H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Okay ladies... I made my goal to be in the 160's!!! YAY!! Slave Driver weighed me in tonight... really satisfid with myself. However, this is the week I get SUPER hungry because TOM expected next week. :sad: Water retention hasn't been too bad the past few months though! :laugh:

    All you gals seem to be doing GREAT!! Which tickles me down to the ground! :happy:

    Oh... my name is Kim... nickname is Cazz. I answer to either one! :) I would say most people here in Cali call me Cazz... old friends from Ohio... call me Kim.

    Awesome for you making your goal! Cazz it is!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    :BJ: I used to live in a village just outside Leicester. When I moved to England, I thought - no big deal. They speak English, I speak English... wow... I was in for a HUGE shock!! I learned (because I was told numerous times) that I didn't speak "English" at all. :laugh: I was told "Americans speak a bastardized version of our language"! New words, meanings, greetings... :ohwell: My little one learned to speak over there and came home with one of the worst accents ever! (Personally, I prefer the scouser accent! Have trouble with the brum and don't understand the geordie at all!!) That Leicester accent is well... just weird! :happy: My daughter started in year 7 there and hated being popular due to being American AND from California! The kids always asked her how big her pool was, how often she went surfing, etc. She hated explaining that she didn't like the sand and her pool was "average size" but that she obviously doesn't have one anymore!! (She also learned a whole new way to spell her words!) I, on the other hand, was not at all popular with my workmates OR my patients! We moved there right after 9/11... and Americans were less popular then ever. After a few months of apologizing for even BEING American... I gave up the fight and started saying I was Canadian!! :laugh: At least I didn't have to listen to them berate me anymore... afterall, I didn't CHOOSE to start a war, I didn't drag England into it... Politics are politics.

    Having said that, I LOVED living there!! Loved the weather and learned how to cook Indian food with the best of them! (I used to gather recipes from my patients!) I still miss Trebor's mints, Crunchie bars, Flake bars, Brown sauce, Angel delight, weetabix and 9:30 tea breaks!! :sad: What is it about 9:30 anyway??? I swear the world could stop and no one would notice 'til 10am!!!!

    I would move back in a heartbeat. I think at heart, I'm an Anglophile! :laugh:

    "chairs"! (an in joke... that's how CHEERS sounded to us transplanted Americans!)

    Oh! What I DON'T miss: washing machine in my kitchen and hanging clothes out to dry!

    I can't understand Welsh at all, me and this girl were trying to have a conversation and I could tell she had no idea what I was saying either. She could of been talking a different language. And I am not suprised you learned how to make a good curry in leicester. Manchester and Leicester have the best curries going, curry should be our national dish. I am suprised people were anti American, we seem to love everything American, to the point we are starting to morph into you. I have ideas though of what its like over there, but as I get most of my ideas from, gossip girl, sex and the city and desperate housewives, I am probably not quite right. In my mind you all live in fabulous houses and buy lots of shoes :D lol
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member

    BJ - I'm glad the scale is finally moving for you! Were the doctors ever able to figure out what was making you sick? And what are ice gems?


    Thank you :) I had a bad weekend though and doubt it will move today, much alcohol was involved ooops.

    They still don't know, I got diagnosed with CFS, but they still all think its my heart, but can't seem to find a specialist to diagnose me with it. My doctor said he would love to give me the correct tablets, but he just can't :( Apparently its classed as rare and nearly entirely only being diagnosed by people i the US, nobody seems to want to be i the first group of doctors to start recognising it over here. I am sure I will get there eventually. Slightly worried that one of the treatments is an increased salt intake :( I go out of my way to avoid the stuff.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    During my I drunk weeked I had an 'I have lost weight moment'


  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    You look great BJ!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Jen - Glad the pool is back and open for you!

    Lisa - YAY for the new water bottle belt working out for you!

    Pam - What a pleasant surprise seeing your starting weight being lower than expected. :) Working from home sounds like a great opportunity, I think you should take it!

    Linda - I'm so glad you didn't have any storm damage. How scary. What a compliment that a patient requested you!

    Nikki - I'm glad the storms didn't damage anything of yours, either. Huzah on you being a size 6! That's an amazing accomplishment, I'm the opposite shape as you, I'm definitely Coke bottle curvy, so my hips, butt, and thighs make it harder to fit into bottoms. Cest la vie! You'll take care of that beer gut in no time. :) Hope your easy two miles today went well!

    Cazz - Happy to hear your weigh-in with Slave Driver was to your satisfaction!

    BJ - OF COURSE we all live in fabulous houses and wear nothing but Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes! :P Sure there are folks who have that lifestyle, but we're not all that lucky. You'll just have to come over here and check out how we live when you get a chance to see our doctors. I wish the ones on your neck of the woods were more helpful with your illness. :( I LOVE your picture update! You look like a completely different person!!

    Why must perfect and sumptuous fruits purchased at the farmers' market the day before turn into dark, mushy, fuzzy messes THE NEXT DAY?! We bought these gorgeous strawberries and they were absolutely wonderful looking and smelling. We didn't get to use them on Sunday when we bought them, so we decided we'd use them the next day. I go to pick some for my juicing, and out of the 30 something I bought, I only found 11 that were usable and I had to toss the rest. :grumble:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ha thank you ladies.

    I lost 1lb at weigh in tonight too, even after a heavy weekend.
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Linda - I liked your happies the other day - especially the one about the patient requesting you. I think it's great that your patients are so comfortable in your care that they look for you for a repeat experience. As a teacher, I want my students to want to take my other classes, but I never thought of it for nursing - that's awesome!

    Christine and Nikki - I'm seriously envious of your shopping fun...I've been on "hiatus" from shopping until I reach code red critical stage. I "technically" have clothes, but I miss the thrill of the hunt :smile: :smile: Hey, we're getting target in Canada - are there any good clothes there?

    Cazz - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you! All the hard work is paying off and now it's showing :smile:

    BJ - Your new picture is incredible! You're such an inspiration, and I know you've had health problems, but that you've come so far is amazing.

    Christine - I know what you mean about the fruit! I hate that peaches take weeks to get to the perfect ripeness, and then they're bad within 2 days. And raspberries are my absolute favourite but they have a shelf life of about 2 days! Thank goodness for Tupperware Fridge Smart containers - my raspberries keep for 4-5 days, and they keep strawberries fresh for a week! If you don't have any, you might want to check them out.

    Don't you just love all the fresh fruits in summer? I spend a fortune on fruit every week, and I eat it all so it doesn't get thrown away (logging it on here of course!).

    I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday, and since I've been doing weights 2x a week at the gym, I figured it would be no big deal. However, it was ROUGH! I was giving it all I had and I was completely sweaty and worked out afterwards. I stretched really well, so I'm not really sore, but it was a really good workout in just 25 minutes!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wow, the weather could NOT have been better today after the storm we had yesterday if I'd have ordered it from a freaking catalog!!!! Amazing! Not too hot or humid for my run, but shorts weather all the same. I'm in love with this summer so far!!!!

    Lisa.. yes, Target has some cute clothes, it's one of my "go to" stores, so congrats on getting one soon!!! Some of the stuff is a little "young" for me, but as my sizes come down, I'm thinking some may not be so bad after all... but I don't need anything right now and the bank account agrees!!!

    Christine... totally get it about the fruit. I avoid buying it sometimes because I never eat it in time and have to throw it all away!!! I did end up buying three bananas tonight at the store, two that were too green to eat for a day or two and one that was ready tonight (and yummy!). I've been dreaming about hitting the farmer's market but too scared I'll waste about $100 on stuff I'll have to trash!!! Ugh.

    BJ, you look HOT!!! What a fun going out outfit!!!! Ok, totally jealous of your fuzzy pink boots too... but I could never pull those off!!! Sure would be fun to hang out with you someday.. .if I ever make it back across the ocean, that is!!!

    Did my two miles, piece of cake, like I said. Perfect weather, easy route, no chest pain tonight... life is good! Trying to finish up my calories now so I can hit the sack early. No workout tomorrow... I have a haircut appointment and being cute trumps gym every six weeks!!! LOL! Thursday will be another 7 miles I think. Gotta check the schedule. Anyway... another excuse to use the new water belt! Oh, and I really need a new pair of shoes... mine have very nearly 300 miles on them since March! Yay!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Lisa - I love Target!

    BJ - Only CHRISTINE can afford the fancy shmansy stuff!! :laugh: However, I am quite POSITIVE she can find a deal on ANYTHING! The rest of us are ASDA people!! :wink:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh hush up Cazz! :tongue: Just because I live in LA that doesn't mean I'm one of these fabulously fabulous people! I'm a sale/deal/coupon shopper all the way. I absolutely HATE paying full price for anything, especially clothes. My only splurges are on makeup, and that tends to happen at Sephora. Otherwise, it is all about hitting the sales (even at the outlets!).

    Although I did work in Beverly Hills for a while and was a casting assistant for the movies, so I got to rub elbows with fancy people, if that counts for anything. :laugh:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    BJ, congrats on kicking another pound to the curb!

    Lisa, the thrill of the hunt is definitely one of the best parts about shopping! Yay for getting a Target in your area! You're going to love it. Lots of basic cheap clothing and they're always having sales/putting things on clearance. Each store also puts different things on clearance for different amounts, so if you get a couple Targets, keep an eye on which one puts marks things down better. I'll definitely take a look at the Tupperware containers, thanks for reccomendation!

    Nikki, I'm amazed that you've already put 300 miles on your shoes in 4 months! That is damn impressive, woman!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Just a quicky message today

    1) Happy that I have made it a rest day today (Jillian is kicking my butt, and the ankle is not pleased so a rest day is in order)
    2) Happy that I got some laundry done and will have a chance to do more tonight (having a selection of clean undergarments is a good thing!)
    3) happy that my hubby should normally be at home at a decent time tonight and not traveling back from France or Germany while he is tired (he will be in the Netherlands this morning but back in belgium by afternoon so yea!)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Cazz and Christine...you two have me just dying here! Thanks for the giggle!:laugh:

    Busy day at work yesterday...gotta love a busy surgical day. Empty the bed, fill it up....Stayed an extra hour to finish up. The boss won't like it but too bad. I didn't care to either. 13 hrs is a bit much.:yawn:

    Today is just an 8 hr day...thank God. Gonna be a bit cooler. Bike ride in order.

