What's your breakfast? under 300 calories?

missida Posts: 21
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I am looking for some breakfast ideas under 300 calories. Any suggestions? Today I did 2 egg whites and 1 large egg and kellogs protein water. I may have a banana later for a snack.


  • missida
    missida Posts: 21
    I am looking for some breakfast ideas under 300 calories. Any suggestions? Today I did 2 egg whites and 1 large egg and kellogs protein water. I may have a banana later for a snack.
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    I like Raisin Brand... It is high in calories(190) but great Fiber. its like 310 calories with 8oz milk and 1 cup cereal. I just love milk... but you dont need quit 8oz of milk so its right around 300 calories!
  • schoonmp
    schoonmp Posts: 175
    :smokin: I had 2 egges, 1 slice of Sara Lee wheat toast, wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, and 1/2 cup 2% milk. That comes out to 270 calories. This fills me up for a long time. Pam
  • I know this sounds crazy, but I eat cereal.

    A serving of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with 2% milk is 310 calories. I'm sure switching to skim milk will get it under 300 :) It's high in protein (milk) and fiber (cereal) and I'm proud to say I had that at 6:30am and now at 11:55, I'm starting to feel hungry. I usually end up snacking around 10 am on an apple or carrots. I don't usually have time to make much of a breakfast in the morning, so cereal is quick and easy for me.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    :smokin: I had 2 egges, 1 slice of Sara Lee wheat toast, wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, and 1/2 cup 2% milk. That comes out to 270 calories. This fills me up for a long time. Pam

    I eat the same thing on the weekends when I have time...but today, I had a slim fast, and a nutrigrain bar
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    2 whole eggs (140cals) scrambled with green peppers (10cals) and mild cheddar (45cals), and a small pear (80 cals) :bigsmile:
    total: 275cals
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I usually have 2 oatmeal packets and a piece of fruit. Usually right around 300 cals. Plus oatmeal is very filling.
  • My favorite breakfast combos are:

    3/4 cup Kashi cereal
    1/4 cup 2% milk (I don't like milk, so I only use it to get my cereal "wet")
    8 oz 100% pure orange juice

    306 cals


    2 boiled eggs
    2 Banquet turkey sausage patties

    270 cals


    1 boiled egg
    2 turkey sausage patties
    1 gala apple OR 5 prunes

    260 OR 280 cals
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    #1: Trader Joe's bagel (100) with spray butter, a piece of fruit (approx 80-100) and Light Yoplait yogurt (100).

    #2 2 whole wheat eggo waffles (140) with spray butter and splenda on the top of them with a piece of fruit (appox 80-100)

    #3 whole wheat english muffin with natural peanut butter
  • JasiBella
    JasiBella Posts: 1,168
    Mulit Grain Waffles w/ Nutella:bigsmile:
    egg beaters, laughing cow cheese wedge, turkey bacon & pita pocket
  • I usually just eat a protein bar since I work out in the morning. Zone Perfect are my favorite and they are right around 210 calories. Since it's protein, they keep you full for a while!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Usually my breakfasts vary but during the week I have...

    Thomas' 100-calorie English muffin with 1 tbsp peanut butter (90 calories) and a banana cut up on top (ranges between 100-150 calories, depending on the size of the banana).

    Today I had... A chocolate slim fast shake (190 calories) and a 100 calorie muffin.

    On the weekends I'll have something different and a bit more time-consuming like an egg white omelette with fresh chopped onions, peppers, and salsa with a piece of whole wheat toast.
  • Hi! I have also been finding it hard to find new breakfast items to eat. Yesterday I had an english muffin with one egg over medium, one slice of bacon and one slice of cheese. It was 324 calories, but I am sure you could reduce the calories by using low fat cheese, turkey bacon and maybe a whet muffin.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • eggwhite omlet, one slice turkey bacon, 1/4 avacado, light sourcream, onions, cilantro and mango salsa!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Real Oatmeal (not instant packets) and a banana for sweetness.
    It's way less than 300 and there's no salt and only good sugar from the banana. It's also filling and rich with fiber.
  • Im on the go early in the morning too !!

    1 scoop protein powder
    1 cup strawberries
    1% milk

    I like honey in it. . NOT enough time this morning.
    And sometimes I put a heaping scoop of Yogurt too !

    Then a mid morning snack is a fit4soy protein bar. (strawberry creme)
  • i am doing the special k diet... so i have a serving of Special K Yogurt and Fruit Ceral and 2% Milk. Its about 240 Calories. I love it. I also switch back and forth to the Red Berries as well
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Here are the ones I usually have...
    -Cottage cheese and a banana
    -Plain nonfat yogurt with granola mixed in
    -Cottage cheese and apple butter

    Add a glass of almond milk and you've got a filling, nutritious breakfast :)

    All come up to less than 300 calories if you stick to the proper serving sizes.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I had:
    2 slices of Sara Lee Delightful Wheat 90 cal
    1 serv egg beaters southwest 40 cal
    2 cups diet Ocean Spray Crangrape 20
    1 TBS of Smuckers diet grape jelly 10

    Total 160 calories. I made it into a sandwich. You could also put some turkey bacon for 50 calories and a slice of fat free cheese. for a total of 240 cals.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    One cup of Cheerios.....100 Calories
    1/3 cup of dried Cherries..130 calories
    2 cups of coffee....0 calories :drinker:
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