Hotties With Bodies (Closed Group)



  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm getting myself back on this wagon train.....

    Anyway to track the miles is fine with me. I'm starting to get out walking more and will be back at Jazzercise in a few weeks to get my major burn on a few times a week.

    The foot isn't doing to bad. I was able to do a normal plank for about a minute today during our Hardcore Abs class at work. I couldn't do the second set of plank movement, so I modified it. We did over 200 different crunches and 100 pelvic tilts. tiring.

    I've been interupted a few times so I'll have to get back to this in a bit....
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Sarah, Lindsay's friend. I live in Mason, MI with my husband and two pups.

    Between 2006-2007 I gained a whopping 30lbs, then over the next couples years managed to gain about 10 more. I've been trying to loose the weight for awhile now with no luck until I came to this website. I'm down 25lbs since joining and about 32lbs since I was at my heaviest. I'm very excited to knock out the last 20lbs and I was losing steam quick so hopefully you ladies will help motivate me the next 13 weeks so I can reach this goal.

    I love the idea of the coast to coast. Since I live near Lansing, and Linds already said that I'm going to choose Grand Junction, CO. That's the place I'm hoping to live within the next 5 years. :-)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome Sarah!

    I didn't pick my city, so I'll pick st louis. One day I will see the Mississippi River. :-)

    So anyway, during my downtime I managed to pretty much maintain my weight. So mostly I'm looking to tone up. I tried on bathing suits this afternoon, and
    I wasn't that happy as I have rolls that had started to go away before I was injured. So that is my goal. I'll get myself measured this weekend and start from there.

    Love ya!!! :-)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    First, welcome Sarah! We're so glad to have you!

    Now, for the hard part. Like i mentioned in the email I think it would be a good motivator for us to upload pictures of ourselves at the beginning and end of this challenge so everyone can really see their results. Even if no one else wants to, I'm still going to do this for my own accountability.

    I'm warning you they're ROUGH! This was in mid June, the day after I got back from family vaca at our lake house where the only thing in the house was burgers, pizza, chips, candy, little debbies, and soda. I let myself get back up to 170, which was my weight at the beginning of our FIRST 3 month challenge!!! I seriously look pregnant from all the bloating. Luckily my stomach has slimmed down slightly since I got back on my water but I haven't lost much of the weight so I'm going to keep these as my before photos for this challenge as a motivator. I looked totally different 2 months before in April and I'm sickened at how I let myself get to this point. So anyway, here we go (please excuse the deer-in-the-headlights look on my face, not sure what that's about):


    If i can post these embarrassing pics, anyone should be able to post theirs because I know most of you look much better than this!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member

    I am so excited to get back into this! I feel like I did great January - May then then fell off...dang it! So I am sooooooo happy to be part of this challenge. I love the tracking miles! That sounds like so much fun! Since we are headed to LA we are going to miss out on the beautiful state of Washington but I will let it slide :)

    Here is to a new challenge and great friends!

  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Hello Everyone!! First off Congrats Tash (how exciting) and welcome Sarah.

    I've read back through the posts and all the ideas sound great. I like the coast to coast challenge. We did this as a motivator at work for a month and as a group (12 in total) we walked to somewhere in eastern Ontario. I'm from the east coast of Nova Scotia in Canada so maybe we could use Halifax as a starting point. Or maybe my starting point could be Halifax and I'll see if I can walk to NYC to meet up with your starting point. Hey Lorraine maybe you can attemp to walk on water across the ocean to Halifax. If we use another starting point I'll pick Las Vegas as a destination as I'm going there in October. So the end of our challenge for 9/30 (our 16th wedding anniversary) works perfectly for me as I go to Vegas on Oct 8th. I've kept a continuous record of my steps since April 1st. I'll post my total steps later so you can see how far I've walked since then.

    Personnally I find summer very challenging to eat healthy. Last summer I gained 15 lbs of beer and ice cream. I haven't had an ice cream cone yet this year and when I drink beer I've switched to Molson Canadian 67 Sublime. 67 cals per bottle and only 3% alcohol. One would think summer would be easier with all the fresh produce and fruit. Too many temptations and BBQ. I plan on logging faithfully even if I have to go back and do it later as we camp a lot and are away most weekends without internet. I want to be accountable for my food choices. That is why weekly weigh ins are important to me so I can look back and see where I need to focus more.

    I am all for the challenges that we can find on line because we all will have access to them. I don't have any exercise DVDs but hope to have some copied soon.

    Right now my personal challenge is WATER,WATER, WATER. I've had a sore throat for about 10 days from the air conditioner and I haven't drank water in about 2 weeks. I gained half a pound last week and I am sure that is why.

