10lbs in November!!



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    Starting weight : 138.4
    Current weight : 138.4
    November goal : 130
    Ultimate goal : 130

    11/04: 138.4

  • CoastalKatnip
    CoastalKatnip Posts: 28 Member
    Help! Ive been good for a week and scale is moving, though holding off on official count till tomorrow. I ate out for lunch cause I had a meeting but now really want to go buy a pizza and eat like half of it with the rest for breakfast. If I do that I will be at double my totals for the day and will probably put me back at square one. Someone talk me into or out of it?
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Update, 189. Down 3.
  • cristinabranco16
    cristinabranco16 Posts: 17 Member
    I will join too. 11/4/16-195- by December 1 ,hope to see 185!
  • CoastalKatnip
    CoastalKatnip Posts: 28 Member
    I know the cravings are strong on certain foods no matter when we're going to weigh in. If I was going to weigh in tomorrow I'd try my hardest NOT to eat a food that has loads of sodium in it. Because even if drank gallons of water it'd show weight gain, maybe only for a day or two but it'd be their for me. I'm not saying I would be successful.. lol but it would run through my mind.

    But if you've already eaten it, no worries, hope you enjoyed it, weigh in tomorrow and move on. :smiley:
    Things happen...like lunch meetings and such. Do you think think the pizza cravings were from the eating out for lunch?

    I ate some Skinny Pop Popcorn, White Cheddar a couple days ago and have been white knuckling it since then on fighting off sugar cravings. It must have had something in it that set my body up for cravings. That's why I ask about your lunch out and the Pizza craving.[/quote]

    Now that you mention it that could be the culprit. It was mainly carbs and fat with no real values. Ive been keeping a more protein rich as much as I can with my carbs coming from fruit and NOT pasta. I did good and stayed away knowing I would just be hungry in a few. Instead I pulled out the meat, cheese and made rollups. Went over my calories more than I wanted to but not as much as I would have if I ate pizza. Least this way I got some good numbers in. :)
  • Not_SuperWoman
    Not_SuperWoman Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join. I'm currently 210 lbs and would like to be 200. My ultimate goal is 145.
  • cortesimon
    cortesimon Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join as well.

    Nov 1st: 184.5 and today 183.

    November goal: 174.5

    Will check in next week :)
  • CoastalKatnip
    CoastalKatnip Posts: 28 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 211
    EoM: 205

    Not too bad for one week. Now to keep at it will be the hard part.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Im in!!!!
    160 lbs.......lets get me to 150
  • siraphine
    siraphine Posts: 185 Member
    Initial SW: 262.4
    Overall Goal: 125

    Challenge SW: 250.8
    Challenge Goal: 240

    11/5: 250.4

    End Weight:
  • dvmmcw4015
    dvmmcw4015 Posts: 16 Member
    Starting weight 156
    Goal 130
    November 30th goal 145
  • alolamott
    alolamott Posts: 1 Member
    Good motivation!
    Start weight: 198
    Nov 30: 188
    Need more cardio! :cold_sweat::)
  • CoastalKatnip
    CoastalKatnip Posts: 28 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    Initial SW: 215.1
    Overall Goal: 110

    Challenge SW: 207.1 Challenge Goal: 197.1

    11/3: 208.6 having a bad week :-(

    Hold in there you got. Bad weeks happen but we have your back for anything.
  • enfolium
    enfolium Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in.
    SW 292.5
    GW 282.5

    CW 286
  • znaylor1
    znaylor1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm in. Weight today 166lb.
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in! Joined a challenge last week, can't seem to find it! I'm not tech savvy, to say the least!
    SW 10/31 155.6
    CW 11/06 153.8
    GW 12/25 145-148
  • brazilianbabe34
    brazilianbabe34 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm all in!! I enjoy challenges it keeps me motivated :smile:
    Current weight 153
    NGW: 143
    Target goal: 123
  • crescentd
    crescentd Posts: 13 Member
    Nov 1- 177
    Nov 6 - 175
    Goal : 167 by Nov 30
    Not sure it's possible but eating better nd exercising more!
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    edited November 2016
    Starting Weight: 169
    GW for November: 159
    Ultimate GW: 135

    Week #1 Weigh in: +1.8 (completely the wrong direction here!!!)
    Week #2 Weigh in:
    Week #2 Weigh in:
    Week #4 Weigh in:

    Final Weigh in for November (Wednesday 30th):

    Current Weight: 170.8

    Total Weight Lost for Challenge: