

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello all: Had a good weekend. DD and I worked really hard in the paddock trying to get it cleaned and rocked so that we will have less mud this winter. At least we are hoping it will work. At one time 10-15 years ago someone put in a lot of time and work getting things rocked and graveled so that the paddock and other areas would be relatively mud free but the last owners moved in and did nothing for 8 years so it is hard work to get back to the base, but the new power washer did a great job and we at least have a start. Went to the more aerobic water exercise this morning and ended up with a cramp in my hamstring muscle. Sat in the hot tub and stretched for a few minutes after class. I am really liking this class better than the other one, I feel like a get a better workout. However I need to plan a snack to take with me because I get out of the pool really hungry and thirsty.

    Michele - I understand now why you do your power washing in sections.

    Pip - That was a lovely tribute to Kirby.

    Marcelyn and Barbie - Sending good thoughts and healing angels your way.

    Katla - Yay for you riding that spook. Sounds like you kept your heels down and have some good core strength going. Also good that you were able to keep calm. It is amazing how that communicates to your horse.

    DJ - Your poodle is just too cute. Has he always been that color or did he start out darker and lighten up?

    Lisa - Glad you are feeling more settled. Sorry about your sis and her DH.

    Janetr - I am with so many others. Why not just find a long term place for the RV. My cousin used to work as a traveling nurse and she would take their RV and find a place to park it for the 3 months she was in a place. It worked great and you were planning on being in yours for a while anyway.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited September 2016
    Peach - Yes I do all aspects of tiling by myself. I have done tiling for many many years and it looks as though it was done professionally because of all the years I have done tiling. It's not hard to do, I prefer porcelain tiles and they have developed many products now to make it even easier. I think my quilting skills make it easy to do, it's like piecing a quilt only with harder materials. :)

    Might I recommend you look into a poly based grout for your next grouting job. It is much stronger (won't fall out) and it repels water so it never needs to be sealed. It is also mold and mildew resistant so it won't become black with mold over time. It costs a pinch more than normal grout but you are richly rewarded for the investment for many years with grout that stands up to daily use.

    Re - You look divine in your new outfit! That is such a nice reward for losing so much weight! There she goes...the Amazing Shrinking Woman!

    Charleen in Colorado (The end is in sight for master bathroom tiling project)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.33min, 14amph, 143mhr, 2.9mi = 105c
    SPIN- 40min, 86r, 107w, 11-14g, 131mhr, 17mi = 285c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.48min, 14.5amph, 136mhr, 1.4mi = 56c
    ride wk 2 hm- 48.59min, 12.5amph, 158mhr, 10.1mi = 459c
    total cal 905
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Re, you look fantastic. I love the outfit.

    Well, I am joining Barbie with surgery on Wednesday, but mine should not be anywhere near as bad.

    A place that popped up on my cheek about a month ago turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma. The doctor called today. She us doing the cut and test, cut and test, routine at 8:00 on Wednesday. I have heard from others who have had it that it is annoying and long, but not really painful and not that scary. I'm not particular fond of the fact that I now have an occurrence of cancer, but it could be so much worse. So I am thankful and optimistic.

    Hope things are going well for Marcylyn today.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Re, you look fantastic. I love the outfit.

    Well, I am joining Barbie with surgery on Wednesday, but mine should not be anywhere near as bad.

    A place that popped up on my cheek about a month ago turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma. The doctor called today. She us doing the cut and test, cut and test, routine at 8:00 on Wednesday. I have heard from others who have had it that it is annoying and long, but not really painful and not that scary. I'm not particular fond of the fact that I now have an occurrence of cancer, but it could be so much worse. So I am thankful and optimistic.

    Hope things are going well for Marcylyn today.

    I had that procedure done on my forehead. It is called the Mohs procedure. It is the best way to get "all of the cancerous cells". Unfortunately for me what I thought was just a small, pin head size, spot was much larger underneath. Had a phenomenal surgeon and left me with a thin surgical scar about 2 inches long in the middle of my forehead top to bottom. You'll do fine I am sure!

