40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    thre is a book called "New Rules of Lifting" the first one for men, the econd one was designed for women, and the third was a modification and more stuff to learn from.

    I am doing teh first book, My wife is doing the women book.

    It was written by two men who are industry leaders, they offer solid advice and real world issues like.....Ice cream is good :)
  • 1beachteacher
    1beachteacher Posts: 12 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!
    I just joined MFP yesterday and have spent the last 24 hours trying to learn my way around. To introduce myself, I'm an elementary school teacher in my mid 40's (yikes, I will be 45 this year) who is extrememly busy during the school year but has waaay too much time on her hands during the summer. Most of the teachers I know gain weight in the summer instead of the winter... :( I've been on a weight loss journey for the last year and I've done fairly well. I've lost about 30 lbs but I need that kick to continue. I am about 15 lbs from reaching my goal.

    I appreciate reading your daily struggles and successes. It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

    Again, I look forward to 'meeting' everyone and continuing to have success.

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome 1beach! Welcome back Sing, we missed you this week.

    I got my 2 hours in the gym last night. Moved a little faster on the treadmill. Hardly sore today, which means maybe I can push myself more tonight.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    tron, congrats on your first Insanity workout! Yeah, the warmup is a killer. I was wearing my HRM the first time I did Insanity, and I burned more calories during that 9 minute warm-up than I did the 90 minute YogaX part of P90X. :laugh: Crazy. But you're doing it smartly if you're taking the rests you need when you need them. No reason to over-do it.

    singfree, welcome back! Sounds like you had a good week off. Sorry to hear about the long shifts this week, though. Is it hot up there? We're supposed to break a record today AND the humidity is crazy. I think I'll be staying inside most of the day. Yesterday I walked to the mailbox and broke into a sweat. Can't imagine what it's going to be like today.

    LadyPersia, always good to see you!!!

    Swissmiss, it is actually really smart to reign in those workouts when it is this hot. Don't worry about the calories burned when it comes to this kind of heat. Just listen to your body. That's the most important thing. This heat can be dangerous, so don't push it too hard.

    MellowGa, I've heard some great things about the NROL for Women. I've not paid too much attention to the men's program (since I'm not a man!) but from what I understand, some women have had some great results. Keep us posted because I'm curious how both you and your wife respond to the program. It is something I've toyed with doing as well.

    1beachteacher, welcome! Congratulations on your weight loss so far. Those last 15 pounds are tough (TOUGH!) to lose. If you have any questions, let us know. I know a few of us have struggled through those last pounds and we all probably have different recommendations on how to do it. So if you have questions or are trying something that's not working, feel free to ask and we'll provide you with some options.

    zebras, boy, you are killing it at the gym! Congratulations. And, before I forget (again!) congrats on your great weight loss!

    All here is going...okay. I took a bit of a fall last night on our stairs and hurt my knee. I'm off to the doctors in a minute. I don't think it is anything serious, but I want to have it checked out. So no workouts for me for a few days (at least). I'm oddly okay with that, though, because I've been pushing myself really hard and can stand a few days off. I figure this is my body's way of making sure I take them. :tongue: But I want to make sure I get good and healed because I've decided to try an Asylum/Insanity rotation soon, and need to be in tip-top shape for that! Good thing I got my eating under control because I'm not worried at all about gaining weight during this time. That makes me happy.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • loseisthegoal4me
    Welcome BeachTeacher!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I started classes again yesterday - I recorded some welcome videos for the students hoping they will see that I am more than just a typed critique.

    This week I left the 210's behind! YEA. I can't wait for the next milestone as I froze all of my Girlscout cookies and will reward myself with defrosting a box for every 10lbs after 200. I won't splurge on the whole box at a time as much as I would be tempted. No bad foods just bad portions right?

    Tuesday is workout with a trainer day - I didn't remind him last Friday that it was weigh and measure day so I have to do that today. I know it will be a better result than the last one with more inches.

    Have a good day.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Welcome 1beachteacher, Sing glad your vacation was enjoyable. StiringWendel..Hope you knee feels better. Loseisthe goal....GS cookies are wonderful frozen...Nice treat

    Going to run today in the heat....first time for everything:). Have a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    I've been trying to get this written for 2 days now! My new grand daughter is taking up much of my time. :heart:

    I got caught up with everyone's posts last night, but then was too tried to post.

