

  • Deborah1954
    It's been such a long day for me ~ went to get my blood taken this morning and picked up some groceries on the way back. Bought a new rain jacket the other day but the sleeves are SO long ~ actually, I've been told I have short arms for someone my height. Anyway, after struggling with DH last night to get him out of his rain jacket (faulty zipper), I took both jackets to the tailor today. I used to do a lot of sewing but just can't be bothered to pull out the sewing machine anymore. Got home, grabbed a quick lunch, put in a lean beef roast to use for sandwiches, and threw together a pork chop dish for the slow cooker.

    While I was in the hospital, I shared a room with a great lady who was suffering with liver problems. Her symptoms were so similar to mine and we supported each other for the week while we were being poked, prodded and tested. We'd chat long into the night if one of us had trouble sleeping and exchanged phone numbers when I was discharged the day before she was due to go home.

    I've been calling her at least once a week but they don't appear to have an answering system. What they do have though is a cabin at the lake where she spends the summers. I was finally able to reach her husband this afternoon and was saddened to hear that she passed away on Monday. Apparently, she slipped in the bathroom and hit her head on the side of the tub. She wasn't able to get out of bed again. Her husband spoke with a very thick accent so I didn't quite understand what caused her death, but my heart goes out to their entire family ~ she had two lovely daughters and a year old grandson who she took care of while her daughter and SIL worked. Very sad indeed...

    Well, DH just got home and took Sacha for a walk, so I guess I should start the veggies. A great evening to all!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    sorry to hear about your friend.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    oh, barb - tears for you. You know that we had to have PJ and Sadie put to sleep, so I know exactly how you feel. My thoughts are with you.

    Welcome magglet! We're so glad to have you

    deborah - how do you handle things like "no outside food or beverage"? I've used the "I need this (my snacks) for medicinal purposes" line. I always keep some "True Lemon" in my pocketbook to give my water an added taste with no calories. But when you go to a restaurant, it's not like you can exactly add your own veges (wish I could, tho). Vince couldn't get over the fact that I'd gotten a salad at the Space Center yesterday and then added some squash that I'd brought. I also wanted to finish up the squash. I have another "going to the movies" pocketbook that I'm going to bring down here. It, honestly, looks like a pocketbook but I can put a 24oz bottle of water in it plus my snacks. So sorry to hear about your friend.

    Found organic peaches down here! Can't get them by me so I stocked up. Wonder how long they'll last in the refrig? Well...I'll find out. One thing, tho, is that the peaches are small to medium.

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today then we bowled 4 games. Boy, am I out of practice! Out of 4 games, I just barely broke 100 once! Going to take a dance/toning class tomorrow and then the cardio strength class. I would love to stay for the abs and try out the yoga, but I need to clean the condo.

    Viv - how long has your cat been on the thyroid tablets? We had Sadie on them and they didn't last very long so he had the radioisotope treatment. Worked like a charm for us and gave us about 3 more years.

    Sissy - you enjoy that pizza, you might even want to bring home leftovers!

    Natalie - good thoughts for the 11th.

    We went to Denny's this evening for dinner. I got the tilapia ranchero but instead of the cheddar mashed potatoes, I had two orders of steamed broccoli. Were the orders small! then, for dessert -- get this -- I had their veggie dipper side. It consisted of 4 carrots, 4 celery sticks, and 3 cucumbers. But I think that the broccoli and veggies are probably about equal to the calories in the cheddar potatoes.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    Barb, so sorry to read about the passing of Haifa. A house is not a home without an animal, and we have had our share of rescue kitties. Maybe Haifa is playing with my two fur babies over the rainbow bridge.

    Deborah, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Life is so fragile, and such unexpected things can happen at any time. I keep reminding myself to enjoy every day.

    Have a nice Summer night, everyone.

    Mary Anne
  • Deborah1954
    Thank you all for your kind words. I can't seem to stop thinking about it but life must go on ~ and it is fragile for sure. :cry:

    Michele, my lunch bag in the car works only when I'm running errands, etc. Any restaurant eating would, of course, be quite a different story. As for movies, I have this massive purse that I fondly call my 'movie purse' and it fits homemade popcorn, a drink, a tupperware container of fresh cut up fruit with plenty of room left over! :laugh: Eating properly when at a restaurant certainly is a thorn in my side ~ more restaurants need to be aware of the health issues that face many of their patrons. Surely, more salt reduced, lower fat, smaller portioned meals with more veggies than burgers and fries, or possibly reduced sizes of steaks that could feed a family of 6 could be worked into their menus. Low fat salad dressings should should not be too difficult either.!