    Prayers for all the surgery bond ladies here! I'll be thinking of you this week.

    watching the presidential debate in College Station, TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Aw, y'all are so sweet!

    Thank You!

    See you tomorrow!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Barbie, funny how things can change and it is the best thing for the dogs. They are in their own home and with trusted friends. Glad that isn't weighing heavy on your mind right before surgery.

    Now we have 3 people to pray for for surgery. Wish all of you all the luck in your surgery and full recovery. When I pray for some one for surgery I also include all the staff who are caring for them. That prayer asks for clear minds which means no family problems, healthy, well rested.

    It is weird that so many of us are either actively looking or thinking about moving. JanetR, I agree with the others. At least discuss this with your DH how he would fell about staying a little more long term in your RV while he assists with his father's care. Today I mentioned for the first time to another person besides you guys about us running the thought through our minds about moving. I took my sister to the doctor today and of course there is this long time frame you sit in the office before the doctor comes in. She agrees with me that right now I am holding on to things in this house because of the past, my strong feelings to use my home for the Peterson family fathering just because Mom did it. I have two brothers, one brother and family had been coming and hasn't been able to for the last 3 Thanksgivings. We have now officially moved Christmas to a rented building. So every excuse I may have to keep it can be removed from our logic. Actually it is my logic,not Charlie's. He enjoys having all our kids here and it doesn't mean anything to have all the family here. I have not mentioned this to our own girls yet.

    While we were at the doctor, we were at the receptionsist desk and joking around like Norma and I always do and she asked if I was her daughter!!!!!!! Poor Norma. She asked me how far in Face book this would go. We are only 18 months apart it's just that she has had so many surgerys and ortho problems that she looks like 80 year old body in 68 year old body.

    DJ have you had that dog all this time and have not shown us??? Shame on you. What a precious dog. How old and what breed.

    KJ, a big congrats on that loss of inches. That is fantastico!

    We went to Walmart tonight. We usually go with a list which doesn't change much week by week. He needed sunglasses and that man takes a loooong time to make a personal purchase. So I told him that would start my shopping and where I was headed to if he got finished. I now enjoy the fact that my body can walk at a faster clip and when I shop with him it is totally like shopping with my Mother. You almost feel as if a snail could beat you. So when we were back in the car I asked him how that worked and he said it didn't since he likes to walk aisle by aisle to see if there is anything else he might want. He missed the soft drink aisle. I knew he had plenty but he wanted to look to see if they had any thing different. Like there was going to be a different caffeine free diet coke appear??? So I guess we stay at the walk slowly around each aisle. I do hate to make him feel bad but I also hate walking so slowly.

    Fall is here!!!!!! Yeah.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: Getting your paddock rocked before the rainy season begins is a great plan. I hope you're able to get things done to your satisfaction before the rain really sets in. Thanks for you compliment about riding out the spook. I feel pretty good about it & competent to meet the challenge. Competence is my riding goal. Regularly practicing yoga has done wonders for my strength, flexibility and balance. Fortunately I wasn't also spooked and I was fairly relaxed. :bigsmile:

    Dr. Katiebug: I hope your surgery goes well, the carcinoma is tiny & they get every bit of it with clear margins. Please check in when you can to let us know how you're doing. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I am glad to hear that a good friend will stay at the house and take care of your dogs while you're in Seattle for surgery. What a blessing to have that worry resolved so well and to have such a good friend! :heart:

    DH has physical therapy tomorrow at a time that makes getting the dog to the groomer awkward, so I'm staying home to get that chore handled while he goes off on his own. I have mixed feelings about staying behind but I'm pleased that he wants to handle this on his own.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    edited September 2016
    Drkatiebug - I will be praying for your upcoming procedure on Wednesday. I hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Thank y'all for the well wishes and for telling me what my procedure is called. I had no idea. For those of you who have had it, and because Barbie asked, is it necessary for Dave to go? He said he would be glad to take me but i hate to tie up his morning if all we are doing is waiting and waiting. I was thinking it would be no big deal to drive myself.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1 segment of 10 Minute Solution Tone Trouble Zones DVD, held my plank for 2 min 50 sec, took extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Katie - thanks so much for telling me about Mary's thread. Thank you, Joyce, for posting the link. Very very interesting read.

