Depression anyone?



  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    For me therapy and medication help my depression.

    I'd get lost in my own head without medication. My anxiety fuels my depression so bad. So I've been on Zoloft for as long as I can remember. And I still struggle a lot at times.
  • 888Butterfly888
    888Butterfly888 Posts: 3,203 Member
    TeachingT wrote: »
    For me therapy and medication help my depression.

    I'd get lost in my own head without medication.

    Me too.

  • ridebikes_drinkbeer
    You never see social workers and public activists being depressed or burnt out.

    As a person that manages a team of 25 people that work with highly marginalized folks and many of them themselves Licensed Clinical Social Workers...nothing could be further from the truth.
  • ridebikes_drinkbeer
    and I too, suffer from depression. Had a pretty significant breakdown in Summer of 2015. Doing better now. Its genetic in my family. My late mother suffered from it. I used to see someone but now I try to rely on diet and exercise and less alcohol and being mindful about certain things that could trigger me.
  • Mrmiller0422
    Mrmiller0422 Posts: 91 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    I can relate to you if you wanna talk pm me
  • drivennightrunner87
    and I too, suffer from depression. Had a pretty significant breakdown in Summer of 2015. Doing better now. Its genetic in my family. My late mother suffered from it. I used to see someone but now I try to rely on diet and exercise and less alcohol and being mindful about certain things that could trigger me.

    Hey, sorry about your mom....Good 2 know things are better for you!

  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It comes on and off for me.. Started 18 years ago. It seems that anything can set me off and I wonder if I'm bipolar sometimes... It makes friendships really difficult because I've been so hurt before and worried that people won't like me once they get to know me... (I lost all my friends when it started). Even when I get close to someone I second guess everything.

    Can anyone relate? Losing weight hasn't changed anything.

    with a side of french fries, please.
    but on a serious note, most likely. I also wonder if i'm bi-polar lol but every time i bring it up at the doctor's office it just gets pushed to the wayside, like it's non-existent. It's also usually because I try to bring it up when I'm sitting in the doctor's office for a different reason, like migraine's lol I probably should be on meds. For real. hah. In the meantime, the past week has been one of the most difficult for me in a long time. Monday was the hardest. I did not want to get out of bed. I was in tears, i felt like everything was wrong. I just wanted to sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and to the gym. Of course, in tears the whole way even though I tried to pep talk myself and stop, I just couldn't. Not till I got there, cried for 15 minutes in the bathroom, sucked it up and told myself, "you're here. Get it done." I did cardio lol but it helped. A lot. I haven't had a day like that in a while. I can almost always feel a spiral coming on and what really sucks is that I can't do a damn thing about it and no one around me sees it, they just think i'm mood af when it happens. lol
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    I hope you all are having an amazing weekend. Head up. We got this.
  • inkedShimewaza
    inkedShimewaza Posts: 538 Member
    TeachingT wrote: »
    For me therapy and medication help my depression.

    I'd get lost in my own head without medication. My anxiety fuels my depression so bad. So I've been on Zoloft for as long as I can remember. And I still struggle a lot at times.

    @TeachingT - I have had to change medications/levels several times. Right now I'm on a Zoloft/Welbutrin combo. For me, it seems like I need one med for the OCD and another for the depression. I know the two are completely unrelated, but it is always so startling for me to find out someone so beautiful like you suffers from depression/anxiety. Again, I totally know they are not related in any way. I guess it's just a sobering reminder that the source clinical depression is in the brain chemistry and can hit ANYONE.
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    @inkedShimewaza how is the combo working out? I've only ever been on Zoloft. It's helped more than I could ever have imagined. You are too kind, thank you for the beautiful compliment.
  • inkedShimewaza
    inkedShimewaza Posts: 538 Member
    I has made a big difference for me. To be honest, I generally feel like I am walking a tightrope with depression on one side and OCD on the other. Usually when I have one under control, the other starts getting out of control. The combo at least makes it manageable. I still have to be really careful about watching out for when I get into a downward spiral, but at least when I am on meds, I can identify it and get myself out of it. Ugh ... am I contradicting myself? I guess I am trying to say that it does help - actually alot - but it is still a struggle. If I hadn't gotten the combo/levels correct when I did, I wouldn't be here anymore. So, I guess that says something! LOL
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Yes. I've had depression since age 11. At the moment, I feel as if I have to be hospitalized for this, but there's no way I can do it because who will take care of the bills... There's just no winning.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    i do think the right med(s)--or even (short to long-term) professional counseling--can help many too, especially if they're struggling with their weight/don't have a good relationship with food, lack of motivation...

    True. As long as it is seen as a short term plan, except in some chronic cases. I did counseling, which helped.

  • inkedShimewaza
    inkedShimewaza Posts: 538 Member
    @Sinistrous - At one point my doctor wanted to hospitalize me too, but like with you - life made it not an option. Are you on any meds? If not, it sounds like you need to get a good doctor and work on finding something that works for you. Feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk!
  • jeffbeckinc
    jeffbeckinc Posts: 7 Member
    My anxiety and depression derive from trauma but there are a lot of good things being echoed here. Usually when I'm dealing with depression, I find that exercise is something I am unable to do with much effort or consistency. If you are able to keep active, whether it is just the simplest of tasks (going on a walk, taking a shower, house chores, reading, whatever gets you moving/focused, etc) you are battling and taking the fight to the depression!

    Nobody is alone in this and although the light at the end of the tunnel isn't always visible, it is achievable and you can get better. You will get better if you keep fighting, taking a stand against depression
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    Yes. I've had depression since age 11. At the moment, I feel as if I have to be hospitalized for this, but there's no way I can do it because who will take care of the bills... There's just no winning.

    Well best wishes.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member

    Hindsight is clear sight, so knowing what I know now leads me to believe that I have suffered with depression pretty much all my life. I also struggle with crippling anxiety and PTSD the latter due to an abusive childhood.

    After my Dad passed away I spent time in Psych wards and those experiences pushed me close to suicide...I 'lost' 7 years of my life to being over medicated and having ECT. It was a harrowing time for everyone.

    I too have lost 'friends'....illness particularly mental illness makes people antsy and often run a mile. Others have had the audacity to say things like - "There are others worse off than you." Or "If only you got out and did XYZ you would feel better." "It's all in your head." "Depressed? Oh! I know what you mean, I feel like that too." All of these trite comments served only to make me feel even worse and more isolated and hurt.

    Somehow I got the strength to seek counseling and worked very hard at coming to a place of 'peace' over the past and for a long time the depression/anxiety did lift to a place where I was med. free. I used other strategies and tools...some more successful than others but truly it was always a fight between me and the black dog.

    I have only recently gone back onto medication...I was utterly exhausted and have not been coping. Also, having Lupus, RSD and a myriad of really difficult chronic health issues, have done a real number on my physical health and have also affected my mind. Makes no difference whether I am having a 'good' day or not the war in my head is always there.
  • snerggly
    snerggly Posts: 112 Member
    Situational depression is very real. I had it 10 years ago and sought CBT for it and it definitely helped. I changed to a plant based diet five months ago and I rarely get depression now, also exercise really does help to manage stress levels that are sometimes brought on by situations in life.
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    I has made a big difference for me. To be honest, I generally feel like I am walking a tightrope with depression on one side and OCD on the other. Usually when I have one under control, the other starts getting out of control. The combo at least makes it manageable. I still have to be really careful about watching out for when I get into a downward spiral, but at least when I am on meds, I can identify it and get myself out of it. Ugh ... am I contradicting myself? I guess I am trying to say that it does help - actually alot - but it is still a struggle. If I hadn't gotten the combo/levels correct when I did, I wouldn't be here anymore. So, I guess that says something! LOL

    Well I am glad you got help. Depression is a scary and lonely place.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    Hindsight is clear sight, so knowing what I know now leads me to believe that I have suffered with depression pretty much all my life. I also struggle with crippling anxiety and PTSD the latter due to an abusive childhood.

    After my Dad passed away I spent time in Psych wards and those experiences pushed me close to suicide...I 'lost' 7 years of my life to being over medicated and having ECT. It was a harrowing time for everyone.

    I too have lost 'friends'....illness particularly mental illness makes people antsy and often run a mile. Others have had the audacity to say things like - "There are others worse off than you." Or "If only you got out and did XYZ you would feel better." "It's all in your head." "Depressed? Oh! I know what you mean, I feel like that too." All of these trite comments served only to make me feel even worse and more isolated and hurt.

    Somehow I got the strength to seek counseling and worked very hard at coming to a place of 'peace' over the past and for a long time the depression/anxiety did lift to a place where I was med. free. I used other strategies and tools...some more successful than others but truly it was always a fight between me and the black dog.

    I have only recently gone back onto medication...I was utterly exhausted and have not been coping. Also, having Lupus, RSD and a myriad of really difficult chronic health issues, have done a real number on my physical health and have also affected my mind. Makes no difference whether I am having a 'good' day or not the war in my head is always there.

    That sounds awful. Don't even get me started on 'some people have it worse off' or 'happiness is a choice'. Heck I took the kids to see Trolls this week end and I just wanted to punch something.

    The sad thing about friends I think is that the only people who really get it are often depressed too... and it can make for some rocky friendships!