Disappointed in MFP people



  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I always try and be positive and motivational to all my MFP family.. After all I have the most AMAZING MFP Family.. Feel free to add me and I promise you will never hear anything from me.. We are all diferent and different things work for different people.. I say hey if thats what works for you then do it... But yea so many are negative but as long as us positive ones stick together we will "Kick *kitten*"

    Yes you do Rachel.... we are awesome!LOL
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    The good and bad thing about MFP is that it is a community, and like all communities it is a mixed bag of people. It brings a refreshing variety, but you have to able to close your mind to things that upset you, just as you do in real life. It would be so bland if everybody walked around with huge grins and a permanent thumbs up. I'd bet one day you'll be in a bad mood and someone's snarky comment will actually make you laugh a little. MFP is going to have negative people, because it's a reflection of reality. Be strong and just ignore it.
    Awesome response!!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I mean, people should still use google before taking their questions to the boards. There's no need to ask what c25k is when google will tell you before you can finish typing it in the search bar.

  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Couldn't agree more - to the original posting
  • @ dragonflydi, good idea. :smile:
  • dgrayman
    dgrayman Posts: 15 Member
    Not everyone is a know-it-all, that is why they are here. If they knew it all they would be at the Olympia winning championships, being in all types of magazines and modeling on stage and in mags. For us regular people, we dont get to the message board every day, we dont know what has been talked about or how many times. If we just got here, we are new so forgive us for asking stupid things or dont know the way things are run. We are all here for a reason, to help each other out. Now do the right thing and help support each other, that is why this site was made for. Just remember, you all came here for support and for answers, so you didnt know all of the answers. Now it is other peoples turn to ask the questions, so help them out if you already know the answers to their questions.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Unfortunately some people are just rude.
  • victrois
    victrois Posts: 10
    My thoughts on the post are this - most people who have weight to loose will have been bullied or judged at some stage in their lives. Most people are on here to loose weight or do something about their body size. It is not a very nice feeling to post a question only to have the more 'experienced' members of the community complain that you are asking a question that has been asked a thousand times before. It takes a lot of some people to ask the question, and to be rudely shot down by members of a so called community can be very hurtful to some people, myself included.

    Guess what, new people can not know everything, I didn't know I could search for older posts so sorry for asking a question that has already been asked. It is not a nice feeling to feel like you are being picked on again, bringing up those feelings from high school. It will now make me think twice before I post on here again.
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    I think hungry dieters have short fuses. :wink:
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    I have to agree it would save a lot of time and also give some people some "confidence in the subject"

    This is such a popular site that threads quite quickly disappear, what is the best HRM is one I've seen posted what seems like every other day since I joined a few weeks back. A sticky would help people find the information quickly.

    That said, if there's a thread that fries your bean then you should just ignore it. There's no obligation for people to post on every thread that starts so if you don't like it find one you do.
  • yea it sucks that people like that come here and act like that, save that **** for facebook...keep my...i mean keep OUR MFP happy and informative and positive and supportive, its hard enough to make these changes in life for most people, they dont need some annoying *kitten* yelling at them for a grammar mistake? i mean its an international website, not everyone is an English major...
  • Unfortunately some people are just rude.

    Very true. I had my first negative experience the other day, and had someone basically trying to imply I was an idiot. This person knew nothing about my situation or anything about me. Then I had another user actually provide friendly, helpful information- that reminded me the majority of people on this site are kind, helpful, non judgemental, and don't act like they know everything just because they've lost weight. I've found for every rude person there is like 100 nice people :D
  • msjaxn69
    msjaxn69 Posts: 44
    You must have read the same post that I did yesterday. My thought is ask as many questions that you want whether you took the time to look to see if it was asked before or not. We (noobs, intermediates and advanced MFP's) are here to help regardless. I think some folks just post rants to get others ire's up. Don't pay them any attention. Help those that want and need it and don't pay attention to those other fools. There are always bad apples in the bunch. Please friend me if you'd like.

    Peace and blessings.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Some people are direct and honest. That's extremely hard to convey in typing.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I agree, I read a few posts, honestly I always forget to do a search of the forum before posting. who cares, then dont read it. and move on!
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Welcome to the interwebs, circa 1991. Not sure why you think MFP would be any different from every other forum on the planet.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Welcome to the interwebs, circa 1991. Not sure why you think MFP would be any different from every other forum on the planet.

    Well, there's usually two forum personalities:

    1. The sarcastic people who have been around internet forums too long (or actually remember things like mIRC chat and newsgroups.)

    2. Newcomers to forums.

    Give it time, and you'll all be riddled with sarcasm and rage comics.
  • Mrsbonno
    Mrsbonno Posts: 38 Member
  • davimlima
    davimlima Posts: 1
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