Kick off 8 lbs Sep25-Oct 23



  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    Awesome guys! People are already making great changes. Great 1st weigh in. This week I ll walk more everyday.
  • kimb1482
    kimb1482 Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2016
    Me too!
    SW - 148.3
    GW - 140.3
    Sept 25 - 148.3
    Oct 2
    Oct 9
    Oct 16
    Oct 23
  • Amanderrrin
    Amanderrrin Posts: 15 Member
    Weigh-in dates
    CW: 199.6
    GW: 140
    Sep 25: 199.6lbs
    Oct 01:
    Oct 08:
    Oct 15:
    Oct 22:
  • I'm in
  • lynalyei
    lynalyei Posts: 22 Member
    edited September 2016
    Count me in please!!!!
    i also need to focus on how to lose 2lbs per week for the next 4 weeks.
    Any tips will help
    cw.... ...89.8kg
    next weigin goal (88.8kg)
    2nd oct .?????
  • currentlysane
    currentlysane Posts: 17 Member
    Is it still okay to join? I just found this challenge yesterday so weighed this morning. In the future I'll weigh on all the same days as you. If not, let me know and I'll delete this. :smiley: Thanks!

    CW: 200.2
    GW: 192.0
    Sep 25: 200.2
    Oct 02:
    Oct 09:
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • marislet
    marislet Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in please!
    SW: 200.8
    GW: 192.8
  • Playabunnie2013
    Playabunnie2013 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm down!
  • Playabunnie2013
    Playabunnie2013 Posts: 27 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sep 25:160
    Oct 02:
    Oct 09:
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • Rache897
    Rache897 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join
  • Rache897
    Rache897 Posts: 3 Member
    Sep 25: 203
  • EricaH7
    EricaH7 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a day weight but I weighed the same yesterday and today.

    September 25th: 173
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    How is everyone doing? Have you come up with ways to cut calories yet eat a healthy balanced diet? Your words may be just the motivator myself or others need :smile: My goal is to drink water before other beverage choices. No soda for me today! But if I crave something other than water I will choose something healthier than the diet coke I have a daily habit of consuming. For breakfast I had greek yogurt, for lunch I chopped a apple into left over coleslaw , it also had dried cranberries in it. Yummy. Skipped the snack I usually have when getting home from work. Over 5000 steps at work today, will do some stair climbing now. Might make myself a mixed berry smoothie tonight with some ground flax for fiber and stevia to sweeten while I watch the Voice.
  • How is everyone doing? Have you come up with ways to cut calories yet eat a healthy balanced diet? Your words may be just the motivator myself or others need :smile: My goal is to drink water before other beverage choices. No soda for me today! But if I crave something other than water I will choose something healthier than the diet coke I have a daily habit of consuming. For breakfast I had greek yogurt, for lunch I chopped a apple into left over coleslaw , it also had dried cranberries in it. Yummy. Skipped the snack I usually have when getting home from work. Over 5000 steps at work today, will do some stair climbing now. Might make myself a mixed berry smoothie tonight with some ground flax for fiber and stevia to sweeten while I watch the Voice.

    Great job! Sounds yummy.
  • linajon
    linajon Posts: 16 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • I'm late but I'm in!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    I'd love to hear what you are all doing to meet your goals.
    I ate better than usual again today. Greek yogurt for breakfast, no soda and more water intake, low fat string cheese, cup of low fat soup and salad for lunch. For supper I made chopped skinless chicken with rice, peas, onions and added some seasonings. Failed on portion control however for supper. I should have waited until 5 to eat as well but once it was made my will power to wait failed me. I don't have kids home to wait for. My next goal will be to measure my serving sizes. I bought some real fruit mango popsicles 50 cal each for a dessert later tonight while watching the Voice. Plan is to do sit ups on my exercise ball while watching as well. 6500 steps on fit bit so far today.
  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    I sort of blew it yesterday afternoon so today I am trying to balance it out. I had a protein shake for breakfast, a ham roll up, brown rice and steamed veggies for lunch, then a light dinner of grilled chicken, apple slices and grapes. I feel good. Tomorrow I plan to start with a jog before walking with my friends. Mainly I'm happy that one day of over indulging didn't derail me!
  • marislet
    marislet Posts: 3 Member
    Completely blew it with boneless wings today... wasn't feeling good and went for comfort. Need to be better tomorrow.
  • asil_k
    asil_k Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to hear what you are all doing to meet your goals.
    I ate better than usual again today. Greek yogurt for breakfast, no soda and more water intake, low fat string cheese, cup of low fat soup and salad for lunch. For supper I made chopped skinless chicken with rice, peas, onions and added some seasonings. Failed on portion control however for supper. I should have waited until 5 to eat as well but once it was made my will power to wait failed me. I don't have kids home to wait for. My next goal will be to measure my serving sizes. I bought some real fruit mango popsicles 50 cal each for a dessert later tonight while watching the Voice. Plan is to do sit ups on my exercise ball while watching as well. 6500 steps on fit bit so far today.

    Count me in, too.

    My goal is to eat less and eat better. I don't eat horribly all the time, but I do eat too much. I'm trying to make healthier choices for snacks and weighing, portioning and tracking via MFP. I'm using the Eating Well 7-day menu as a guide. Trying to keep the sugar low and see if that helps my wild blood sugar swings. This is only day 2. I hope I continue to stay on-track.