

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbiecat1 - another thing I thought of that doesn't need refrigeration -- what about those packages of tuna fish?

    barb -I've always wondered, once you go to a chiropractor for a back (or whatever) adjustment, do you need to continue to go for the rest of your life so that it can be adjusted regularly or once it's adjusted, you don't need to go any more? Thanks for checking out my menus. That means a lot because it's so hard when you're away from home (as I'm sure you know). I don't use a scale, only cups and measuring spoons so it's just so hard to judge how large something like a chicken breast is when I log it. But then again, I don't add in my exercise calories so I figure if I've under-recorded something, my exercise calories will make up for it. It sure helps in that we have the refrigerator, microwave, even stove here at the condo. Even tho most of our meals are eaten out, I can still do things like hard boil eggs, steam veggies for later use, etc. Sounds like you had a lovely walk! You know, when you get up at a certain time every day, your body gets adjusted to it. Like I usually get up around 6, there are many mornings when I wake up all by myself. Like today, I totally forgot to put my alarm on, but I still woke up in time to do an hour of yoga, then go buy a newspaper and go to mass.

    At one hotel we stayed at they had these boxes of .81oz of SpecialK Original cereal. Has something like 90 calories in it. I like them because I think I'll be able to leave them at the condo until we get here the next time. But...I wasn't able to get them in a food store. Yet, the WalMart down here sells something like 4 boxes. This isn't a multi-pack, it's just the SpecialK. I would prefer the SpecialK with protein, that was rated pretty highly by CSPI. However, guess I'll settle for the Original. What I've been doing is buying the bowls, but I feel that they're too much so I have half one day and half the next. Now I can have just one box. And...they sell organic strawberries here. Which reminds me...I'll probably buy more organic peaches.

    Has anyone ever had a partial knee replacemtent? How'd it work out. Vince will most likely need one sometime in the future. The MD said that the partial knee replacements last longer than the full knee replacements. Don't know if that's true or not. I'd like feedback from anyone who has had one as to how long the recovery was, etc.

    Glad I brought some yoga DVD's down here with me. Did one of them today. Tomorrow, there's this step cardio class at the Y here that I like so I'll take that. After that I do want to check out their Salvation Army store. I am looking for a shirt with cap sleeves with red in it. I tend to like lighter colors on my shirts since I'm so small on top. I also want to give them the pot from our old coffeemaker -- the one that had a leak in it. I threw out the coffeemaker but I've seen that pots like those are usually at the SA

    Tried one of those Dove ice cream miniatures today. Dove is pretty filling. Interestingly...when I went to log it, at first MFP said the item wasn't in the database. I was all ready to add it to the database when it came back that there was a match like mine. Wonder why it didn't show up the first time?

    Jeannie - that microwave steamer did come with a paper that gave you times for steaming the veggies. For the squash, I'm thinking that next time I'm going to try steaming them for less time than the directions tell you. Some of that might also be the wattage of the microwave. It's made by Handy Gourmet. It comes with two trays, one where you can put things like shrimp in and another one that can sit on top of it where you'd put your veggies in. For $7.99 it's quite handy and not real big.
    I add that "true lemon" to my water, just gives it a bit of a "zing" with no artificial stuff.

    Vince and I went to see the movie Super 8. It was pretty good. Of course, he liked it. Lots of things that blow up...lol But I found it interesting too. Wish it went into depth more about why the train was going thru the town and where it was headed. But I guess they like to leave some things open in case of a sequel.

    I've been sitting out at the pool for a bit almost every day. Usually, I have this sleeveless thing that I put on over my bathingsuit. Today, for some reason, I didn't. I THOUGHT I'd gotten lotion all on my back, but I was wrong. Now I'm itching. Guess I'll just wear that from now on.

    Deborah - I'm so glad you finally got a correct diagnosis. I remember fighting tooth and nail with my MD at the time because I wanted a bone density test. I just knew something wasn't right. She didn't want to do it because I "wasn't old enough". Finally, she ordered it. Honestly, I think she order it more to shut me up than anything else. But she was very surprised when the test came back that I had osteoporosis. I KNEW something was wrong, I didn't know what. So glad you got things worked out for you.

    Welcome Cheryl and lee!

    Jackie - sounds like you've been busy.