    Lets do this together and have an AWESOME SUMMER doing it.:love:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    HELLO HOTTIES :flowerforyou:

    I'm sooooooooooooooo excited to get started on this challenge because I most definitely need it! However, I leave tomorrow morning for vacation with my mom's entire side of the family....SUPER excited to see everyone and spend the week together. We're renting 6 cottages in the same location on Carp Lake in Michigan...for anyone interested check out

    Anyway...I'm loving everything you are all coming up with! For my city along our route from NYC to LA mark me down for Lansing, MI as well. I am going to try to add to the miles as much as possible this week. Instead of doing straight 2-3mile runs I think I'm going to do longer distances with intervals. My goal is to run Monday-Wednesday then Friday-Saturday.

    Lindz...I'd like to do the Insanity fit test...when do u plan on doing it and how often will u reassess?

    Let's see...oh...I'll get a starting weight posted tomorrow...I know I'm going to hate it bc I'm sure it'll be awful do to my lack of control over the weekend...didn't eat a ton but when we did it wasn't healthy and I definitely over-indulged on drinks...I never want to drink another beer...ick! Lol

    Love to all of you...I'll miss you while I'm up north but intend to take the Ipad to see if I can get any connection to check in!

    :heart: Kick butt Hotties!!!:heart:
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Hello hotties! :)

    I was out of town this past weekend finishing up our annual 4th of July week vacation.

    I am going to start back out tomorrow HARD CORE! I need it! I have done pretty well weight wise...BUT...I see things starting to get ***** slapped by gravity I must do something! LOL.

    For the miles challenge...put me down as Detroit too! :)

    I am ready!!

    Jen :)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Just a quick reminder and clarification for our "Coast to Coast" challenge (I want to make sure everyone is on the same page with what we are doing since we were still working out the details the last few days):

    We are going to be "traveling" from NYC to LA as a group over the next 12 weeks based on the amount of calories we burn as a group each week (that way people who can't track physical miles from the type of exercise they do can participate as well). Everyone can give me one city they would like us to "visit" on the way there (it can be your town, a major city nearby, a city you would like to visit, etc.). Our starting point tomorrow will be NYC. Each Friday everyone should post the amount of calories they burned as an individual during that week to this forum. I will collect all the numbers and come up with a total mileage that we traveled based on how many calories the entire group burned. Then on Mondays I will post what city we are currently in on our way to LA based on the previous week's info.

    If anyone has any questions let me know, I'm so excited about this challenge! Everyone get their burns in and be sure to post them on Friday, let's see how far we can get this week! :flowerforyou:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Good morning everyone! This coast to coast challenge has really motivated me to give it my all this week on the exercise front! I'll have no excuse to miss a workout now! :)
    I have no idea what city to pick.... Can I go with Chicago?

    My new personal goal this week is to stop all food and drink intake (except water) after 9pm. I always find myself snacking on things late at night so Im gonna nip that in the bud this week and see how I do.

    Also welcome Sarah! Good to have you with us :)

    This weekend went pretty much ok. Got a workout in Saturday morning and was good during the day but I did have a few drinks and nibble on a few bits of fast food saturday night! BOLD! I dont think I was that much over because I was consciously consuming the stuff but I dont know for sure.

    Yesterday was much better, I met my boyfriend out for lunch in town after doing some light shopping and we both got a healthy tuna salad and water for lunch! Much to my amazement! I have a very unhealthy habit of eating what my boyfriend eats because that's how our relationship started out! So the fact that he ordered a salad first really helped me make a healthy choice aswell. Im so proud of him cos he HATES salads but he's trying to jump on this health boat too and get back in shape :) (he used to be a rugby player)

    So anyway, yesterday turned out to be pretty healthy even though I didnt get any exercise in but I needed a rest day anyways :)

    So back on it today! And cant wait to start raking in those calories for our mammoth trip to LA! :)

    Have a great Monday everyone! Get focused on what you want to achieve today and go out there and get it!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.s. Kerri, you look 7 shades of AMAZING in that dress!!!! You're already the Hottie with the Body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you girl! x
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Disappointed with what I saw on the scale this morning but I have to start somewhere so.....

    SW: 132.4

    GW: 125 (closest I came was 126.4 back in March)

    Heading out for a 30 minute easy run this a.m. then going to shower, finish packing and hit the road with my sis-in-law and 3 of my favorite kiddos (Viivian, Bennett, & Penelope)!!!!!

    Have a great week everybody...I'll try to remember to post my total calorie burn on Friday!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    This weekend was a semi success. I got all my water, logged everything (even though I had to estimate most on Sunday since it was homemade) and my 1,000 calorie burn but I did overindulge with some peanut butter cups my sis got me for my bday this weekend....
    So for this weekend:

    I WILL drink atleast 8 glass of water on Saturday and Sunday (more if I drink any diet sodas)
    I WILL NOT overindulge at the family party for my bday (lots of good homemade food)
    I WILL log everything (even if I have to estimate it will still keep me accountable)
    I WILL workout both days (1,000 calorie goal for the weekend)

    Lorraine your boyfriend sounds like mine, our recreation is eating out which is why I loved the fact we didn't go out to eat once this weekend and even worked out together! He's trying to get on board too (he's already lost 50 lbs) but HATES fruits and veggies so every little step counts because I tend to follow his lead as far as our health goes on the weekends. Great job on making an effort to stay on track this weekend.
    Disappointed with what I saw on the scale this morning but I have to start somewhere so.....
    Don't worry Andrea, we're all in the same place. You've got 3 months to turn it around and you're SO close to start with.

