Depression anyone?



  • luv2shimmy
    luv2shimmy Posts: 67 Member
    Anxiety disorder here. Managed with meds, but even with my meds, I still struggle.
  • mrscurvymommy
    mrscurvymommy Posts: 30 Member
    I have had it. I believe my own stemmed from ptsd from going through a lot growing up. I still get flashbacks to certain points in my childhood as if it was yesterday. Also, getting pregnant and having a baby made it worse. Hormones are no joke! But, I'm coping. You can't just think of it as losing weight. It'll never work that way. Just got to create a healthier mindset for yourself. ;) Positive reinforcements.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    I have pure obbsessional or Pure O OCD. Meaning i dont really have rituals but my thoughts are obsessive. I have a few rituals like the volume on the tv and gas has to be an even number lol. i always have a somg stuck in my head (i wake up every morning repeating a verse over and over... not by choice). It triggers my axiety which makes me obsess over bad thoughts. We watched the conjuring 2 and after i was obsessing about how scary being possessed would be and i kept repeating the demon in the movies name. Its so silly and luckily the anxiety part is rare for me. It comes in waves and 100% is affected by stress. My depression kinda goes hand in hand with the other stuff. I dont take meds i just try to be healthy be positive and stay active. Which im sure everyone could agree is next to impossible when depressed. My dr told me stress, depression, anxiety, and OCD is like a wave. You gotta accept it dont try and fight it. ride the wave out and know it will pass. For me it rings true the more i fight it the worse it gets. its crazy how acceptance can be so peacefull.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    And again, exercise really helps me moderate things.

    Yeah, me too.
  • Justme_1
    Justme_1 Posts: 104 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    Fight depression quite often. It's a lonely world
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    Absolutely. Today, I'm actually feeling it pretty bad. My work-life is crazy busy (over worked, under paid - 60+ hour 7-day x week is about to extra $ though because of salary) and our house is currently under construction so I can't keep everything clean and tidy. Everything is in shambles. And the gym (my "therapy") isn't helping because the weather has my body aching and I can't go as heavy as I'd like on lifts. So I just leave the gym feeling unsatisfied and not up to par. Definitely in the midst of a huge funk. Don't see myself getting it out of it anytime soon unfortunately, just trying to not take my anxiety out on those around me.
  • lwr731
    lwr731 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a long history of chronic low-grade depression (dysthymia), and I have had a few episodes of major depression. I have always been a worrier--wound a little too tight, as they say--but I had never been treated for anxiety. Earlier this year my work environment became very hostile, and I was under attack. I worked in human services, BTW, and I can attest to the very high rate of depression among providers. Anyway, long story short: I lost my job. I had been there 20 years, my performance reviews were unblemished, and they fired me. My low grade depression morphed into something greater, and my anxiety was more like panic. I am taking medications, which help, but it is hard. I had an appointment yesterday, and while at a traffic light just five minutes from destination I grew anxious that I would be late---even though I had 25 minutes to spare. I need to make some phone calls--one of them simply to make a hair appointment with a new salon--and I have been unable to do so. I have felt good for a few hours after a promising job interview, but oh! how I crash when it doesn't work out!
    Interestingly, I have lost weight during this period. One of my meds diminishes appetite a bit, so I took advantage of that. I also go to the gym three times a week, and that helps. Losing weight doesn't fix the depression, but it is one less thing to feel bad about.
    When I have tried to explain depression to people I describe feeling low in response to an event. But when the sadness, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, etc continue although the event is no longer present, that is depression. I am recognizing when my anxiety surges, too. I've never had it like this before. It really is a thing.
    Sorry for running on!
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I used to tie a lot of my self worth into how I looked and how skinny I was. I always thought I'd find friends, true love, a dream job when I lost weight and became beautiful or "worthy" of anyone's time. That didn't happen. The weight wasn't what was holding me back. It's all of my issues!!! The depression is bad, the anxiety worse but I would recommend medication. THAT at least worked on the intense anxiety. (social anxiety) I'm hoping to find a nice therapist and you should too. You don't have to deal with it alone.
  • crystallynnl
    crystallynnl Posts: 100 Member
    I have depression
  • Justme_1
    Justme_1 Posts: 104 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    Absolutely. Today, I'm actually feeling it pretty bad. My work-life is crazy busy (over worked, under paid - 60+ hour 7-day x week is about to extra $ though because of salary) and our house is currently under construction so I can't keep everything clean and tidy. Everything is in shambles. And the gym (my "therapy") isn't helping because the weather has my body aching and I can't go as heavy as I'd like on lifts. So I just leave the gym feeling unsatisfied and not up to par. Definitely in the midst of a huge funk. Don't see myself getting it out of it anytime soon unfortunately, just trying to not take my anxiety out on those around me.

