
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Urgh. Over on calories yesterday. :noway: It’s that nibble-y thing again. At the time it doesn’t “feel” as though I’m eating that much. :tongue:

    At the end of the day, I sat down on MFP (I give myself points for that) and tried my best to tally everything up. I was way over on calories. :grumble: There were veggies to nibble on and that was great. The hummus and sour cream dip not so much. Someone brought Aussie Bites (a kind of cookie/muffin full of seeds and good stuff) and I had a taste and then another taste.

    Okay. What’s my strategy? It’s a given that there will be tempting food around to nibble on. I hadn’t expected any last night, which was part of the problem. My sister dropped by with some of her family and brought munchies with her.

    It’s clear that “just a taste” doesn’t work. :noway: 1) I don’t HAVE to sit near the tempting food! :laugh: 2) When I’m cleaning up, I can put the tempting stuff like Aussie Bites away first so they’re not sitting there tempting me!

    I did decline the glass of wine so that was a plus.

    Jeannie, hurray for rain. That’s wonderful.

    Catharina, welcome. Sounds like you lead an interesting and busy life. My best advice (what’s worked for me) is fruits and veggies and lots of them. Sweets and other refined carbs are the enemy, resulting in cravings and more cravings. I call fruits and veggies my willpower because eating them means I’m not hungry (or less so) for the crappy stuff. BTW, have you tried stevia? I like it and it’s a natural sweetener so seems to work for some who can’t use artificial sweeteners.

    Chiclet, so good to see you! I’ve missed you. Sounds as though you’re doing very well. Swimming! Awesome. (Don’t go swimming alone though please.)

    As far as where I am and what I’m doing….it’s not so complicated really. I do live in a mobile home while I’m waiting for my granny flat to get finished. That is taking awhile. It would help to have more money to throw at it. I could (at least in theory) go back to work but I plain don’t want to. I’m willing to wait. My mobile home is about 700 sq ft and is fine for one person. I'm on the same property (3 acres) as my daughter and SIL and 3 of my grandkids. :heart: We finished building the "big" house two years ago and are very slowly finishing my part of it.

    Yep, there’s just me. However, I do visit my folks and stay with them every couple of weeks. That’s when I’m likely to get the comments about cooking, eating, etc. It’s not constant but I’m sensitive! I like being able to do that I want when I want. I’m housesitting right now for a couple of weeks. It feels almost like vacation and lets me visit my folks without staying there.

    Happy Independence Day to everyone in the US. Sally, you mentioned you’re dog sitting. For everyone who is in hearing distance of fireworks and has dogs, I hope you’ll keep them inside. My brother and SIL lost a dearly loved pet a few years ago. The fireworks scared her and she escaped from the yard and was hit by a car. :cry:

    I’m looking forward to more swimming today. It’s a little hot for walking but the water is wonderful. :happy: I’m glad I bought my suit and, although I hate my saggy arms and legs, the water makes it worth it. (My “suit” is actually a tank top and shorts made for running but it’s cute, fits great, and dries fast. It works!)

    I’m looking forward to the band concert tonight. The weather promises to be balmy. It will be nice to sit on the lawn, lean back, and enjoy.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I've been busy with cleaning, food prep, cooking, and entertaining. I did not log food for Sunday - had various items, but did not have a really bad day. I feel good that I don't feel bad about what I ate and drank. Today I'm tired and will rest, but I did force myself to take a walk for 30 minutes.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Evening everyone

    Think my cold is finally going, although I'm shattered tonight after a busy day at work.

    I'm going to have a small operation on 19th July. Not sure if it's to remove the milk duct in my right boob or just get a bit to examine. I've got a few cells that need further investigation apparently. Must admit I am a bit worried but trying not to think of it too much.

    The weather here was soooo hot over the weekend, I tried to sit outside but it was too hot, I wish we had a pool, sounds lovely. We took the dogs out quite late when it had cooled down, seems everyone else had the same idea though, so our walk was a little fraught. A few dogs came running over to us so we had to make a quick dash into the undergrowth, not easy keeping your footing with all the holes in the ground! Even Tara was a bit grumpy and didn't take kindly to the dogs following her, not like her, she'd better not be picking up Frankie's bad habbits :noway:

    Can't believe it's nearly 8pm already, feel as if I have just got in and had tea. Hmm I'd better get some chores done, this was my excuse not to go on the dog walk tonight, and all I've done is catch up with the posts on the computer :bigsmile: Sitting here will not help my weight management, so I'd better get moving.