    Everyone don't forget our 1400 situps for this week (100 per girl), I got half of mine in this morning at Pure barre.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Good Monday Morning to you ladies! I'm super motivated this morning to start Insanity and keep track of my burn to go Coast to Coast :bigsmile:

    I did fairly well this weekend. I did awesome on water, did good on Saturday with workouts and eating good. Sunday ehh.. I helped mulch my parents yard for 3 hours with some friends (Including Sarah :) Then we swam in the pool the rest of the day. So I know I burned a lot, but I also overindulged with sangria...

    MOVING ON hah. This week my goals are:

    - complete first week of Insanity (starting today)
    - keep up on 10 glasses of water a day
    - walk each day with Lukas (hopefully tonight we'll be able to get in a walk)

    I will post my results of the Insanity Fit Test after I do them today along with some pictures. Andrea, I will be doing Insanity, so I will do the Fit Test every 15 days. I know it's going to be bad haha. I haven't done a lot of working out in the past couple of weeks.

    Happy Monday everyone! Get moving!! :flowerforyou:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hey ladies! Happy Monday!! I am feeling the effects of this past weekend right now, that is for sure!! So much fun though!! Lots of eating and drinking but I'm pretty sure I danced my booty off all night!!! I need to get back at it today. I'm not worried. When I started MFP in January, this past weekend was my goal. I wanted to be a good looking bridesmaid. Even though I only lost about 16 pounds from Jan-July, I felt really good about myself. I received LOTS of compliments and I felt really pretty. I do want to continue though with my journey. Next up is an engagement photo session with TJ in a few months. That should be really fun!!! =)

    We are at 15 girls. Becky from the last challenge emailed me this morning. She is going to join us. 15 is a great number!

    Every get a good burn on this week and Friday we will post our total calorie burn for Robin! =)

    Also, 100 situps each!!

    and Lindz if you want to email the Fit Test to everyone I will send you the groups email list and we all could try it! I have done it before and it's a great way to measure fitness levels!

    My goals for the week are to get a burn in every day, drink 16 glasses of water every day and stay under calories every day.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Kerri, yes send me and email and I will send out the fit test!

    Here's my results from my first fit test:

    Switch Kicks - 62 (31 reps)
    Power Jacks - 28
    Power Knees - 61
    Power Jumps - 18
    Globe Jumps - 6
    Suicide Jumps - 10
    Push-up Jacks - 7
    Low Plank Oblique - 22

    And as promised, here are my beginning pictures too! Uggh.. I did it in my workout clothes, so you can really see my LOVE HANDLES ugh...
    *Edit, I couldn't for the life of me get the picture to post on the forum. Kept saying the image had been deleted. So here's the link. Sorry guys. Weight/?action=view&current=07-11StartofInsanity.jpg
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    My SW for this challenge is136.18 lbs
    My GW for this challenge is 130 lbs (maybe 125 lbs & a size 8) That might be pushing it.
    More importantly is to exercise more and tone up. Want my clothes to fit better and feel sexy in them. Have to be a HOTTIE for VEGAS!!
    Plan to complete food diary daily making healthy choices and be under cals and sodium and have at least 8 glasses of H2O daily.
    Do 30 min of exercise daily even if it is only a walk at lunch. I am also up for any of the challenge posted (already did modified sit ups today YAY!!)
    Seeing how our start point for the coast to coast challenge is NYC I'm picking Las Vegas as my destination.
    I have totalled up how may steps I've done since Apr 1st and the total to date is.... 617226... which is 308.61 miles or 493.77 km. I calculate this using 2000 steps per mile. That gets me from my door in Lake Echo NS to my sisters in Quispamsis NB plus 88kms extra. It takes almost 4 hous to drive that far nonstop. So on average I walk just a little over 100 miles a month. Going to try to up this a bit.
    Hope I'm not forgetting anything. I WILL post bikini pics soon. GOOD LUCK to everyone this week!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Ugh, here are my starting pics! Took these last weekend.. I wasn't planning on sharing them but who the hell cares.

  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Ugh, here are my starting pics! Took these last weekend.. I wasn't planning on sharing them but who the hell cares.

    I'll glady trade bodies with you and then you'll have something to say ugh about! You're a "certified hottie" remember lol?
  • Caroline9252
    I love you girls!!!! We GOT this. I love the idea of a calorie burn for the week. I got on the scale and was bummed, but its not going to upset me. I am going to push really hard this week!

    SW today: 135.6

    I can do this. I have to work manditory OT this week, but I know I can get those workouts in. :happy:
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    OK Ladies my BIKINI photos are in. They are in my profile, I couldn't figure out how to post them on our forum. There they are for all to see. Look if you dare. They are pretty scary. :embarassed: