Can a 19 year old guy be with 38 years old woman



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Weird, some guy just said the same thing as this post.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    No do not date anyone please
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Of course. 19 goes into 38 twice.
  • ashlepersuasion
    ashlepersuasion Posts: 51 Member
    "Do most of the women like young boys?"


  • ashlepersuasion
    ashlepersuasion Posts: 51 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Weird, some guy just said the same thing as this post.

    I was gonna say the same thing and has a similar profile pic, hummm.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2016
    eugh, not for me. i've got a son in his 20's; couldn't possibly.

    it's working great for a 30's friend of mine though. his wife is about 18 years older than him and they seem really happy. but no not nope never for me. it's got nothing to do with their maturity level individually. having a kid of my own has perma-mommed me towards anyone more than a couple years younger than me.

    tl;dr: if i'm old enough to be your mother, then i'm going to feel like your mother, whoever you are. then it's all way too icky for me.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nope. I'm 38 and couldn't imagine being with someone much younger than 30-35. But I guess it has to do with maturity level too..

    My husband is 15 years older, so I suppose it's a bit ironic, but in my experience, men do mature more slowly than women... (I know, going to get flamed for that one, lol).
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I mean.... before I met my 2nd husband and I was out a lot ;) I was in my late 30s and probably ended up with a few youngens. Those were the days.

    (Not really. My best days are now, with my super wonderful husband. Who actually is 10 years younger. :D )
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    eugh, not for me. i've got a son in his 20's; couldn't possibly.

    it's working great for a 30's friend of mine though. his wife is about 18 years older than him and they seem really happy. but no not nope never for me. it's got nothing to do with their maturity level individually. having a kid of my own has perma-mommed me towards anyone more than a couple years younger than me.

    tl;dr: if i'm old enough to be your mother, then i'm going to feel like your mother, whoever you are. then it's all way too icky for me.

    tl;dr: if i'm old enough to be your mother, then i'm going to feel like your mother, whoever you are. then it's all way too icky for me.

  • SoUl_ReBeL2021
    SoUl_ReBeL2021 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a 24 year old son so no interest in younger guys I prefer older men.
  • Girl_has_no_name
    Girl_has_no_name Posts: 40 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with it IF there is a physical attraction from both sides, im 28 and personally I prefer older men and have never been with younger
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but you referring to yourself as a "young boy" squicks me out beyond belief.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    I mean.... before I met my 2nd husband and I was out a lot ;) I was in my late 30s and probably ended up with a few youngens. Those were the days.

    (Not really. My best days are now, with my super wonderful husband. Who actually is 10 years younger. :D )

    Ok, pop quiz. How many insightful conversations did you have with the young ones? Sheesh, I couldn't deal with talking to them WHEN I was that age. :dizzy:
  • dn0pes
    dn0pes Posts: 99 Member
    I did - Nothing serious.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I want to weigh in on the "PRO" side of this debate. I have had two experiences in my life dating older women, once when I was in fact 19 and dating a 38 year old lady, and again when I was 26 and dating a 42 year old. Both relationships were amazing, the sex was phenomenal, and we had a ton of fun going out together. Yes both of these ladies showed me things I had never seen, foods I had never eaten, interests I never knew I had, culture I probably never would have come across, and for that I am still grateful. For example, I wouldn't be the Parrot Head I am today if my 42 y/o lover hadn't seduced me on her living room couch with "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw" playing on the cassette deck!

    I used to work part-time in a retail setting with a bunch of young guys between 17 and 25, with a large client base of 40ish, wealthy housewives. I would engage with these women in a totally natural way, always professional, and got a lot of flirtation. My younger co-workers would tease me and ask me why I never 'made a move'. My answer was that "...some things require the strength, the stamina, and the enthusiasm of youth; but some things required the patience, the wisdom, and the finesse of experience..."

    So I say go for it. If all you're looking for is the sexual experience, there are websites out there that cater specifically to that particular proclivity. But don't overlook the possibility that an older woman and a younger man can have a much more meaningful relationship than just f**king each other silly.

    Of course, the same thing applies to older men and younger women, although society gets caught up in the whole 'trophy wife' thing, which I utterly reject. My girlfriend is 6 years younger than me, but in our 50s, that's not a wide gulf. I do sometimes wonder, though...maybe when she turns 54, I can trade her in on two 27 year olds...
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 260 Member
    What could a teenager possibly offer an older woman outside of sex? And even that is questionable. Chances are at 19 you're limited in experience. Conversation? Hmm, what shall we talk about? Prom? Maybe the new wheels you want for your Honda Civic? You're broke so I guess I'm treating if we want to go out and I can't imagine you've developed at palette for adult cuisine yet. So I guess our dates will be comprised of me buying you a 6 pack of mikes hard lemonade and taking you back to my house to teach you how to do something special with your tongue. Meh, I'm bored already.

    Awwww.. I like mikes hard lemonade. Im old though so its cool.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    projectsix wrote: »
    As a 39 year old man, I say yes, all the power to them! I intend to trade my spouse in for 2 x 20 year olds once she turns 40.

    Would like to believe you posted this as a joke!!
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    I'm assigning some home work: OP, I want you to research this topic experientially and report back to us your findings. Working with more than 1 subject will improve your letter grade.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You are just being used as arm candy and perhaps a few good other useful things as well..

    Wait till you have kids..
  • DaniiLake
    DaniiLake Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 23 and I prefer guys 17-25. Couldn't imagine being with an older man. Just has no appeal to me.