    Guess I'll start another placemat (crochet). Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Deborah: Wow...what an ordeal you have been through! What happened is a good lesson to all of us...We have to be persistent with our own health care. I am so glad that you got to the right place and hope each day that you feel better and better! Glad you are back. Take care!

    Lee: glad to hear from you too. One day at a time...

    Cathy: You do have a long day and I am sure that it is difficult to fit in exercise. You probably just need to fit in little bits at a time as much of the day as you can. I have a friend who makes this work for her busy day. 10 minutes up and down some stairs...10 minutes brisk walk from parking to office, some jumping jacks in her office when no one is looking...etc. etc. and she always does a quick walk after dinner, even if only to the end of the street and back. It seems to work for her and she says it keeps her energy level up. Good luck. I am sure this would be very difficult for me too. Good luck!

    . I did go to the beach early yesterday morning and get a walk in...very nice, but the smoke from the FL fires started to creep in and the air was not the best. With my stuffy head, I did not walk as long as I would have liked in that air. I feel so sorry for folks living close to that area...it must be awful. We only get some effects when the wind blows a certain way as it is many miles away.

    Off to cook my morning oatmeal...have a Good day everyone! :heart: :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26

    mimi - lately I've been getting comments from Vince about my eating since most places I always ask for my veggies not to have butter on them and I usually don't put butter or sour cream on my baked potato. Like tonight he commented that I had a "dry" dinner -- a grilled chicken breast, baked potato (no toppings), steamed veges (I asked that no butter be put on them) and just water to drink. He makes a point of the fact that I don't want things buttered because they usually put waaaaayyyy too much butter on the veges and I'd prefer to taste the vege. He compares that to his not liking spices on foods. But butter isn't a spice, so he's really comparing apples to oranges. Now to get him to understand that!

  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Based on the communication quoted above, I DID NOT add my usual butter and salt to my baked potatoe last night - and I found it to be quite delicious just as it is!!!!!! Thanks for the idea!

    I am heading into three incredibly stressful days, and need extra resolve NOT to eat my way through the stress :noway: Nibbling through stress has always been a bad habit of mine. Hopefully, remembering that I have MFP Ladies backing me up will help me keep my mouth CLOSED to mindless, self-indulgent eating during all three days.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning My Friends:

    Do you know what, I did try something different today, after my long drive in to work, I actually put on my sneakers and went for a half hour brisk walk before I went in to the office (I always am early to work anyway), so, I think that is what I am going to try, at least while the good weather is here. Thanks by the way for the suggestions. If I have to meet clients early, which I sometimes do, I will just HAVE to somehow work that walk in some other time through the day. I will see if getting that extra half hour brisk walk gets my weight moving in the right directon :wink:

    Well, I do have to go. As I said my bosses are away and I am left in charge and I have closings to do and clients to meet so it will be a crazy few days and the deals I am working on have a multiitude of problems to be solved and I have no boss tohelp me :sad:

    So, I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday and those that have been feeling poorly, that you start to feel better.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Deborah1954
    Morning everyone!

    I'm not up on all the latest news so it's difficult for me to chat yet. I guess I'll just post until I get more familiar with the latest news. Today looks like more rain (or at least clouds) in the forecast. We had a terrible spring ~ it rained (read: poured) all of June without so much as a small break. We are now being bombarded by armies of mosquitoes! Apparently, it's the worst year in the past ten and I am so allergic to their bite. :sad: Our dog, Sacha, doesn't seem bothered but when we're out with her they land on her hair and follow her back into the house. Newsflash: I took a bath this morning with one! :laugh:

    I'd like to thank everyone for the encouraging words about my recent illness and diagnosis. Just got a letter in the mail about my next ECHO (heart ultrasound) and my appointment is for July 22 ~ the results will let the cardiologist know if I can finally be taken of the Warfarin meds (fingers crossed).

    So, my husband went back to work today after a two-week vacation at home with me. He was able to build two retaining walls on the hills in our back yard where there is so much shade that the grass doesn't grow. I don't feel so bad about not going anywhere this summer because we have a trip planned for Mexico in November. We had originally booked for March of this year, but I was too sick to go. We also have another trip planned next May to take my daughter and her family to Mexico ~ Ethan and Jake will be old enough to really enjoy the trip. My son and his fiance are getting married next February and the wedding will be held in Cuba! So, we will travel a lot in the next while ~ I'm happy, but would have liked more time between vacations! :ohwell:

    Off to run a few errands, then home to finish and put away the laundry. Here's hoping everyone has a productive and safe day! :drinker:

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone,

    I have not had the time to catch up on all the post. I've been away from this discussion for a few days. I am trying to get back on schedule.

