
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, your trip to the launch sounds great and I looked at your food diary and couldn't find anything that needed changing.....you've done an amazing job while out of town..........I try to not sit still too much, so rather than sit and be bored and munch, I'll go for a walk......of course, I eat my exercise calories because after a long walk I need to refuel......so walking both keeps me from eating out of boredom and allows me to eat because of burning calories.

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, I was a skeptic about chiropractors until I did something to my back and couldn't even lie down and DH took me to the chiropractor in the morning and after a few visits, my back was back to normal:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I won't let myself sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes so I understand why you haven't been posting so much......when I started on MFP I would read all the posts first thing in the morning for inspiration, now I walk for an hour in the morning and save the computer for later in the day when I'm more tired after being busy all day.

    :bigsmile: Kackie, glad you're feeling better

    :bigsmile: SuzyQ, I'll bet you'll look better than most of your classmates at the reunion:bigsmile:

    :yawn: after getting up so early this morning I'm ready for bed now.:yawn: Our day went very well. I gave myself a vacation from logging food and exercise:bigsmile: even so, I walked over 16000 steps including 20 minutes on the outside upper deck of the ferry this afternoon from Whidbey Island to Port Townsend.:bigsmile: I had my usual Isagenix shake for breakfast, snacks of Isagenix bars, Greek yogurt , and a banana, veggie delight sandwich at Subway for lunch and a modest meal of one veggie spring roll and curry chicken at a Chinese restaurant for dinner. We won't be able to pick up the dogs and cats until Monday morning :cry: so I'll have to walk by myself tomorrow.

    :bigsmile: I had an interesting conversation at lunch today with a friend who went with us and ate nothing. She told us that she'd had her snack and would have some more of the food she brought later in the day. We talked about going to potlucks and events where food is served and eating ahead of time and eating nothing at the event. She told us that someone asked her if she was uncomfortable being somewhere where everyone was eating and she wasn't and she said that the other people were the ones who were uncomfortable.

    :bigsmile: enjoy the rest of your weekend :bigsmile:
  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    Been on a plateau for 3 weeks! It's a bit discouraging. But....I am going to look at my successes. Ran the 1 mile yesterday, rode
    my bike 10 miles on Wednesday. Swam for 1/2 hour on Thurs. Cleaned the house for 3.5 hours today without getting exhausted!
    I gotta say, my endurance has improved tremendously since beginning my journey 3 months ago.

    @Barbiecat: 16,000 steps? That's great! Where did you get your step counter? I can't seem to find one that works correctly.
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I need to call the doc to get my meds adjusted. One of the meds I take counteracts another one and I think that's what is happening. Didn't sleep hardly at all last night and I'm not doing very well this morning. I need prayers.

    Our church is having a baseball outing today and DH is going and taking two kids that live with their grandmother Parents are out of the picture so it will be good for them to have a male figure in their life even if for a short time. I'm staying home - don't feel up to being around alot of people.

    Welcome to all the newbies, I think you'll enjoy this board.

    My food intake was good yesterday and my blood sugar when I took it was within normal limits. I'm still drinking tons of water which I know is good for me. When I drink the water I have no desire for soda, that surprised me.

    Well have a great day everybody. God Bless.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    We got some MUCH needed rain last night...I love a wonderful thunderstorm and we have had so few this summer. We have a metal roof and I love the sound of the rain on the roof. Then the tree frogs come out and WHAT A SOUND they make! I love it:love: It did not rain but about 45 minutes, but that is better than we've had in so long. We are in a serious drought!

