Has this happened to anyone else...?



  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    Don't be that guy. No one likes them.
    It's not like we're saying it; just thinking it. I think we all have tact. :wink:
    I'm not the food Nazi - I'm the SNOB. I find it easier to turn my nose up to food, especially my 'weakness' foods; if I determine that it's 'not good enough' for me. For instance ice cream has to be PERFECT in taste, texture, creaminess, appearance, temperature, condiment ratios - everything.

    But, I keep my thoughts to MYSELF. You don't win friends by commenting on what other people eat.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I hope that no one judges me and my food choices they way you are judging people. That's not cool.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Yeah... Ashamed to say I do this. Generally that inner voice gets triggered when it's people who are dieting but doing it very very wrong. I was at the microwave in work a few days ago heating up my tin of weight watchers soup (which is low calorie but not the best in terms of healthy nutritional values) and one of the girls from the other side of the office was pouring a whole tin of Smart Price spaghetti hoops over a huge jacket potato. She turned to me and said "Sin free this badboy"

    She was doing Slimming World. For the benefit of folk who don't know about Slimming World, foods are broken into 'sins' which you are allowed 15 of per day. Apparently a whole tin of stodgy, processed, piss poor quality, 12p spaghetti hoops and a massive carb loaded jacket is excellent healthy nutritious food if you're following the Slimming World plan...
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    On the other hand, I do get a little annoyed when overweight people (and generally unhealthy people) put crap into their bodies without a second thought and then complain all the time about their health issues. That, to me, is what's annoying. If you don't care about your body/health then I could care less, but if you are going to constantly complain about how many things you have wrong with you, treat your body better. I'm tired of hearing about it.


    I am SO in agreement, I don't judge skinny or fat for what they eat or don't, but I have a hard time NOT saying something if the person (usually an acquaintance, friend or family member) is complaining how they don't have energy (skinny non-eater) or complaining how they feel so awful (heavy over-eater) etc, that's when I usually judge (mentally) and find it hard not to say "Well you know....."

    I 100% agree! Eat what you want, but don't complain.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I do it in my head all the time. And I think "ignorance is bliss". I try not to be too judgemental..cause that was me barely a month ago. But I do try to steer my family into healthier choices.

    On saturday..we were out in the community with our church helping do some work for those who are impacting their part of the world. At one point..I noticed my girls and hubby were running on no steam...I had them all eat a piece of fruit for instant energy..and then almonds for the long term energy..They were soo surprised that it "worked"...in fact hubby went back for more almonds...
  • alriela
    alriela Posts: 13
    I do that!! I feel so mean but it's the truth.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I definately pay more attention to it now. But that is there business..and my food habits are mine.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Don't be that guy. No one likes them.

    + 1
  • Kristinemillar
    Personally I'd say no... It's none of my business what anyone else eats... and I'm a firm believer in everything in moderation.. If I want to eat out and have a high calorie meal I do, I refuse to dictate to others what they can eat and what they can't.. for example...

    I have an 11 yo and if she wants to have a McDonalds or Burger King once in a while I won't stop her...

    There is a difference between eating unhealthy food every now and again in moderation and not being educated about your diet.... Heck, I'm having Pizza on Friday... anyone going to judge me on that???
  • slimndiva
    slimndiva Posts: 9
    I don't judge people by what they eat or their weight. Unless they are close to me and I'm concerned ofr their healt. In my head or outloud, it not my business OR my place to judge.

  • slimndiva
    slimndiva Posts: 9
    I hope that no one judges me and my food choices they way you are judging people. That's not cool.

  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    So do we have the "right" to judge? If our country goes to national health care, is it fair for my tax dollars to pay for the person across the table who is eating their un-healthy heart to death, smoking, not excersizing, and has a butt-load of expensive heath issues because of their LACK of eduction/self-control......whatever it is?
  • Kristinemillar
    We have a national health care here in the UK and you know what?? My taxes go on the heath and well being of everyone, large, small, smoker, alcoholic.......

    I have no issues with that at all.. Of course, a lot of health issues can be helped with education, and the UK health service provides that...

    How would you feel/did you feel at your heaviest knowing people were judging you???

    People on here are too judgemental a lot of the time... We were all there once... Remember??
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    So do we have the "right" to judge? If our country goes to national health care, is it fair for my tax dollars to pay for the person across the table who is eating their un-healthy heart to death, smoking, not excersizing, and has a butt-load of expensive heath issues because of their LACK of eduction/self-control......whatever it is?

    We probably don't have to pay for their healthcare as long as a healthy person.

    Death rate of unhealthy person by massive heart attack of CVA - let's estimate age 60
    Death rate of normally healthy person - let's estimate 80

    There's 20 years there of additional health premiums we will most likely pay for the otherwise healthy adult. Even though they're "healthy" by lifestyle choices, as you age, there are certainly concerns and costs which may add up - hip/knee replacement, arthritis, osteoperosis, etc.

    The healthful person may have less costs associated with "lifestyle" issues - T2 diabetes, emphysema, etc. but will have smaller costs over a longer period of time.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Wow, this is so sad. Even though I've lost 55 pounds and 10 pounds from my goal, I remember vividly the looks I'd get when I got donuts or fast food. Those of you that think you're not making it noticable, you are. Those people you're judging have eating disorders, no different than any other kind of addict. The really sad part is all of us that lost weight may not keep it off and might be getting judged like you're currently judging others.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't judge people by what they eat or their weight. Unless they are close to me and I'm concerned ofr their healt. In my head or outloud, it not my business OR my place to judge.

    I don't think of it as "judging" so much as caring. I don't think "OMG that fat person is so gross. Just look at them stuffing their face! Ugh!). It's more like, "Oh, do they know what that is doing to their body?".
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Nope I can honestly say I don't. I don't know what their battles are or what journey they are on and I don't remember anyone appointing me expert on taste or health

    I totally agree. The only person I ever occasionally tease about eating junk food is my boyfriend, and that's my god given right. lol
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Wow, this is so sad. Even though I've lost 55 pounds and 10 pounds from my goal, I remember vividly the looks I'd get when I got donuts or fast food. Those of you that think you're not making it noticable, you are. Those people you're judging have eating disorders, no different than any other kind of addict. The really sad part is all of us that lost weight may not keep it off and might be getting judged like you're currently judging others.

    Yup. Have we forgotten where we came from?
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    To the people bothered by overweight people making unhealthy choices, do you feel the same when you see slim, attractive people tucking into McDs and donuts?


    Why??? If my skinny friend wants to eat her grilled cheese and fries when we go out for lunch she can go right ahead. SHE EARNED THAT GODDAMN LUNCH!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    As a Certified Trainer, I don't employ dieting to any of my clients. This way they don't become food nazi's!