Kick off 8 lbs Sep25-Oct 23



  • Ciler_80
    Ciler_80 Posts: 106 Member
    Sep 25:139
    Oct 02:139
    Oct 9: 138 :)
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    Winnie45 wrote: »
    I was really looking forward to seeing the scale this morning. I ate my normal breakfast, a big healthy lunch then soup for supper most nights last week. I think that really helped me. I still snacked between lunch and supper but kept to fruit, nuts, or under 150 calorie snacks. A couple of nights we had a cheese and fruit plate hor'dourves. I added some crackers and meats for my hubby so he's been okay with the soup as well. Overall, I stayed very near 1200 calories a day and didn't feel deprived.

    I hope everyone else is finding something that works for them. I am ready to see if this works again this week for me. Many new soups to try!

    Sep 25: 129.8
    Oct 02: 129.0
    Oct 09: 126.2
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:

    Soups are amazing to help lose weight and super tasty, I always have to watch the sodium levels as my body tends to hold on to it. I make a wicked vegetable wonton inspired soup (wo wontons have not figured out a healthy alternatives yet). Congrats on your loss this week stellar!!
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    CW: 148.6
    GW: 140.5
    Sep 25: 148.6
    Oct 02: 147.7
    Oct 09: 144.9
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:

    Very happy I finally reached the weight I was 2 yrs ago. I am down in total 23.6 lbs since July. Thanks, in a huge part to MFP and the friends I have made here.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    9-25-16 152.2#
    10-2-16 147.8#
    10-9-16 148.4
    I was afraid of this... Been on vacation. Drinking too much diet coke. Back to work and not so much free time starting Tues. I have been working out on the Wii, increasing exercising and finding low calorie foods I enjoy. I will continue to develop healthier habits. I am now tracking food/calories.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    SW: 134
    GW: 125

    Sep 25: 134
    Oct 02: 132.2
    Oct 09: 130.4
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Weigh-in dates
    Sep 25: 152.4lbs
    Oct 02: 152.4lbs
    Oct 09: 148.6lbs
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • currentlysane
    currentlysane Posts: 17 Member
    I remembered to weigh today!
    StartW: 200.2
    GW: 192.0

    Sep 25: 200.2
    Oct 02: 197.4
    Oct 09: 194.4
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • Beverly_212
    Beverly_212 Posts: 23 Member

    My Weightloss has been so slow. But I'm not giving up since I've lost 14lbs since starting this journey.

    CW- 176

    Sept 28 176
    Oct 2- 175
    Oct 9- 174.8
    Oct 16
    Oct 23
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Keeping calories at 1200/day. Watched grandson last night and most of the day so kept busy chasing a toddler around. Did well not overdoing it at my mom's home cooking at lunch. Did need to 'taste' her homemade caramel nut rolls. Need to get more steps in. Back to work tomorrow which will increase my energy expenditure. Will get my lunch packed to take along right now.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Kept calories at 1200 today. 10 hour work day then monthly card party and did really well at choosing healthy foods within my calorie limit. Need to increase my water intake. Going to get my spiritual reading done then get my sleep for 12 hour work day tomorrow.
  • yoilnits
    yoilnits Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight in 2013: 203.4lb :#
    Goal weight: 139.8lb <3

    Sep 25: 166.6
    Oct 2: 164.8
    Oct 9: 164.6
    Oct 16
    Oct 23:
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Home from 13 hour work day, 8990 steps. 1200 calories. Husband can't believe I'm not in bed yet. In the past I would have went straight to bed. My energy level is definitely improved with portion control and healthier food choices. Tomorrow my day off and then work Fri. Sat. Sun.
  • Ersheen
    Ersheen Posts: 34 Member
    I started sep 25 and luckily got this challenge
    Sep 25 :165.5
    Oct 10 :160
    I lost 5 pounds in 15 days
    Probably water weight
    Looking for motivation
    This is my third week
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    Home from 13 hour work day, 8990 steps. 1200 calories. Husband can't believe I'm not in bed yet. In the past I would have went straight to bed. My energy level is definitely improved with portion control and healthier food choices. Tomorrow my day off and then work Fri. Sat. Sun.

    Glad you are feeling good and the changes you are implementing are working. I found the same thing when I started cutting out processed food and looked at my portions. I now fill up on foods that keep me full vs shoving whatever I could find in my mouth because I was starving. Who knew eh!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Hi Ersheen keep it up. Try to find healthy low calorie foods you enjoy. Make a list and have them available. Discovered no sugar added canned peaches today. 30 calories for 1/2 cup They were like a sweet treat for me. Michelle... Thanks. I still shove the food in sometimes (lol) but it's healthier. 1) because work is super busy and not much time to eat. 2) feeling extra hungry today. Pressure cooked boneless chicken breasts and scarfed down 6 oz while holding grandson who I've been chasing around all morning.
  • strongjess1980
    strongjess1980 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't think my last post worked, I'll be sure to check on Sunday!
    SW: 177.5
    GW: 169.5

    Sep 25: 177.5
    Oct 09: 176
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23: