Afraid of going to the gym?



  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    I have not been trying to be offensive to you at all. While I found your posts out of line myself, I thought that you were free to voice your opinion, although I also believe that you should not include negativity at all. I am not criticizing you at all. I find it perfectly acceptable how you act and comment, I just don't find it conductive. Please do not try to make me feel bad about how I act or think. I find that, in the end, criticism hurts not only those who are criticized, but also those who criticize. I don't find you "awful" for encouraging people to be comfortable in what they will at the gym, but I find extremist attitudes harmful and controversial.

    I'm beyond disturbed that thinking you should love yourself and do what you want is considered 'extremist'.
    One can never be positive all the time. One needs to criticize things that are wrong, that's how the world works. That's why crimes are stopped. Because people say "no, that's wrong". and do something about it. It doesn't hurt you to criticize someone for bullying or intimidating another. If anything the people doing the original intimidation/criticism might realize a different view exists and change their ways. If a kid draws on the walls with permanent marker you criticize him. He doesn't realize it's wrong until you tell him so. Yeah, that's oversimplifying the issue but the point still stands....criticism is necessary, and not all criticism is a hurtful attack. I didn't even mean to start an argument but I'm not going to stand for being shushed at for no reason... I understand you don't want people to get offended but seriously what I said wasn't THAT radical. If it makes you happy go to the gym in something others might not like and 'make' them mad because in the end it's their hangups making them mad, not you. People get upset over all sorts of things that are unreasonable but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. :)

    I'm not saying don't criticize anything. I'm saying: some things are better handled with acceptance. I, unlike yourself, was always entirely conscious that this is a weight loss aid site, not a political site. When I said what I did, I meant it in the lines of weight loss and confidence, not in the lines of society and whatever. Please stop acting as though you know what is better for me to think. I understand where you come from, and I don't disagree with it; I just prefer working/thinking in a different way.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    My attitude or MO as you like to call it (I really hope the insinuation isn't intentional.) is to speak out loudly when I see injustice. Tolerance and silence are two different things. :) I will never try to force someone to be nice to everyone or treat everyone equally or bully them into not being cruel or racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever. However I will be loud and strong with my opinions and let people know that yes, I am one more person who will speak for those who are victims of societal bias or anything else... One voice can lead to another voice and those voices can become a chorus of change. That's how positive change happens. :) One person at a time finding the bravery to speak for what they believe is right..
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    My attitude or MO as you like to call it (I really hope the insinuation isn't intentional.) is to speak out loudly when I see injustice. Tolerance and silence are two different things. :) I will never try to force someone to be nice to everyone or treat everyone equally or bully them into not being cruel or racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever. However I will be loud and strong with my opinions and let people know that yes, I am one more person who will speak for those who are victims of societal bias or anything else... One voice can lead to another voice and those voices can become a chorus of change. That's how positive change happens. :) One person at a time finding the bravery to speak for what they believe is right..

    I don't understand your words in parenthesis. "Insinuation"? What do you mean?
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I'm not saying don't criticize anything. I'm saying: some things are better handled with acceptance. I, unlike yourself, was always entirely conscious that this is a weight loss aid site, not a political site. When I said what I did, I meant it in the lines of weight loss and confidence, not in the lines of society and whatever. Please stop acting as though you know what is better for me to think. I understand where you come from, and I don't disagree with it; I just prefer working/thinking in a different way.

    I didn't mention anything political until you told me to shut up for stating what I believe. Then I merely starting giving examples refuting your claims that self-love is a radical concept and speaking out for it is somehow appalling. Please stop acting as if YOU know what is better for me to think. I understand where YOU come from and accept it, but I prefer working in a different way and wish not to be shushed. End of discussion.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    I'm not saying don't criticize anything. I'm saying: some things are better handled with acceptance. I, unlike yourself, was always entirely conscious that this is a weight loss aid site, not a political site. When I said what I did, I meant it in the lines of weight loss and confidence, not in the lines of society and whatever. Please stop acting as though you know what is better for me to think. I understand where you come from, and I don't disagree with it; I just prefer working/thinking in a different way.

    I didn't mention anything political until you told me to shut up for stating what I believe. Then I merely starting giving examples refuting your claims that self-love is a radical concept and speaking out for it is somehow appalling. Please stop acting as if YOU know what is better for me to think. I understand where YOU come from and accept it, but I prefer working in a different way and wish not to be shushed. End of discussion.
    I'm not telling you to shut up/shus yourself. I'm asking that you keep posting moods within what is appropriate for a motivationally conductive environment. It's not my fault if you find personal offense from my (intentionally made) neautral-ish posts.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    I think that all this poster was trying to say was who cares what someone thinks about u u r doing this for u no one else it should not matter what u wear or look like or talk like don't judge we r all doing this for the same reason and therefore we should not judge
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I think that all this poster was trying to say was who cares what someone thinks about u u r doing this for u no one else it should not matter what u wear or look like or talk like don't judge we r all doing this for the same reason and therefore we should not judge
    Wunderbar. :3 I find that this simplicity entirely truthful. Our complexity has brought confusion into a meaningful topic, and such confusion is not desired nor needed. Thank you, wholeheartedly.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I don't understand your words in parenthesis. "Insinuation"? What do you mean?

    insinuation (via :
    an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
    covert or artful suggestion or hinting, as of something implied: His methods of insinuation are most ingenious.

    as applied to your use of MO or modus operandi, which is most often heard on TV "when discussing a crime and addressing the methods employed by the perpetrators. It is also used in criminal profiling where it can help in finding clues to the offender's psychology." (quoted from wikipedia,)

    In plain english I was just saying that I was hoping you were not implying that my habits/ways of acting were so offensive as to be almost criminal. It was kind of a joke to lighten the mood, since I assumed you didn't mean it that way. ;P
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I think that all this poster was trying to say was who cares what someone thinks about u u r doing this for u no one else it should not matter what u wear or look like or talk like don't judge we r all doing this for the same reason and therefore we should not judge
    Wunderbar. :3 I find that this simplicity entirely truthful. Our complexity has brought confusion into a meaningful topic, and such confusion is not desired nor needed. Thank you, wholeheartedly.

