I got called fat today at the gym...

So today i had a great workout.. as i was leaving I HEARD (YOUR FAT)..Almost broke down.. i used to eat my feelings persay and i feel close to that again! Please help!


  • gwenster89
    gwenster89 Posts: 48 Member
    *kitten* THAT *kitten*. you're a babe and you're a *kitten* badass for being there in the first place. don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow, but even if you do, the sun will still rise tomorrow.
  • shanimay23
    shanimay23 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't stress, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, if you let it. If someone is negative towards you at the gym, they obviously have a lot of other issues going on. Poor person really. Let's focus on you though, you're going to have set backs, self doubt, but channel the negative energy you have from that into something positive! Try out a boxing class to take out your frustration, or pound your feet harder on that treadmill to prove to yourself and to whoever brings you down that you got this!! It's about perspective, through challenges from others and from yourself you become mentally emotionally and in this case physically stronger. Hope this helps!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Was this a middle school gym? Because that's some juvenile behavior! :s
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    Our reality is determined by what we tell ourselves about any given situation. You are in control of that. Maybe he really did mean you are phat! You are beautiful and awesome and in control of your life!!
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thank you all for being so kind! It definitely was an eye opener for sure.. this guy pulled up behind my car and rolled down his window just to yell that at me.. i just didn't think people like this still existed.. i seer it in the movies all the time.. or just hear about it.. it was very puzzling and i kind of froze at that moment.. thank you all again.. im going to use everyone's advice and use this as motivation not a break down.. i didnt eat my feeling this time .. Thank you again ❤

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    that's just bullying. it sucks and it shakes everyone up when it happens to them.

    but it's not about you. hang in. it's some random dick in a car who's already not part of your life anymore.
  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    I binged for three days. Gained at least 6lbs.