How often do you wash you hair?



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have long hair. Like... really long hair. Like, longer than you're thinking, long hair.

    I shampoo the roots 2-3 times a week and condition almost daily. I'll usually rinse with water and then condition everything from my neck down. I also use oils on the ends of my hair.

    p.s. every now and then i do a deep condition, and I also use henna for my hair's integrity. You can tell my hair is now darker and all one color vs. the picture. ;)
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Since changing over to an all natural shampoo, I wash every 3rd day otherwise it used to be every other day.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    edited September 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    Once I sleep on it, it gets squashed and I have to get it wet to whip it back into shape.

    @jemhh - Have you tried the ‘over-night scrunch’ method?

    It depends how tight you like your curls but to prevent the squashing and be able to wear it down every day I usually scrunch sections of my hair up into little balls and tie with a hair tie. After washing and styling my hair it hangs around my jaw line in fairly tight curls and this method keeps it that way another day. I usually tie two balls each side at the front, two at the top at the back and two each lower down for the remainder – think Bjork in the 90s lol.

    I usually don’t have to use any more product especially if I use a water spray before scrunching, the left over mousse or hair spray is enough plus a little more spray on when I untie it all to keep it in place all day. If I wash and dry on a night it gives good shape in the morning, I haven't had to get up early for my hair in a good few years now!
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    my hairdresser told me if you wash your hair every day you wash out some of the nutrients, weakening your hair. i wash mine every 2 days, usually after a run. if you wash every day use an oil or a leave in treatment. ask your hairdresser for the best ones to use. mine uses one on my hair when i go but i can never remember what it's called. she washes her hair, wait for it, once every 2 WEEKS!! eek, i couldn't go to work with hair that was 2 weeks dirty, but she has great hair.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Whenever it's needed - in this muggy weather, every 2 days. Use a good sulphate-free shampoo (I use one from Sally's), and an argan oil-based mask as conditioner. I don't condition the roots.

    Batiste loves my hair and my hair loves Batiste, though, so I use that when needed too :)
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 239 Member
    every day.... I've had the same hairdresser for 15 years and never had feedback to say don't wash it so often! And I blow dry and straighten it every day too, lol. Frankly... if it's not coming out in handfuls or breaking or splitting then what the hell :-P
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I think every hairdressers opinion is different on this - I also wash mine most days, mine told me so does she! we both have fine hair that gets greasy so it needs washed often. I sometimes use the dry hair shampoos but have read recently that too much use of that can break the hair and leave it weak!
    Our hair suffers more by the products we use in it and heat than over washing.

  • EttaMaeMartin
    EttaMaeMartin Posts: 303 Member
    lrobson555 wrote: »
    What on earth has this got to do with exercise, you may ask!

    I've been counting calories for a while now and have been exercising quite a lot too. I run or cycle 5 or 6 days a week and find that it works really well for me.

    Not to gross anyone out, but when I workout I like to get my heart rate nice and high which means I sweat. A lot. When I get home I always take a shower and wash my hair meaning I wash my hair everyday - no one wants sweaty hair.

    Anyway, last Saturday I went to the hairdressers for the first time in ages and she asked how often I washed my hair. I told her everyday and she looked horrified!! She said I should only wash it every 2-3 days MAXIMUM and that I should stop washing my hair everyday immediately!!

    What on earth is that all about? Is washing my hair everyday really damaging it? Should I be putting up with the sweaty hair? How often do you wash your hair?!

    I think that washing your hair every day strips it of natural oils that help nourish the hair. That being said, some people feel like they have to wash it every day because their hair looks greasy quickly. But you can always use dry shampoo on your roots so you can skip a day. It's definitely not necessary though, just do what works for you.

    My hair is naturally curly which means it's dryer than it would be if it were straight so I only have to wash mine every 2-3 days despite working out more frequently than that.

    i too have very curly hair. i do not use shampoo on it as it strips all the moisture. i wash with water and a leave in coconut conditioner states" for ethnic hair". i read years ago how damaging shampoo is for any hair, the more suds, the worse it is for your hair. so i tried, and it works for me! my curls are happy and yes i do workout, sweaty, everyday. 7 days a week, more on weekends!
  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member
    I have long hair; I must be careful with the type of shampoo because it can strip moisture and leave brittle hair. Every 2-3 days. If I need a "wash" in between I use a non-sulfate conditioner which does the trick.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Twice a week. It took me awhile to work up to this though. My hair is much healthier and grows faster now because of it because it's not brittle and breaking off.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I workout 6 days a week - sweat a LOT - wash my hair about 3 times a week. I color my hair and it's very fine - washing it more strips the color/natural oils. I've tried it all - dry shampoo - I put my hair in a big clip or a ponytail when it starts getting dirty. I will try the cornstarch - never tried that. When I used to wash my hair everyday it was very oily - my hairdresser said once I start washing it less, it will be less oily - and she was right.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I have very thick hair and can get away washing my hair two times a week. I use dry shampoo and if extra sweaty just a rinse with conditioner on the ends.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I have hip-length hair and I wash it 5-6 days a week. I usually skip it on a Saturday morning and will sometimes skip it on a Sunday morning too.

    When I don't wash it, it becomes dull and flat and greasy and horrible. The reason I can skip it on the weekends is because I wear it tightly back in a braid, and it doesn't need to be fluffy.

    But by Monday morning it looks like I've dunked the top of my head in a vat of oil. I do a double shampoo on Mondays.

    I'll just add that I went to about 2 days a week for about a year. We were living in a very rustic off-the-grid situation for that year and didn't have much in the way of water and especially hot water. And definitely no shower!

    I had my hair cut to about 3 inches above my waist (my shortest in years) just to make things a bit simpler, but washing my hair 2 days a week just did not work well for me. It was great the first day, OK the second day, and by the third day I wore a headband or scarf or something because it looked that bad.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    138shades wrote: »
    Omg, absolutely every day. Sometimes twice a day. I would be a total greaseball if I skipped a day.

    horrible for your hair

    It may actually be causing the "greaseball" situation. Forcing the scalp to overproduce oils to stay moisturized.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Never :(
  • emoslayer84
    emoslayer84 Posts: 20 Member
    It's really important to discuss what type of shampoo you are using. If you're using a "cleansing" or "clarifying" shampoo, it takes all the oils and nutrients out of your hair. If you use a color-safe shampoo or a moisturizing shampoo, you should be fine 2 - 3 times per week.

    Another important factor is water temperature. If you take a hot shower and wash/rinse your hair in the hot water, it opens your hair up and strips nutrients as well. Wash and rinse with lukewarm water.

    My suggestion on those sweaty days would be to rinse with lukewarm water and put in a very small amount of leave-in conditioner.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Everyday or else it looks matted down and greasy. I've gone days without a shower (camping) and it end up looking disgusting.

  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I workout basically everyday AND wash my hair everyday. My hair is thick and healthy and down to my butt. I always hear that you shouldn't wash your hair this often, but it works for me. Do what works for you!!

    When mine was that long, it took two days to dry, I'd wash on Sunday and it would be dry by Monday night. How in the world are you washing it every day? Mine would have gotten mildew from being constantly damp.

  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,394 Member
    I run at least 3 days a week and usually get super sweaty but I still only wash my hair 2-3 times a week and not always on my run days. The first few weeks I started not washing every day left my hair a bit greasy but then that all stopped and now it's only slightly greasy looking by the third day, so I'll use dry shampoo that day and usually wash my hair the day after that, sometimes two days after that if I'm just at home. It actually works out super well, so well that I now dread hair washing days, lol. It's so annoying spending all that extra time in the shower and then all the extra time drying/styling it.