    Sorry that you interpreted my original post differently as indeed that was all I meant by it. Idk if the way I speak comes off as inflammatory but it's pretty unintentional.... I'm just a very passionate person. :)
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    I don't understand your words in parenthesis. "Insinuation"? What do you mean?

    insinuation (via :
    an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
    covert or artful suggestion or hinting, as of something implied: His methods of insinuation are most ingenious.

    as applied to your use of MO or modus operandi, which is most often heard on TV "when discussing a crime and addressing the methods employed by the perpetrators. It is also used in criminal profiling where it can help in finding clues to the offender's psychology." (quoted from wikipedia,)

    In plain english I was just saying that I was hoping you were not implying that my habits/ways of acting were so offensive as to be almost criminal. It was kind of a joke to lighten the mood, since I assumed you didn't mean it that way. ;P

    You were correct in your assumption of my intention, and I'm almost offended that such a Latin term as MO has come to mean criminal. I did not need the definition, I knew what I said. I wanted the literal translation of it, which is "the mode of operating" or, as I word it, "How you do things".
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I think that all this poster was trying to say was who cares what someone thinks about u u r doing this for u no one else it should not matter what u wear or look like or talk like don't judge we r all doing this for the same reason and therefore we should not judge
    Wunderbar. :3 I find that this simplicity entirely truthful. Our complexity has brought confusion into a meaningful topic, and such confusion is not desired nor needed. Thank you, wholeheartedly.

    Sorry that you interpreted my original post differently as indeed that was all I meant by it. Idk if the way I speak comes off as inflammatory but it's pretty unintentional.... I'm just a very passionate person. :)

    I understand; we good?
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    You were correct in your assumption of my intention, and I'm almost offended that such a Latin term as MO has come to mean criminal. I did not need the definition, I knew what I said. I wanted the literal translation of it, which is "the mode of operating" or, as I word it, "How you do things".

    lol yeah, it's pretty much only heard in that context by the general population. (I've only heard it in that context as well, really) If you've heard MO it's most likely you've heard it on a crime drama. Sad but true, and I doubt many know the actual meaning and would guess many falsely believe the word means something along the lines of " the manner in which a murderer kills someone" . And yes, we're good. :) It was never my intention to argue but I'm on new meds and I guess more easily annoyed than usual O_o;....

    And on a positive note this debate hopefully got more people to see this thread and be encouraged xD
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    You were correct in your assumption of my intention, and I'm almost offended that such a Latin term as MO has come to mean criminal. I did not need the definition, I knew what I said. I wanted the literal translation of it, which is "the mode of operating" or, as I word it, "How you do things".

    lol yeah, it's pretty much only heard in that context by the general population. (I've only heard it in that context as well, really) If you've heard MO it's most likely you've heard it on a crime drama. Sad but true, and I doubt many know the actual meaning and would guess many falsely believe the word means something along the lines of " the manner in which a murderer kills someone" . And yes, we're good. :) It was never my intention to argue but I'm on new meds and I guess more easily annoyed than usual O_o;....
    Blech. I had medications for my "OCD" as the doctor calls it, which made me even more paranoid than I already was.

    I hate the "CSI" effect, but apparently it's presence in juries isn't too bad as to encourage any additional educationing to be interred.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    -To your 'additional note'--lofl.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    i felt that way when i first started, i saw everyone else working out like it was nothing, , i was struggling, i thought everyone was looking at me, till i started talking to people , after that i found a lot of people willing to help me because they werent always fit either, the only exception to that is the hard core body builders , but you can spot them because they work out in the mirror and tell themselfs how huge they are getting but they are entertaining , go to the gym, talk to people , you will make a lot of new friends
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Ladies! No matter who you are, whether you weight 90lbs or 700lbs, don't be afraid to go to the gym! I understand that stared and comments can be EXTREMELY demotivational! Insecurity is bad enough, and being taunted and feeling self conscious can be a deal breaker when it comes to working out in public.

    Please, don't be discouraged. I hated working out in public, but one day I woke up and thought to myself, "I want to get in better shape, and to do that I want to start going to the gym. So, no matter what people think, I'm there for me; not for them."

    I, though still insecure about my body at 160lbs being 5'7", walk confidently down the sidewalk because, no matter what other people think of me, I am working on improving myself, so no comment about my appearance can hurt me. I'm trying.

    I am posting this as a response to another topic which commented on gym attire. Ladies, wear what you feel comfortable/comfident in when you attend the gym. By all means, follow set dress codes made by the gyms, but wear what you are secure in. (Though, I would have to draw a line at wearing lingerie... That's a little too much. Kudos, however, if you are THAT confident in yourself. d(^.^)b )

    Links for slight motivation:

    ((***Just because I included these articles, I am not saying that I myself believe in everything in them; I just find that they may help others, who might think differently than I.)
    How kind of you to speak out and begin this thread and stay positive.:heart: Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • Ashleysh22
    well said!

    Though personally I lack the motivation to get to the gym, that's why I work out from home :)