    Take care everyone and have a good evening - what is left of it.

    Viv xx
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Natalie, I completly understand how you feel. You see, I had bilateral knee replacements done in 2003 and it was THE best thing I ever did. I couldn't walk very far, was falling down, my knees didn't bend and I walked like Herman Munster. I tried everything....nothing worked. Celebrex, ibuprofen and tylenol were keeping me mildly comfortable....and sleeping was the pits. I had them replaced and now, you can't stop me. No pain, I wear high heels, and do everything I want....except run and jump. I hope that you find something that helps you knees....in the mean time...ice packs might help somewhat.

    I hope that everyone has a great 4th. To those that are spending their holidays away, be safe and have fun.

    You did BOTH at the same time? I am holding off as long as I can, don't want to do it, but I think down the road, it's the only answer....
    Have a good evening...

    Oh, yes, I sure did them both at the same time. My left knee didn't bend at all, so I walked stiff leg on that one. The right knee didn't bend either, but somehow I "learned" to walk by swinging my right leg out from my hip. My feet never came more than an inch or two off the ground. So every now and then, I would fall. I couldn't decide which knee to have done, then asked if he could do both. He said yes and it was a done deal. Physical therapy was long and hard....no matter what I did on one side needed to be done on the other. So, I worked very hard, and today, you can't tell that I had anything done. I walk normally, do anything I want, and have no pain. Unless you see the scars, you would never know. It is the best thing I ever did and would do it tomorrow if I had to

    PAM, thank you for explaining what you went thru. I went to the pool today and did some water bicycling back and forth in the pool, non weight bearing activity since I can't ride my bike outside for the last 2 weeks. Still in pain,will call the doctor in the monring, and see If I can get in to see him tomorrow or Wed. I don't know what they are going to suggest.

    HAPPY 4th to all...

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good luck with your procedure.Hope all works out good for you.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Happy 4th July to USA!!
    :flowerforyou: Viv......sorry to hear of your health worries. Hope it's going to turn out OK for you.

    :glasses: Another sunny day here.

    BUT .....:sad: not so sunny for us!!
    Just as well it was nice and light this evening as we have elecric problems!! No lights but we do have socket power.
    Our workmen found a problem ....:noway: the earth wire in the lights was live when it shouldn't be!! So we await the sparky tomorrow and the plasterer for the new ceiling has been deferred. Let's hope the house wiring doesn't need replacing! We ended up taking "Stuff" out of the eaves to find a junction box! We're sleeping downstairs tonight as it's all over the place!
    BUT ....:laugh: I did find a suitcase with smaller clothes in ...you know...the one's that you put away in the hope you may just get in to ...one day!!
    I'll let you know whether they fit me!!
    AND.... the van that went in for the rattly exhaust to be fixed came back the same. :sad: They did indeed fix the power steering but not the exhaust. Soooo ...DH will take it to another place tomorrow.

    Oh well .tomorrow's another day. Let's hope it gets better.

    :flowerforyou: Hope all your Tuesdays are good.

    :heart: Jackie
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Just dropped in to wish you all a Happy Independence Day! Hope it's a good one! You all seem to have had a great weekend so far!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hey ladies, just marking my spot, pain is getting better, but tylonal is still every six hours. Hope to be able to return to exercise soon, will call hospital and get therapy's advise. Have a great day!!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    Have a wonderful 4th of July everyone!

