H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Sounds likea good week for you Nikster! Go ahead and brag..you earned it!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    For some reason the new spreadsheet is "view only" so we can't add to it in any way. Help! Christine!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Cazz - 10 by Labor Day, you can do eet! And seriously, just go to the Angels v. Mariners game tomorrow! Free Dierks Bentley concert after the game. I loved reading about your experiences in the UK, so sad that you had to tell them you came from Candada rather than the US.

    Yep, seriously sad. Mind you, it wasn't due to embarrassment... I was tired of being harrassed! I have traveled all over the world... and was never given such a bad time - even though most of the world does not like Americans. In any case, as needs must. I lived there and had to find a way to get along, so i did.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Yep...spreadsheet view only. It didn't want my bad weight anyways...haha.

    What is everyone's first names? I have gathered a couple but it would be nice to know all.

    I had a nice time last night reconnecting with my previous step sister. We had not seen each other in over 20 years! She has grown into a beautiful woman. I am hoping we stay in touch...we laughed so hard last night. Of course, I didn't sleep well after a couple of drinks. I hope my patients don't mind a nurse who is a little old to stay up late...haha! Happy Sunday!

  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Linda - it's so great that you reconnected with your step sister! I always figure that a happy nurse is way better than an unhappy one, tired or not :smile:

    This morning I was looking at blogs and I saw the quote below. It resonated with me, as I've known a number of people who fit the definition of "interested" in losing weight and/or getting fit (until it gets hard/boring) and I've been thinking of this as a long-term lifestyle change, more "committed" to getting fit - and staying there.

    So maybe it'll interest some of you too!

    People who are interested in losing weight:

    - Stick with in until something better comes along
    - Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
    - Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    - Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    - Easily give up when they face challenges

    People who are committed to losing weight:
    - Stick with their plans no matter what
    - Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    - Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
    - Take responsibility for their own actions
    - Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks

    Apparently it's from Linda Spangle's 100 Days to Weight Loss.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Just dropping in to say a quick hello.

    Linda, my name is Crystal :wink: That's a great idea to get names.

    Pink, thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    Nikergirl - wow, what a week! I'm SO proud of you!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Cazz - What an experience you had - whew!! :noway:

    Alergia - keep on running, girl!!

    I feel like I've gained about.....oh......50 pounds maybe? :noway: I really hope it's just sodium and not eating like I normally would if I were the one cooking. We shall see when I get home, I guess. I think being away and feeling like this has really got me motivated to jump into gear when I get home and hit it hard again.

    My three happies:
    1.My head doesn't hurt
    2. My kids are feeling better than they did last week
    3. My hubs loves me for who I am and doesn't think I need to lose weight at all. :noway: :laugh: :laugh: (for the record, he is very supportive of me, but says, "You look great the way you are" :smooched: )
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I wanted to pop-in and say hello... I *may* have stalked this thread down from the last challenge (that I kind of didn't really complete) :bigsmile:
    I have no specific goals for this challenge... just to really get back on track and keep going in the right direction! And, of course, encourage you ladies and check-in for stories and "happies" every now and then :heart:
    Happy Sunday ladies--hope everyone has a great week!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Welcome back Emily!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Linda, you made me laugh about not being able to handle a late night!!! That's totally me! Oh, and my name is Nikki.

    Crystal, thanks for the props... I'm trying to decide what to do today. I don't want to push too hard after my run yesterday, but the beautiful sunshine is calling me and I may have to take a walk or something soon. I feel the need to move!!!!

    Alegria, what a beautiful quote and I totally agree!!! The fact that I owned up to gaining two pounds on vacation proves to me that I'm committed. Never before have I been losing and then gained and not completely either given up or at least been in denial!!! That's been my pattern, but not any more! Now I know what I need to do, what I did wrong, and how to fix it! Plus, I stopped at two pounds... not 30!!!!

    Welcome back, Emily!!!! Glad to have you!

    Cazz... you always make me smile... I was in England for a two week tour with my college choir and LOVED every minute.. but I can see where living there would be different than just visiting. Would love to get back to London. It was my most favorite city I've ever visited!!!!

    Ok, trying to decide what to do outside.. the weather is amazing! I may stop up at Old Navy first... I need some shorts and they are having a clearance sale!!!! Love me some deals... and I'm sick of wearing capris. Need to show off these awesome legs I'm earning!!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    SORRY!! I always forget to click the "anyone can edit" button on the spreadsheet. D'oh! But, all is well in the world now, have at it!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    EMILY's BACK! *happy dance*

    Nikster, hope you found some great shorts at Old Navy. Can't pass up an awesome sale!

    Alegria, thanks for those tips from that blog. :)

    Crystal, I'm sure you didn't to as much damage as you think you did.

    So, hi ladies! If you didn't catch Cazz's post, my name is Christine. :) Things are going well here. I hit up a sale at Charlotte Russe and got a cute dress (marked down from $35 to $20) and two pairs of shorts (buy one get one for $5, and they were marked down to $14.95 from $25). I wore one pair all day, a size 12, and since the fabric has relaxed I'm thinking I really could have gotten a 10! Yay for clothes fitting better than I'd hoped! So, anyhoos, hope everyone had a great weekend. :)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Pink- swimming - the pool was closed the last two weeks of June for maintenance (this also coincides with when the kids here have their end of year school exams, so good planning on part of the pool) but I am back at it- about once a week only - as I am also trying to walk a bit, 30 Day Shred, maintain my garden, home, marriage, grocery shop, go to work, plan a bachelorette party, plan a tour of belgium for some friends, etc etc etc- oh and now I need a nap thinking about it, and We don't even have kids so I am sure those of you with kids must be thinking- that's it? that's all you have to do :tongue:

    anyhoo - I prefer Autumn as well but Fall (as in the leaves are falling) works so well in many double contexts...