    I'm on the cusp of getting a pink slip. You're overworked, and I am taking up space in their eyes. Depression hits us on both end .
    Stay strong
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I have...struggles. I very anxious and it kind of goes hand in hand with feeling very depressed, especially with the high stress situation I'm in right now, coupled with issues I've been having with food and relationships-I'm a bit of a mess. It's honestly been so hard for me to lose weight because of it...I'm either saying screw it and over eating, or maintaining a deficit for a short period of time but just holding on to so much water.

    I'm really looking into therapy.
  • wi_maint_man
    wi_maint_man Posts: 99 Member
    I was diagnosed with disthymia in 2000, it comes and goes for me, Been going downward lately, getting on the scale and see my weight over 220 sets me off, I'm working on it though, 2000 cal a day and exercise. My clothes not fitting get me down too.
  • wi_maint_man
    wi_maint_man Posts: 99 Member
    Wow, I need to proof
    read more !
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    Depression was the reason I gained weight. Being sick and tired of it was the reason why I lost the weight. But I'm still fighting it, it came back with a vengeance last month around the time of my birthday. I can't shake it. I don't eat much anymore, I don't sleep much anymore. I'm tired, I'm lonely, dissatisfied by everything. I really feel like a caged animal right now.
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have Bipolar disorder and terrible anxiety. I never know how I am going to handle social situations or being in public in general. I am medicated and I see a psychiatrist. Being Manic Depressive I spend more time in depression than mania and recognizing my behaviors has become easier for me, though in mania it tends to come too late. When I am following a structured eating plan and exercising I feel much better but if I hit a bad enough slump it will take everything I have to just get up and go to work so everything else kind of gets put on the back burner. I may KNOW its good for me and I need to but sometimes I just can't. I saw my psych last night and he says I am doing very well. Sometimes I feel that way and sometimes I don't. I wish there was a way to feel it coming on.
    Someone said PMS makes it worse, this is so true. He actually said I have PMDD, so some of you might look into that. Unfortunately, that happens to be treated with a medication I already take to manage my everyday life so for me I just have to live with it.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Justme_1 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    Fight depression quite often. It's a lonely world

    This resonates with me. I've struggled internally with this since my teens, only now am i emotionally mature enough to actually speak about it. I function just fine, it's not crippling (in fact how very self aware i am of how minor in the grand scheme of mental health my condition is makes it worse..) but it's always there. Ready to pounce and make me act like a dick if I don't check myself and recognise a low before it can actually get a grip. Luckily I have a close group of understanding friends and a very supportive husband. Sending out happy thoughts to all
  • shortygirl1987
    shortygirl1987 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm going through it, I also have anxiety, OCD, paranoia, and I'm bipolar, it really sucks to go through it, I'm in an OCD group on Facebook that helps me when no one else understands what I'm going through
  • Justme_1
    Justme_1 Posts: 104 Member
    These weekends kill me. Too much time to think and dwell. Sometimes being at work is safer. Really tough day today unfortunately
  • drivennightrunner87
    drivennightrunner87 Posts: 302 Member
    edited November 2016
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    Yup. For me losing some weight was secondary to better eating and exercise, which both help me to have less issues with depression and control anxiety. The weight loss itself does help me feel more confident generally, but won't change depression. And even exercise and better eating only help control my bouts with it all. Nothing will rid you of it, which has been a challenge for me to except.

    Agreed. Getting closer to a healthy bmi for your frame/height via eating better/sticking to a solid exercise/work-out plan HELPS keep things under control--but nothing will ever be perfect. But the reality is, the world we live in can be quite DARK at times too (as much as it is beautiful).

    Consistently sticking to a healthier lifestyle (which automatically results in weight loss over time) gives me a peace of mind in a way (lowered overall anxiety)...and i just feel more positive--i'm more confident/thick-skinned which helps me deal with all the negativity i come across in a better way and focus more on the daily tasks at hand. i also notice more of a willingness to meet new people/date...depression feeds off of loneliness and really clicking with someone (beyond just friendship) can help

    i do think the right med(s)--or even (short to long-term) professional counseling--can help many too, especially if they're struggling with their weight/don't have a good relationship with food, lack of motivation...