    I am changing my exercise goals for Jul. I started with the goal of cardio/core. I miss my Cathe strenght training and will return to those workouts. I've also decided to complete the Couch to 10K running plan. The program is 13 weeks and the goal is to run an hour at the end of the 13 weeks. I think the Couch to 10K is actually easier than the Couch to 5K; the 10K plan has more recovery time built into the interval run/walk. I don't know that this will do for weight loss, but I miss running and that is something I want to do and am willing to do so for the rest of my life.

    I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I've totally lost my appetite! It's almost 6:30 in the evening and I've just realised that I've not had anything to eat since my breakfast shake. Not good - I have to get my rear in gear and start eating regularly again.

    Had a busy day with my daughter and the grandtwins. We were sorting out their clothes for the christening. While we were at it, we tried on their fancy dress outfits .... as seen in my new profile picture!

    DH's father was rushed into hospital last night. He has prostate cancer which has now spread to the bowel. They have sent him home today as there is basically nothing more to be done except keep him comfortable. There has been no timescale given, but things do not look good. Prayers are always welcome.

    My love to you all - I'm so sorry that I haven't been doing individual replies of late, but please know that I think of you all and wish you all health and happiness each day.

    Catch you all soon.

    Amanda x
  • Deborah1954

    DH's father was rushed into hospital last night. He has prostate cancer which has now spread to the bowel. They have sent him home today as there is basically nothing more to be done except keep him comfortable. There has been no timescale given, but things do not look good. Prayers are always welcome.

    Amanda x

    Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL and send my prayers for his care and recovery. Also prayers will be sent to the physicians and nursing staff as they try to do their best to help him.

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    Hello Beautiful Ladies!

    I am not yet 50, but I AM perimenopausal. I have been on MFP for about a year now, and log in every bite I eat. I cannot lose anything, and I exercise about 4-5 days a week. I do cardio and weights, kickboxing, Turbo Fire, yoga, etc. Exercising isn't my problem, losing weight is. The hormones are seriously messed up! MFP put me at 1200 cals. I never had to lose weight before, and now that I have to, (or would like to) it seems impossible. I would REALLY love to hear some success stories from you lovely ladies, fighting the same fight as I am.

    Thanks for listening,
    Mary Anne
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Ok Ladies, who has had a knee replacement recently, within the last couple of years... tell me about it..
    I saw ortho doc, and I am going to go to physical therapy, and try that, if that does not work, I have scheduled my right knee for replacement... can cancel it if PT helps...
    I think I lost another pound, so I recorded it..
    Have not eaten much today, was at doctors all day, didn't have a chance..
    Will eat later..
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I have struggled today….don’t you just hate it when it gets hard to do what we need to do! I spent the morning at the DMV. I need to register and change plates to a new second car we will use. It was over a three hour wait for what took about 5 minutes of service. I got home (had a salad for lunch). A friend dropped in and stayed and stayed and stayed. In my head I am thinking of all I need to do and the big mistake I made was cutting out my gym time. Sometimes I think I have come so far in getting my good habits to be a way of living and then a day comes up and I crash. I plan to drink my water tonight, go to bed early and be ready to have a great day tomorrow. Thanks for your post…

    Barbie….what a great post. Just what I needed to read tonight.

    Lorrie…good for you for readjusting your goals. I think really assessing what works and what causes a struggle is important in this process.

    Amanda…sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

    Natalie…another pound…good for you. I hope the PT helps your knee.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Chicka: welcome, welcome! We are happy to have you and most of us have faced what you are now. Regarding SLOW weight loss...that seems to be a common complaint around here too. I think that when you are used to exercising a lot anyway, which I was too, our bodies just adjust to the decreased calories. VERY frustrating, isn't it:grumble: I am far from the perfect example of what to do, BUT, the only way I seem to be able to get the scale to move is to do interval training, getting my heartrate up by adding in some jogging and mixing up what I do. I also seem to need to do more than one workout a day. Adding an evening bike ride or brisk walk on top of an earlier, interval-type training session AND managing the right foods and water, make the scale move. Now... I know what works for me, but I don't obviously do it in a consistent way or I would be at my goal by now. (I can stay on track for weeks but seem to fall off when life gets hectic with travel, houseguests or things like that. Then I gain back some of what I struggled to lose:noway: :noway: ). The women who have done the best here pick something that they can live with every day and LOG EVERYTHING EVERYDAY...so you are on your way and I am sure that you will have success. Hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Amanda; You take care of yourself, ok? And i am thinking of your family & your FIL:heart:

    Sally: You are doing great...be kind to yourself!

