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Cheat day..yes or no?



  • courtcassiefit
    courtcassiefit Posts: 76 Member
    I used to have cheat days and it messed me up so bad! Now I allow myself 1-3 cheat meals a week and a treat everyday. By treat I mean a cookie, candy, a portion of chips..always fit it into my macros. I think we all have to remember that we are aiming for a lifestyle change and just not a quick fix.

    Whenever I know that I'm going to have a cheat meal I have loads of protein and vegetables during the day to balance out my cheat meal.
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    For me, "cheat" implies something negative and sneaky and wrong.
    I'm trying to address the unhealthy emotional components to my eating habits......so "cheat" just doesn't fit anymore.
    I make room for anything I want by exercising...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    bethmccrea wrote: »
    It's interesting that so many people disagree with a cheat. I find that having a cheat meal (or two) every two to three weeks seems to really keep me on track the rest of the time.

    Almost everyone who is saying they don't "cheat" is saying they work the foods they love in every day. Very few people are totally restrictive 100% of the time, and there's really no need to be.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    edited September 2016
    Cheat days really messed up my relationship with food. I would under eat during the week so I could pig out on the weekend. On the outside, I was ripped, on the inside I was on a path to disordered eating for sure.

    That said, that was merely my experience and it has more to do with my personality type then the idea of cheat days in general. If they work for you do it. Just be mindful if they aren't...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,139 Member
    shredz3 wrote: »
    I'm doing a 12 week program for shedding body fat I haven't had a cheat meal since I've started. I'm on week 5. Feeling great! Strong mind strong body.

    you need a calorie deficit to shed body fat, incorporating some calorie dense foods is not going to stall your goals, unless said foods put you at maintenance or a surplus..
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Don't cheat.. just fit it into your macros and move on! I eat pizza, drink wine and have treats and consistently drop bf because I know exactly how many calories/macros are in those items. Seriously IIFYM will change your life! No guilt! Having said this 80% of my diet is basically chicken, rice, beans etc but I still allow something I love every day
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I never did cheat days when I was losing. If I knew I was going to eat more or go out drinking, I exercised more to make up for it. The way I looked at it is all the hard work of dieting and exercising would just have been a waste.

    Now that I'm maintaining, the only time I cheat is when I'm on vacation. I'm a runner though so long run day always earns me something yummy, but I'm burning the calories to be able to enjoy it.

    You can do it. Mind over matter. Feeling good and looking good is worth more than a cheat day.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I eat what I want to eat and I balance the quantities with my weekly calorie goals. I figure as long as I'm at or under maintenance for any given week, I'm fine. In this framework, no food is "cheating" and a meal or a day or a few days if higher than goal calories are perfectly normal.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    "cheat meal" is a relative term..so it depends what you truly do. To some it means binge for the day.. to others it is having one meal without counting calories.... However, for someone to always eat perfectly as many here claim they do? it is a recipe for disaster as well. With regaining stats to prove it.
  • valerialeek
    valerialeek Posts: 65 Member
    Cheat MEAL rather
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    I really think it's a mental game/ trap to have a cheat day. We can be doing great for the whole week and then wreck all of our progress easily in a day by overindulgence. I feel strongly about being in control of your choices and conscious of the outcome. There is nothing wrong with having a piece of cake or chocolate if you really want it. Just count it. Ask yourself if it's worth it. Be aware of the calories and fat.
    It's just living life. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to live healthy and happy. So find that balance that lets you do that.
    I have known people that went on diets and plans that I knew would work and they complained about them not working. What they would then mention is they would have a cheat day and eat a tub of ice cream, a whole pizza, pancakes, bacon, and drink the night away. In that one day they completely ate their previous success!
    Your plan only works if you stick with it.
    Yesterday I had a very social day and went over my calories a bit, but I was still careful. I will stay in my range this week and walk a little more and be fine. No guilt, just life. We drink lots of water and dance on to the beat of our own drummer!
    I learned long ago to decide what I want most and make it fit into my plan.
  • jesheckah
    jesheckah Posts: 33 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week. basically I just eat the number of calories I need for maintenance on that day, the extra 500+ is nice to have, and often I don't even make it. It hasn't stalled my progress, it keeps me less cranky, and honestly I feel like it's showing me what I will eat like when I am at maintenance. Forming habits now to last a lifetime. :)
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,300 Member
    I was told you need a cheat day to keep your metabolism ruining smooth. I didn't start incorporating cheat days until I hit goal though. I was determined to get my 80lbs off. Now I have a weekly dinner out, with an appetizer, dessert & drink .... it gives you something to look forward to for all the hard work you do during the week. As long as you stay within reasonable calories count and get right back on it the next day---very good choice I think. So yes!

    Keep up the great work!
  • Connieluvsfitness
    Connieluvsfitness Posts: 55 Member
    addily1986 wrote: »
    When starting my diet I thought to myself "I'm not sure I can do this...I need a cheat day." Now my mind is telling me yes cheat day! ...but it's telling me to cheat every day so I'm trying not to listen.
    What are other peoples viewpoints on a cheat day?

    Dieting is hard work any time of the year you do it. But it feels especially hard for me in the summer because of all the fun social things happening. I mean have you ever tried to float the river without a beer? BORING.

    I would say do a cheat day after you've reached ur goal. Doing cheat days while working towards goal weight is just setting yourself back. If you do have a slip up then you might start to keep eating cheat day foods and fall back into bad habits . It's easier to control the eating habits after you've reached your goal and you'll know how much work it takes to get that weight off. It's also a easier way to suppress those cheat day cravings that got you to the point your at now trying to loose all the weight if you wait til you accomplish your goal first.
  • Norakhalid95
    Norakhalid95 Posts: 1 Member
    dont do a cheat day do a cheat meal once and a while, and as long as it fits your macros you should be cool
  • Melemur
    Melemur Posts: 95 Member
    I try not to schedule my cheat days but if I happen to be out with a group of friends and I want a burger and fries I will knowing that I did well during the month kind of makes up for that 1 bad meal I had
  • MaryOves
    MaryOves Posts: 28 Member
    No cheat day. I work too hard for that. I have a cheat dinner. The night after I weigh in, if I've lost, I have what I want.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Melemur wrote: »
    I try not to schedule my cheat days but if I happen to be out with a group of friends and I want a burger and fries I will knowing that I did well during the month kind of makes up for that 1 bad meal I had

    Why is a burger and fries a bad meal?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You can fit a "cheat meal" into your weekly deficit. I personally do 2 lower calorie day below my normal deficit so that on saturday I can have a higher caloric meal than I could otherwise "afford" with my goal.
  • jhajni
    jhajni Posts: 30 Member
    Okay guys and what if I am eating healthy but every now and then I eat a thin slice of sacher cake or any cake? Not a full massive slice of cake but like a paper thin slice of cake.... Is that a cheat day???