Wellbutrin and weight loss



  • I have been on wellbutrin 150 twice a day for more than a year, i no longer have thoughts of topping myself and my self esteem has improved 100% as i have gone from 165kg to 116kg. I still suffer from depression but it is no longer caused in part by my size. I have just been put on wellbutrin 300mg and am not at all worried about side effects, I will forever be thankfull i was put on this medication.
  • jbse26
    jbse26 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there
    I think the plain fact is different people react differently to different medicines -so some will get on with wellbutrin, others won't . I put on loads of weight through comfort eating while i was untreated for severe depression and have lost 38 lbs while taking citalopram. I think it is very difficult to say if it causes weight gain or weight loss because all reported side effects are listed on drugs these days , but just because someone believes something does not make it so! These people reporting the effects may have experienced the reported "side effect" anyway, and i think people tend like to pin their weight gain on outside influences. Anyway, good luck with the wellbutrin and personally i would rather do anything than be severely depressed.
  • Dezzie1180
    Dezzie1180 Posts: 46 Member
    I've just started wellbutrin 150 mg daily. As long as it works better than zoloft and effexor I'll be happy. It seems it has helped a lot of people, so I'll stick with it.
  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    Is 300 mg the highest you're supposed to take? Can you go 450/day?

  • corkandgreens
    corkandgreens Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    I know this thread is 2 years old but I wanted to share my few days on wellbutrin sr 150mg once a day for my anxiety/depression.
    I'm on my third day and have a nonexistent appetite. I used to eat everything in sight and despite working out 5x a week and burning 2600+ calories on workout days and eating relatively healthy I didn't lose a single pound. I would go like 4 days eating super healthy and then I would binge for 3 days and start back over on Monday.This went on for a year or so and I actually gained more weight. I'm sure my anxiety and inability to lose weight contributed to the depression. I got to a point of struggling to get out and do things and I wanted to sleep all day long but couldn't because of work and grad school. So I'd literally be sleepy at work and struggling to stay awake nearly all day. My mom and dad started to really have an opinion about my weight. Though they weren't rude, it still hurt my feelings because I was trying so hard. Finally started wellbutrin sr and have had zero appetite. This is new for me to have to force eat and have zero cravings for junk food. In three days I lost 2lbs. I also workout very hard (I am a track athlete) so my weight will probably go faster than normal. It has given me my energy and motivation back so fast. I was always against medication but I am now a believer.
    Please share your experiences
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Corkandgreens, I started Wellbutrin 2 months ago and was blown away by the appetite change as well! I think because Wellbutrin is used to stop cravings for smokers, it did the same for my food cravings. I've never felt like I could take or leave food, never. I did have some side effects I had to push through for the first 3-4 weeks but everyone said they subsided and they did. Be aware that the drastic appetite depressant feeling will fade, so take this time to adjust your portions and change your mental attitude about food. My appetite didn't come back like it was, but it's not as suppressed as it was that first week or two. I've lost 17 pounds when I hadn't dropped (actually slowly crept up the last couple years) and I feel really good. I was actually put on Wellbutrin for my adult ADHD but realized that I must have been suffering from some depression as well! The euphoric feeling fades after the first week and everything balances out, I just feel more like myself than I have in years! Hope it helps you as well!
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    This is an old thread...but I am in a similar situation. I am taking Wellbutrin 300 xl , and I have dropped nearly twnty pounds since February. I was diagnosed with panic disorder quite a few years ago, and I was formerly taking Paxil. The paxil while it worked wonders for me, made me gain 50 pounds. well, the medication aided me gaining 50 pounds, me getting off my butt could have helped. I got off of paxil and started to lose the weight with Wellbutrin but within the first two weeks I ended up in the hospital with such a severe panic attack I was convinced I was having a heart attack, as well as the EMT who gave me bayer becayse my heart rate was skyrocketing. Anyway, after that they put me on Ativan, along with the Wellbutrin and I continute to lose weight and have had no hospital visits for panic since.
  • jlscherme
    jlscherme Posts: 157 Member
    I've been taking buproprion for about 2 years. My weight has been neutral. I'm finally feeling a bit better. Like others posted previously I am also taking Abilify, lithium, lamictal and xanax.