Feeling Uncomfortable in the Gym



  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    jolive7 wrote: »
    I was the same as you. Still not comfortable going into weights room... my sister came with me first few times but i had to go once my self last week. Only start last monday. Ive been twice on my own now. And at first its soo imtimating. But ive learnt its much quieter in morning and i feel better going then...

    The more you push yourself the better youbwill feel about yourself doing it.

    Think of it as a postive stel forward. You can do it hun. Xx

    Keep at it, I guarantee one day you will look back and wonder why you were ever intimidated. I personally LOVE being the only girl in the big boys room. It kind of pumps me up to have a good session because you see the crazy weight they are pushing. And I used to train down in the quiet freestyle area because I was intimidated!

    ^^^^^^^^ EVERYTHING SHE SAID. Exactly. We all started out as newbies.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Meh, all of those reasons are good ones that I use daily to avoid a gym. Not to mention most of the gyms around me suck. I bought a weight bench, a Bowflex M5, numerous dumbbells and free-weights, pull up bars, and resistance bands over the period of a year. I can now do anything I want pretty much at home comfortably. It wasn't all that expensive and I just bought one thing at a time using the money I would have spent at a gym.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Also, totally wasn't trying to re-iterate everything that everyone else said. I promise! I read through all the comments and just wanted to say I know exactly what you mean by being non-judgemental but still uncomfortable. Honestly, there's chicks at the gym who still make me feel sorta self-conscious. Fitness is more than just muscles and six-packs. It's a joruney of health and loving your body. I promise it gets easier. I used to get anxiety every time I walked in the gym. But I forced myself to keep going because I liked the way that running/stretching/yoga made me feel. And then, over time I eventually watched enough Instagram Fitspo videos, researched enough programs and talked to enough trainers that I felt comfortable being on my own in the weight section. And now? It's life. I thoroughly enjoy going to the gym (most days) and it's my getaway from all the stresses that life brings. But that doesn't come instantly. It's a process of getting to that point.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    Dano74 wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    I am the most handsome, though, so there's that consolation.

    That's the stuff!!

    Still, I have to think... if we ever went to the same gym, the time space continuum might explode.

    Good stuff here, @rynshermy. We're looking forward to seeing you rock the socks off this thing.

    LOL! Yes, we should probably avoid the same gym at the same time. :smiley:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    KDar1988 wrote: »
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome. I say give it another try. Those barely dressed women, if taking selfies, are really more worried about how they look than what you're doing. You can do it! I started at the gym at over 300lbs. I've lost 113 so far and I'm a very self-conscious person so it took courage to start on the cardio and in the past 5 months going into the weight room with the buff dudes.

    I have a little something to tell you.....the other day this girl wearing the same shorty shorts you're talking about comes in the weight room. Picks up the 10lbs dumbbells, she's doing her thing...while I stand in the rack beside her doing a bentover barbell row of 100lbs! She may be pretty and skinny but I got some muscles under my skin! I felt awesome. You will too!!! Give it another shot!!

    Wait, why were you doing rows in the rack?

    it's an acceptable place to do them as long as you aren't bogardting it from someone trying to squat.
    Same with OHP.

    it's one of the better places.
    I don't side eye anyone there.

    OP- no one cares- I promise you. Keep doing you.
    If they are taking selfies- guess what- they aren't looking at you.

    You got this.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    rynshermy wrote: »
    I recently moved to a big city from a small town. I decided to go to a gym for the first time in my life yesterday. As soon as I walk in, I see lots of men with huge muscles. Then I see a couple of girls wearing almost nothing taking selfies in a mirror. There were so many females wearing only a sports bra and short shorts. Some of them had their bum hanging out of the bottom...
    I have a sister who is skinny and fit, and she never wears clothes like that to the gym. She usually wears a t-shirt and leggings. Why do some women feel the need to show so much skin? Is it for attention or does less clothing actually help them exercise?
    To be honest, I've never felt so uncomfortable and out of place in my life. I stayed there for probably less than five minutes. I just couldn't handle it. My self-esteem kind of went down the drain the second I walked into that place.
    I've been overweight all my life. I've tried losing weight so many times.. I finally found some things that worked for me and I stuck to it (most of the time). I was able to lose 110lbs just in the last 16 months. I have a lot more weight to lose, so I thought I'd try something different and go to a gym.
    It just wasn't for me. Most of the people in the gym were half naked and completely fit. I felt like everyone was looking at me, even though they probably weren't. I just felt so out of place, like I didn't belong.
    I've seen so many people online that are my size and they go to the gym regularly. I want to be able to do that, but this experience has kind of scared me away from gyms. I know I shouldn't let what other people think of me get in the way of my goals (i feel like someone's gonna tell me that), I don't think that's my problem. I don't care what they think of me. I just don't want to go somewhere and feel bad about how I look. Does anyone else have problems with this? Am I the only one??

