lights. I really liked the headlamp to shine on the road in front of me so I can see what I'm stepping in - it was especially helpful for dog walking too!

    9/17 1.75 miles easy
    Absolutely gorgeous day and great temps out there, but I kept it short because I'm doing a (surprise) half marathon tomorrow. Just as a "long run with bling" and not racing it, basically testing out the distance before my first official half on Oct 9. I plan to do my regular long run effort and time (I need 2 hours 15 min according to plan) and then I will walk if needed or easy run the rest of the distance. It is also a somewhat hillier course so I may walk the hills as needed. It's an awesome sounding local small race with great support and goodies, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Except...the weather forecast is calling for starting in 97% humidity and chance of thunderstorms. The chances keep going down, so I'm hoping for improvement. Not sure how to prepare for the possibility of running this thing in the rain. At least it's not freezing rain?
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Some people had expressed interest in my run commutes from August and from last week, so I wrote a blog post about it :)
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited September 2016
    Today it was absolutely pouring out, even my Garmin switched into swimming mode halfway through my run :p But I tried some new socks (balega) and my feet stayed nice and dry even while the rest of me was sopping. They seemed so thick, I thought they were going to be awful, but they were pretty wonderful. I also got some injinji socks to try tomorrow as I have a couple of hammer toes on each foot and get black nails after long runs. Tried using silicon toe caps, and they help, but they're a bit too big (my toes are little). Hoping the toe socks help them stay on. I imagine they are going to feel pretty strange. Anyone have this problem and a better solution?

    And my new Garmin has a stress score feature. I've been feeling stressed out with work and a bit of personal drama, and it is agreeing that I am highly stressed. Anyone else have this feature and put stock in it? I have a heart arrhythmia, so decided to heed its advice and took a rest day yesterday. The score was moderate this morning, so who knows . . . though I won't hit my weekly mileage goal now.

    Sep 1 - 2.98 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 2 - 2.1 miles (short intervals)
    Sep 3 - 2.13 miles (recovery)
    Sep 4 - 11.67 miles (long)
    Sep 5 - rest
    Sep 6 - 3.39 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 7 - 2.65 miles (long intervals)
    Sep 8 - 6 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 9 - 2.84 miles (short intervals)
    Sep 10 - 4.01 miles (recovery)
    Sep 11 - 9.94 miles (w/u, alternating miles by pace goal/heart rate, last mile fast finish)
    Sep 12 - rest
    Sep 13 - 5 miles (2 middle miles @ tempo pace)
    Sep 14 - 2.56 miles (recovery)
    Sep 15 - 6 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 16 - rest
    Sep 17 - 4 miles (aerobic)

    Total: 65.27 / 100 miles
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @kristinegift Love your blog name. Nicely written. Thanks for sharing!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    @kristinegift Good blog post! I did not know that Shower Wipes were a thing. :neutral:
  • merlinofchaos
    merlinofchaos Posts: 8 Member
    9/1 -- 3.25 miles
    9/5 -- 6.25 miles
    9/6 -- 3 miles
    9/8 -- 5.1 miles
    9/10 -- 1.7 miles (unscheduled)
    9/11 -- 4.1 miles
    9/13 -- skipped
    9/15 -- 6.25 miles
    9/17 -- 3.85 miles


    Ran just a bit under 4 miles today; am more tired than I thought I'd be after the 10K on Thursday, so took it fairly easy. Otherwise doing great!
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    @kristinegift Thanks for sharing. Just curious, do you think baby wipes may work instead of Shower Wipes? Also, I saw your commute path on Strava, it reminded me of my commute at one point: I lived in Plainsboro for 2 years and drove the opposite direction to Princeton to work. Back then, I didn't know people can run that distance :)
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2016
    9/01 ..... 3.2
    9/02 ........... Rest
    9/03 ..... 3.3
    9/04 ........... Rest
    9/05 ........... Hiked 6 miles
    9/06 ........... Walked 6 miles with a friend
    9/07 ..... 2.3 Easy run then walked, DOMS was a little much to ignore
    9/08 ........... Rest
    9/09 ........... Rest
    9/10 ..... 3.2 With DD. She walked a little more than last time but I am still happy with what she put in.
    9/11 ..... 5.0 With DH. I was a little surprised with the pace: felt easy at ~10:30 min/mile, it was usually 11-12 for me
    9/12 ........... Rest
    9/13 ..... 3.1 With DH again. It was later at night and we wanted to get it done. We ended up running more like a tempo speed. I threw in a fast (for me) finish thinking, I probably wouldn't be able to run fast for next few weeks after the blood donation...
    9/14 ........... Rest - donated blood today. Will focus on having more iron rich food and hope the run tomorrow would not be too much of a suffering...
    9/15 ..... 3.1 Ran too fast in the beginning. I need to work on slowing down again...
    9/16 ........... Rest from running. Did some bodyweight strength training again, finally :sweat_smile:
    9/17 ..... 3.3 Family/Group run

    Total Miles: 26.5

    Strava seemed a little weird today: it showed 48 minutes when I stop the run but after the run is uploaded, it became 44 minutes...


  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I haven't been on here for a couple months, though I have been running. I just completed my first HM over Labor Day, so my mileage is actually dropping off a bit as fall gets busy. I'm averaging 18-20 miles/week, now and enjoying them. I am, however, having some sock problems. I've been wearing the same shoes and socks (not literally, but same brand/size) for almost a year now, but the last few months the "tab" on the back of my sock has started turning into a debris catch. It collects rocks, small sticks, pieces of tree bark, and leaves. It used to be that I would stop every 3-5 miles to clear it out, but now it's every mile. This past week, it got so bad I developed a blister on the back of my ankle! Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone have suggests?
    @RunRachelleRun It sounds like you've been trying some new socks recently. Have you found any that you particularly like or would recommend?
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hit up the treadmill today as I'm back in Florida and not quite ready to brave the heat. Still, as I was indoors, I decided to do a few miles in the middle around a 7 (MP), and found myself at a very comfortable heart rate of 152-157 (about 5-10 BPM below what I know I can sustain when starting a marathon). Although going sub-3 in Chicago is looking more and more feasible (depending on what the weather turns into), I chatted with a buddy yesterday during my swim workout who is joining me at the race, and I may just join him in the 3:05 pace group, and push the second half if all is going well. Having run my first marathon with a friend, I really enjoyed the support, and wouldn't mind repeating that experience even if it costs me a few minutes.

    Regardless, looking to keep my mileage down this week as I'm racing an Ironman 70.3 on Sunday (Augusta), and want to be relatively fresh.

    9/1 - 6 miles (treadmill)
    9/2 - 10 miles
    9/3 - 12 miles
    9/4 - 16 miles
    9/6 - 10.5 miles (w. HM pace running at end)
    9/7 - 6 miles
    9/9 - 6 miles
    9/11 - 3 miles
    9/12 - 8.5 miles
    9/13 - 10 miles
    9/14 - 12 miles
    9/15 - 6.5 miles
    9/16 - 20 miles
    9/17 - 6 miles (w. MP in middle)

    Total: 132.5 miles, 3 MP+ faster session
    Goal: 190 miles, 8 MP+ faster sessions
    Remaining: 57.5 miles, 5 MP+ faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13