Cutting till Christmas ❄️



  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    Excellent goal @Jenmarcuson!! You got this!
  • Omoge25
    Omoge25 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm late but I'll Join!

    Current Stats:
    182lbs (eek!) I'm only 5'5"

    6 week Goal - by 23 Dec 2016:

    I'll be following IIFYM. I actually started this last friday.
    1440 calories 90C/64F/126P
    I'm going to try and workout 3 days a week.
  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in. Actually amazon tells me my Leaner/Thinner/Stronger book should be arriving today -- yay!

    I am 5'1" and want to lose my last 10lbs of fat. Also a heavy lifter 3-4 times a week.

    Are the workouts any good in the book?
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    @Omoge25 @grapaj so excited!!!

    That's great that you ordered the book! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! The workouts are the basics of weight lifting! He focuses mostly on five main lifts that every women should be doing, like squats, deadlifts, bench press etc. and he goes into diet in great detail!

    Good luck to you both! Move forward with confidence and optimism!
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    @BabyLovesToRun @emilymaya16 @bbell1985 @mrsmunde @Jenmarcuson @Omoge25 @grapaj

    Hey all my *cutting till Christmas* friends!! Hope you're all staying strong and excited! I've been really encouraged already by just 1 week of results! And I'm so happy you all are with me in this! I would love to hear about your progress, yours joys and your struggles! We can all celebrate and push each other!

    I had a refeed day yesterday, and allowed myself maintenance level calories for one day! It felt good to eat a bunch, but that also meant no results on the scale! But at least my metabolism is happy ;)

    Be your best selves, you are made by God and you are loved!

    Katie <3

  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    I would like to join you all.
    I am also 5'7" and started back three weeks ago at 152. I am 53 and have a desk job, boo hiss!
    I have been keeping at or under 1200 during the week, and letting myself have a little more on weekends.
    My goal is to get back to 140 or under.

    Please count me in! Thanks!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I managed to stay in a deficit for a week (that's been hard for me lately). There's a lot of animal crackers and pretzels at work that I want to stuff in my face, and I do, but am staying within my calorie goal...unfortunately short on protein though because of it.
  • laurens47
    laurens47 Posts: 117 Member
    Starting my cut cycle as well! Feel free to add me! #girlpower
  • kerriranney
    kerriranney Posts: 2 Member
    I'm late but in! I've list about 20 pounds recently through a focus on calories in and calories out but more solid food, an increase in lean protein and a shift to more weights (my fearful zone) by changing PTs. I was using a food company for most of that time (9 weeks), and now I'm transitioning to doing nutrition on my own. And this is how I got introduced to MFP. I've been a Fitbitter since summer 2011, and I logged everything on that platform.

    I'm 5'-6", currently 146 lbs and looking to reduce body fat to 22-25%. I don't really know what a good goal should be, but I know I want to strike a good balance for me which is more toned than I am right now but not chiseled. I work in a professional environment and travel by car all over Texas on a regular basis. So that makes consistency very difficult. And I only eat organic at home and don't eat certain foods out which adds a layer of complexity to this whole nutrition thing for me. I'm learning a ton, and I'd love to learn more from each of you on this journey!


  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome @frannieshack @laurens47 & @kerriranney! So glad you could join us! It's never too late!

    I love where all of you are at. And none of us has all the answers. But we just keep learning and applying wisdom to our choices every day! Each of us has obstacles to overcome in our daily routines, but that's what has to drive us to improvise, mold and shape our habits to fit our everyday lives! I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to work along side all of you! And I can't wait to hear of your progress!
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    @bbell1985 thanks for sharing your update! The struggle is REAL! My kids still have so much Halloween candy lying around! Stay strong! And have a protein shake
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi people!

    I'm 5'6, 143lbs.
    I had a tough summer, (surgery and convalescence). I want to get back in shape and drop a little bodyfat.

    I went back to the gym today, first time since de surgery and it felt so great.

    I usually like to check in everyday and have some online friends to share with so you might hear from me everyday. (If you don't mind of course) :D

    So today I did:
    -60 mins Weight training
    -12 mins cardio
  • mrsmunde
    mrsmunde Posts: 24 Member
    ktfranke wrote: »
    @BabyLovesToRun @emilymaya16 @bbell1985 @mrsmunde @Jenmarcuson @Omoge25 @grapaj

    Hey all my *cutting till Christmas* friends!! Hope you're all staying strong and excited! I've been really encouraged already by just 1 week of results! And I'm so happy you all are with me in this! I would love to hear about your progress, yours joys and your struggles! We can all celebrate and push each other!

    I had a refeed day yesterday, and allowed myself maintenance level calories for one day! It felt good to eat a bunch, but that also meant no results on the scale! But at least my metabolism is happy ;)

    Be your best selves, you are made by God and you are loved!

    Katie <3

    Today was my day 1! Felt great to be back on track :smiley: I'm 5'7". Small framed. With a goal to lose 10 lbs, tighten up, and then work on developing a healthy, balanced lifestyle routine. Thanks for starting this Katie! I also LOVE that your cheat day was controlled by the fact you didn't go over your maintenance calories. What a wonderful way to "live a little" without throwing all your hard work out the window.
  • kerriranney
    kerriranney Posts: 2 Member
    I ran 3 miles this morning and followed with a 30 minute super hot epsom salt bath. Tonight I ran 2 miles to our fitness center, did a solid upper body and abs workout, and ran home. I'm at about 1550 calories for the day. I could eat a bunch more, but I ended with 1 tbsp of organic coconut oil to detox so now I'm going to focus on water consumption until I head to bed. Happy Monday ladies!
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks for joining us @Isabelle! And I appreciate your compliments @mrsmunde ;)

    Thanks for the updates everyone! Have an awesome Tuesday!
  • mrsmunde
    mrsmunde Posts: 24 Member
    Today I finished 200 above cutting calories, but still within maintenance calories, my decisions were 95% healthy and I worked out so not getting down on myself! Feeling good about the Christmas Cut :)
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    Just went out and bought some BCAA's and CLA's to supplement! BCAA's help prevent the breakdown of muscle during a deficit (which you can also get from protein supplements) and the CLA's help boost my motabolism!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member

    Well, I was very happy about getting back to the gym but ouch! I was so sore today. Still I did a 5K and some stretching so I'm happy.

    I think tomorow will be a rest day.

    Keep it up !
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey guys!
    I've managed to keep well within my cutting calories so far so I'm feeling proud of myself! Went to the gym yesterday for a short 20 min cardio and then 20 mins weight training at home with my yoga mat and free weights as I hate doing floor work and free weights in front of people! Rest day on exercise today but think I'll try the gym again tomorrow.
    I'm resisting the urge to get on a scale. My plan is to keep up the healthy living and I feel like maybe weighing myself is often counterproductive because I get disappointed when the number doesn't change and then I fall off the wagon so to speak! So no more scales for me till Christmas, I'm going to go off how I feel and what I can see in the mirror!
    Great to hear you guys are also on track! I don't tend to have cheat days, but I allow myself a small treat every day, 2-3 squares of dark chocolate in the evening, just takes the edge off any sugar cravings and I've read quite a bit of nutrition research showing dark chocolate is good for you!
  • Jenmarcuson
    Jenmarcuson Posts: 19 Member
    Bunco yesterday - so not a good day for dieting - and then leftovers today since I was the host. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.