    And that's what I think... sorry for ranting but I get so ticked. :mad:

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: thank you everyone for your kind words.:heart: I know that so many of you have had the same experience some very recently. Our other animals are a bit confused......they knew that Haifa was at the end and they were very protective of him.

    :sad: Deborah, I am so sorry to hear about your friend.

    :sad: :sad: Amanda, I am sad about your FIL:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we do have a bit of good news, we got two offers to buy our house and accepted one of them and then made an offer to buy a house that we really like and will find out tomorrow if the offer has been accepted.

    :yawn: :yawn: I would reply individually but I'm almost asleep :yawn: :yawn: hugs to all:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    Viv - how long has your cat been on the thyroid tablets? We had Sadie on them and they didn't last very long so he had the radioisotope treatment. Worked like a charm for us and gave us about 3 more years.


    Michele , Wispa (aka Wiz) has been on thyroid tablets for about a year now I think - my memory is awful - but he is due to go for a dental (must ring the vet today) but we needed to get him stabilised on the tablets first, so maybe it's not quite a year yet. Not sure if it's his teeth that are causing his lack of appetite or not, but he's turning his nose up at almost everything offered to him. He gets weighed every few months and had put a bit of weight on the last time, but I'm sure he's not eating as much now.

    Deborah, sorry about your friend, life is fragile as you say, and we never know what is around the corner. It puts things into perspective doesn't it and makes you appreciate what you have.

    Someone at work takes soya isoflavours for her hot flushes and said it has helped her, so I think a visit to Holland & Barrett (health store) is on the cards this weekend. I have been going crazy with flushes I hate them! This is one of the reason I got my hair cut quite short, I couldn't cope with a sweaty head :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Barbie good luck, hope your offer on the house you like is accepted.

    It's that time again I'm like a broken record I'm late I'm late is all I seem to say :laugh:

    Catch up with you later have a great day ladies.

    Viv xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good morning all.
    Barbie ,good luck with the houses.
    Everyone have a wonderful day
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272

    I have just started a supplement, ( a couple of weeks now), and it *seems* to be working for the dreaded hot flashes. It is made by At Last Naturals, and is called Meno-Herbs with Red Clover, Menopause and Perimenopause Support. It contains a ton of isoflavones and natural estrogen. It was recommended to me at the local natural supplement store. I also saw it at The Vitamin shop for around $16.00. The flashes are slowly diminishing, I've noticed. I used to have them several times an hour, and the sweat would literally be pouring down my back and front, and even my arms and legs were sweaty, not to mention of course my face and head. SOOO sick of this! I hardly have them now, and I am not sweating like I used to. BUT my hormones could just be naturally shifting again, because I feel VERY PMS'y, and my teeth hurt from gritting them. I don't know. I'm going to keep taking them, though. The supplement might work for you.

    I had taken Black Cohosh in the past for a few weeks, and it worked IMMEDIATELY for me. This time around it didn't work at all. See how our hormones are in constant flux? Nothing is ever easy for us women!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Mary Anne
  • Deborah1954

    I have just started a supplement, ( a couple of weeks now), and it *seems* to be working for the dreaded hot flashes. It is made by At Last Naturals, and is called Meno-Herbs with Red Clover, Menopause and Perimenopause Support. It contains a ton of isoflavones and natural estrogen. It was recommended to me at the local natural supplement store. I also saw it at The Vitamin shop for around $16.00. The flashes are slowly diminishing, I've noticed. I used to have them several times an hour, and the sweat would literally be pouring down my back and front, and even my arms and legs were sweaty, not to mention of course my face and head. SOOO sick of this! I hardly have them now, and I am not sweating like I used to. BUT my hormones could just be naturally shifting again, because I feel VERY PMS'y, and my teeth hurt from gritting them. I don't know. I'm going to keep taking them, though. The supplement might work for you.

    Mary Anne

    I remember those drenched in sweat days very well and for me it usually happened when there were others around like at the office. At the time, I had shoulder-length hair and it would be drippy as I ran my fingers through it. :frown: I also took natural supplements for years (although the name escapes me) with good success. Going through menopause is a very uncomfortable journey...