    English accents- once involved with someone from Newcastle whose much older brother had lived in London for 10 years before he (Ian) moved down to London- Michael (the brother) lovely caramelly sexy accent, Ian- didn't understand a word he said-- once asked him to speak English- which really irritated him considering that I am American- but Michael supported me and told Ian that he couldn't understand him either!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I just got back from a morning run and I jogged for 20 minutes!!! I was nervous about the time, but I totally did it. I took a 40 second walk in the middle to cross the road and drink some water, but otherwise I managed to run the whole thing. I'm on a total high right now and it's great.

    My new water bottle belt worked great and the water bottles did not fall out 3 times (unlike my last stupid belt that I had for one day). I saw some bunnies and squirrels, which made me smile too. There are no bunnies at my gym, that's for sure :smile:

    I'm off to work soon, but yay for progress!

    Have a great Monday everyone :smile:

    Oh, and I'm Lisa.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 233.2 lbs

    Okay - so my official restart weight is actually a little lower than I was expecting....I thought I was back over the 235 mark....My goals this week are to get at least 8 glasses of water, half the protein as carbs, take all of my meds, take my dogs for a walk every day and track everything I'm eating. I'm sure I'll still need to do some of the bad stuff since I'll be detoxing.....but I'd rather do it slowly vs. fast and feel like crap.

    My boss asked last week if I'd be interested in working from home more regularly or even going remote completely. I'm really leaning towards complete remote.....My team isn't in the same country and the folks I sit with in the office tend to use me as a crutch (I used to support them...they still come to me for a lot of things). Plus I'll get my docking station and monitor to bring home, making me more efficient at home.....I think it's a good solution! Plus I'll have the opportunity to go in once a week still and have lunch with my sister. Get my chores done during my breaks instead of after work and have something slow cooking in the oven instead of panicking when I get home because I still have to cook.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member

    My new water bottle belt worked great and the water bottles did not fall out 3 times (unlike my last stupid belt that I had for one day). I saw some bunnies and squirrels, which made me smile too. There are no bunnies at my gym, that's for sure :smile:

    Love it when the equipment works especially when it is something so necessary like a water bottle belt!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Whew! What a Monday! Huge wind and rainstorm blew through here...70+ MPH winds. Did you get some of that Nikki? It looked like it headed your way. Blew over Lake Michigan so FAST!

    Did some housecleaning, grocery shopping, meeting at work, laundry. Gotta love a day off. Going for a walk later, although it is a bit hot. If it seems too much, I will go on the treadmill instead.

    Hi Pam...working from home sounds like a good idea! It just may give you the time you are looking for.

    Hey Lisa..great run! Glad the new equipment worked. Loved the earlier quote too. I definitely am working on getting to the committed side where I once was.

    Jen...You need more hands! Wow...lots to do. Hope you get it all done...then jump in that pool!

    Christine...Nice find on the clothes. Bet they look great on you! Always nice to get a great sale! BTW...thanks for fixin the spreadsheet.

    Nikki....speaking of sales...nice score at Old Navy!

    Emily...so glad to have you back.

    Crystal...you were hiding your name the whole time...LOL! So glad you stop in and say hi...you are back when? 18th? Don't worry about a gain...you have done so well in the past, you will erase that gain in a heartbeat.

    Cazz.. So sad to know that there is America racism out there. I wonder why we can't just all get along.

    Monday happies...

    No damage from the storm...so many others did have trees knocked down, patio sets blown away, etc.
    Warm sunshine!
    A request from a patient that I take care of him...he and his wife requested me.

    Back to work for me tomorrow...

  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    What a great group we have! Linda, yes, we got the storm and some major damage in Holland which is right next to me. Roads flooded, power lines down, trees uprooted, boats tossed onto the shore... it's a mess! I know of one person killed so far... which really sucks. But my house and work are fine and no power outages which is a blessing for sure.

    Lisa... score on the new water bottles! What kind did you get? I got scared by a baby bunny on Saturday.. but he was so cute I forgave him!! LOL!

    Pam, score on the working from home! So wish I could do that, but seeing patients isn't something I can do at home in my jammies... maybe I need a new career!! LOL!

    Christine.. rock those new clothes, girl!!! I love being a smaller size than I ever remember being in my entire adult life!!! I mean seriously, I don't remember EVER buying a size 6!!!! Holy moly! I'm shaped like a boy though, so don't be too jealous... my beer gut still sticks out way farther than it should. But it's getting better all the time!

    I worked a long day (every Monday, 10 hours) so it's my "rest" day from exercise... gotta finish eating my calories and hit the hay. Tomorrow... 2 miles. Piece of cake!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay ladies... I made my goal to be in the 160's!!! YAY!! Slave Driver weighed me in tonight... really satisfid with myself. However, this is the week I get SUPER hungry because TOM expected next week. :sad: Water retention hasn't been too bad the past few months though! :laugh:

    All you gals seem to be doing GREAT!! Which tickles me down to the ground! :happy:

    Oh... my name is Kim... nickname is Cazz. I answer to either one! :) I would say most people here in Cali call me Cazz... old friends from Ohio... call me Kim.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Okay ladies... I made my goal to be in the 160's!!! YAY!! Slave Driver weighed me in tonight... really satisfid with myself. However, this is the week I get SUPER hungry because TOM expected next week. :sad: Water retention hasn't been too bad the past few months though! :laugh:

    well done!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Did some housecleaning, grocery shopping, meeting at work, laundry. Gotta love a day off. Going for a walk later, although it is a bit hot. If it seems too much, I will go on the treadmill instead.

    Gotta love a day off
    yep it sounded so relaxing :laugh:

    but totally know what you mean :wink: