
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member

    Son, his fiance, her parents, brother and SIL are all heading this way right now! Have been cleaning, cooking, cooking, and cleaning! Hope all goes well.

    Have a nice weekend, all. And for those of you traveling, be safe, please!:heart::heart: Kackie
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    I am on vacation (camping trip for the 4th of July) and eating MUCH more than usual, but also having the opportunity to exercise ALOT more - like this morning's 15 mile bike ride!!!! Hopefully it will all balance out for a thinner/healthier me in July!!!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone .................

    :flowerforyou: Happy Canada Day .........Will and Kate do seem to have Wowed everyone there!!

    :noway: Today .we're still dusty!! Things are taking shape and I can't wait to get cracking with decorating. Once the lower ceiling was started it was obvious that the original ceiling sloped!! About 3" difference from one end to the other!! The previous room was quite narrow so you never noticed!! :laugh:

    We've had a great evening ....sitting on the decking with a small chiminea lit......burning some of the timber from the partition wall.
    A great start to July.

    :drinker: Be healthy folks .....lose lots!
    I still marvel at the huge losses some of you have made......such inspiration for everyone else.

    :heart: Jackie
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    What I would like to accomplish this month is making a more structure time for my workouts. It can be tough when some days I work 8am to 6pm and some days are 9am to 9pm.....I want to be able to get down to the bike trail to take a ride. And somewhere along the line find time to do all the other things around the house. I am eating healthy and enjoying it. I would like to drop another 10# during July as well.

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I had a few slow spots in June but ended up with a good loss at the end.:drinker: ..I'm working on ramping up the weights on some of the machines I use at the gym and have found that if I don't lean my bottom against the back of the recumbent bicyle seat that I really have to use those glutius maximus muscles, (probably spelled that wrong, but you all know what I mean) a lot more. I'm hoping this will help me get rid of a little junk in the trunk during July. :laugh:

    I so admire and envy those who have the goal of losing 10 pounds this month :flowerforyou: but for some reason it comes off at a much slower rate for me...I have only gone over my recommended calorie amount one day in June and that was just by a few alories and we go to the gym 3x's a week so I feel I am doing my part and have to accept that it is what it is. My goal at this time is to lose a little over 10 pounds more and we will see when that happens if I want to revise my goal and continue to lose a little more.

    Hotter than a pistol here:explode: and not cooling off for the 4th.:explode:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    okay I need some encouragement or good words or whatever you feel like saying to me. I weighed on Monday for regular weigh day. I weighed 193. when beth asked me to join the weight loss challenge I thought we were going to have to weigh in tonight so I wanted to weigh on my scale to see if same as theirs. I weighed 198 this afternoon. I NEVER weigh except in morn naked. So is this just normal for end of day or what. I was very discouraged at first and mad but I settled myself down and mowed the rest of lawn. I have been staying in my caloires and doing some excersise so no reason for gain. Barbie I know you weigh twice daily so I guess you would know if gain like that is normal or not. We ended up not weighing today but will go early in morn so hopefully tomorrow will be better. thanks for listening and letting me vent. this is why I only weigh weekly and early morn cause gets me down. again thanks. will let you know how tomorrow turns out.
    vicki M
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    I am having problems also, the scale isn't budging, can't imagine what I am doing wrong either. I have 6 pounds to go and it is impossible.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,135 Member
    :flowerforyou: wow, it's great to see how many women have posted already.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, I am so glad to see you participating in this thread.....I've missed you

    :flowerforyou: Wishful, it's good to see you again, too

    :flowerforyou: to all the new members, I hope you will find the encouragement and support from this thread that you are seeking. It takes a few days of reading posts and responding before you feel like part of the group.:bigsmile: never never never give up......and don't get discouraged.......ask questions and use the answers to help you through the tough times.

    :bigsmile: my goal for June was pretty vague (dance more) but I think I did some more dancing
    especially while walking the dogs.....my goal for July is a little more specific
    upper body exercises three times a week
    before I started writing this post I got out my three pound hand weights and did 10 minutes of stuff I learned from a video.......now if I can just do it again and again until it becomes a routine.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and, of course, maintaining my weight is always my goal:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I wore my Canada t shirt to line dance this morning in honor of Canada Day and for the rest of the weekend I'll wear my shirts with the US flag......we have no special plans for the weekend which means that I'll have lots of time to go through boxes of pictures and do all my walking with the dogs

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my darling hubby decided that he would be in charge of our Sabbath dinner so he went to the fresh fish store and bought enough fish for three meals and a special lunch for us
    the lunch was creamy halibut sweet potato soup......he asked them about sodium before he bought the soup and they said they don't cook with salt so the soup was perfect
    for dinner he baked the black rock cod with onion and made a fabulous salad with onion, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and spinach.

    :bigsmile: Vicki, I have been weighing myself twice a day for over a year.......just before bed and first thing in the morning right after using the toilet, wearing the same clothes (nightshirt and socks).......between bedtime and morning my weight differs by 3-5 pounds depending on things like how recently I drank water or ate my last snack, sodium content of the day's food, and possibly the slower digestion of certain foods........I watch for the trends and don't take any single weight seriously.....if I weigh myself after my AM shower my weight is often up a pound because of water, tea, and breakfast :drinker: :drinker: if you are part of a weight loss challenge, the important thing is to weigh at the same time of day, in the same (or similar clothes) and on the same scale.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I wish you the best on your job challenge.........relax and exercise and don't get discouraged.

    :flowerforyou: Natalie, you are so right......slow and steady wins the race........for those of us with a bad weight history, any loss is better than the gains we have been used to.:sad: sorry to hear that you are still in pain

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just finished reading through my high school yearbooks in anticipation of discarding them......high school was not my finest hour nor my best memories but my hubby keeps telling me that I was cute then and he would have dated me then if he had known me.:heart::bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Enjoy your holiday weekend and remember that it is not about the food :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    suzzyque - glad to have you back! You were missed.

    Alice - happy anniversary!

    Stopped at one food store today before mahjongg because I had some of their organic strawberries and they were gooooooooodddddd, so I wanted more. Only they were out. Jessica also wanted me to get her some spaghettios. I don't know what's come over me, but I had a bite of their free sample of sugar cookie. Yes, it was only one bite. But why did I even WANT it? For the longest time, they're out and I have no desire for them. Why now?

    Mr. Popper's Penguins and Bridesmaids is playing at the movie theaters. Jessica wants to go. Guess I need to make up my "going to the movies" pocketbook.

    Did an hour on the stairmaster today. It's not going to last very long, they just keep repairing it and repairing it. Wish they'd get a new one or at least a decently reconditioned one. Tomorrow...yoga

    Jessica is here right now. Today we went to the movies (Vince took my car to get new tires). We saw Mr. Popper's Penguins. I thought it was pretty good. Took 100 calorie popcorn, some grapes, an orange, almonds (never ate them), buffalo jerky (never ate that), carrots, asparagus (never ate that). Had another 24oz of water. Then when we got home Jessica and Vince wanted dinner so I made them spaghetti. I honestly didn't feel like having any so I had a bowl of cereal with strawberries. That, to me, was a good dinner. Then I had the buffalo jerky and 1/4 of my banana chocolate chip muffin. What I do is take the recipe and make them into mini muffins, so about 4 of the mini muffins equals 1 large muffin. Many times I don't want a whole muffin so those minis work well for me (plus, it keeps the calories etc down)

    Vince and Jessica were commenting that I'm obsessive about healthy food. Maybe I am. I do measure out things. Well, the way I look at it, there are much worse things that I could be obsessive about.

    Vicki - my weight fluctuates +2-3# depending on the time of day, if I just had a lot to drink, if I just went to the bathroom or if my bladder is full, how much sodium I had recently. All those things affect your weight at different times of the day. that's why it is recommended that you weigh yourself at the same time in the same amount of clothing (none is probably most accurate -- you can do that in winter and in summer). I really wouldn't worry unless you see a definite trend towards an increase.

    Happy Canada Day and happy early independence day.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Wow! A new month already! June was a quick month. I did have a loss of 4.2 lbs...that was the difference between the end of last month and the last day of this month. On both days, my weight was up about 3 lbs from the norm. I am thinking of what you posted, Vicki, with weight differences between morning and other times in the day and I definitely have those kinds of ups and downs. I am doing a Weight Loss Challenge and we weigh in for that on Tuesday nights. It is so funny because I find that if I find about 20-30 minutes to lay down before the challenge, I see my weight drop from the morning weigh in.
    I need to get my goals ready for July. I am seeing the need for the goals I have. This month was a good month. My overall slow progress gets me frustrated but since coming onto this thread, I am seeing more progress...Thank you all for writing. It has helped with me being more consistent; with getting to the gym even when I don't want to go and it drinking my water and getting more fruits and vegetables in.

