Restrictive diet venting



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    When I think of fluffy white bread ingredients they don't have much room for messing around. Flour, water, yeast, a little vegetable oil, a small amount of sugar and a small amount of salt. That's basic white bread. IDK where she would cut the sodium. Commercial bakeries may have a way but at home I don't know what it would be.

    The other thing is that this delicious type of bread is calorific as all hell. Even without a sodium issue, people with a low calorie allowance still have to watch it. It is like an occasional and limited treat rather than acting as the "staff of life" under these circumstances.

    OP: You are not alone. If that helps at all.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    When I think of fluffy white bread ingredients they don't have much room for messing around. Flour, water, yeast, a little vegetable oil, a small amount of sugar and a small amount of salt. That's basic white bread. IDK where she would cut the sodium. Commercial bakeries may have a way but at home I don't know what it would be.

    The other thing is that this delicious type of bread is calorific as all hell. Even without a sodium issue, people with a low calorie allowance still have to watch it. It is like an occasional and limited treat rather than acting as the "staff of life" under these circumstances.

    OP: You are not alone. If that helps at all.

    I wonder if a salt substitute like potassium chloride would work in the bread and taste ok?..... my inner scientist/baker is curious now.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Celiac, here. I totally get it. Some days I'm fine, and other days I mourn the loss of everything bread.

    I think my eyes would roll back in my head if I could just take one bite of a yeast roll.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I totally feel you OP. I am restricted by choice (I eat keto because carbs make me feel terrible and my athletic performance is *kitten* fueled by glycogen) but occasionally I'll watch my husband scarf a blizzard or see nanaimo bars at the grocery and will be like, "Oh ffs HAVE LESS CARBS!"
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Treece68 wrote: »
    I miss pizza the most since I was diagnosed with Celiac. Gluten free pizza does not taste the same no matter how many yummy topping you put on it!

    Yeah, the crust just isn't right :-( I really miss SF sourdough bread.
  • zyxst wrote: »
    It's not that I don't ever eat white bread, it's that I can't eat white bread every day and keep low sodium.

    I feel this thread will keep going in the "you can still eat what you want" direction which is not what I intended (just a vent, not asking for advice). I can't be the only person who is slightly frustrated at not being able to eat certain types of foods due to a dietary restriction (barring allergies and OMGDEATH food).

    I hear you. I avoid bread and most wheat based products for other reasons. I mean, sure I "can" eat them "if they fit my macros" and all that jazz. But the sinus problems I get from the stuff is just not worth it. I can have a sandwich to day and throat full of post nasal drip for the next week or so. It does truly suck sitting by and watching someone dive in head first when you really can just dip in a big toe. Frustration totally understood. I would vent too if it were me.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited September 2016
    zyxst wrote: »
    It's not that I don't ever eat white bread, it's that I can't eat white bread every day and keep low sodium.

    I feel this thread will keep going in the "you can still eat what you want" direction which is not what I intended (just a vent, not asking for advice). I can't be the only person who is slightly frustrated at not being able to eat certain types of foods due to a dietary restriction (barring allergies and OMGDEATH food).

    I totally feel your pain. I'm an abstainer and not a moderator. It's not for health reasons. It's just because I have absolutely no control when I eat certain foods. This morning someone brought Shipley's donuts to work. I just wanted to scream. If I can't have 6 donuts, I won't eat any. So I get it.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    xvolution wrote: »
    Technically you can have white bread and still be low sodium. Try looking at the food labels at various brands of bread for their sodium content. I'm sure there's a few with relatively low sodium [pretty sure Arnold's makes a bread that only has 100mg sodium per slice].

    This will come across as me being a douche canoe, so apologies. I check labels for sodium. I buy special, low sodium food so I can eat the types of foods I want. Low sodium bread, turkey pepperoni, Swiss cheese, are some of what I eat that are low sodium, but they are not what I want (bakery bread, normal pepperoni, cheddar cheese).This wasn't about me being too ignorant to read a food label and eating bread that's less than 500 mg sodium per slice. My intention was to talk about food, aka delicious bakery white bread, that I can't have 2 slices of without blowing my sodium allowance for the day.

