
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! Just marking my place and looking at the posts! It's only 2nd July and already we're on page 2 of the thread!! Busy ladies! I feel dizzy! Hope you are all doing well! I've missed sooo much of the posts that I think I'll never catch up! Good luck for July, whatever you choose to do and hope you had a successful June.
    HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY ON THE 4TH JULY TO ALL YOU STATESIDE GALS!! :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Natalie, you are so right. I think about the tortoise and the hare all the time. It’s impressive when people lose weight fast but I’m most impressed when they keep it off. For me, losing slowly is giving me time to learn how to change the way I eat and make that a habit. I’ve got a lot of years of bad habits to undo. The time we’re taking to change how we approach food and eating is a great investment.

    THanks for the words of kindness MIMI, don't know how to just quote the part that you wrote, so I copied and pasted it into this email.
    Some day I will probably have to have a knee replacement. Don't want to, putting it off as long as I can. Meanwhile canceled everything for the weekend, not on my feet, trying to stay off of the leg that hurts so much. don't sleep at night, slept alot during the day today on the couch. Bummer!

    Have a great weekend..

  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    I seem to be fighting the same 5 lb. I go down then up then down then up. I know it's the exercise that is the problem. The weeks when I'm able to get 30 at least 5 days, i go down. Then when I have a bad exercise week I go back up. I'm really dertermine to get down at least close to 260 by my next Dr visit. I would be sooooo happy.

    And if I mantain that for a few weeks that would be great too.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Just marking my spot. I will be back later.

  • I am over 60++ and I am losing fast. I have 30# to lose!! again!! I have Zumpa ,Swim,Walked and this has kicked me into kear!!!
    I even have a neck injury. I am doing a cleanse 2 days a week 2 Pro. shake and a 400 cal meal. it is working!!!!!
    This is my goal picture!!! 136 5'4"
  • SharonLynnFischer
    SharonLynnFischer Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My July goal is to loose 5 more pounds. I lost 38 pounds and 5 more will bring me 22 pounds to goal. I will incorporate the glyciemic index into the calorie count.
    This is pretty aggressive but goals make things happen.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    We ate at Jason's Deli for dinner tonight, I had the salad bar, brought my own low sodium chicken breast (I cut it into cubes, buy it at the deli at the store), and then for the first time in 4 months had about 2 oz of frozen yogurt...

    Anyway, knee/leg still killing me, canceled all plans for the weekend. Can't stand or walk without pain, no sleep, can't fight the pains at night, keep me up. Going to doc again hopefully on Tues or Wed. Cortisone shot not working.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone,

    :smile: Barbie, your dedication is inspirational. I joined MFP in 2009, but did not begin to seriously use the site until March 2011. This group has helped me stay focused and encouraged.

    :smile: Michele, I completed Cathe’s Hiit DVD workout. It is challenging; lots of jumping. The DVD has three different workouts. I started with what is suppose to be easiest of the three – 16 intervals of 30 seconds high intensity followed by 30 seconds low intensity. Today I completed Cathe’s Core Circuit. The workouts are part of her Shock Cardio system. My body is in shock.

    Jeanne, I am considering chiropractic treatments. I’ve been having leg pain, numbness and tingling for years. Traditional doctors have not made a clear diagnosis and suggested shots. About a year ago I visited a chiropractor and he explained how he could alleviate the problem. I was skeptical. Given all the specialist I’ve seen, and the lack of results, I am confident that the chiropractor is probably the route I need to take.

    :smile: Mary, I am keeping your tips in mind. DH and I BBQ for the holiday, which involves lots of food prep and tasting. I have some berries on hand. I am also drinking lots of water.

    :smile: Natalie, I wish I had some information that would help your knee. Sending in you some hugs.

    :bigsmile: June was a good month. I enjoyed the Cathe rotation. Albeit slow, I am seeing progress. I’ve noticed that my slips involving bad choices don’t last as long. I remember one day turning into a week, which turned into a month and sometimes several months of bad food choices and lack of exercise. I feel as though my changes are becoming habits and a new way of life.

    :glasses: July will be a busy month. This month involves the holiday family BBQ and some travel.

