to Live longer and healthier I need to lose 150lbs, does anyone else need to lose this much?



  • TorontoLass
    TorontoLass Posts: 14 Member
    What a long day. Ended up picking at cheese and crackers and dark chocolate and trying to resist the mountain of food sitting on the table in front of me all night while everyone else dug in. I tried to fill up with water but I just couldn't resist all those cheeses (6 types). Ended up not being that far off my calorie count I think. But boy that was a tough night. Glad its only once a month.
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    Halloween was tough for me last year. I went trick or treating with my grandkids and saved & logged all those little yummies. After the 8 hour ride home I wore myself out on the elliptical to burn as many calories as I could. It was the third day home before my weight dropped below my pre-travel weight. Still, I resisted the urge to overdo and you did too. Yay!!!
  • Kennedcx
    Kennedcx Posts: 2 Member
    I too am working on losing 100+ pounds. You have to remember that you didn't put it on over night and it's not going to come off overnight (figuratively speaking). Most of your weight loss is obtained through knowing what happens to our body when we eat food. We also need to learn how to use our body's processes to our advantage for weight loss. I'm on a Medical Weight loss system called Bariform located here in Brentwood/Franklin, TN and I've lost 20 lbs in my first month, and it's still gradually going down. I know it's probably going to take a good year to get to my goal but I'm learning so much information about the lies we've been "fed" and how things really work in your body. Sure it's a little expensive, but between the information/support and delicious meal replacements and snack bars it is so well worth every penny of it. A lot of the research out there is based on these lies and that's why they are called yo-yo diets, because you either have to always be on the diet or you end up going back up. Exercise is great but it's only a small percentage of the equation. It's more of a weight loss enhancer than a weight loss program. If you're interested in learning more about Bariform, just go to .
  • Lemmy8409
    Lemmy8409 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2016
    My name is Heather. I am 32 years old. My total weight loss goal is 208.4 pounds. You are definitely not alone.

    I started in February 2015 and to date have lost 122.6 pounds. I still have mIles to go but there journey isn't over.

    I'm looking for accountability partners to help me stay on track. Anyone willing to help or who needs an accountability partner please add me.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    I noticed this too, and with a couple other profiles in the past few days. Either people are posting a few then deleting their accounts or MFP is acting wonky.
    Grrrr....I had a myfitnesspal account....registered for the forums. It kept prompting me to change my username. So I made one for the forums and now it's a different name than myfitnesspal account and says page not found when people try to add me. And it says you can only change your username once so it won't let me change it back. Sooo frustrating.