overweight subway employees



  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I just went to the drive thru in Subway and now I dont wan to eat my sub since it might have more calories than I found online. crap.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I just ate a delicious lunch at subway and noticed that one employee was morbidly obese (at the cash register sitting down because she could hardly walk) and the rest were overweight (with the exception of 1 employee who seemed "average.") I know that subway couldn't NOT hire these people for being big because of discrimination and huge lawsuits, but doesn't it kind of affect the brand? Subway is known for being healthy but these employees contradict the message.

    Abercrombie hires people who are "beautiful and thin" without even asking them interview questions.. they literally see someone beautiful and ask if they want a job... by hiring these people they are playing up the fact that the brand is made for skinnier and prettier people (they even put the size 0's and 2's at eye level, whereas the biggest sizes are at the top!) No one ever says anything about that so I'm wondering about subway. Maybe it's because I live in MS (the state with the most overweight people) so it goes somewhat unnoticed? thoughts?

    I'm not trying to be rude it's just something I noticed. Hopefully subway is encouraging these employees to be healthier.

    Well it seems a little silly to critize Subway for having overweight workers and Abercrombie for having small workers. I used to work at Abercrombie and yes, they did ask me to come in while I was shopping but they also asked me interview questions.

    Just seems like you're not happy -- either the workers are too big or too small?
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Where in MS? I live here too and just think to the Subway I go too and wonder if it is the same one...lol

    lol well I live in vermont (healthiest state :smile:) but go to Southern Miss. :happy: and go to the subway on campus

    and yes everyone, I realize that Subway IS fast food and NOT everything on their menu is healthy. I never go there without pre-planning my meal down to the T. But still, although it's fast food, Subway is marketed as being super healthy and they have Jared who lost 300lbs and everything. I just find it a little contradictory that they would hire unhealthy people. And I understand that everyone should have a job and I'm glad they don't discriminate, but still...
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I think it's really discouraging how some people on this site diss people who are a smaller size. That's no different than someone talking badly about you because you're not a size 2. It goes both ways, people.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Just seems like you're not happy -- either the workers are too big or too small?

    umm no? and I wasn't saying it's okay what abercrombie does either. I'm just saying that if subway promotes a healthy lifestyle then that should be reflected by their employees. not saying that abercrombie's employees are healthy because they are skinny, but that's clothing and this is food...
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    What the people at Subway put into their own mouths is their own problem. Sounds harsh but it is true. Just because they work at Subway doesn't mean that they are making the right choices. They could eat a 12 inch Itallian BMT each meal with extra mayo... Sound healthy? Not to me. Subway cannot make them eat a 6in turkey sub with lots of veggies, no cheese, and regular mustard (my favorite). Subway, while offering lots of healthy options they are still a fast food chain and they still offer a ton of unhealthy options as well.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    They could eat a 12 inch Itallian BMT each meal with extra mayo... Sound healthy? Not to me.

    This is true, I guess I think that everyone eats the same sandwich as me lol (6" turkey, spinach, onions, tomato and regular mustard)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What the people at Subway put into their own mouths is their own problem. Sounds harsh but it is true. Just because they work at Subway doesn't mean that they are making the right choices. They could eat a 12 inch Itallian BMT each meal with extra mayo... Sound healthy? Not to me. Subway cannot make them eat a 6in turkey sub with lots of veggies, no cheese, and regular mustard (my favorite). Subway, while offering lots of healthy options they are still a fast food chain and they still offer a ton of unhealthy options as well.

    Other than a salad with no meat, no dressing I don't think subway offers anything healthy. Although better than most fast food joints.

    FYI: Low calorie does not mean healthy. you can eat low cal unhealthy easily, and you can eat high cal food that is very healthy.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    It's a dangerous rope to walk on if you're doing the kind of practices you spoke of--you're just asking to be sued. And based on what I read about MS, it doesn't seem like there are many fit people in that state. I'm sure it's typical/expected.

    This is quite the generalization to make about an entire state... What a ridiculous statement to make. Where is your proof? That is like saying everyone that lives in California is tall, blond, and skinny.
  • Rbarragato
    Rbarragato Posts: 15
    This thread put a bad taste in my mouth. Like most have said Subway is still a fast food establishment and can be just as bad as McDonalds. I joined the gym two days ago and saw an overweight girl behind the counter--Did I second guess it? Yes. Do I care that she works there? Does it make me not want to go to that particular gym? Absolutely not. Her lifestyle is her own, I'm doing what I can to better mine.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Where in MS? I live here too and just think to the Subway I go too and wonder if it is the same one...lol

    lol well I live in vermont (healthiest state :smile:) but go to Southern Miss. :happy: and go to the subway on campus

    and yes everyone, I realize that Subway IS fast food and NOT everything on their menu is healthy. I never go there without pre-planning my meal down to the T. But still, although it's fast food, Subway is marketed as being super healthy and they have Jared who lost 300lbs and everything. I just find it a little contradictory that they would hire unhealthy people. And I understand that everyone should have a job and I'm glad they don't discriminate, but still...

    I live an hour south of you. :) Hopefully next year I will be at USM.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    pleanty of people say stuff about A&F especially making fun of the fact they are exclusively for the skinny and beautiful...never seen mad t.v. or saturday night live?

    as for subway. it is known for getting ppl healthy if they make the right decisions just like any fast food place. and ultimately if you have high blood pressure you shouldn't eat there as everything aside from veggies is loaded with sodium.

