Kick off 8 lbs Sep25-Oct 23



  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Made myself run around the house for 2000 steps to get in at least 8000. Time for bed goodnight all.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    sticking with my calorie limits. Energy improved. Did notice I got light headed a couple times at work when standing up quickly. I increased my water intake and it improved. Just saw commercial for doritos, I miss my doritos.
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    sticking with my calorie limits. Energy improved. Did notice I got light headed a couple times at work when standing up quickly. I increased my water intake and it improved. Just saw commercial for doritos, I miss my doritos.

    Totally understand!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    pushed myself to 11000 steps on fitbit. Hubby microwaved me some popcorn to nibble on.
  • 30lbslightergoal
    30lbslightergoal Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to share how my week went before our Sunday weighin..

    I feel great! I feel like my belly is flatter and I feel like I'm standing taller and prouder and I actually feel my clothes are looser!! I decided not to introduce weights this week. I have s tendency of gaining weight really quickly and when that happens the scale goes back up. I know that if I see the number in the scale
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Weigh-in dates

    Sep 24: 285.3
    Oct 01: 281.9 -3.4
    Oct 08: 283.5 +1.6 (Its that TOM)
    Oct 15: 281.5 - 2
    Oct 22:
  • sakvani
    sakvani Posts: 37 Member
    So far so good, only one week remaining. Lets hope we will make it.
    CW: 162.2
    GW: 154.2
    Sep 25: 162.2 lbs
    Oct 02: 159.8 lbs
    Oct 09: 158.2 lbs
    Oct 16: 156.0 lbs
    Oct 23:
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    It's working :) 9-25-16152.2#
    10-2-16 147.8#
    10-9-16 148.4#
    10-16-16 146.0#

  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    Not as bad as I thought it would be. Two nights eating out. One at a pizza/pasta place. Bad news for my calorie control! I've got better plans this week. I'm not giving up.

    Sep 25: 129.8
    Oct 02: 129.0
    Oct 09: 126.2
    Oct 16: 127.0
    Oct 23:
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    Fell off track recently for few days. I ll be honest too many events this month. It was hard on me to watch what I ate all the time. But have to keep it going. Because so far i am still loosing but very little.
    CW: 137.2
    GW: 129.2
    Sep 25: 137.2
    Oct 02: 135.4
    Oct 09: 133.8
    Oct 16: 133
    Oct 23:
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    CW: 148.6
    GW: 140.5
    Sep 25: 148.6
    Oct 02: 147.7
    Oct 09: 144.9
    Oct 16: 144.0
    Oct 23:
  • currentlysane
    currentlysane Posts: 17 Member
    I forgot to weigh! First thing Monday morning is usually my weigh day so I always forget on Sunday morning until I'm halfway through the day. I will check in tomorrow.
    Keep up the work everyone!
  • 30lbslightergoal
    30lbslightergoal Posts: 59 Member
    Starting weight: 220 lbs
    Week 1: 217.4 lbs
    Week 2: 214.2 lbs
    Week 3: 215.0 My "adorable" nephew commented my muffin is turning into a pear.. I'll take that to mean success lol
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Did well cutting calories at wedding reception last night. No bread or potato. No candy from the candy table. The salad, chicken, string beans and 1/2 a cupcake were just enough to fill me up. I did have one amaretto sweet and sour with OJ as a cocktail. At midnight I start the amazing race challenge. Let's see what a boost of added exercise does to my weight for next weeks weigh in.
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Weigh-in dates
    Sep 25: 152.4lbs
    Oct 02: 152.4lbs
    Oct 09: 148.6lbs
    Oct 16:150.8lbs
    Oct 23:
  • currentlysane
    currentlysane Posts: 17 Member
    Okay, here it is for this week -

    StartW: 200.2
    GW: 192.0

    Sep 25: 200.2
    Oct 02: 197.4
    Oct 09: 194.4
    Oct 16:194.2
    Oct 23:
  • lynalyei
    lynalyei Posts: 22 Member
    i wanted to posponed weighin but since i am struggling today i might as well weighin.i am motivated by the accountability here..
  • yoilnits
    yoilnits Posts: 10 Member
    Sep 25: 166.6
    Oct 2: 164.8
    Oct 9: 164.6
    Oct 16 163.2
    Oct 23:
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi guys! If Any of you are interested in extending the challenge, I ll be starting another challenge but not as aggressive as 2 lbs per week. As someone mentioned above, seeing your progress and accountability is what makes challenges work at least for me. Thanks for keeping each other motivated.
    Oct 24 to Dec 19 !! 8 weeks 8 lbs!!!
    Are you ready ?