    DJ - awwwwwwwwww

    Lisa - I'm ever so sorry for all your sister (and you) are going thru

    Betty - when I went on the Virginia Creeper there was this time when one minute I was up on the bike, the next minute I was down. There was this lady behind me who couldn't believe it! There wasn't a rut in the path or a rock, I just went down. when I returned the bike the guy said that maybe I turned to look behind me, but I really don't think I did. But I'm fine except for a bruised ego.

    Carol - I, too, hope you don't have a plantar wart. I have a tendency to get them and they are the pits, in no uncertain terms.

    Mary - just wanted you to know that I read your blog this morning and when I got to the extremepump class, I was inspired to use heavier weights.

    Exercised, then stopped at the home of the gal where I take mahjongg. We weren't having it tonight because of the debate, so I gave her things that I normally would have taken there. Stopped at the Salvation Army, bought a dress that might work if we decide to be Morticia and Gomez Addams for Halloween. It's black, a bit on the slinky side. Only it has these straps that are really just like a THIN group of threads. Didn't she have some sort of thing hanging from her arms? Well, I know the Green Room put on the Addams Family last year. Now I know they don't lend out the costumes, but I can probably ask to just see it.

    Re - love the outfit.

    Right before the debate at like 8:59, the cable went out! We just got internet back at like 12:15.

    barbie - I'm glad you found a good solution to your problem with the dogs

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Michele- I'm happy for you! The heavier weights won't make you bulky they will tighten and tone. They will also rev up your metabolism by burning calories after you're done.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hey, Michelle,

    Here's that image of Morticia, and you were right, she does have full sleeves on... well, full-ish... You could definitely wear at least a shrug and still be in character. :)

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Oops ladies! I just started posting with a cup of coffee perched close by and somehow dunked my phone in the hot coffee!! It was a quick plunge and phone seems okay---do I get credit because I wasn't dunking a donut into my coffee :# ??

    Many of you are facing big decisions about moving, caring for parents, I feel for you. My parents are gone now, DH does handle so much for his mother that I can imagine we will stay in this area for the near future eventhough we have a pipe dream of someday moving to warmer climate, or at least somewhere less expensive than NY!

    Strength and peace everyone. NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    Barbie~ what a wonderful solution.. Brandy and Sasha will especially enjoy being home and not being in a kennel.. and that could be a wonderful way to keep them if you have any other things coming up..You have got it together so well, I have no doubts, you will come through with flying colors and have a quick recovery..
    Katie~ my dad had that procedure done on his cheek.. because of the supplements he takes there was no scaring, but when he went back and they looked at it, they found out they didn't get it all!!! so they had to redo it.. but all is well..
    Oct 4th is my dads 88th birthday.. will make him some of his moms date nut bread, and either a pecan pie, or pecan pie bars..
    Tom still fighting something off, and still cranking about medical bills.. I said good lord man be happy that we are healthy enough that we have only had to spend $1,000 rather than hundreds of thousands on cancer treatment,or tumors or something, look at the positive and not the negative..
    well having my cup of tea.. and load of laundry in the wash.. and it is raining outside.. which we need desperately.. and praise the lord right now no leaks in the basement...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Katie, unless the doctor's office told you that someone would have to drive you home after the procedure, then you are safe to drive yourself....I just thought it was an unsettling procedure and you might be bringing a friend or sweetheart for moral support.

    :)Joyce, the hardest part about moving is the serious personal inventory that takes place about your personal life goals and those of all your important others.....the actual boxing and transporting and choosing a new place to buy are small in comparison to all that has to go on between your ears first....my unsolicited advice is that what you and Charlie want is more important than what your children or extended family want.

    :)janetr, I agree that hanging around the new location in your RV for awhile is a good way to decide if the move would be a good idea.

    :'( This is my last morning of dog walking for awhile..the dogs will continue to go out for walks, first with friend, Jerry, and then with Jake, but I will miss it. For me, it will be a short time sacrifice for a long term gain.

    <3 Barbie from overcast NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member