    You don't have a food you enjoy eating but can't because of a health issue? How fortunate for you.

    Totally understand. You are venting... not asking for advice. I hear ya! :)
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    fishshark wrote: »
    A couple of slices on the weekend won't kill you... just don't have bacon between said slices... :laugh:

    she said like twice that she eats it. Maybe im the only one but i eat everything in moderation.. cool.. fun. My issue isnt thst its that i want MORE. i eat one slice of pizza my athletic husband can eat the whole pizza. I want the whole pizza too. She eats bread... she said that.. her husband gets to eat more and shes venting.

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    Hubby can eat the bread out of the house.. at work.. at the bakery.. But why bring it in the house where you feel like you can't enjoy your life? If it wasn't there you wouldn't be having the bad feelings. I keep all off limit foods out of the house . I set myself up for success by keeping only tasty on plan foods in my house.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I know raising your potassium intake helps your body release sodium and is normally a great way to combat a high sodium meal, but does that help for those with HBP?
  • Hubby can eat the bread out of the house.. at work.. at the bakery.. But why bring it in the house where you feel like you can't enjoy your life? If it wasn't there you wouldn't be having the bad feelings. I keep all off limit foods out of the house . I set myself up for success by keeping only tasty on plan foods in my house.

    The thing about husbands are that they are free to bring what ever they want into the house. He could just as easily be dragging in mountains of tasty bread.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I found when it comes to my hubby and food I like the James Bay song...Why don't you be you and I'll be me. He can eat all day if he wants I'm not tempted except when he buys wine then I cave and have a glass or two. Ok maybe when he brings in beer too :), so I just count them in and sometimes go over just a bit guilt free.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I totally feel you OP. I am restricted by choice (I eat keto because carbs make me feel terrible and my athletic performance is *kitten* fueled by glycogen) but occasionally I'll watch my husband scarf a blizzard or see nanaimo bars at the grocery and will be like, "Oh ffs HAVE LESS CARBS!"

    ohhhh nanaimo bars are so unbelievably good if i get some i will eat them all in two days ahh
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I totally feel you OP. I am restricted by choice (I eat keto because carbs make me feel terrible and my athletic performance is *kitten* fueled by glycogen) but occasionally I'll watch my husband scarf a blizzard or see nanaimo bars at the grocery and will be like, "Oh ffs HAVE LESS CARBS!"

    ohhhh nanaimo bars are so unbelievably good if i get some i will eat them all in two days ahh

    Yes they are amazing! But at a ridiculous carb/calorie count- like 250 calories for a square so small it would make me weep lol
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yes, all I can say is that I understand. I have a malabsorption disorder set in motion by medical injury. I have to be on a very strict diet or else I get very sick. Not just sick for a day, but can take months to recover (and I wouldn't even recover if I kept eating the foods). So, I understand. My husband and kids eat all kinds of stuff. Sometimes I just want to be able to eat stuff. Or just basically live a normal life. But, hopefully with time I will get better (at least to some degree). I understand how you feel and just wanting to vent and have understanding. You definitely have my understanding. Though I am thankful I can keep my symptoms under control with my diet.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I hear ya! For me, it is cake. I love cake! The flavor, the texture, the visuals of a nice slice of cake.

    But, I no longer have it. I will, however, have a mini cupcake, a couple of times a year, which satisfies my craving.
  • Ninebubblewaters
    Ninebubblewaters Posts: 27 Member
    The struggle is real! Due to an autoimmune issue I can't eat dairy or gluten. Imagine the frustration of that lol! I also miss that yummy. Bakery bread mmm!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Hubby can eat the bread out of the house.. at work.. at the bakery.. But why bring it in the house where you feel like you can't enjoy your life? If it wasn't there you wouldn't be having the bad feelings. I keep all off limit foods out of the house . I set myself up for success by keeping only tasty on plan foods in my house.

    It's the hubby's house too.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I understand completely. I have celiac, and I can smell bread, bagels, pizza a mile away. I'm actually really bad, because the smell will tempt me until I have "just one bite". Stupid. I pay for it every time, am trying to heal from a gluten rash right now, but the smell and softness of fresh bread? just can't help myself!!