    Everyone else...Take care and hope you're having a good day.

    I leave SO early tomorrow morning to make my way out to MT for a while. Trying to close up house, move plants, etc. I am looking forward to the cool, mountain air. It is sticky, hot summertime here now. The good news is I am feeling better and have gotten my 4 fast miles done indoors today. Doesn't it feel good when you're done?:flowerforyou: See you soon, Kackie
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Started PT last night, she is really good, knee felt better.. but my back, stopped the chiropreactor, he hurt my hip trying to do something, now iceing, bummer...and will probably have a knee replacement next month (after our daughhter gives birth to her baby)...

    I am down another 2 oz... 21 pounds in total since Mrch 7, long time long haul, but I am sticking to it, can't exercise at all, so I am happy I am losing anything.
    I am following the 17 DD kionda, I am on c3, D8,r2, don't know how much I have lost this cycle, but I do know I lost something, could be I have lost my appetite from the pain meds (celebrex).l

    Going to try and do some water aerobics (non weight bearing) and see if that helps.

  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    @Natalie: I hope all goes well for you, your daughter and up & coming new grandchild. Good for you losing without excercising.
    I don't lose if I don't exercise. Lost 20 lbs. since Mar 28. I also swim and do water aerobics. Keep that up. I believe it will acutally help your knee and hip. I am in awe of how my aches & pains disappeared being on a regular exercise routine of biking, walking &
  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    Sally: I know what you mean about the 1st thing we give up on a busy day is usually our exercise. I am guilty of that one. Please don't beat yourself up about it. Life sometimes gets in our way. Look at your success and how many times you went to the gym for the week. Next time a friend drops by, go for a walk while you talk! Keep it up, push forward and don't look back.
  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    @Mary Anne: Pre - Peri - Post....any menopause stage throws off our metabolism. I went to the gym for a year and lost no more than 5 lbs. I finally consulted my gyno and totally fit son. They both told me to lay of the carbs. Including fruit. I did just that and
    lost 20 lbs since Mar 28th of this year. When I think I can eat carbs again....I do and then stop losing. It's crazy I know! Here is a sample of what I eat. Its alot of food and I'm never hungry.

    Breakfast: 1/2 c. oatmeal dry - (my only carb for the day)
    5 large eggwhites
    4 T Salsa

    Snack: Optimum Whey Protein Drink
    16 almonds or other kind of nuts

    Lunch: Giant Salad
    3 cups combo of lettuce & spinach
    2 Persian cucumbers
    1/2 c. grape tomatoes
    And any other veggie you want to throw in
    4 oz turkey or chicken breast or tuna

    Snack: Same as abovd

    Dinner: 6 oz protein (chicken, fish or turkey) no red meat
    2 cups of any veggie or another Giant Salad or both

    Snack: If needed. If you get hungry or if you haven't eaten all your calories.

    Lots and lots of water! (I drink 80 to 128 oz per day)

    I hope this helps Mary Anne. If you decide to try this, please let me know how it goes.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    collycan - glad to give you the idea of no butter on the baked potato. An added benefit is that sometimes it can be a bit dry, but that makes you want to drink more water. Am I sneaky or what?

    Tonight (Mon) Vince is talking about going to Subway for dinner and then to Brusters. I alread have my cukes cut up and some radishes (will make me want to drink more water). I'm taking an apple and, I think, a peach with me to Brusters. Last time we were there, there really wasn't much that I wanted. I think I wound up not having anything at all. They didn't have a small (child) size cone even. Update: I made a BAAADDD mistake, I had my fruit all with me but then I caved in and had 2 scoops of sherbet. Shouldn't have had that, just should have stuck to what I'd already planned on. Well, I learned a very good lesson. Today (Tues) we went to the Space Center. there was this turkey sandwich which looked like it was decent. But I just had a salad with some veggies that I'd brought like I'd planned. Didn't have the turkey sandwich. Wish I'd brought a package of the tuna with me, tho.