    At a time like this with jobs so hard to get the fact that there are companies who still discriminate because of weight is a shame. If subway is hiring overweight people and the see the good in getting healthy from that and the value in having a job that also raises self-esteem which most overweight people struggle with and thusly will help them see their worth in this world.

    Also my worth as an overweight person trying to get healthy. To be educated about the food and those that aren't just pandering to the pretty/thin people is worth my time. Being obese is not a minority. Percentages are high and will only go down with support from more then just closed off groups. The public at large as to face the reality and deal with it because in the end it affects us all.

    The employees don't contradict the message they are the message. Just like jarrod was. I'm sure people saw him and judged him at his biggest even when he was eating right. Same with me. The weight and the life style doesn't change right away and some people will never change. Doesn't mean they shouldn't work there...just means you know who you are and what you want out of life.

    It's hard enough being in the service industry. Being judged on the way you look instead of the quality of your work is rough as well. You enjoyed your meal as you stated...not sure what more you are wanting from a restaurant chain.

    You could say the same about cleanliness and having acne covered teens at the counter. But most of us know that doesn't mean they are dirty or don't take care of themselves. Some people are just unfortunate enough to have acne and can't hide it.

    We are all human, we all have flaws some are lucky enough to be able to hide theirs, some are not. Companies can hire on looks and suffer in quality or hire on experience and benefit from that.

    As I agree i hope subway is encouraging all it's employees to be healthy that is like saying because someone works at a bar i hope they encourage their employees to drink...

    it's a weird sentiment as people are their own and will make their own decisions about their life. All a company can really do is give them education and send them on their way hoping it is time in their life that they will want to make a change.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    It's a dangerous rope to walk on if you're doing the kind of practices you spoke of--you're just asking to be sued. And based on what I read about MS, it doesn't seem like there are many fit people in that state. I'm sure it's typical/expected.

    This is quite the generalization to make about an entire state... What a ridiculous statement to make. Where is your proof? That is like saying everyone that lives in California is tall, blond, and skinny.

    MS has the largest obesity rating in the US....two years in a row. But, I agree that there are some fit people here. Me, for example. Tens of thousand of military members that are stationed down here. And others, of course.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I think it's really discouraging how some people on this site diss people who are a smaller size. That's no different than someone talking badly about you because you're not a size 2. It goes both ways, people.

    I really don't think that she was dissing skinny people...

    This was a post about a simple observation with a comparison to another well known brand. While comparing a food brand to a clothing brand is not the best comparison. The poster made in my opinion what was to be a true observation. She was not trying to diss people that work at that store or to skinny people in general.

    I personally will diss the brand that promotes 11 year old girls to wear 3" mini skirts, short shorts, and tank tops.
  • Peekadoo
    Peekadoo Posts: 29 Member
    OK...so how the heck did Jared lose all of that weight on a Subway diet?
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I guess I just take a little offense since I used to work there. And I may not be overweight and I may wear a 2 or 4, but that doesn't mean I'm stick thin by any means. And I didn't work with all stick thin people either.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I have gained weight eating fast food. So I was astonished by the story of Jared Fogel, who lost 245 pounds eating nothing but fast food - Subway sandwiches twice a day for almost a year. He went from a 425-pound couch potato to a 180-pound daily walker.
    Jared not only has maintained his weight loss for over 3 years but inspired many others to try his portion-control method of losing weight. Subway is featuring 5 of these successful dieters in their "Friends of Jared" ads.

    Portion control and low fat is the secret of Jared's "Subway Diet." Subway has 7 sandwiches with under 6 grams of fat. Jared ate a 6" turkey sub and a bag of baked chips for lunch and a 12" veggie sub for dinner, with extra veggies and no cheese, oil or mayo. This totals about 1000 calories per day. The convenience of a Subway restaurant right next to his apartment made it easy for him to choose their well-advertised low fat sandwiches. As the weight dropped, he stuck with what was working.

    Walking and Exercise
    At 425 pounds, Jared was a stranger to exercise. When he got down to 300 pounds he began walking rather than taking the bus, then began walking everywhere he went, getting in about 1.5 miles a day.

    Update: Jared's Journey 12 Years Later
    Jared maintained most of his weight loss. He admits to regaining 40 pounds by 2009. This spurred him to reduce his calories and take up training to run a marathon. He completed the ING New York City Marathon in November, 2010 with a respectable time of 5:13. His efforts led to further weight loss, as can be seen in our photo of Jared leading the Portland Grand Floral Walk in June, 2011.

  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    OK...so how the heck did Jared lose all of that weight on a Subway diet?

    Anyone can restrict calories and lose weight but it doesn't mean they are eating healthy foods. Subway deli meat = not healthy in my book.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I just went to the drive thru in Subway and now I dont wan to eat my sub since it might have more calories than I found online. crap.

    well, you DID go through the drive thru... you probably could've burned off that bit just by walking in.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    FYI: most of what subway sells is not healthy. A lot of it is lower cal, but it is all processed stuff, full of chemicals and sodium. Other than plain veggies i would have trouble finding anything healthy on their menu.

    I cold cut sub is worse than most burgers, and their breads are full of chemicals.

    I've also heard that their whole wheat bread has more sugar content than their white bread!