    We had a great day...taking a ferry to an island off our coast (Block Island) and spend the day exploring. This afternoon we took a swim in the very cold ocean. I made really good choices....until I got home. I am going to be done with that for today and get up, get to the gym and shop for the food I need! That's my first goal for July!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the birthday wishes, my MFP friends! New decade, here I come :drinker:

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Well here I am ready to whine some. I've battled a horrible migrain the whole last week in June. Was in hospital Mon. getting IV's and pain & anto nausea meds. Tues was in docs office and was given stronger pain meds (narcotis) needless to say both days were a total loss. Wed I was back in the hospital getting a CAT scan of my head (luckily the results were normal). My doc said he thought the problem was in my neck and back. So a friend recommended a chiroprater she uses and they got me in right away. Thur they xray'd my neck and spine, Fri I went for my first adjustmen and to get the results of the xrays. My neck is going in the opposite direction it is supposed to go and my spine is S shaped. Needless to say everything is out of whack. He gave me my first adjustment and the headache eased almost immediatly. He said to call him over the weekend if anything comes up that I don't feel is normal. He also recommended that I stay out of the sun and drinl 100 oz of water a day. He was concerned that I was so dehydrated that I needed IV's when I went into the hospital on Mon. So needless to say I have uped my fluid intake by alot and have changed my goals for July. I just want to maintain my weight but get everything else fixed.

    Welcome to all the newbies - we're glad to have you. I promise I don't usually whine an essay worth.

    Will try to post daily - hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    sorry you were having such a rough week.hopefully,you`ll get some relief.
    Take care of what you can 1st.You got it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,135 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeanne, I am so glad you went to the chiropractor. Years ago I was a skeptic about them and then I hurt my back and the chiropractor got me moving again..........they do such amazing things......when I hurt my knee last summer the chiropractor saved me again......best wishes to you for more pain free times:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well folks, I am in big pain, and don't know what to do about it, seems it always happens when the holidays come around, something always happenes...my knee, can't sit, can't stand, shooting pains up to my groin, shootings pains down to my ankle, has anyone experienced such a thing with their knee... my other knee, had a synvisc one shot in it.. don't know it that will help or not.
    Can't get in to see the doctor until Tuesday of course with the holiday...
    anyone exerience something like this with their knee?
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Welcome to everyone who’s new. This is the best spot on MFP! And, Barbie, you are the best for keeping it going. :heart: I’m grateful.

    For the next two weeks, I’ll be house and dogsitting and helping out with my sister and BIL's business. I’m getting a chance today to catch up with all my dear friends but this will put a major crimp in my MFP style.

    I had one kinda bad day, eating-wise, but it wasn't awful. We went out to Sweet Tomatoes, the local salad bar. Salad bars sounds like a good idea but the rolls and muffins, not to mention the baked potato (forgot about that for a minute), are way too tempting. :noway: It was a nice meal though and I'm back on track.

    75 pounds down, yippee! :bigsmile: I'm making progress after a long spell of maintenance (which was not a bad thing itself). I'm still teetering on the edge of moving down into the next decade for weight. That is major motivation.

    Happy Canada Day to the Canadians and Happy Independence Day to the Americans. I'm going to a band concert in the park on the 4th but not sure I'll get to any fireworks. I love them but don't know anyone who's going.

    To anyone who’s struggling with nibbling, the absolute best bet is to increase what you eat – but eat the right things. Veggies and fruit will do it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: When I’m feeling especially nibble-y (like now, that I’m housesitting and not in my own place.), I pay extra attention to getting enough good food. All those people who have such great willpower – either they’re masochists or they eat lots of fruits and veggies! :wink:

    Jane, the wedding sounds lovely. Thanks for the pics.

    Alice, congrats on your anniversary. :heart:

    Michele, I have no idea about roasting swiss chard. That’s a new one to me. The only times I’ve had it (not roasted) I thought it was tough. I’ll look forward to hearing about different ways to cook it.

    Welcome back to everyone who’s been MIA. It’s good to see you!

    To everyone who’s staying on track or getting back on track, whether the scale shows it or not, you are doing a wonderful job. You are doing this! We are doing this! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jeanne, I don’t think that was a whine; that was a victory shout! A normal CT scan and chiropractic that’s working. That’s awesome..

    Faye, congrats on the BP. It doesn’t get better than that!

