

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies from a cool and overcast London.

    This week really seems to have got away from me! I can't believe it is already Thursday. An unexpected day of work up in Bond Street on Monday has thrown me completely, although I enjoyed it immensely. Within half an hour of me being at the gallery I had sold one of my husband's books and a map for £6000. Quite pleased with that as I get commission (on the sale of the map but not the book!) I had actually forgotten how much I enjoy a structured day of working. Even traveling on the tube was ok - mainly because I was able to travel with DH.

    On Tuesday I spent some time catching up with my darling grandtwins. Molly has a lovely new tooth which she is proud to show off. It's hard to believe that they are now almost 8 months old!

    I took them out for a walk to give DD a little time to do some housework and stopped off at a coffee shop whilst the babies were sleeping in their pushchair. I got chatting to a youngish guy who was completely enamoured by the twins (or so I thought), anyway, he ended up chatting me up and asking me out for a drink! I was shocked but also slightly flattered. Naturally I declined (I'm extremely happily married!)

    Off for blood tests now.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Amanda x
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Hi everyone...

    Sorry to have been absent recently, but life has been rather hectic. I haven't lost my way along the weight loss journey, however, and I'm feeling awfully good about my ability to stay on the program while "living" during these past hectic weeks. I have reached my birthday weight goal... it's the best present I could have.

    Our 2 grandsons are with us this week... both 6. What whirlwinds of energy! No need for the gym while running around after and with them. Unfortunately, the weather is cloudy with a probability of rain today, so strike off the beach today.

    I will have a challenge towards the end of the month however, as we're going sailing and I'm not going to be in charge of food... that's in the hands of the crew feeding our group. I can control how much I eat, but not so much ... what... I've been following the 17 Day diet, with high protein, low carb eating. I fear the group meals will be high in starches.. spaghetti at night, pancakes in the morning... that sort of food. yikes. It's going to be a challenge for the week we're on the boat. We've sailed with this charter company before, so I know what to expect. I'm bringing some protein bars, turkey jerky, apples. Any other suggestions for non refrigerated items that I can tuck in my duffle bag as supplements or substitutions?
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello and good morning ladies, in a lot of pain heading for the couch with the ice pack and a book. catch you all later.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Squeezed in an abbreviated bike ride first thing before heading out to the oncologist. Catch you ladies later! :glasses:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just wanted to say Good morning.
    have a great day.
    For those,not feeling good,hope you get some relief quick.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just posted and read posts. Looking forward to some exercise this morning. Trying the keep the momentum moving forward.:flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I went to the chiropractor yesterday, he took 3 hours with me, (he is my 1st cousin thru marriage, wife is 1st cousin) and he did xrays, then adjustment, I will go back to him 4 more times, and if it does not help the pain, I guess I am going to have to go back to the internist, who will probably order an MRI and send me to an ortho back doctor.... from there, my guess is an epidural...???

    Might go over to the pool and bicycle around in the water to do some NON weight bareing exercise since I can't ride my bike outside. I need to do some exercise somehow..

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Afternoon, Dear Ladies,

    I took the kids to the airport yesterday, my parents drove away and I came home and crashed. I now have a raging sore throat, congestion and chills. RATS! My house is a mess and I had lots planned to do today. I have done nothing...:-(:sick: :sick: :sick:

    Welcome, newcomers and good to see some "older" folks back and on track here. I hope to join you as soon as I get rid of this nasty cold/flu. Take care, kackie:heart:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    There's nothing like some gardening to make me get outside and water/weed those plants! I've been adding some new plants to the flower bed(some in containers nearby). Have you ever heard of Persian Shield? My son gave me some for a late Mother's Day and I put them in some dark green pots to show off the purple.

    I'm still walking daily. The weight and inches are very stubborn!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Went back to the chiropractor abotu an hour ago, and he did more of his adjusting, will go again tomorrow morning at 11 am.
    I sure hope this works, never been to a chiro before.. I know people say they do help, they have their specialty and sometimes it does miracles, and alot of people believe in them.
    I am going out to WILDFIRE for dinner, love their chopped salad, with chicken, dressing on the side.. I will bring home alot of it, have it for lunch tomorrow.
    have a good evening, hope the pain subsides so i can sleep a bit better tonight after the chiro did his thing.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    .More about “The Thin Commandments”----the fourth commandment “Structure Gives Control”
    Structure is about the timing and frequency of your eating, the type of meal you eat (real meal or quickie, adequate for nutrition or a low nutrition “treat”) , when you shop for food and what you buy, the way you eat (family style or served portions, standing up or seated and attentive)

    “Your eating structure is either a bridge to control or it promotes failure in weight loss. People with weight problems are most often people who have no structure at all in the critical areas of eating behavior”

    There are lots of strategies
    eating a nutritious breakfast, eating on a schedule, bringing your own healthy snacks with you to events, shopping after a meal instead of when you are starving.