    Welcome to the new folks joining us.

    Wow, everyone is sure busy! I am impressed with those working the insanity and asylum. Don't really know what the programs are like, but I get a pretty good idea from their names. They sound scary. :laugh:

    I've been keeping up with my exercise, but did have a bad weekend food wise. Had a 60th birthday party (dinner) on Saturday and then on Sunday a family dinner. Saturday wasn't as bad as I had completed a long run that morning,, so I had the calories, but Sunday.......not. I'm the one that cooks on Sunday and I do cook healthy food choices, I just eat too darn much!!:grumble: If I could learn better portion control, I think I would do fine. I should attach a measuring cup to my wrist, so I will know for sure...and not just guesstimate. Who am I kidding, I KNOW I am eating too much.

    Swissmiss - you are off to Florida? Vacation? Hope so, and hope you have a wonderful time.

    I am so looking forward to vacation, just am not sure when I am going to take it. I am taking a week at the end of the month to attend my neices wedding in BC. That will be nice, as all my siblings and most of my neices and nephews will be there. :happy:

    Am posting this at work, so will try to write / comment more on everyone's progress a little later. Just wanted to touch base and say "hello". :flowerforyou:
  • loseisthegoal4me
    yea - at the gym today when we weiged and measured I was 4 pounds down (their scale had me a pound less than my scale and that included shoes) and down 1/2" almost everywhere.

    I am so impressed with all the things everyone here is trying. We are a busy bunch with exercise, vacations and grand children. Thanks for the support. E
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    loseisthegoal4me...congratuations. That is great news. You must be feeling very happy.:bigsmile: Ok, do you have a secret for losing? If so, please share.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: sdereski, I find it hard to believe from looking at your picture that you are old enough for grandchildren. Yes, this is a vacation. I have not seen my grandchildren who live in Florida for 4 1/2 years. It is time.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, you are about to convince me to try Insanity. That is quite a burn.

    I only burn 137 today but it was in a pool so I had a comfortable workout.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back to work again. It seems like I work, eat, sleep and do a workout...then start all over again.

    Stiring, I'm very sorry to hear about your fall. Take it easy for a few days. That new rotation seems like a killer! Yes, it's been pretty hot up here as well. Today was in the mid-90s. I still did my mountain hike this afternoon. It's in the shade all the way to the top, so it's not TOO bad. I feel like I've accomplished something when I work up a good sweat.

    Nothing much to report from here. Have a great day!!!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome Beach Teacher and Loseisthegoal! Well today was the first day of the 2nd Week of C25K and I feel I did fairly well! Lady Persia...how has it been for you? Yesterday I went swimming with my kids for 4 hours at the pool. MFP says I burned over 900 calories...woo..hooo! Like swissmiss said its a nice way to workout! Busy week ahead at work trying to get everything ready for our vacation next week. We are taking a river canoe trip down the Green River here in Utah. 65 miles of paddling in 5 days, with time to camp and hike around. Should be a lot of fun......and I can only eat the food I take, no ways to cheat and lots of excercise......hope it's the first vacation I come back lighter! :laugh: Well crazy or not I've settled on my next race......it's a duathalon...swim 1/4 mile and bike 12 miles on Sept 10th.....so that's my new goal. We'll see how the running goes and maybe I'll try to do a 5K in the fall too, but for right now that's my new goal.

    Stiring....I'm so sorry about your knee, rest up and don't try to get back on it too soon.
    Sing, what constitutes a mountain in PA for you hike?! Just kidding....you are always making your excercise sound sooooo inviting. Keep it up. I'm sorry about your work schedule....sounds grueling.
    loseit...4lbs? way to go!

    Well everyone take care and have a good week. :flowerforyou:
  • devildogmom
    Hi, Yes I am slow to join up with ya'll but I am 45 soon to be 46.. I have found that a lot of the threads are full of girls who idealistically would be my goal weight and I would be having a party if I were there.. :)
    I live in the hotbox Houston Texas and most of my time is spent in the AC .
    I have to read the thread when I have time and catch up on everyones summer

  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning everyone! Wow, it has been warm here in Vermont too. I have been doing my workouts at 6 am and I'm still sweating like crazy from the heat. But, thankfully I'm at least getting used to these early morning summer workouts. I have been doing a DVD first, then instead of the elliptical for cardio afterward, I have been going outside and going up and down hills, and then walking-running-jogging at different speeds. Kind of fun. Yesterday it was too hot so I went in the river and walked upstream and then downstream...I was pleased I was able to cool down, take the dog for a swim, and continue the workout at the same time...I managed to keep my HR in the 1 and 2 zones at least for 20 minutes. It comes in handy to have a river in the backyard sometimes.