    Susan, good to see you. Stopping at 10 pounds is a victory. :flowerforyou:

    Alice, I love it. BRING IT ON indeed! Great attitude. :laugh:

    Barbara, think of it. ONE night of being off track. You are doing a great job. :flowerforyou:

    Natalie, you are so right. I think about the tortoise and the hare all the time. It’s impressive when people lose weight fast but I’m most impressed when they keep it off. For me, losing slowly is giving me time to learn how to change the way I eat and make that a habit. I’ve got a lot of years of bad habits to undo. The time we’re taking to change how we approach food and eating is a great investment.

    Bada-bing, congrats on being smokefree. Woo hoo! :flowerforyou:

    Kackie, sounds like you’re in for a wonderful time. Keep on eating those fruits and veggies. I imagine you’re in for a tempting time! Stay strong.

    Colly, your vacation sounds wonderful. Isn’t it great how we can eat more when we exercise! That was a revelation to me!!!

    Jackie, remodeling is exciting. It will be fun to see the transformation.

    Barbie, I don’t have fond memories of high school either. It’s odd though. I’ve felt unattractive my entire life, particularly in high school when I weighed far less than I do now. Being here on MFP and getting so much that’s positive – both in feedback and in example – for the first time, I’m feeling good about myself and how I look. The happy thoughts and attitude show up on the outside too. :happy:

    Rebel, welcome to the sexy sixties. Hmm…gone too far. How about the satisfying sixties. YES! :drinker:

    Natalie, I’m sending hugs. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I hope you get some relief soon. Knees are so tricky. I do know a couple of people who’ve had knee replacements and are (literally) jumping up and down they feel so good. I don’t think that’s recommended (!) but I am amazed at the progress in things like that. (First things first though. I hope it never gets there!)

    Keep eating your fruits and veggies. Honestly, when I eat more, I lose more weight. Eat less and I stay the same. Besides, they taste wonderful!

    Oops. Almost forgot to mention...I met my June walking goal...on July 2. :laugh: I feel good about it (fantastic in fact) as I doubled my goal when I met my original goal mid-month. This month, I'm aiming for half way in between the two goals. It promises to be scorching hot (107 expected tomorrow!) so I'll be doing less walking and more swimming. (Good thing I got that pseudo suit, huh?!)

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening .............

    From a Sunny N.Wales. :glasses: The day's been lovely here. Washing was dried on the line and back indoors in no time.

    I decided to clean the 1st floor bedrooms and bathroom this morning. :noway: I was fed up of doing a "Soft shoe shuffle" in the dust!!
    Maybe on Monday we'll remember to close the upstairs doors before the work begins! Especially when they start cutting into the floor tiles.:smile: All the bedding got changed too ........In the middle of the night I was taking off the pillow slips to avoid the dust. I drew the line at a complete linen change in the small hours!!

    :bigsmile: Well ........I made the 10lb lost!! Didn't quite get to my goal weight for June and have left my July goal at getting to 147lb...another 4lb off.......:ohwell: .I'm hopeful!!

    Soooo.............I hope you all have a great Sunday. We've nothing planned. A bit of wall paper to strip before they finish the ceiling next week.:laugh: DH is good at stripping!! ......
    Have a good start to your July everyone.

    :heart: Jackie
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mimi – So glad to hear your daughters surgery went well.

    Oh, Sweet Tomatoes is one of my favorite places to eat. The salads are wonderful and the Joan's Broccoli is to die for. But you sure are right about all the breads, Italian dishes and desserts. It's a hard place to eat sensibly in for sure!

    Susan – Nice to have you back in the fold. You are so right – the only day that matters in today Yesterday is gone and tomorrow can take care of itself! :laugh:

    This is just a quick note. I popped in to log my lunch. I have been rooting through the room in the house that used to be my office before I retired. I had thrown out/given away/sold much of the stuff but I hadn't finished the job. I suddenly got inspired to really get it ALL done. Gee, it's only been a couple years since I retired... :embarassed: Bits and pieces, paperwork, disks and manuals, things that need to be filed and just stuff that has accumulated around and on top of the work mess. Well, I think you're getting the idea. It's kind of like trying to sort out junk drawers – what's this? do I need it? and where do I put it so I will remember where it is if I do keep it? I will have this done before I go to bed!

    Having the extended family over the 4th and want this done by then. Perhaps I will turn this into a dining room with a small computer nook when I'm finished. Right now the dining table is in the kitchen noon and it's a bit too cozy (crowded is a better term) when we have family dinners.

    Well back at it.

  • grace1611
    grace1611 Posts: 55
    Hi count me in please.:flowerforyou:
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