I need a fitness buddy....



  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    Going on a week and a half of MFP and I already feel 10 times better! I've been doing the Biggest Loser strength and cardio DVDs since it's freezing cold outside! Anyone have any suggestions on other videos that are good? I love Biggest Loser...but the squats and lunges are killing my legs! I need a little something to mix it up! Ya'll be thinking of me too- I go out of town this weekend and my weigh in is on Sunday! I hope I don't fall off the bandwagon and gain weight! EEK!

    :flowerforyou: You can do it- just think of all the hard work you've put in already and how good you'll feel if you stick to it as best as you can!
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    Nicole you are probably building major muscle. i had that problem a couple years ago, i was going crazy with the workouts, and instead of losing pounds i was building muscle and eventually i shaped up really nicely. dont give up!!
    i did 20 minutes of tae bo yesterday. 50 crunches and 50 bicycle crunches ( i finally found out what they were called, lol)
    today im soooo sore and hungry LOL!!!!!
    Keep it up everyone!!!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I went to my step class today. It was fun! However, we didn't use the step!! It was more of a circiut training thing. Our instructor had statons set up for triceps dips, pushups, lunges, curls, etc. We'd do a station for 1 minute then jump into about 5 minutes of cardio & then move on to the next station. It was different, fun & tough! It's great that our instructor tries to keep it interesting! We finished it all up with some serious ab work!

    I picked up the BL cardio blast today at Walmart. I plan on trying it out tomorrow!

    It's only about 8:30 & I am so ready to go to bed now...zzz ....:yawn:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    well i didnt get an actual workout in today but i did go shopping for 4 hours....i swear trying on millions of clothes is a great workout!!! lol:happy: i am so wiped out i just want to go to bed!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    BL Cardio was AWESOME!! I did all the levels & added an additional 30 minutes on the tread mill. I feel great! Like I really accomplished something! But, I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!! I think that I'm going to need it!!

    Keep movin' Buddies!! :wink:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey you all! I worked 8 hours today and came home wore out for some reason. Then we went to look at a house we are talking about buying. I came home at 6 pm and laid down til 8:30 pm. I am still tired but I am up for a little while watching horror movies. If we buy this house, there is almost 5 acres of land so there is plenty of room to walk and exercise plus the house is old and in need of some major TLC so there will be plenty of exercise there too! I know I could use it! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • I worked out on my gazelle for 30 minutes and the ablounge for 20. Then I went hiking with the family in our national park for about 90 minutes. That's it for me today. No bowflex tonight!!! Have a great night all!!!:drinker:
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    Ahhh! A friend's birthday party and a bachelorette party one night after the other does not help me stay on target with eating!! I didn't even log my food the last few nights because I know I would be sooo over the limit:tongue:

    I'm back to being good now though. I went to my body sculpting class last night and we did a ton of arm work, some chest and shoulders, about a million squats and some ab stuff. All with free weights. I'm up to using 15 lbs weights now...doesn't sound like a lot but when you push yourself to muscle fatigue, it's heavy!!

    And what is this BL cardio everyone is talking about? I'm intrigued!

  • hey, i have just returned to the fold after a massive motivation loss, so i am so IN!
    I filled in my log today, but today is my rest day, so will post tomorrow after my workout.
    You guys rock, this is so awesome!
    Much love and well done to you all
  • just finished my workout, hope you all have a great day!

    'every new meal is a new chance'
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    I didnt even attempt to work out this weekend LOL!!!
    But... today is a new day, it is a new week and everything!
    So I WILL workout today. I will hop back on here and write it down
    afterwards, but I just wanted to tell you all that you are amazing!!!!!
    Love, Jaelle
  • I'm going to start some new exercises this week.
  • I've already got 20 done on my bowflex and 10 on my bike. I feel like I've started off great for the day. Got to get the kids off to school and get this house cleaned. DH was home all weekend and the house shows it. LOL
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I just finished my tread mills workouts. The program is 40 minutes long & I did an additional 20 with some sprinting at speed 6. BL inspired me last week! MY HRM says 544 cals burned! Felt like alot more though! :tongue:

    Keep movin!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i just got my workout in today...i did all levels of biggest loser cardio max!!! i have been very discouraged and totally didnt want to workout, but i made myself and i feel good now!!! its been almost 3 weeks since i have lost weight:sad: and its starting to really get to me!!! i upped my calories on friday but it only made me gain 6 oz:cry: on days that i workout i eat around 1400 calories and days i dont workout i eat 1200...does that sound right??? i drink tons of water...i thought i was drinking 100 oz a day but then i started to measure and its more like 200 oz!!! i eat 5-6 meals a day, and i try to mix up my workouts every day or so.......so what am i doing wrong???? HELP!!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    i just got my workout in today...i did all levels of biggest loser cardio max!!! i have been very discouraged and totally didnt want to workout, but i made myself and i feel good now!!! its been almost 3 weeks since i have lost weight:sad: and its starting to really get to me!!! i upped my calories on friday but it only made me gain 6 oz:cry: on days that i workout i eat around 1400 calories and days i dont workout i eat 1200...does that sound right??? i drink tons of water...i thought i was drinking 100 oz a day but then i started to measure and its more like 200 oz!!! i eat 5-6 meals a day, and i try to mix up my workouts every day or so.......so what am i doing wrong???? HELP!!!
    Awwww Nicole, I'm sorry to hear you are having troubles. I wish I knew what to tell you. Make a whole post of it's on to see if someone can help you answer your question! Good luck!
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    I did a 20 minute Pilates workout today and some Taebo!! Haven't done Taebo in years, it was fun! Although...does anyone know how many calories ol Billy Blanks actually helps you burn? I didn't seem to have to work very hard.

    Keep at it!!
  • Hi, I also need someone to keep me on track. I try to walk everyday atleast 30 minutes, and I bought an exercise ball yesterday. It would be great to talk to someone.

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hi, I also need someone to keep me on track. I try to walk everyday atleast 30 minutes, and I bought an exercise ball yesterday. It would be great to talk to someone.


    Welcome Debi!! Jump right in!! :drinker:
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    i love tae bo. i looked on his website and it says that you burn about 350 calories per 30 minutes. im not sure if that is true. we'll see i guess! that is what im going to do today is taebo. LOVE IT
    nicole your calories sound really good! you are probably still toning and getting muscles built up, so that is probably why you arent losing lbs. have you taken your inches? i heard that is where the real good stuff shows LOL
    Love you all!!!!
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