    My focus for July:
    Cardio(walking/jogging and core exercises)
    No food after 8:00 p.m.
    Continue with adding fruits and veggies to my meals.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,135 Member
    :cry: .Natalie, I am so sorry you are in so much pain…….this stuff always seems to happen at the beginning of a long weekend when you can’t get help for days.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, enjoy your time away from home…..I agree with you about wanting to have the biggest possible pile of food for my calories and vegetables are perfect for that……for my dogs I have those retractable leashes so I can easily shorten and lengthen the leashes as needed to control the dogs……I remember when I met Barb (weaklink) for a visit last year and went for a walk with her and her three dogs, even though I held the leash for one of her dogs, they kept getting tangled.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, I’m doing a lot of sorting and discarding and it’s hard and taking me a really long time

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Grainne, I see from your profile that you’ve lost a lot of weight already….congratulatons

    :flowerforyou: Helena, welcome to the group…….I look forward to hearing about how your two day cleanse turns out

    :flowerforyou: Sharon, welcome……aggressive goals can be good if you do them one day at a time and don’t let yourself get discouraged

    :bigsmile: I am one of the “doggy mamas” on this thread. My girls are standard poodles, Brandy and Sasha. They provide a lot of my exercise. I walk them individually first thing every morning then I walk them on leashes for an hour or more after breakfast and sometimes in the afternoon or evening. I take them to the off leash dog park for about an hour every afternoon and walk around the park while they chase birds and run around. I have two cats who entertain me in more sedentary ways. My husband is my best friend. We have been married for 22 years (my second marriage and his fourth) and love spending time together. I go to line dance classes three mornings a week and he plays golf, otherwise we are together.

    :flowerforyou: Lorri, thank you for the kind words about my dedication…..keep in mind that it took me until I was 63 years old to get it together. :laugh: It sounds like you are on the right path now….your goal to add more fruits and veggies is a great one.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We had the warmest day of the summer so far……it went up to 72 degrees…..the dogs spent a lot of time in the shade at the dog park……I spent time in the yard pulling weeds and enjoying the sunshine.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Mallwalking this morning led to shopping spree for my tiny pal (lost 85 lbs, 15 lbs from goal) but I stuck to my list (sheets and panties). I did try on some tops and couldn't rip them off fast enough, they looked HORRIBLE. Tinypal peeked in and said Barbara! You need a new bra! I resisted awhile but she finally dragged me to Macy's and got me fitted. Down from a 40D to a 38D, (verging on 36) and from 7 hooks to 4. AND it's lightweight, pretty and pink! Woo HOO! Haven't worn straps this narrow since before I quit smoking in '99. I'll try it out for a week and if it holds up :wink: I'll go back for black and white ones.

    :cry: Natalie your knee pain sounds serious! To tide you over til you can get to Dr, try this (from my therapeutic Yoga class). Find a hard cardboard roll (like from shelf paper) or a dowel. Lie down on the floor. Keep the good leg relaxed flat on the floor, gently flex the bad knee around the cardboard roll. Try to roll it up behind the thigh from the floor to behind the knee and back down to massage the muscles to stop spasming. If you can tolerate it , bring the roll up all the way behind the knee and keep it there while you B R E A T H E. Ice or a heating pad might help. The shooting pains sure sound like something is pressing on a nerve. This might help ease it off. I, too, recommend chiropractic for alignment/pinched nerve issues. Tore a ligament in my neck once and tearfully told the chiropractor that if he couldn't help me right now to please shoot me. One sharp adjustment and I was ready to live again.:bigsmile:
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Hi all, happy July!

    I hope to get to know you all better in July! My goals for this month are in my signature.

    After a crazy week I'm enjoying a quieter weekend with husband and daughter.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :frown: Sorry I've not been in touch for a while, I've been a bit distracted lately. The health scare I had when I thought everything was ok turned out to be not quite so ok and I have to have a small op (I'll explain more later) then I've been knocked off my feet with a summer cold, I feel exhausted - hopfully I've turned a corner today.

    Just marking my spot for later, hope everyone is okay.

    Chat again soon xx
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everybody. Just a quick note this a.m.

    Lorrie - I highly recommend chiropratic care.

    I have been headache free since Friday!

    Welcome to all newbies and those coming back after a break. Glad to have you!

    Have to run and get ready for church. God Bless Everyone!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just wanted to say enjoy today.Going to a family barbeque.
    Didn`t have a good day with food,was so hot and didn`t eat regular meals.
    Take care
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    All I can say is WOW! to some of the goals posted for July. It sounds like we are all committed to making the 2nd half of 2011 successful.

    We are not doing anything for the 4th. Everything has been cancelled or closed due to the fire danger. The public fireworks will be overly crowded this year, so this is a good year to skip it. But, we may change our minds tomorrow and go. All city,county, state and federal parks are closed and being patrolled. Between the smoke and the fire danger it will be a quiet 4th. Carcoal grills are highly discouraged even in your own yard. We have a gas grill, but I am still concerned about lighting it before it rains. We are suppose to get rain today and you will probably hear us all cheering.

