103 lbs down and so close to goal! With pics :)



  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Simply amazing! I teared up reading this and looking at your pictures. Gives me real hope, thank you so much for sharing your journey!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Wow absolutely amazing! You look fantastic!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    I can hardly type I am so blown away by your story and amazing transformation. Wow! You totally need to send your story into a major fitness or even a contemporary magazine like People. Truly a fantastic story and you look beautiful, happy and most importantly healthy.

    Cute shoes in that last pic too :smile:
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    You look absolutely fantastic!! You're my hero!! Way to go!!! :happy:
  • In January of 2010, at 260 lbs, I took the first step towards being a healthier me. My close friend asked me to be in her wedding, and I came to the realization that I would have to see a lot of people that I hadn’t seen in years, and I really didn’t want them to see me the way I looked. I had tried dieting many times before, but I gave up the fight before I had really seen any results. I started working out at home and doing the South Beach Diet and lost about 30 pounds in 3 months, just in time for her wedding. After the wedding I continued to be quite healthy, but all that came to a sudden halt when I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my leg. When I found out I had a blood disorder, working out kind of took the back burner as I wallowed in my sorrows for a bit.

    I gained a few pounds back while not working out, but in July I decided to join the gym next to my work. I was sick of being unhealthy and I wanted to nip my health problems in the bud and prevent anymore bad things from happening to me. I started to love the gym, and an outgoing trainer there made it a point to talk to me every day. Finally I realized that I needed some help because all I really knew how to do was the elliptical! After using my first free session with her, I bought a 4 pack package and started meeting with her every time I seemed to hit a plateau (about every 2-3 months). With her help every now and then and with my sheer determination, the weight just kept coming off pretty steadily.

    At the end of last year I was diagnosed with food allergies and I had to make an already restrictive diet even more so. It was a really hard change for me, not eating at restaurants or even fast food. But I really think I owe my food allergies to me being able to lose so much of the weight this year (I hate saying that, but it’s true, haha). I also had to have a kidney surgery in January but continued to push through all of the things that were happening to me to be a healthier person.

    The point of this isn’t to tell you guys my life story. I just want people out there with recurring health problems, or those that have over 100 pounds to lose, to really believe that it CAN happen. Push through whatever is happening to you, because it feels so good in the end when you see what you’ve accomplished. I’ve lost 103 lbs and I’ve only got 17 more to go 

    If I can give any advice to anyone it would be:
    *To vary your work outs, don’t do the same thing every day for weeks on end…it won’t work. If you hit a plateau, get a new routine!
    *Say no to fast food and most prepared foods. Make your own meals, it’s just better for you and you know it.
    *Don’t worry about what your skin will look like after you’re done, you’d much rather be skinny than overweight. (this was, and still is, a very hard one for me)
    *Allow yourself to snack. Dark chocolate is good for happiness 
    *Deprivation is not the key, you’ll eventually crack anyway.

    Me on my 22nd birthday, just before I started to lose weight.

    Me at the wedding I was so worried about.

    Midway through a 13 mile hike :) It's my new favorite thing to do now that I've lost weight!

    About to go out for the night. I wore this dress in my senior year of high school!

    great job very sexy!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    congrats and thanks for the inspiration!!!
  • you did an amazing job!!! WTG!!!! I have had a number of set backs myself but your story has made me realize that I can do it and keep going!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    WOW! Great job!! Your determination is very inspiring. You've come a very long way in a very short period of time. Great job!! :smile:
  • YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!!!! What a beautiful story.... aww I am inspired..... Thanks for sharing.....
    you look amazing ♥
  • kstw
    kstw Posts: 52 Member
    Wow! You look incredible..especially the hiking photo! You look like you FEEL so much better too. Thanks for posting your story, it is an inspiration to so many. I tell people my journey is about a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Healthier foods, much more water, more exercise. It all pays off in the end.

    Again, you look incredible and it really took years off your look! Congratulations!
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    In January of 2010, at 260 lbs, I took the first step towards being a healthier me. My close friend asked me to be in her wedding, and I came to the realization that I would have to see a lot of people that I hadn’t seen in years, and I really didn’t want them to see me the way I looked. I had tried dieting many times before, but I gave up the fight before I had really seen any results. I started working out at home and doing the South Beach Diet and lost about 30 pounds in 3 months, just in time for her wedding. After the wedding I continued to be quite healthy, but all that came to a sudden halt when I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my leg. When I found out I had a blood disorder, working out kind of took the back burner as I wallowed in my sorrows for a bit.

    I gained a few pounds back while not working out, but in July I decided to join the gym next to my work. I was sick of being unhealthy and I wanted to nip my health problems in the bud and prevent anymore bad things from happening to me. I started to love the gym, and an outgoing trainer there made it a point to talk to me every day. Finally I realized that I needed some help because all I really knew how to do was the elliptical! After using my first free session with her, I bought a 4 pack package and started meeting with her every time I seemed to hit a plateau (about every 2-3 months). With her help every now and then and with my sheer determination, the weight just kept coming off pretty steadily.

    At the end of last year I was diagnosed with food allergies and I had to make an already restrictive diet even more so. It was a really hard change for me, not eating at restaurants or even fast food. But I really think I owe my food allergies to me being able to lose so much of the weight this year (I hate saying that, but it’s true, haha). I also had to have a kidney surgery in January but continued to push through all of the things that were happening to me to be a healthier person.

    The point of this isn’t to tell you guys my life story. I just want people out there with recurring health problems, or those that have over 100 pounds to lose, to really believe that it CAN happen. Push through whatever is happening to you, because it feels so good in the end when you see what you’ve accomplished. I’ve lost 103 lbs and I’ve only got 17 more to go 

    If I can give any advice to anyone it would be:
    *To vary your work outs, don’t do the same thing every day for weeks on end…it won’t work. If you hit a plateau, get a new routine!
    *Say no to fast food and most prepared foods. Make your own meals, it’s just better for you and you know it.
    *Don’t worry about what your skin will look like after you’re done, you’d much rather be skinny than overweight. (this was, and still is, a very hard one for me)
    *Allow yourself to snack. Dark chocolate is good for happiness 
    *Deprivation is not the key, you’ll eventually crack anyway.

    Me on my 22nd birthday, just before I started to lose weight.

    Me at the wedding I was so worried about.

    Midway through a 13 mile hike :) It's my new favorite thing to do now that I've lost weight!

    About to go out for the night. I wore this dress in my senior year of high school!

    Here is RESULT!
  • thinkpink4hope
    thinkpink4hope Posts: 21 Member
    Oh My Goodness!!! What an inspiration!!!!!!
  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    Wow. I did not think it was even the same person in the pics. GREAT work!
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    you are amazing, very inspirational! those last 13 pounds will be a little harder but you can do it.. I know I am at my last 10 and it is getting crazy, I am getting too comfortable. GL girl, you look great!!
  • chichi_76
    chichi_76 Posts: 30
    oh my goodness! you look great. Congrats
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    YOU ROCK! you look amazing. Congratulations!!!!!!
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    you really did a great job! you look great!
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    OMG! wow, you look amazing! WTG! You should be sooo proud of yourself for doing how far you've come and doing it the healthy way!
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