    I’ve learned a lot of strategies from people on MFP. New strategies are like new habits and they take time to put in place……taking baby steps certainly applies here.

    “Structure empowers you to do the right thing”
    the first structure I put in place was planning my meals ahead of time and sticking to the plan no matter what. That meant that I refused food that was offered to me no matter what it was (a bite of something from my DH, the bagel and cream cheese a friend brought me when she picked me up the first day I put this structure in place, and a surprise dessert that was served at an event)…..this allowed me to say no to everything and not debate every food situation.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sorry I have been gone. I have been in and out of town, and I am leaving on vacation tomorrow. Should be back on the board about the 18th. I don't have time to catch up on the posts. I will put up the birthday list though. Hope you all are doing well!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I can add anyone to this that wants added - just send me a message. Have a good week!

    50+ thread Birthdays
    5 – csally01
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    25 – zuback55
    28 - genealace
    29 - ritamerlot

    2 – doobiedoo
    7 – 2youngatheart
    7 - jeqrosen
    15 - anotheryearolder
    ? - SuzyQ

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    6 – jeanne3651
    7 - DebKRN
    8 – pmjsmom
    12 – glendaaus
    14 – cj1234cj23
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    21 – cjwil01
    25 – barbiecat
    30 – BirdieM
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    11 – kel7298
    14 - ildi59
    22 – sceck

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56

    3 - Iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    8 – BarbieCat1
    20 - TeresaSavage
    27 - mynyddisamrs

    7 - MacMadame
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 - cherubcrnp

    2 – Laura80111
    14 – ItsTerriC
    22 - gloriaandison

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    19 - Benson
    30 - SallyCC

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member

    “Structure empowers you to do the right thing”
    the first structure I put in place was planning my meals ahead of time and sticking to the plan no matter what. That meant that I refused food that was offered to me no matter what it was (a bite of something from my DH, the bagel and cream cheese a friend brought me when she picked me up the first day I put this structure in place, and a surprise dessert that was served at an event)…..this allowed me to say no to everything and not debate every food situation.

    Wow! Great advice. It's so much easier just to have a set response, rather than debating every situation. I'm going to use this.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I've got a busy day ahead but wanted to pop in and wish you all a good start to the weekend.

    My sister and I are going to buy our outfits for the twins christening today. I'm not sure if I'm wise going with my sis as she used to work for Vivienne Westwood and tends to lead me into more ..... let's just say, unusual outfits! For the first time in years we wear the same size in clothes (although she is more than six inches taller than I am and has much bigger feet), so it will be a day of trying on each others clothes.

    Anyway, have a good day one and all.

    Amanda x
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My mom had a real eye opener at the age of 93. She just realized that even though she did everything she could for my brother through out his life I am the one who has always done for her even though she did a lot less for me and my kids. Her and Dad want to change their will to be more equitable between my brother and I when they pass. She always thought he would take care of her and had it set up for him to get more compensation than me if there is anything left. Now, it will be split right down the middle as it should be. They have lived with my family and I since 2003. My brother is missing something (besides the aggravation and responsibility. lol) and everything that goes around comes around.

    Have a great evening all,


    PS: to all those who have been hearing about my Mom and Dad the last few years and always have me strength and encouragement I thought you'd be glad to hear your prayers have paid off. I got told I was a good daughter today. lol

    Wonderful news Jeannie. I'm so glad you're getting the recognition you deserve.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat1:flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday Barbie!


    Have a great time Barbie on your birthday!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Almost forgot to tell you - I sent a message to ldspill since I hadn't seen her on here for a while, and she wanted me to share her response with you.

    Hi Mary,

    I've missed my fitness pals too. Everything is fine. I had a computer crash and after I got it fixed I got a virus and it was all downhill from there. In the meantime, I started a part-time job on top of my full-time job and shuttling my Mother back and forth to the hospital. (Cancer again!) She had a mastectomy so we think she may be cancerfree this time.

    So, as you can see, I've been pretty busy. As soon as I can reclaim my life, I'll be back. Please tell the Ladies I said hello and I didn't fall off the map.

    Take Care,
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy, Happy Birthday, Barbie! I hope it is a good one. (And thank you for posting the latest info from the thin commandments. I particularly liked todays...)

    I am Still under the weather with cough & congestion. :sick:

    Take care, dear ladies. Kackie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for the updated birthday list mary.
    Amanda,have fun shopping
    Kackie-feel better
    Happy Birthday Barbie-have a great day
    Everyone else have a good fri.
    They are finally coming to fix?my dryer after a long week of waiting.