    I did jump off my dock yesterday afternoon for a bit of a swim and some "salt water therapy" for my stuffy head. My mother believed (still does) that salt water cured almost everything. So...I gave it a try. Plus it felt great. I still didn't have the energy for a real walk. I will try to move a bit more today. The good news is that after a less-than-great eating weekend, I do not have much of an appetite and have been able to get back on track with food and logging.:ohwell:

    Barbie: I have been thinking about the "structure" part of the thin commandments and how I stack up. It is an interesting thing to think about. I DO like and need structure in my life. I like my house neat and clean and I have certain things that I HAVE to do each day...like make up my bed right away, clean up kitchen & dishes as used...etc. and I do prepare and eat my meals in a fairly structured and healthy way MOST of the time. But it is a funny thing about structure...as much as I need it, I also-on occasion- rebel against it in ways that are not healthy for me in regards to eating. If I know that I CANNOT have something...well...then sometimes I want it more! I can go a long time without a certain treat...such as homemade peach ice cream....BUT if I pass it up and really want it, then sometimes I eat lots of other things that I do not even want. It is something I continue to struggle with and for now...I just try to plan that structure with meals and if I really, really want something extra and SPECIAL that I cannot have everyday, then plan my other food around that treat. I am not there yet, but I am trying to find that balance with Structure and Spontaneity. :bigsmile:

    Michelle: I'm so glad that you were able to finally see the launch and it sounds like you have had a fun and successful trip

    Jeanne: thinking of you and wishing you well. How wonderful that your DH is taking some children to the baseball game. It is so, so important for young people to have adult figures, male and female, who care about them AND so sad that many do not have this. He is a nice man.

    THis is WAY longer than I intended...can you tell that I don't feel that great and am sitting more than I usually do??? Thanks for letting me ramble along....Have a nice Sunday, Ladies:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hi ladies, just checking in, started my exercises yesterday and was quite pleased it all went well. I will do them every other day until next weekend then start in everyday as before, should be a good go. Not feeling all that well, not sure what the trouble is, however, I will keep an eye on me. Have little tolerance to the pets today, that is the first sign I noticed.

    Keep well and work at your goals gals!

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I need to call the doc to get my meds adjusted. One of the meds I take counteracts another one and I think that's what is happening. Didn't sleep hardly at all last night and I'm not doing very well this morning. I need prayers.

    You've got them Jeanne. I do hope you feel better soon.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jeanne - I hope you get to sleeping better. It will make a big difference. Hopefully, it is the meds and when they are adjusted, you will sleep better.

    Michelle, I thought of you when we watched the shuttle launch on TV. Glad you are having a great time. I am will have to look for a microwave steamer. That sounds like a good thing to have around. Did it come with any instructions on cooking time for stuff?

    Barbie- You are amazing. I am glad the chiropractor was able to help you with your back. After what happened with the horse and the dog, I would go to one if I am ever in that position.

    Kiowa was the dog I had that followed the chiro home. I guess he knew who could help him. Kiowa was the one who had his own accupunturist too. He was an amazing dog that had his own set of human friends. The chiro guy referred him to the accupunturist for treatment and massage. lol Luckily, these two friends of his treated him for free as they were not licenced to treat animals. ha, ha, ha I still miss that dog and his adventures.

    My DD and I are off to go swimming here shortly. We are bringing a friend's daughter with us while her and hubby go to lunch and a movie. I am looking forward to having a little one around for a few hours.

    Happy Birthday to all the July ladies! May this month and this year be good for you.

    Welcome to all the new members I may have missed welcoming when you first joined.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Still pain.. knee, will call the ORTHO tomorrow and see if I can get in to see him again.. CHIROPRACTOR did get rid of pains in back due to SCIATIC, but this pain in my knee is not going away, so I don't know what is next, probably an MRI.
    Weight is going down, tomorrow is weigh in, I think it's down another .5 but officially tomorrow.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    praying for you Jeanne.
    Marilyn,hope you feel better.
    Natalie,good luck with your knee an good about the wt.
    Have a good day all!
  • cgaines59
    cgaines59 Posts: 3
    I am new to MFP and enjoying all the post. The site is awesome!!! I am really on my way to a new me! Have been struggling with weight all my life and feel that I don't have too many more chances to get it right. I am really motivated now( more than I ever been). I am now wearing a belt with my pants to keep them up. Before this I never wore a belt. I am really liking me for the first time in a long time. Every time I look in the mirror I get more confident. I am setting short term weight goals for myself. My first goal is to get under 200lbs, then I will go from there.

