Your greatest feat of strength?



    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    545lb behind the back deadlift. Today. 50lb PR.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    you know those awful spring clips that nobody likes? well, at my rec centre they're worse than that. not only four coils of stiff but rusty and scratched-up as well. and so are the bars.

    i decided to see them as free grip training about a year ago. lasted a couple of months before i got bored and quit that, but even now i can do them. with my non-dominant hand.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    And my new one ... no idea if it is "good" or not but I pushed 640lbs on the prowler sled tonight (just my second time pushing that thing). I was ready to collapse but I still did it. :-)

    Yes - that's very good. As in, seriously? 640 added, or total? And what surface? I don't know what the Prowler weight is, but I've only been able to push - I don't remember, but it wasn't much - on a rubberized mat.

    Well, I was told the sled weighs 100lbs and I had 540 lbs on it (12 45 lb plates) so my trainer marked 640. It was on kind of an astroturf strip in our gym. 30 feet long. He also said the sled feet had gotten messed up so it had lost much of its "slide" so I am hoping I can do even more when it is fixed! ;-)

    Damn. We have some astroturf at the gym, but it's been rolled up and off to the side since before I joined in June. :/ Owner keeps saying he's going to install it on the runway and replace some of the old equipment that nobody uses with power cages. :/ Not yet.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,844 Member
    Coachjr29 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who squats more than I DL? Embarrassing.

    My Squat PR is 475; DL PR is 425. I'm right there with ya, amigo.
  • QuixoticNeurotic
    QuixoticNeurotic Posts: 9 Member
    Today where I completed a full hour of hardcore weighted circuit training including 5*5s of 15 different exercises
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    And my new one ... no idea if it is "good" or not but I pushed 640lbs on the prowler sled tonight (just my second time pushing that thing). I was ready to collapse but I still did it. :-)

    Yes - that's very good. As in, seriously? 640 added, or total? And what surface? I don't know what the Prowler weight is, but I've only been able to push - I don't remember, but it wasn't much - on a rubberized mat.

    Well, I was told the sled weighs 100lbs and I had 540 lbs on it (12 45 lb plates) so my trainer marked 640. It was on kind of an astroturf strip in our gym. 30 feet long. He also said the sled feet had gotten messed up so it had lost much of its "slide" so I am hoping I can do even more when it is fixed! ;-)

    Made it to 730lbs today!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    edited October 2016
    i've been lifting for a while but never committed to deadlift until this past 2 months and i'm up to 435lbs.

    on the leg press machine when i do calves i can rep 28 45lb plates for 6-8 reps.

    abs - last night i read a crossfit article about doing dragon flies and i was able to do hold it for 30 seconds, so i felt good about that. Also i can do 20 toes to bar in a row w\strict form.

    curls - can curl 150lb on a straight bar with strict form

    shoulders - front raises 65lb dumbells for reps.

    bench - i've never thought myself to have a good bench but my current max is 305. bleh.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    For the lifters out there, what is the feat of strength that you are most proud of?

    lame, but.... the L Hold on two plates. As a former gymnast and weight lifter, i want to be able to do more and more bodyweight holds which are considered "advanced". For example, i would love to be able to do an iron cross, but i've been told this takes in the 3-4 year range to accomplish. :)

    Presuming that's like Iron X? Yeah that's a long one to master but a great aim!!

    I can do a human flag, but not with feet apart.

    I would say an iron cross is more difficult than an iron x as you use an unstable surface (rings which want to move right out from underneath you). Here's an awesome video of someone learning one! :)

    oh yeah, PS i can barely do anything on the rings. Because, like is said, they literally want to go right out from underneath you with everything you do.

    a huamn flag is really impressive. i'm jealous of those difficult gymnast moves. I struggle just to do a handstand, ugh.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    For me it was when I did my first tricep pushup on my toes (During Chalean Extreme) It was actually 3. I went NUTS. Now, I'm doing Hammer and Chisel and I installed my first pull-up bar at home. Next goal : You guessed it, 1 unassisted pull-up. That'll take months, I know, but I'll get there. :)
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    edited October 2016
    My favorite feat of strength was strict shoulder pressing my friend over my head. They weighed about 150-155lbs. (Edit:added unit type)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    JoshD8705 wrote: »
    My favorite feat of strength was strict shoulder pressing my friend over my head. They weighed about 150-155lbs. (Edit:added unit type)

    that's really cool. and a trusting friend (i assume it was a consenting-adults kind of thing).

    i'm pretty pleased about being able to do turkish getups these days. not an especially strong move, but man they need coordination and a kind of connect-all-the-body-zones-together type thing that i couldn't master the first time i tried. i actually figured it was one of those things where i was likely to hurt myself and my fragile shoulders if i kept it up, so i just shelved the idea.

    couple months ago my trainer had tgu reps as his just-for-fun monthly 'challenge'. a lot of people stayed away from that challenge, but i knew that this was my chance, so i learned them. you know how sometimes you just find a move or a lift that feels like 'your' thing. they were like jelly beans . . . i kept going back for another handful of them, three or four times a day. so i can do tgu's now, with a (small) kettlebell in the bottoms-up grip.

  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    160 bench, push ups while in back bend.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    imjms737 wrote: »
    I love lifting, but definitely not the strongest lifter.
    (C&J: 75kg, Snatch: 50kg, Squat: 120kg, Bench: 95kg, DL: 150kg)

    But I did run 100km in the mountains once, so I got that going for me, which is nice ;)
    My run data

    Out of my many races, it was actually the only race I finished within the top 10.
    I was exactly 10th place, but hey, still counts!

    To be decent in distance running and lifting is not easy. Nice work!