Weightloss and Co-Workers

I work in an office at our local city hall lately it's been extremely slow so i'm not as active moving around the office as normal I stopped walking over the summer due to the extreme heat and I have a heart condition. I have a co worker that is notorious for bringing "treats" everyday and always handing me candy and when i politely decline she says oh hush put it in your drawer for later and I usually eat it later I gained 20lbs from Jan 2015 to Oct 2015 that I know was from her treats (she started Dec 2014). I lost 25lbs though from Oct 2015 to Oct 2016 but another example is today I ate a really healthy lunch I was super proud of my calorie intake today she came back from lunch and she had to run errands on her lunch and she asked if I wanted to share a pizza I politely declined again well the pizza came and she forced a piece on me and then because i'm addicted to food I ate another piece and she only ate 1 piece and was super full. I just don't know how to deal with the constant struggle at work with "treats" I don't want to rude just want to lose this 50lbs


  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I only have a second here, but as far as lunch goes (this happens to me a lot too) I just nicely/firmly say no. After I refused a couple times the in incidents lessened.

    And as for treats being pushed on me, maybe it sounds wrong, but if I don't want to seem rude or ungrateful I accept it and then discreetly toss it in the trash.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    Thank you guys myself and another co worker who is also trying to shed some weight have told her how we are trying to lose weight. I have thrown away food before or brought the candy to my kids to eat on good days were I wasn't as tempted. I have started walking back and forth in my office to try to get some movement in. today was like strike 100 I swear I can't give in anymore. the sad thing is she is extremely motherly and she thinks eating the food is no big deal she is fit and maybe weighs 100lbs she's 55 years old and says shes been eating like this her whole life.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    AS someone who hates to throw away food, just tell her how serious you are about taking care of your health. If that doesnt work, and she's not considering your feelings, just put the pizza in the fridge with a note that says, "up for grabs!" Or if there there happens to be homeless people nearby, give the food to them.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    kksmom1789 wrote: »
    Thank you guys myself and another co worker who is also trying to shed some weight have told her how we are trying to lose weight. I have thrown away food before or brought the candy to my kids to eat on good days were I wasn't as tempted. I have started walking back and forth in my office to try to get some movement in. today was like strike 100 I swear I can't give in anymore. the sad thing is she is extremely motherly and she thinks eating the food is no big deal she is fit and maybe weighs 100lbs she's 55 years old and says shes been eating like this her whole life.

    The thing is that she obviously has a high metabolism or a very active lifestyle or doesn't eat much at home or something.. the other is she is already thin and is maintaining, while you are trying to lose weight so need to be in a caloric deficit. Maintenance calories are a lot higher than caloric deficit for weight loss calories, so she CAN eat those things and stay thin BECAUSE she has no weight to lose.

    It isn't fair but it's just the way it is and if she can't understand that at least you do, and do what you have to do to stay within your daily calorie goal.

    Either be strong and deny the candy & pizza, or eat an ultra low calorie dinner to make up for it if you do indulge so you don't go over your calories.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Like even if you and she had the same maintenance calories, if you are trying to lose a pound per week you have to consume 500 calories less per day. That's about the same calories as in a piece of pizza and some candy.

    Also it sounds like she might be trying to sabotage you rather than being nice...
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    If she forces the food on you despite your protests leave it in the communal kitchen for someone to voluntarily take it or tell her that if she leaves the food with you it will go to waste as you well be putting it in the rubbish.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thank you again! my co worker and I have also said sometimes it does feel like she is trying to sabotage this whole weight loss thing i'm trying to do. this just happened a minute ago she ordered that frozen cookie dough from a fundraiser for another co worker in another department and she gave me half of the cookie dough and was like I know how much you like cookie dough I did take it and said my kids would love the cookies tonight during our family movie. she is really active a 4 time black belt and teaches a karate school with her husband 2x a week
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    edited November 2016
    kksmom1789 wrote: »
    I work in an office at our local city hall lately it's been extremely slow so i'm not as active moving around the office as normal I stopped walking over the summer due to the extreme heat and I have a heart condition. I have a co worker that is notorious for bringing "treats" everyday and always handing me candy and when i politely decline she says oh hush put it in your drawer for later and I usually eat it later I gained 20lbs from Jan 2015 to Oct 2015 that I know was from her treats (she started Dec 2014). I lost 25lbs though from Oct 2015 to Oct 2016 but another example is today I ate a really healthy lunch I was super proud of my calorie intake today she came back from lunch and she had to run errands on her lunch and she asked if I wanted to share a pizza I politely declined again well the pizza came and she forced a piece on me and then because i'm addicted to food I ate another piece and she only ate 1 piece and was super full. I just don't know how to deal with the constant struggle at work with "treats" I don't want to rude just want to lose this 50lbs

    Man, do I sympathize with you. I was constantly looking for another job in my last place because of the food everywhere. People would leave chocolate and other candy on my desk every holiday -- I went to the emergency room twice because of migraines from the chocolate, which I couldn't stop myself from eating.

    Try this: "No thanks, I have a medical condition" and stop there (don't go into a big explanation). Look away or break eye contact and pick up some work to do. If you have to mention your doctor, then do it.

    I've found I've stopped the food pushers with that sentence better than just saying no or anything else.

    OOPS, sorry, I didn't see your other posts. It's great that you talked to her.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I believe in food addiction, I really do, but she's a co-worker, not a husband or family member. She has no major influence in your life or personal connection. Say NO. Hurt feelings if need be, but try not to. If it's impossible to avoid, oh well. You need to put yourself first. To me it sounds like she's doing it on purpose? like in a mean way lol Im sorry but w.e. thats how I feel. A mean girls type of thing going on. Lol. But anyway!!!! You can say no. Toss it in the trash. Keep a garbage can next to you if need be.
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 141 Member
    Some people are just trying to be nice and don't realize that they're causing you a problem until you tell them. If you tell them and they continue then they're either clueless or, more likely, trying to sabotage you for reasons of their own. I tell people "No, thank you. I can't eat that." Let them think there's a medical reason for it if they want. I make sure I have snacks I can eat that I've logged so I don't get hungry at work.