    Starting Weight: 236lbs
    Current Weight: 222lbs
    Total Loss: 14lbs
    Goal Weight: 199 lbs and beyond
  • cgaines59
    cgaines59 Posts: 3
    I am new to MFP and enjoying all the post. The site is awesome!!! I am really on my way to a new me! Have been struggling with weight all my life and feel that I don't have too many more chances to get it right. I am really motivated now( more than I ever been). I am now wearing a belt with my pants to keep them up. Before this I never wore a belt. I am really liking me for the first time in a long time. Every time I look in the mirror I get more confident. I am setting short term weight goals for myself. My first goal is to get under 200lbs, then I will go from there.

    Starting Weight: 236lbs
    Current Weight: 222lbs
    Total Loss: 14lbs
    Goal Weight: 199 lbs and beyond
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone............

    I hope your weekend has gone well.

    I've been Awol for a few days .........the builders finished up Friday afternoon and so we set to and started the decorating.
    DH came home from work Friday night and I was still painting!!
    :happy: I said to him " I've been weight lifting all evening" ....???? he said.......
    Well....the number of times I lifted my self off the floor ( I was doing the skirting boards) to alter position or get something, or answer the phone or go to the loo...every time ...:laugh: I lifted 150lbs!!

    We had a break on Sat urday evening to see our DGD receive her dancing medals and then came back and finished the painitng. I started the wallpapering today and could have finished :explode: if it wasn't for the stupidity of the plasterer. He's plastered in the light socket so when I wanted to paper around it and removed the front plate a lot of the new plaster ripped off. We're waiting for the filler to dry as I post!
    I can't wait to get all the furniture into the new room. Then we can decorate the bedroom that's masquerading as a dining room!!
    But at least....with all this work :laugh: I'm not sitting eating!!

    :flowerforyou: So folks..........I hope you're all due for a fantastic week ahead.

    :heart: Jackie
  • Hello everyone, I was at one time a member of this great group of ladies, but took a forced hiatus due to illness. In February, I came down with a flu/cold virus that lasted about one month. Felt better for about a week and then strange symptoms began. I spent the next two months seeing my family doctor twice a week for my condition to no avail. I was severely bloated in the upper abdomen and my legs were so swollen right up to my waist. My doctor gave me some form of diuretic and diagnosed me with irritable bowel syndrome. Since I was extremely fatigued as well, the symptoms appeared reasonable for this diagnosis. But as time went on, I had extreme difficulty breathing and could barely walk up the stairs without stopping and gasping every few steps. I eventually couldn't sleep and was very afraid that I was going to die.

    Finally, I pleaded with my doctor to do something different and she suggested I go to the hospital. A dear friend who had been after me for a very long time to do this took me in to the ER. After a series of tests that took many hours, IBS was ruled out and a diagnosis of congestive heart failure was made. Apparently, my heart was only working at 15% capacity! I was admitted and remained in the hospital for 8 days, had the usual tests to rule out blockages, etc. Everything was clear and the cardiologist determined that my heart condition was most likely caused by the virus I had earlier this year. I went home 22 lbs lighter due to the water loss in the hospital. Needless to say, I now have a new doctor and realize that if something doesn't seem right, it's up to me to find out why.

    I'm feeling so much better now, but still not able to do everything as I did before. The saddest for me is not being able to pick up my youngest grandson who is 3 years old. But we can still sit together on the sofa to watch a movie or read together! I feel so blessed that I am still alive and thank God every day for watching over me. I'm ready to join the group again if you'll still have me.

    Be well...

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Deborah, welcome back. I am so glad you made it through. That was quite a journey.

    :heart: :heart:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Deborah,sorry to hear about your ordeal.
    Take care
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Sorry I have been awol for a few days but it is amazing the posts here get going so fast and furious that it is not too hard to get behind quickly.

    First, Happy Birthday to all the July Ladies, hopefully you enjoy your day.

    To all that have been enjoying weight losses, good for you, keep it up!!

    To those new members, welcome, you will like it here.

    To those who are finding their way back here, nice to see you again.

    To those of you still experiencing pains and troubles, I do hope the Lord will answer your prayers and help you or at least give you strength to get through things.

    To those whose lives are gooing well, good for you.