    I tried one more video this week--the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. I liked it but did not burn too much (135 cal/34 min) so think I'll only do this when I'm too tired for any other strength exercises. I haven't tried the 2nd level yet--maybe that'll burn a little more?? Maybe I'll try that today and find out. Stiring, I just ordered the one you recommended to me--the Supreme 90 is it? I can't remember exactly what it is called, but it's the one with like 10 DVD's in one. Should be here tomorrow and I can start working my way into that.

    Also Stiring--I'm so sorry about your ankle--you are so good to get it checked out so soon. I guess with the injuries you have had you know the right approach to take. Hope all is well!

    Thanks everyone also for your comments last week about when I was under-the-weather. I think my eating is back up to plan this week. Thankfully and not thankfully......funny how you get nervous when you do not eat enough but then get worried when you do!

    I saw the whole discussion about carbs--I agree--not at all the enemy! I actually did the low carb thing for like 10 years but when I joined MFP I gradually started adding them back into my life and am so happy for that. I never let myself have breads, or pastas or rice (and I love all of them). Now, as long as it's healthy and balanced and my total calories add up to where they are supposed to, I'm on plan and maintaining my weight. I have been thinking a lot about this subject lately--about how people think they need to deprive themselves from certain foods to lose weight. I truly believe that's not necessary. I still drink 2% milk, 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee everyday, and full-fat wonderful Vermont Cheese, butter, and homemade breads, and have been maintaining just fine. My fat% numbers are always on plan. Sodium very low. Carbs still below plan. It's the quantities you need to balance, not any one food or food group that will derail your goals.

    Swissmiss---so glad you are feeling better!

    Welcome devildog mom!

    Crewell--awesome that you can swim and burn calories like that!!! The Green River trip sounds amazing!!

    Sing--nice to see you check in!!

    Tron--wow---your experience with Insanity...too funny. Doesn't sound like I'll be trying that soon. Are you going to continue wiht it??

    I like what Swiss said in one of the posts--something like "I have to be working out, not writing....." that's me too as my window of time is now 6-7 am , so have a great day all!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, shoot...there I go typing a great post and then lose it.:grumble: Ok, starting all over again.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I would love to see your backyard. I think it would be wonderful to have a river there.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Dee. You will see as you are reading the posts that a lot of us are sweltering this summer.

    :flowerforyou: crewellademel, you are so active !!! I think your vacation plans sound great and you will probably come back home lighter.

    sing, it is always nice to hear from you.:happy:

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I must have missed reading about your fall. I am sorry to hear that you are injured. Take it easy and heal fast.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi all. Thanks for all of your kind words. I'm doing well. Just bruised and swollen. No serious damage. BUT....the doctor thinks the injury is more serious than what it otherwise would have been because I'm overtraining a bit. I don't think that comes as a huge surprise to me....or probably anybody around me. :blushing: He asked me about other symptoms of overtraining, and I certainly have a few (and I knew it....was just ignoring it). So he has recommended I take at least a full week or, better yet, two weeks from working out. Like I said yesterday, I'm actually okay with that. I have a tendency to push myself harder than I should (especially at my age!)....a lesson I should have learned NOT to do from our good friend, singfree, and his concussion last year. So I'll take this as another lesson learned and try to learn to find the balance between challenging myself and hurting myself! But I'm doing good and able to get around and such, so all is well.