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I have not been very talkative lately. Just busy. Barbie so sorry for your loss. I know how important your pets are to you. Deborah so sorry for you also. Even though you knew her such a short while still a loss for you. I too talke my snacks to the movie. My son used to work at the one we frequent and he says that at that one you can take your snacks in and there is nothing they can do because they have no signs. So I do. Recently hubby had a craving for hotdog so we went to sonic. I checked out website ahead of time to see what I would get . I was shocked to find out that sonic had nutrition info for every food they see, even condiments. If sonic can do it, any of restaurants can. I heard there was going to be a law passed hopefully it will be soon. I am doing good with eating and have been doing lots of exercise this week. hopefully will see a loss on Monday. I have been stalled since vacation. I need to go on another trip so I can lose. LOL. I am going to try to cut grass before next rainfall so I will check in later. Anyone in touch with Star, I private messged her but no response. kind of concerned for her. Have a good day ladies.
    vicki M
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272

    I have just started a supplement, ( a couple of weeks now), and it *seems* to be working for the dreaded hot flashes. It is made by At Last Naturals, and is called Meno-Herbs with Red Clover, Menopause and Perimenopause Support. It contains a ton of isoflavones and natural estrogen. It was recommended to me at the local natural supplement store. I also saw it at The Vitamin shop for around $16.00. The flashes are slowly diminishing, I've noticed. I used to have them several times an hour, and the sweat would literally be pouring down my back and front, and even my arms and legs were sweaty, not to mention of course my face and head. SOOO sick of this! I hardly have them now, and I am not sweating like I used to. BUT my hormones could just be naturally shifting again, because I feel VERY PMS'y, and my teeth hurt from gritting them. I don't know. I'm going to keep taking them, though. The supplement might work for you.

    Mary Anne

    I remember those drenched in sweat days very well and for me it usually happened when there were others around like at the office. At the time, I had shoulder-length hair and it would be drippy as I ran my fingers through it. :frown: I also took natural supplements for years (although the name escapes me) with good success. Going through menopause is a very uncomfortable journey...

    Deborah :flowerforyou:

    Yes, always happens at work too! LOL! My hair is long, and that's when I throw it up in a bun. I just turned 46. Ten years of this???????:noway:
  • Deborah1954
    Morning everyone! Just passing through on the way to pick up my DD and the little ones. Promised to take them out for breakfast (and NOT McDonald's) before we head over to Walmart. Usually these outings take much longer than anticipated, but I love being with them. :love: They're at that very cute age of 5 and 3 where one never knows what to expect. . And any misbehaving is dealt with by 'Mom' instead of Baba ~ such a treat to sit back and watch instead of having to deal with things. :bigsmile:

    Still raining here ~ my black-eyed susans are trailing up SO slowly due to so much moisture and the lack of warm sunny days and my tomatoes are drowning. Occasionally, I peek out the window and look at the deck and yard that we have been able to use ONCE this year. Don't want to complain though, because life is good and I am getting well. :smile: Besides, there's plenty to do inside...

    A great day to all!!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I got on the scale this morning, it was up 1 1/2 pounds, but we ate dinner out last night, and I had parmesean crusted chicken breast, and salad, and a veggie, and dunked chicken in some asiago sauce, (not alot) but I am sure it had something also to do with the fact that I had a piece of pizza (only ate the top, but it was sausage) for lunch.. so I was NOT very good yesterday, c3,D10,r2 for me... it's ok, scales fluctuate, I have learned, not worried yet.
    I did SLEEP a bit more yesterday, having the PT yesterday morning for an hour, and icing all day.. might try going to the pool and walking around, water is non weight bearing, so we shall see.
    Have a good afternoon..
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    First off, I wanted to direct a few comments to some of you:

    Barbie - so sorry for you loss of your beloved cat, it is never easy:flowerforyou: I am glad though that you have finally sold the house, Good for you. Now the hard part, the dreaded packing:noway:

    luv2laf1 - hi :smile:

    Amanda - my thoughts are with you and your DH. What a hard time you are going through :flowerforyou:

    Natalie - good luck with your tests and I sure hope that this knee surgery is the answer for you :happy:

    Sally - I have never heard of watermelon martini before but is sounds delicious :wink:

    Deborah - so sorry to hear of the passing of your friend :cry:

    I decided that I needed to get more exercise so every morning I am going for walks before I start work;l only walk for half an hour, but a good brisk walk and that way I am sure that I am at least getting some exercise eevery day.