    I'm a 21 year old female. I should be okay with going to a gym! This is bothering me.

    I think you just need to find a different gym. That's the nice thing about big cities, is there should be a lot of different options. I just go to my local YMCA and I have some friends that go to some smaller gyms that don't experience what you experienced. I would just tour a few different gyms in your area. Most will give you anywhere from a 1-3 day pass to try it out to see if you like it. Anyway, at the Y, it seems to be more family oriented so even the fit girls aren't wearing sports bras with booty shorts. I'm fit now, but I wouldn't want to go to a gym like that either. I think you just need to look around for a different gym.
  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I would tend to agree with the ones I did. Ignore everyone else, every gym has some of those, prime times are the worst, you just need to focus on yourself, etc. I know I sound pandering; not my intent. I've been around gyms for a long time, and I still can't stand those people who are using it as a facebook status while others are working their *kitten* off. It takes away my enjoyment.

    The main thing I would say is shop around for other gyms and find one that makes you feel comfortable. A good gym will be a place you want to spend time, not a place that becomes another chore. Make sure the staff is friendly and that there's a variety of well-maintained equipment.

    I will say too that my current gym has a women's-only area. It is a smaller room away from the main gym floor. It doesn't have everything, but it gives some of the women there a sense of security either from the ogling pervs or the ones they might perceive as judgemental. Maybe something like that would be more comfortable to you (even though I know you said that some of the women there made you just as uncomfortable as the men).

    Just a few thoughts
  • Acrawford01
    Acrawford01 Posts: 29 Member
    I started at a gym doing a spinning class and it motivated me so much to do more cardio and lifting. The class really established my endurance. It also helped at first that the lights were low and I felt no one was looking at me. The people were so nice and it was great to meet a few new people before delving into a workout in the actual gym.
    It's always so hard to be the new person in a new atmosphere and this made it much easier for me!
    Congrats on your progress!
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Not sure if this helps but using headphones and starting on a cardio machine may put you into your own world for the first part of your workout. Having a plan and writing it down has helped me. That way I feel like I am on a mission and I have less social anxiety. I just started with weights and my list keeps me focused day to day. I hired a trainer for three sessions to show me how to begin lifting. It was really affordable. Now I know where to begin without hurting myself since I'm getting over an injury. Everyone has been really nice to me even tho I am beginning with literally no weight at times. It took several tries but I'm feeling more comfortable now, and getting slowly stronger!
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    I agree with some of the previous posters...you just gotta do you. We have all sorts @ my gym...all shapes & sizes, loads of different clothing, from the sports bra & tight shorts to the super baggy t shirt & jogger bottoms. Are there a few in there judging others? Yeah, probably...but that type of person is @ the supermarket, on the bus, everywhere. Try not to let it get to you.

    You have a lot to be proud of...you lost a real load of weight, & that takes hard work, courage, & commitment. Pat yourself on the back, & think about that whenever you start feeling a bit nervous or self-conscious @ the gym. Maybe empower yourself with a bright coloured shirt to wear @ the gym; personally, my "signature" gym look is neon-coloured gym socks! If I feel a bit down, I look @ my feet & I grin @ those socks every time. I also have music or audiobook or podcast on to listen to the entire time I'm working out...it helps.

    Hope you get back to the gym. Think positive!
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    cookma423 wrote: »
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I would tend to agree with the ones I did. Ignore everyone else, every gym has some of those, prime times are the worst, you just need to focus on yourself, etc. I know I sound pandering; not my intent. I've been around gyms for a long time, and I still can't stand those people who are using it as a facebook status while others are working their *kitten* off. It takes away my enjoyment.

    The main thing I would say is shop around for other gyms and find one that makes you feel comfortable. A good gym will be a place you want to spend time, not a place that becomes another chore. Make sure the staff is friendly and that there's a variety of well-maintained equipment.

    I will say too that my current gym has a women's-only area. It is a smaller room away from the main gym floor. It doesn't have everything, but it gives some of the women there a sense of security either from the ogling pervs or the ones they might perceive as judgemental. Maybe something like that would be more comfortable to you (even though I know you said that some of the women there made you just as uncomfortable as the men).

