Snacking Is Killing Me



  • kidrow21
    kidrow21 Posts: 67 Member
    All have some good info and points., If anyone wants to take a look at my log and give me some pointers from there. Would be great.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    kidrow21 wrote: »
    All have some good info and points., If anyone wants to take a look at my log and give me some pointers from there. Would be great.

    Is evening (after dinner) when you tend to snack? Or does this happen throughout the day?
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    @kidrow21 we are different in what we do for snacks, what are your goals? We are about the same build by the profile pic, I eat 6 meals a day to loose weight. Don't get discourage, your doing great, hit me up if you ever need to BS.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I agree that snacking is a habit and (for me) it stems from boredom. My snack danger time is after work just before I've taken to just going ahead and eating dinner when I get home. Plus I don't buy them if I can keep from do love me some Doritos ;)
  • sy_19440
    sy_19440 Posts: 55 Member
    Meal plan! On Saturdays I write out each meal throughout the day including snacks and only purchase foods on that week's plan. My snacks included yogurt, ham & cheese roll up, veggies. Snacks don't have to be unhealthy.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    sy_19440 wrote: »
    Meal plan! On Saturdays I write out each meal throughout the day including snacks and only purchase foods on that week's plan. My snacks included yogurt, ham & cheese roll up, veggies. Snacks don't have to be unhealthy.

    If that works for you, more power to you!

    But know that a healthy weight loss plan CAN include what you would most likely consider 'unhealthy' snacks - you just have to plan for them in your overall daily calorie 'budget.'

    Eliminating snack foods that are a trigger (like opening a bag of chips and then hoovering the whole thing) is a strategy that can work for some. But for others, limiting these items - instead of eliminating them - can be a better means to compliance because a feeling of being deprived of these items can lead a lot of people to binge eating the very things they're trying to avoid.

    Different strokes and all... :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Don't do it. That was the killer for me too! I eat two or three large meals a day and am full until the next meal.

    ^^^ this. I make sure each 'meal' I have is big enough to keep me going, and know that I won't die if I am hungry shortly before my next planned meal so don't feel a need to snack.

    I do sometimes want something sweet after a meal - so at lunch this may be a piece of fruit, at dinner some peppermint tea or occasionally a cognac does the trick.

    not snacking helps me stick better to my calorie goals, whereas snacking and having less at main meals made me still hungry for more food.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I wonder what you mean by snacks.. It they are small portions of fattening junk food.. all that will do is make you crave more.

    So ditch those kind of snacks and go for healthy snacks that are good ..but not so good.. if you know what I mean.

    For example.. i have some bird seed kind of protein bars in the trunk of my car for when I'm desperate for something before or after I work out. I don't crave the things at all. So, I only eat them when I must. If they were super tasty.. they'd be gone.

    There is no such thing as fattening fooood, there is just food that is more calorie dense than others. Those foods are fine in moderation. I don't understand eating anything that you don't find tasty. :)

    That is absolutely fine that you were able to get to goal and are able to eat this way. You might have a bigger deficit, perhaps, or other reasons that will allow for this . It is great when your method works.

    I can eat most foods in moderation but have to stay away from the particular ones that have been problematic for me. Those tend to be salty, oily carbs or sweet, fatty carbs. I think that is why LCHF works for me for blunting hunger. Potato chips, ice cream, sugary cookies, chocolate things tend to make me hungrier and want more soon after even though I've had enough calories.

    Foods that trigger an individual to want to overeat can be considered by them as "fattening". It is a figure of speech. Some people, as your are aware, are able to keep "fattening" foods like cookies or ice cream around and have only a little bit. Others are tempted just knowing that they are in the house. Calorie-dense snacks are fine in moderation if they can be consumed in moderation, obviously. But that is up to the individual dieter's discretion not anyone else's.