    I decided to stay home vs going to the block party I was invited to. I started thinking about it....leaving at 4:30pm not coming home til after 10pm probably. That's a long time to leave mom and she would probably need a change. Plus even if I tell her where I am going she forgets 2 hours later and panics. Could write her a note and leave it next to her but then I still have to thnk about the puppeis who are both afraid ot the fireworks and noise. That in itself would have mom panicking because the dogs were scarred. So it is best to stay home. I wll probably go swimming though. Maybe if I go at night I will see some fireworks while swimming. Cool.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope everyone had a great day. I did get to the gym first thing this morning and that felt good. I have been playing with the dogs (we are dogsitting three) a lot today. Mimi...thanks for the advice with the fireworks. These dogs all live on the other side of our house.....its a duplex and we have entry ways to each side within the house so they are comfortable here. One of the dogs (the biggest doesn't like fireworks or thunder and has meds if we need it). I think it could be a tough night in our neighborhood for fireworks--this is the second year they are legal in RI. One neighbor on the next street had a beautiful display...at 2:30 this morning....I didn't appreciate it!
    Have a great night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,135 Member
    :flowerforyou: we stay home on the 4th of July because of our dogs.......they get scared.....also, we can't stay up that late any more.....it doesn't get dark here until about 10 PM :laugh: now we record several fireworks shows on our DVR and watch them the next day :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: there was a neighborhood bbq this afternoon but we didn't go and stayed home and took a nap instead.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: one of my friends had to get a tranquilizer for her dog because the dog was so freaked out by the fireworks.
  • stephp619
    stephp619 Posts: 5 Member
    I do one day at a time or one meal at a time and make sure I exercise at least 3 times a week. I lost just about 10 pounds and am trying to lose 10 more until I get to a healthy weight. I need to lose about 90 pounds but I am at least losing and one day I will get there. I never give up or else I will gain weight. I keep logging the food and see how many calories I ate and just keep going. I get some support from OA too, but this website helps too. Keep going!:smile:
  • stephp619
    stephp619 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh in the morning naked too, just so I know if I lost weight or not and try once a week but sometimes I weigh myself more than once a week just to make sure I weigh the same or didn't gain weight which makes me down too. I try to keep on track but if I eat too much one day try to stay in the calorie range the next day and keep on going. It is taking me a long time to lose the weight but slowly and surely I believe I will get there.:love:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I had a good eating day today! There were times when I just wanted to eat - more! So I'm feeling really good about staying on track.

    I had wonderful grilled chicken, the sweetest corn on the cob I've ever tasted, a nice salad, and fresh peas for dinner. I know today was not all about eating but I did enjoy it. :wink:

    The weather turned out to be nice after all. It might have hit a hundred but there was a breeze and, later, I was in the pool. It felt pretty wonderful.

    Viv, I'm sending hugs. :heart: Procedures like that are always worrisome. I hope and pray for good results for you.

    I got a nice swim in this afternoon. A real one this time, not just treading water. :happy: Then I stopped by the walking path and walked for a mile and a half on my way home.

    It's a bit lonesome when I'm here by myself. :frown: I'm used to visits from the grandkids. I'm enjoying the housesitting but will be glad to get back home too. I'm thankful for all of you. When I read your posts, I feel as though I'm in the company of friends. :heart:

    With the extra time, I have read a couple of books. I haven't done that much since I started MFP and losing weight. It's the good news (I enjoyed them) and the bad news (my custom in the bad old days was to veg with a book and an assortment of snacks). As I usually read a book every day or two, that was a lot of snacks. :noway:

    Although I enjoyed reading, I also felt antsy and wanted some snacks to kick back with. For me, reading will have to be a sometime thing. The tradeoff - being slimmer and more active - is worth it. :happy:

    Somebody just set some firecrackers off. Earlier we heard the thump of fireworks. The dogs are highly suspicious and barking to show it! :laugh:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :yawn: Good Morning Can't seem to wake up this morning!

    :glasses: Looks like it will be a sunny day, it's already quite warm, and we've just got back from walkingthe doggies, it will soon be time for me to get ready for work, but thought I'd check in with you all first.

    What is that saying - a little knowledge is a bad thing? I googled Hadfield procedure and nearly scared myself to death! I know they have to let you know the worst case scenario ( a bit like the contra indications on packets of pain killers) but it is still a bit scary when you see what could go wrong, but apparently it is run of the mill op that is very common and most surgeons could do with their eyes shut - I hope mine keeps his eyes well and truly open :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And if I get panicked I think of Amanda who had heart surgery, and my op is minor in comparrison.