    My weight is still not moving but I know it is because I am not getting enough exercise but after a super stressful day at worj and with my commute ( over 1 1/2 hours each way) by the time I get home from work and fighting traffic, I don't feel up to exercising. That is not good so I am going to have to come up with another way of getting exercise. Any one have suggestions??

    Well, Ladies, I have been so very busy at work, my bosses are away and that leaves me to handle everything, that I haven't had time to post but I will try to post.

    Take care.

    Hugs to you All.
  • lee78988
    lee78988 Posts: 2 Member
    I joined in June and followed through for about a week and then stopped. I am trying to get back on track. I did post my food today and will begin walking tonight. Would appreciate any encouragement. Thanks.
  • lee78988
    lee78988 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Deborah,

    I am glad you went to the ER. With the right medications from the cardiologists, your energy level should begin returning. Glad you are feeling better.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Many of you know how much I love my pets and how much of my day is spent doing things for them and with them. We boarded them for the weekend because we had an all day meeting to go to yesterday and both of our neighbors were involved in the all day neighborhood garage sale. We didn’t want to leave the dogs home to bark all day at the people outside. And a realtor was bringing someone to look at our house. Unfortunately when we board the animals for the weekend, we can’t pick them up until Monday morning. Hubby talked me into this plan by saying that we could do things on Sunday that we couldn’t do while the pets were here. So I got up this morning at my usual time (I can’t blame Bernie, the cat for waking me because I woke up at 4:30 without his help today). I got dressed, had breakfast, and was out the door to walk before the sun came up. I walked for two and half hours on the Olympic Discovery Trail. I can’t walk that far away from the house with the dogs in case I need to bring them home quickly. I saw the sun come up over the bay, walked through the campground at the state park while people were still asleep, stopped and danced a bit on the trail when a good line dance song was playing on my mp3 player, and contemplated serious things in my life. Hubby and I puttered with little projects together after I got home. It has been a long time since I walked that far on the discovery trail and they’ve added a new porta potty along the way which makes it easier to walk a longer distance. I would have walked farther but hubby woke up at 7:00 and called and asked when I’d be coming home.

    :flowerforyou: One of the things I’ve been working on is sorting through pictures from the last almost thirty years. I got to see how thin I was when hubby and I met and how quickly we gained weight together.. As successful we’ve been the last two and half years, it took us a long time being “Roly and Poly” before we had the awakening that started us on this weight loss journey. So what I want to say to anyone who is struggling is that is might time awhile, but there is hope for everyone. We are the ones who left the hospital the night my mother died and bought a half gallon of ice cream for each of us and ate all of it before going to bed that night. Our eating is history is not worthy of admiration but the time came when we made a change and it has been working for a long time.

    :bigsmile: Annvey, my pedometer is Omron model HJ-0ITC You can get one through Amazon.com It comes with software so you can keep records of your steps over time. I love being able to compare and see the trends and improvement. The important thing about a pedometer is to compete against yourself and not against other people. Since it only records steps from walking and running, a lot of other exercise doesn’t show up so, for example, I record more steps when I walk for an hour than I do it go to a two hour line dance class and no steps at all for riding the exercise bike or yoga.

    :bigsmile: Jeanne, I gave up drinking diet pop a few years ago and had the same experience of being satisfied by water.

    :bigsmile: Kackie, I loved reading your thoughts about structure and eating……I agree with you, I have a plan that allows peanut butter on the days that I do extra exercise so I don’t feel like I can’t ever have it.

    :bigsmile: Cheryl, welcome, you have come to the right place. I hope you will check in with us regularly and tell us how you are doing and share what works for you.

    :bigsmile: Jackie, I admire you for wallpapering

    :bigsmile: Deborah, thank you for sharing your story. We are so glad that you are back with us. Take it one day at a time.

    :bigsmile: Cathy, can you take a walk either at lunchtime or after supper……walking is great exercise and a great way to relax your brain.

    :bigsmile: Lee, if you posted your food today and wrote us a message, then you are on the right track. Can you make it a goal to plan your food tomorrow and post on this thread? Just do this one day at a time.
This discussion has been closed.