Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Holiday weekend coming up and I won't be around. Leaving on a cruise tomorrow, on the road today. I went ahead and weigh in today a little ahead of schedule. Current weight 206. Please someone update me on the spreadsheet as I can't access it from home. Thank you! Be back on schedule next week. Have a good holiday everyone!

  • Holiday weekend coming up and I won't be around. Leaving on a cruise tomorrow, on the road today. I went ahead and weigh in today a little ahead of schedule. Current weight 206. Please someone update me on the spreadsheet as I can't access it from home. Thank you! Be back on schedule next week. Have a good holiday everyone!


    Got you! Have fun on your cruise, I am SO jealous! Thanks for weighing in early!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry to say, I didn't lose a single pound this week. :embarassed: I'm upping my water and veggie/fruit intake this coming week, so hopefully I can redeem myself with next weeks weigh in. Best of luck to everyone for the coming week!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Sorry guys, a couple of weeks on the road for work wasn't kind. I will buckle down and be better next week!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm weighing in tomorrow because I am having technical difficulties at the moment.
  • This weeks challenges:

    For those of you struggling with meeting your water goals each day- Try replacing at least one sugary/caffeine drink (soda, coffee, etc) with the same ounces worth of water at least 3 days this week. If you don't drink soda or coffee but still struggle with getting all your water in, try drinking at least one more cup of water than you usually do on average at least 3 days this week, and work your way up to at least the 8 cups minimum. I challenge you guys to try doing these challenges EVERY day this week, but shoot for at least 3, because we all know life happens :)

    Let's push ourselves to keep our momentum up these last few weeks! Try to exercise at least 30 minutes at least 5 days this week! For every day that you meet your 30 minutes, do something small to reward and motivate yourself to finish the week strong! Maybe have a small dessert or read a good book, or watch an episode of your favorite show. Something that you can look forward to as an instant encouragement that day, not just part of a long term goal. Simple, but effective :)
  • It looks like Ravenclaw is going to take it this week, big. It depends on Hufflepuff, though... they still haven't posted their results. We're at 0.29% on the week. We've got 2 more weigh-ins left!

    We also have a couple of members who haven't weighed-in in two or three weeks. Contact them if they were your buddy, or just let me know if you know something.

    Dawnkitchen - 2 Weeks
    lukimakamai - 3 Weeks (held last week because we though luki was on vacation... anyone know for sure?)
    raquelphillips10 - 2 Weeks
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Off to the gym as we speak, sorry guys so much going on.

    Sooo excited for the movie and ill make sure to end the challenge strong! TOM arrived.. cant wait for next weigh in, but go slytherin!
  • Anyone have any awesome ideas on how to make this last week of the challenge fun? They are curious over on the main board.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    No ideas on how to make it fun this week...maybe a countdown of the top 5 favorite moments from HP movies. (e.g. 5. Ron drinking the love potion, 4. Harry's wand going up the troll's nose....etc.)
    EDIT: I was thinking like 1 each day or something, not all at once. I am not very creative, can you tell?

    Anyway, I was down 1.4 this week! Finally seeing a nice loss again!!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    I'm down 3.5 pounds to 175.5 this week w00t w00t! That's half a pound from my Harry Potter Challenge goal of 175. I'm hoping to drop another half /1 pound before the 14th to meet my goal. But if not, I'm happy to have gotten within half a pound of it. :happy:
    SO excited to see the last HP movie on Friday! DH picked up our IMAX 3D tickets a few weeks ago when they came on sale. I can't wait!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    i am going to weigh in tomorrow morning. I ate a late dinner last night and that affected the scale this morning. Hopefully, careful eating today will balance everything out.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm back from my cruise and I'm afraid it is not good news. I started great, I even went to the gym to do the treadmill but by the 3rd day it was getting more and more challenging. I was obsessing about what I was eating or not eating, I just decided that I didn't want to feel so deprived the whole time. I didn't eat a lot of one thing but I certainly eat a little of everything. I don't have a fast metabolism so I ended up gaining exactly 5 pounds. I'm hoping half of that will be gone when I start drinking water again. It was very difficult to drink a lot of water. First it was not a great taste and second finding bathrooms all the time got old quickly. So anyway my weight today was 211. So I didn't reach my goal by 3 pounds. I'll hit it hard from now on and I'm sure I'll get there again soon enough.
    I need to be updated since I can't access the spreadsheet from home. Thank you. Sorry for messing up our average in the last week.

  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    No loss again this week. Which is good, considering how badly I did this weekend. Hoping to drop this week - only a couple of pounds from my Harry Potter goal!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I'm down 1.8 lbs this week! That makes me 1.9 lbs away from my HP goal :)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    no loss.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    All right, after just one day away from the vacation days, I lost 2 pounds. I'm at 209 which makes it that I only gained 3 pounds. If the totals are not in yet, you can change my weight in the spreadsheet so it won't be as bad for our averages. This means I'm only one pound away from my HP goal! Yeah! I knew that as soon as I got my water in some of the weight would go away.

  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    As of this morning I have officially met my HP Challenge goal of weighing 175 w00t w00t! :happy:
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    not much loss for the last couple of weeks but met my goal, yay!
  • First of all, I've had an awesome time being your HOH the last half of the challenge. A few other things:

    1. Congrats to all of you who met or surpassed your goal!

    2. Perhaps more importantly, congrats to all of us who've stuck with it! We've lost weight, even if, like me, you didn't make your goal!

    3. I hope everyone enjoys DH Part 2, it's getting RAVE reviews!

    4. DON'T FORGET to weigh in TOMORROW (7/14) for the last weigh-in of the challenge!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to keep in contact!
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