    What I am doing to help get me back on track: I've gone back to exercising in small units when I don't have 30 minutes to do anything. I've opened up my diary to public view and turned on more updates. lol I figure "going public" will give me more accountability. I am going to buy some weights now that we don't belong to any gym.

    Have a great day and may we all be successful in meeting our goals today.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    :cry: Natalie your knee pain sounds serious! To tide you over til you can get to Dr, try this (from my therapeutic Yoga class). Find a hard cardboard roll (like from shelf paper) or a dowel. Lie down on the floor. Keep the good leg relaxed flat on the floor, gently flex the bad knee around the cardboard roll. Try to roll it up behind the thigh from the floor to behind the knee and back down to massage the muscles to stop spasming. If you can tolerate it , bring the roll up all the way behind the knee and keep it there while you B R E A T H E. Ice or a heating pad might help. The shooting pains sure sound like something is pressing on a nerve. This might help ease it off. I, too, recommend chiropractic for alignment/pinched nerve issues. Tore a ligament in my neck once and tearfully told the chiropractor that if he couldn't help me right now to please shoot me. One sharp adjustment and I was ready to live again.:bigsmile:

    Good Morning, wondered where everyone was yesterday... spent alot of time sitting by the computer, since I can't walk.. hurts to sit, knee is still killing me, leg has shooting pains from knee to groin and from knee to ankel, not good, took another celebrex at 9:30 last night, it helped me sleep somewhat along wiht a whole ambien...gotta call the doctor early Tuesday morning... cortisone shot has still not kicked in.
    The exercise you say, I can't do that... it's too painful,I have no idea why my knee hurts that way, but I hope to call the doctor early Tuesday morning and get into him, perhaps another synvisc one shot, which I have had in my other knee 3x already, don't know if that will be the answer or not.. sure the doctor will know.
    Yes I have lost about a pound a week, very slow, but I guess the way you described it, it's good that way, altho some people are losing 10 pounds a month... I just need to keep moving forward, altho I am not going to be able to exercise at all for a while, which is a bummer, but I will do the best I can. Walking is out totally, hope to be able to bike again in a couple of weeks, if the doctor can figure out why I am having so much pain in this leg.
    Having company over for dinner today, DH is going to do everything, since I can't do anything.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    sorry you are having so much trouble with your knee.Is it arthrits?I `am dealing with issues also.Had a knee repair in Feb,it`s been a long recovery.Some days are better than others.
    Hope you get some relief.
    take care
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Still eating, but exercising, way more than usual while on 4th of July vacation. NOT drinking alcohol is ALOT harder here (with friends and family enjoying the fine effects :sad: Oh well, I keep reminding myself of how horrible I would feel the next day - my body just says I am too old for such pleasures anymore.....but it sure was fun while it lasted!!!!!
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    sorry you are having so much trouble with your knee.Is it arthrits?I `am dealing with issues also.Had a knee repair in Feb,it`s been a long recovery.Some days are better than others.
    Hope you get some relief.
    take care

    So far no relief, had cortisone shot a week ago, actually on Wed morning, so you would think if it was going to work, it would have by now...
    I continue on MFP and 17 DD, I think I lost another pound, but won't post until tomorrow, been along 4 months of doing this, keeping at it, and will continue until I reach my goal of losing almost 40 pounds in total. I am just about 1/2 way there, by the end of the year.. eh?
    Today we are having friends for dinner, steak, corn, baked potato, salad, some appetizers...probably won't be hungry for dinner after all the goodies!!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Another great day and evening here. I spent most of the day in the garden.

    Now..:laugh: don't get excited!!
    :noway: Jackie has not had a major spurt of energy and spent it burning loads of calories doing the garden!
    No, my day was spent enjoying the peace and quiet and then ....:laugh: listening to 60's favourites!
    We had a late breakfast outside .........I had a lie in while DH stripped that paper in the kitchen. We had a BBQ this evening. "Make hay while the sun shines" methinks as the weather may break mid week.

    Major birthday card purchases needed tomorrow as I seem to have loads of birthdays at the begining of July. Anyone else fed up of getting shocks at the tills when you buy cards?:huh: Why on earth can't they put the prices on each card instead of the silly code system!!

    :flowerforyou: I'm trying to plan a girlie day with a school friend who lives fairly near me. Her birthday's early August and we thought it would be good to have a birthday catch up. We've known each other for 49 years!! Wow!! As we both went to school in the south of England it's a bonus we're near each other now.

    :flowerforyou: So everyone .......I hope you all have a good week.

    :heart: Jackie
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