    I hope everyone else is doing well. I am still not losing any weight and I really wanted to lose this weight before our cruise in September so I really hope my weight will start moving soon.

    Well, have a good evening, my Friends.

    Love, Cathy XX
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Today has been a sad day. We had our 16 year old cat, Haifa, euthanized. Some of you remember his blood glucose problems at the beginning of 2010 and how we thought we’d lose him then. So he has been living on time we never expected and has had a great life. For a few weeks we have been pretending that nothing was wrong but we finally knew it was time and when the vet saw him, he agreed. We held Haifa’s paws as he drew his last breath purring all the time and now he is over the rainbow bridge with his cat brothers, Noah and Trouble, and his Golden Retriever sister, Shilo.

    Haifa's picture is my avatar today.

    We found Haifa abandoned at a rest stop about 100 miles from our house in 1995. We saved his life and gave him sixteen years with a loving family.

    I know how sad you are....I lost my JR in October. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge at home. I held him the evening before and told him that it was ok to cross the bridge. That there would be lots of pets there to play with...that his mother and brothers were all there waiting for him. I miss him every day. My heart and hugs go out to you.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a good night to you all
  • Deborah1954
    Jane, what a nice photo ~ who is that lovely lady with you?
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello all! I, like many others on this thread, are very busy this month. I've had way too much going on the last week plus and this Sat we leave for two weeks vacation. So, I just wanted to check in and say hello.

    I have read a bit when I had a few moments - mostly while eating lunch. I think that may be an August goal - NOT eating lunch while on the computer. I read that it is a better idea to focus on your food instead of mindlessly eating while surfing, reading or watching tv.

    I would try to comment on some posts but frankly I am too darn tired. So, it's off to bed for me. Tomorrow I will finish off my to do list before vacation.

    I will NOT gain weight the next two weeks! DGS and I are going to go for a long walk before the rest of the herd wakes up and I plan to get some exercise in the pool every day too. Two weeks of another persons cooking (for the most part) is tempting but I will do this. :drinker:

    Oh, our GGS is 4 months old now and I still don't have a current picture on here.:embarassed: I will remedy that when I get back. He's growing nicely - 14 pounds now and cute as can be. Aren't they all? :laugh:

    Hope you all are having a good July.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :cry: Barbie I was so sad to hear about Haifa's passing. He was awfully lucky to have a mom like you though and luck ran with him when your paths crossed at the rest stop. He lived a long happy life with you and knew he was loved.

    I just came on briefly to check in, no time lately. Mom is back on in-home therapy since being basically kicked out of out patient therapy. I selected a company I used in the past with her and requested a therapist that in one visit was able to make mom move the leg she "claims" won't move. Unfortunately she went on vacation after that one visit and no one was able to duplicate what she was able to do for my mom. Anyway I've got her now and am hoping for miracles!!:bigsmile:

    Bought a doggy gate that was approved by the residence here, and have been using it this past week. Boo and Scout sit out on the patio on a a soft blanket with the moon shining down on them. They look like long lost lovers sitting next to each other out there.The gate is a thin plastic coated wire mesh that looks practically see-through, so they have an excellent view and bark at every tom, **** and possum they see.:laugh:

    I haven't been to the doctor in a month and so haven't been weighed recently. BUT I am thinking I have either lost some weight or inches because the pants I had broke down and bought are now loose too. I don't think it is so much what I am eating (cuz I have been fudging a little with my carbs) but the swimming I have been doing. I try and go at least once every other day if time permits in my mom's schedule. Sometimes, like today, I just said, "I'm going swimming!" and kept on walking out the door as I heard her say what about this and what about that. I am swimming about an hour a day and have been increasing the exercises I do in the water weekly. I started off being able to only swim across the width of the pool and have now graduated to swimming the length of the pool easily, repeatedly. Plus my white body is not white anymore! I actually have a tan with bonafide tan lines. This is a first for me! Normally I burn only. :glasses: so I feel pretty cool now.

    Next week I go to the doctor so we'll see if I lost anything. Crossing my fingers!

    Good luck all with your weight losses and eating!