    Happies...:smile::smile: :smile:
    My daughter is THRILLED...has her first ever job interview...at Old Navy. She is so nervous.
    My hair went really nice this morning. You ladies would definitely understand this if you seen what the hot and humidity made my hair look like yesterday!:blushing:
    I have the very best MFP friends who brighten my day!:flowerforyou:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks Nursee..
    Ive just been sooo busy.. Once life evens out ill try to get some challenges together again.. Ive been MIA all together.. :( Sorry.. my photography has been overly busy with my work..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay Christine!!! I have seen you and your coupon ways! (even if only through FB!) My ex was a huge coupon fanatic. I still remember him coming home and announcing... "they paid me 5 cents to walk out with this" as he would hold the item high in the air - waving it at me and the kids!! And he didn't NEED to save money, it was a game to him! The memory still makes me giggle. I also remember thinking "but you drove to 5 different grocery stores and spent 10.00 in gas and 4 hours of your time..." :ohwell:

    And for those of you that don't know... ASDA is Walmart!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I only have a second, but here's my happies!
    1 Cooler weather
    2 Rain
    3 Feel good today

    I hope I can come back later and catch up. :wink:

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Laundry folded and put away-more laundry started- Leslie done - sitting and relaxing- all good happies
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Jen - I'm glad you took a rest day from your exercise. Definitely don't want you to hurt your ankle if it is giving you greif. Nice job getting laundry done! I've got a nice big pile here if you feel so inclined....no?....damn, it was worth a shot. :tongue:

    Linda - UGH on the 13 hour day! I'm glad you have a shorter day today. Best of luck to your daughter! I remember my first job interview - it is definitely a scary experience! I hope she gets the job. *fingers crossed* I can see her never ever wanting to fold clothes again at home if she does get the ON job. :laugh:

    April - I hope we get to see you around here soon. *hug* I'm very happy for you that your photography business is taking off! Now that you have your new pricing list out, are you feeling more appreciated for all that you do?

    Cazz - LOL, that visual of your ex announcing his savings is so entertaining to me! I love it. I'm still getting the swing of couponing, I don't think I've gotten paid to take things out of the store yet, but I've definitely gotten free things and pricey things (esp. makeup) down to itsy bitsyprices. I always take pictures of my hauls and I save my receipts so one of these days I can add up all of my savings. Speaking of which, I need to go through my Rite Aid coupons, I have a feeling I've got some store credit that's about to expire! (If you shop at Rite Aid, check the bottom of your receipt! Very often there's a "take our survey" prompt and it really takes like 2 minutes to fill the survey out and you get a coupon for $3 off $15 purchase. Use that first before your manufacturer coupons, and BAM! extra savings! :P)

    Crystal - I like your little update! Thanks for checking in with us even when you only have a second. :love:

    Can I take my weigh-in from Saturday instead? :laugh: Today's weigh-in, thanks to TOM crapola, is up. Honesty is the best policy, right? Bah. I'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

    I know most of you aren't in Los Angeles, but HOLY CRAP, I'm SOOOO tired of hearing about Carmageddon!! A ten mile stretch of one of our busiest freeways is going to be shut down this weekend for demolition/construction. For the last MONTH (and I'm not exaggerating here), every single news outlet has been freaking people about how terrible the traffic will be everywhere because a part of the 405 will be closed. :rolleyes: This weekend is Disneyland's 56th birthday and I have friends flying in for the event. Other friends who live here are refusing to leave their houses because of the forewarned traffic nightmares. Really, people. Really?! We rely way too much on personal convenience, methinks.

    Oh, and last comment on social happenings. Did y'all hear that Casey Anthony plans on putting herself into seclusion, getting face-augmenting plastic surgery, and then changing her name so nobody can recognize her once she re-emerges into the public eye? Oy, crazy lady!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had to share my evening NSV!!!! I was supposed to get my hair cut this evening and was really looking forward to it and the fact that I wasn't going to get in a workout didn't bother me at all.. in fact I think I was looking forward to it. I skipped the donuts this morning in preparation even!!! So about 4pm my stylist calls and needs to reschedule because her boy is sick. No biggie, we'll do it tomorrow when her hubby can stay with him... but that meant I had the evening free. So, instead of laying around watching movies... I went for a bike ride! The weather could not be better today... nearly 80 degrees and low humidity (for Michigan) and just enough breeze to rustle the trees!!!! It was 45 minutes of quiet bliss... and I'm SOOOO glad I did that! The birds and squirrels and bunnies were happy today too... I even saw some pretty dragonflies!!! Hope you were all able to enjoy the day and that you had something wonderful happen to you... my leisurely bike ride was exactly what this body needed!!!!