    I think that having food around that I just want to eat to be healthy is a reasonable way to avoid unnecessary calories-- "Eat to live not live to eat" motto. I'm much less likely to overeat on carrots or green beans than I would on Cheetos or chocolate. So I eat Cheetos maybe twice a year and have dark chocolate every so often. I can eat a little square or two and stop. I do not feel sorry for myself and don't miss the classic what people refer to as "fattening" snacks when they are not in my cupboard. I agree that people need to define what they mean by the word snack.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2016
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Don't do it. That was the killer for me too! I eat two or three large meals a day and am full until the next meal.

    This is the same for me--I just enjoy more saving calories for meal.

    If you like snacking, though, OP, budget them in and then experiment with things that have the calories you've budgeted. If the issue is grazing and overeating, though, you might want to focus on only eating at planned times for a while.

    (I realized that I don't really enjoy snacking. I enjoy meals. Snacking was mostly mindless or emotional or boredom.)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Snacks and candy are free at my workplace. At the beginning of this weight loss journey, I planned my food each day to allow one snack from the candy bowl. After a month of having one Hershey Kiss each day, I got to where I just didn't want the candy any longer. So, I quit planning for it and was ok.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I buy unsalted sunflower seeds by the case. Most of my snacking is just boredom, so a couple handfuls of seeds will keep me busy for a couple hours and have relatively low calories.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Snacking is what sent me to morbidly obese in the first place. I feel your pain. What has worked for me during dieting and now during maintenance is eating more than 3 meals a day. Granted, I do a LOT of exercise six days a week, so I earn up to 1000 extra calories so it's not like I don't have the calories to eat. My meals generally look like this:

    Pre-Workout: Just what it says, I drink a pre-workout right before working out first thing in the AM (very early)
    Breakfast: Around 500 cals, Usually bran cereal with half a banana (I freeze them in slices and put them in the cereal) and a 60g protein shake for after my workout.
    Lunch: Usually 500ish calories, high protein if I can do it. Chicken/Tuna/Eggs/Egg Salad whatever I can come up with that is low in calories but high in protein, and I eat it with multi-grain bread usually for the extra fiber.
    Dinner: Up to 1000 cals, I try for 750ish but you know how it goes. High protein again, good fiber, good veggies if possible. Almost always have a potato or sweet potato with dinner or baked/steamed veggies or both.
    Late Snack: 3-400 calories usually For me it's no sugar added ice cream. Good source of fiber, less sugar, and yes, I'm addicted.

    Splitting things up like that helps me to not snack.
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    Not all snacks are bad if I want a snack I will make myself some sugarfree instant pudding and I still loose weight so maybe I should invest in making snacks that don't have lot of calories and sugar
  • kidrow21
    kidrow21 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone great inspiring feed back. Feels good to know that little everyday issues are not just things that one person experiences and that through communication with others alike we can come up with great ideas. Last couple of days for me has been tough but when I read your comments it helps me understand and not get discouraged., thanks again. Together we ALL can!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nothing wrong with snacking, but if you can't control it, eat bigger meals.

    I pretty much have to snack because I sometimes feel weak and dizzy if I go too long without food but if I could, I'd just eat more at meals.
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    To agree with some of the above posters, if I feel like I want to snack on something I pop a strong minted gum in my mouth (mentos has a good one). I'd rather have 5 calories from that then whatever snack I was searching for
  • sugar75_1999
    sugar75_1999 Posts: 1 Member
    I found a great, low-calorie snack that also satisfied my chocolate cravings. Quaker Chocolate Crunch Rice Cakes. I usually hate rice cakes, so I was very reluctant to even TRY them, at first. Someone else told me about them, so I finally tried them. They are DELICIOUS & very filling! At only 60 calories a pop, you can't beat it!
  • TechAaronLoyd
    TechAaronLoyd Posts: 339 Member
    Snacking is the devil.
    I just keep telling me that.
    It's so hard to say no to snack. I try to eat roasted edamame, yogurt, or cucumbers when I need a snack.
  • ckmhil
    ckmhil Posts: 2 Member
    kidrow21 wrote: »
    I do well for the most part on my daily counting of the calories but I've noticed that my snacking is not how I want it to be any suggestions? Would be helpful.

    I have the same problem. Some days snacks are 50% of my total calories :-|