    Just a few thoughts

    My gym had a woman's-only area but a couple guys sued the gym. Now it's a "private center" but at least it's still a smaller area away from everything else where people can get in a good workout with less people around. So there might be areas like that too.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    cookma423 wrote: »
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I would tend to agree with the ones I did. Ignore everyone else, every gym has some of those, prime times are the worst, you just need to focus on yourself, etc. I know I sound pandering; not my intent. I've been around gyms for a long time, and I still can't stand those people who are using it as a facebook status while others are working their *kitten* off. It takes away my enjoyment.

    The main thing I would say is shop around for other gyms and find one that makes you feel comfortable. A good gym will be a place you want to spend time, not a place that becomes another chore. Make sure the staff is friendly and that there's a variety of well-maintained equipment.

    I will say too that my current gym has a women's-only area. It is a smaller room away from the main gym floor. It doesn't have everything, but it gives some of the women there a sense of security either from the ogling pervs or the ones they might perceive as judgemental. Maybe something like that would be more comfortable to you (even though I know you said that some of the women there made you just as uncomfortable as the men).

    Just a few thoughts

    how pink are the weights I wonder?
    And what weight do they stop at?
    wanzik wrote: »
    cookma423 wrote: »
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I would tend to agree with the ones I did. Ignore everyone else, every gym has some of those, prime times are the worst, you just need to focus on yourself, etc. I know I sound pandering; not my intent. I've been around gyms for a long time, and I still can't stand those people who are using it as a facebook status while others are working their *kitten* off. It takes away my enjoyment.

    The main thing I would say is shop around for other gyms and find one that makes you feel comfortable. A good gym will be a place you want to spend time, not a place that becomes another chore. Make sure the staff is friendly and that there's a variety of well-maintained equipment.

    I will say too that my current gym has a women's-only area. It is a smaller room away from the main gym floor. It doesn't have everything, but it gives some of the women there a sense of security either from the ogling pervs or the ones they might perceive as judgemental. Maybe something like that would be more comfortable to you (even though I know you said that some of the women there made you just as uncomfortable as the men).

    Just a few thoughts

    My gym had a woman's-only area but a couple guys sued the gym. Now it's a "private center" but at least it's still a smaller area away from everything else where people can get in a good workout with less people around. So there might be areas like that too.

    good for them. personally I find women's only sections of gyms kind of insulting IMHO
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    edited September 2016
    JoRocka wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    cookma423 wrote: »
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I would tend to agree with the ones I did. Ignore everyone else, every gym has some of those, prime times are the worst, you just need to focus on yourself, etc. I know I sound pandering; not my intent. I've been around gyms for a long time, and I still can't stand those people who are using it as a facebook status while others are working their *kitten* off. It takes away my enjoyment.

    The main thing I would say is shop around for other gyms and find one that makes you feel comfortable. A good gym will be a place you want to spend time, not a place that becomes another chore. Make sure the staff is friendly and that there's a variety of well-maintained equipment.

    I will say too that my current gym has a women's-only area. It is a smaller room away from the main gym floor. It doesn't have everything, but it gives some of the women there a sense of security either from the ogling pervs or the ones they might perceive as judgemental. Maybe something like that would be more comfortable to you (even though I know you said that some of the women there made you just as uncomfortable as the men).

    Just a few thoughts

    My gym had a woman's-only area but a couple guys sued the gym. Now it's a "private center" but at least it's still a smaller area away from everything else where people can get in a good workout with less people around. So there might be areas like that too.

    good for them. personally I find women's only sections of gyms kind of insulting IMHO

    I made a joke about it when I joined wondering why they didn't have a men's private section too - equality and all that... LOL! But I really didn't care. I didn't join a gym until my mid-30s and I always regretted I didn't start sooner. Just because of being shy or embarrassed or something... I don't know. Plus I smoked 2 packs a day so that's another regret. I understand how some feel but it keeps them out of the gym and if there's any kind of help or cure for that I'm all for it. Eventually they will find their way out of the private area and explore... then start posing in the mirror for selfies! LOL! ;)

    BTW, the private center in my gym has nice chrome dumbells with black trim and handles. Very comfortable. And some nice leg cable machines I use on occasion. :)
  • aashwill
    aashwill Posts: 64 Member
    What type of man would be offended by a women's only section of the gym? Unbelievable.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    edited September 2016
    aashwill wrote: »
    What type of man would be offended by a women's only section of the gym? Unbelievable.

    I agree. I don't know the details. Probably just trying to make a statement. But I'm pretty sure they no longer belong to the gym.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    OP, I totally understand you. It's nerve-wrecking to start something new. But you've already lost 110 pounds and that is phenomenal. If you can do that, you can definitely join a gym.