    Robin, I hope you enjoy the Supreme 90 workouts. I find them surprisingly challenging. They don't have fancy production (the warm up and the cool down are the same for all of the workouts), but they are effective. I've been doing the strength training workouts for the past five weeks, and I was really concerned about losing some muscle definition because I had just come out of the P90X rotation. Not the case at all. These workouts move VERY quickly, so be prepared for that. But I like them because no matter what workout I'm doing, be it the strength or cardio workouts, I feel like I'm getting a really good overall workout (in other words, alots of cardio in the strength training and alot of strength in the cardio training). He also focuses on abs/core in every workout, which my body likes. I have worksheets for all of the workouts (how long they are, what the exercises are, etc) if you want me to email those to you. They have helped me tremendously since these workouts do move quickly. But for $20, these workouts have really surprised and pleased me. Let me know if you have any questions! And I love what you wrote about carbs and fat and such! I couldn't possibly agree more!!!! :flowerforyou:

    devildogmom, welcome!!

    Hope you all enjoy the day and endure the heat (if you are experiencing it....like we are! :grumble: )
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning All!

    Stiring, so glad to hear its not serious! Get a good rest!

    Welcome devildog. My cat does the same thing at the faucet as in your picture!

    Got my two hours in at the gym last night. Did tiny amounts of jogging for two nights in a row now, TOM will screw with the scale this week, though. As long as I don't throw the scale out the window at that very moment, I don't let it really bother me!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    good morning friends,

    It's another beautiful day here - we've been having quite a nice July to date. Just wish I could enjoy more of it. I seem to work straight through the days without a break. by the time I am out the door, some clouds start rolling in. I really need to think about taking some time off and just hanging around the house. I live on a beautiful beach, so I don't really have to go far to enjoy sun, sand & water.

    Thought I was having a pretty good day yesterday until I logged my calories yesterday. Geesh! My M-I-L invited me for dinner (spaghetti w meat sauce) wow - sure pack a lot of calories and sodium!! So glad I did a 7 mile run - helped me stay a little under in my calories.

    Swissmiss - enjoy that vacation!!! 4 1/2 years is way too long not to see your grandkids. That is so exciting!

    Singfree - your hikes sound lovely. Hiking is one of my favourite cross training exercises. We have many lovely hiking trails around here. I usually do them in the fall and winter, as my summers are spent running and cycling.

    crewell - your vacation plans sound like sooo much fun! You are going to have a blast! Wishing you sunshine & fast waters. we often took canoe trips and camped for vacations, but have stopped doing that once the boys got older and busier. A few weeks ago, my husband and I paddled along the shore of Lake Superior (that's where we live). Actually, my profile pic was taken that day while out canoeing.

    stiring- I missed the part about your fall as well! sorry to hear about your injury, but as you recognize, you probably need the break, so ENJOY!! :smile:

    Am golfing today and then hope to go for a short run!

    enjoy your day!:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I find it exciting that there are so many people middle age and older in this group who are very active!! No sitting around growing old in front of the TV. Everyone here is a wonderful inspiration.:heart:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    As usual I went to Nevada on Monday and Tuesday. That will be the norm for the next month or two or when it starts to snow on the pass.... Which ever comes first. My husband and his friend just closed on two more rentals. One is clean, just needs cosmetic stuff done while the other is disgusting. When people move why don't they pack their dishes? Makes no sense to me....

    Robin.... Yes, I am going to continue with insanity. But unfortunately I can not follow the program the way your supposed to. I am out of town working every Monday and Tuesday and on Sat and Sun I am helping my sister in law try to get as much sone so her family can join her up here. So I am gonna squeeze in the workouts when I can and when winter hits and I won't be out as much I plan on starting it all over again, hopefully stronger, and do the program right.

    Stiring.... So glad your ok. Just be careful. Altho I admire your dedication no one wants to see you injure yourself.

    For all of you that are experiencing the heat wave, be careful. Don't over do it. And I hope it cools off for you soon.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Only one more night of this 12-hour shift, I can't wait for it to be over! As a supervisor, I'm lucky to get paid overtime, rather than comp time. Also, I found out that I DO NOT have to work on Saturday this week. What a relief!

    Well, the weather seems to have moderated just a bit. It's more like normal summer weather for PA. Still warm, but not too hot. Stiring, I hope you are getting some of this! Overtraining, eh? Who woulda thunk?? :wink: I'm so glad that it's not really serious. You'll be up and running in no time!

    I've been a bit discouraged with my shape lately. I am eating better and exercising, but until now things were not moving in the right direction. I DID notice that especially my work clothes are fitting a little bit looser the last several days. Maybe there is hope for me after all! Hey, I should have saved that for tomorrow's report!

    Have a great day!