    Jackie sorry to hear you are having problems with the electrics, was it caused by the work you've had done? Hubby has just finished painting our kitchen, I chose a pale yellow colour, but now it's on I'm not that keen on it, it looks a lot fresher, but yellow doesn't seem to go with our tiles as much as I thought it would. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but think it should have been a more golden yellow.

    Well time is marching on, I'd better get the pack ups sorted, think I'll take a salad today. Musn't be late as my admin colleague is on holiday in the Canary Isles lucky thing.

    Chat again soon.
    Viv xx
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just a quick check in. My back is still sore but the tylonal seems to make it well for a bit. Going to call physio at the hospital today and get the information I need to get back into my exercises again. Had a bad night Sunday, legs paining, knees, ankles and my shins too. Never had so much caos. Two hours sleep and work on Monday 6-3. My sugars were down and fluids down, so some sweets and beer to bring my salt up to moderate my body's liquids. The scale says I'm up a pound today but that is a given.

    Hope everything goes well for you all today, I am going to attempt some housework.

    Take care..

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Marilyn,hope you get some relief.
    Everyone have a good day.
    I know I have to get serious again with my food.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Had a lovely leisurely 4th, excavated another bushel's worth of lava rock from the deadzone corner, 2 hr dogstroll with tinypal, nap, then laundry mountain attack. If this is what retirement could be like, sign me up! If it just weren't for all those pesky bills...:tongue:

    Colleeen, bicycling while camping? Hope it was flat, mostly...:happy:
    Robin :heart: LOVE the puppy picture. We're lucky in our neighborhood, most everyone honors the fireworks ban since we're on the edge of (dead)grassland foothills. If anyone were foolish enough to set any off, :angry: the rest of the development would be on them darned quick. We can see (and hear) the municipal display from here, Soon as the booms started, Dixie hid in the bathroom. The General is deaf so was completely relaxed. I was too pooped to join the lawn chair brigade so watched on TV for a few before zzzzzzzzzzz.
    Mimi :love: Love your swimsuit (shorts) idea, will copy it soon as this one gets too big. Honor yourself for logging and declining the wine if it would have made you (like it makes me) eat more. Congratulate yourself for devising strategies for next time. especially like not sitting next to the most tempting and putting them away first. Able to visit parents but not stay there and enjoy cooking all by yourself, best of both worlds! Congrats on the good followup day, not just healthy but yummy too!
    Viv you brave gal, you made me laugh :laugh: in spite of what you're facing! The image of an eyes-closed surgeon, awful and funny at the same time.
    Lorri you'll be back on track in no time.:flowerforyou:
    Marilyn and Natalie, good for you both for doing what you must to deal with the pain:sad: . Hope the phsyio and the Dr bring you both relief soon!
    Chiclet Seeing fireworks while swimming? cool!:glasses:
    Sally 2am fireworks, are they nuts?:noway:
    Steph slow but sure is the way to lasting change. Well done!:flowerforyou:

    Time to renew the attack on Laundry Mountain. Can't believe I let ALL my slacks get either dirty or un-ironed at once. Then back to work. Be grateful Barbara, it's a good job with good people... and ... :wink: retirement is only 4.75 yrs away...
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Its really beginning to bother me, I have never lost 6 days in a row, now the scale was down another .5 this morning... anyone had that happen to them? It worries me that the scale is dropping every day like that.
    I am going to the doctor this morning to see what they can do about my pain.

    Has anyone had this happen to them where they have lost each day a little, but the scale keeps going down .. I am eating about 1250 to 1350 in calories...

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Its really beginning to bother me, I have never lost 6 days in a row, now the scale was down another .5 this morning... anyone had that happen to them? It worries me that the scale is dropping every day like that.
    I am going to the doctor this morning to see what they can do about my pain.

    Has anyone had this happen to them where they have lost each day a little, but the scale keeps going down .. I am eating about 1250 to 1350 in calories...


    Hi Natalie,

    Yes, this has happened to me, but not recently. Just keep weighing everyday and if it stays off for a week, update your ticker. I am glad the scale is going in the right direction for you. Keep it up on the good calorie range.

This discussion has been closed.