    We did find one restaurant around here that doesn't give you humongous portions and the food is fairly decent. There I wouldn't mind going back.

    Went to the Y here today (Mon) and did 45 min of a cardio step class. Evidentally, the Monday class is geared for newbies because there was a lot of repetition. But that doesn't mean that I couldn't ramp it up which I did. Then I did 15 minutes of abs. Unfortunately, there wasn't any focus on the back. that seems to be the way it is in any abs class -- all abs and little or no back, and you really do need to work the opposing muscles. Tomorrow I'll take a zumba class, at least I'll have an excuse for looking so awkward....lol Plus...they won't see me for a few more months. Then there is a cardio strength class that I'll take. I would stay for the abs and then try the yoga but I know that Vince wants to go bowling so I'll leave early. He didn't tell me that he wanted to go back to the Space Center today or else I wouldn't have gone to this restaurant supply store or the Salvation Army or the health food store. This is the ONLY place where I can get hulless barley. I'd swear that they used to have a package of unsalted pumpkin seeds, but they didn't have any this time. At the restaurant supply place I got these holders like you see in restaurants for sugar packets and sugar substitute packets. I only had to buy 2 of them. The guy was very nice and gave me a few filters for my large coffee pot. I don't use the coffee pot very much -- only like 2 or 3 times/year. They sell the filters in boxes of 1,000. That would last me until I died and until my children died....lol

    Deborah - good thoughts being sent your way.

    Amanda - prayers coming your way.

    Took a 45 minute zumba class today (Tues) and then 45 min cardio strength training class. I would really have liked to have tried their yoga class at 10, but Vince wanted to go to the Space Center so I left after the strength class. Tomorrow, I'll do some HIIT since Vince wants to go bowling early (because there is a free extreme bowling for kids at 1, it probably lasts until around 3 or 4, then there are most likely leagues). I've been utilizing the pool here, but I only stay out for about an hour/day because I burn easily.

    You know, Vince told me today that Jessica is very concerned that I'm losing weight. I've been keeping track of my weight for the past few years, and I really haven't lost anything. Some weeks up a few pounds, some weeks down a few pounds. I think I'll update that spreadsheet and show it to Jessica to prove to her that I'm really not losing weight. I've sort-of checked my menus since being down here. Every day my protein number is higher than the fats. Of course, carbs is going to be highest since veges and fruit are high in carbs. Oh, what kind of fish is the best to have, I guess there are different things like salmon is higher in calories but also high in omega 3's.

    Looks like Vince is getting ready for dinner. Better go! Best to everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Today has been a sad day. We had our 16 year old cat, Haifa, euthanized. Some of you remember his blood glucose problems at the beginning of 2010 and how we thought we’d lose him then. So he has been living on time we never expected and has had a great life. For a few weeks we have been pretending that nothing was wrong but we finally knew it was time and when the vet saw him, he agreed. We held Haifa’s paws as he drew his last breath purring all the time and now he is over the rainbow bridge with his cat brothers, Noah and Trouble, and his Golden Retriever sister, Shilo.

    Haifa's picture is my avatar today.

    We found Haifa abandoned at a rest stop about 100 miles from our house in 1995. We saved his life and gave him sixteen years with a loving family.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Today has been a sad day. We had our 16 year old cat, Haifa, euthanized. Some of you remember his blood glucose problems at the beginning of 2010 and how we thought we’d lose him then. So he has been living on time we never expected and has had a great life. For a few weeks we have been pretending that nothing was wrong but we finally knew it was time and when the vet saw him, he agreed. We held Haifa’s paws as he drew his last breath purring all the time and now he is over the rainbow bridge with his cat brothers, Noah and Trouble, and his Golden Retriever sister, Shilo.

    Haifa's picture is my avatar today.

    We found Haifa abandoned at a rest stop about 100 miles from our house in 1995. We saved his life and gave him sixteen years with a loving family.

    Before anything else I have to say ... I want to say I'm so so sorry for your loss. I too had to let my 16 year old cat "Fracker" up last year. It truly broke my heart ... she had kidney failure at the end after many years of other little troubles. Man I miss her so much but it was the right thing to do. My thoughts are with you during this time of sorrow.