Running a 5K for the first time on Sunday. Any advice or tips would be appreciated



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I get nervous before races too, but after the first half a mile I'm fine.

    Don't do anything you don't usually do before race day.

    What do you normally eat before you run?

    I'm not a runner, never have been. Even when I was younger and an athlete in good shape I didn't run much. I haven't jogged in years until I started the couch to 5K program two months ago. When I have trained I have usually done so soon after having some coffee and something light to eat like a Banana or Cottage cheese.

    you run, you're a runner...

    eat a banana or cottage cheese then.

    have fun!
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!
  • TimothyPhoenix
    TimothyPhoenix Posts: 79 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!

    I haven't decided if I am going to stick with it or not. Quite honestly I have had extreme tunnel vision the last 2 months. I'm the kind of person who when I decide to take on a challenge I go after it pretty hard. I believe this is why I over trained last week because I felt so much pressure with the race coming up. Anyway, I hate running, I always have. That being said, that feeling I get after a long run is almost like being high. I feel completely demolished and yet completely unstoppable at the same time. It's a very strange feeling and I really enjoy it. I also enjoy being in better shape. For now though it's just all about finishing this race without stopping. Next week I don't want to even look at my treadmill let alone run on it but I will definitely need to move on an find another challenge at some point which could be as simple as being able to do a 5K in the spring in a much faster time.

    Thanks for the encouragement and good luck with your half marathon.
  • jenfran89
    jenfran89 Posts: 26 Member
    Enjoy, and take it slow. You can always speed up at the end if you have extra energy
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!

    eventually?! rubbish... OP did C25K, OP is a runner!
  • TommyW45
    TommyW45 Posts: 112 Member
    Ran my first one this July and was amazed at the participants . Everyone from 5-80 and do believe everyone had a great time ! Finished 10 minutes faster than I thought based on training for it . Having fun is the most important thing !
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!

    I haven't decided if I am going to stick with it or not. Quite honestly I have had extreme tunnel vision the last 2 months. I'm the kind of person who when I decide to take on a challenge I go after it pretty hard. I believe this is why I over trained last week because I felt so much pressure with the race coming up. Anyway, I hate running, I always have. That being said, that feeling I get after a long run is almost like being high. I feel completely demolished and yet completely unstoppable at the same time. It's a very strange feeling and I really enjoy it. I also enjoy being in better shape. For now though it's just all about finishing this race without stopping. Next week I don't want to even look at my treadmill let alone run on it but I will definitely need to move on an find another challenge at some point which could be as simple as being able to do a 5K in the spring in a much faster time.

    Thanks for the encouragement and good luck with your half marathon.

    Wow... this sounds all too familiar! When I did my first 5 km race last year in April I too said I don't even know if I'll keep it up. Now I am gong to train for my first half in the spring!! Yes I hated running, but then I got better at it!!!! Now you can't stop me rain, shine or now snow!!!! Maybe your next challenge will be to train for the next 5km to beat your time on this race! That's exactly what I did!!! Have fun!!!!!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Have a great time. Don't worry about what to eat - for a 5k just eat what you normally would before your training run.

    The crowd is really fun. Try to not go out too fast so that you can sustain and if you have more left go faster in the second half.

    My first 5k was really just a matter of enduring. I was dead last (it was on a college campus - don't race college kids, LOL), but I was steady and kept it up and ended up really happy with myself. The second 5k a month later was much more fun - a very mixed crowd of runners and walkers too - and I ended up starting way too fast in the excitement. But regardless they were both great experiences.

    You are a runner! Go run and have fun!
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    Have a great time, if you're feeling low at any point, say hi to a marshall! We love it, and you're guaranteed an extra big cheer if you acknowledge us :)
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Have a great time, if you're feeling low at any point, say hi to a marshall! We love it, and you're guaranteed an extra big cheer if you acknowledge us :)

    I've got a 5k tomorrow, and you can be sure I will be saying hi to the marshalls. You guys rock.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Hey Neighbor! :) I'm in Mechanicsburg. I lived in Liverpool briefly in the early 90's.

    Take it easy and enjoy the experience. And if you want to keep running after this send me a message. There are lots of resources in this area with 1000's of runners.

    Good luck.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Have a blast! GotR is a great program.

    My advice is to pee before you leave home, then any other chance you get whether you feel like you have to go or not (particularly if there is a long line to the bathroom). Having to run a race when you have to pee sucks.

    One other thing, thank all the volunteers.
  • TimothyPhoenix
    TimothyPhoenix Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you all so much for the advice. Just hearing from all of you is making me feel better and more confident about doing this. I kind of needed that so I appreciate it.
  • TimothyPhoenix
    TimothyPhoenix Posts: 79 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Hey Neighbor! :) I'm in Mechanicsburg. I lived in Liverpool briefly in the early 90's.

    Take it easy and enjoy the experience. And if you want to keep running after this send me a message. There are lots of resources in this area with 1000's of runners.

    Good luck.
    Thank you, I will let you know if I decide to continue doing this.
  • TimothyPhoenix
    TimothyPhoenix Posts: 79 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!

    eventually?! rubbish... OP did C25K, OP is a runner!

    :smile: Thanks
  • TimothyPhoenix
    TimothyPhoenix Posts: 79 Member

    I'm not a runner, never have been

    But you will be eventually if you keep running. I was not a runner myself a year ago but now I can do a half-marathon, and I will run my first h/m race next week. My advices is take it easy, dont rush it, go with what you feel at that moment and enjoy it!

    I haven't decided if I am going to stick with it or not. Quite honestly I have had extreme tunnel vision the last 2 months. I'm the kind of person who when I decide to take on a challenge I go after it pretty hard. I believe this is why I over trained last week because I felt so much pressure with the race coming up. Anyway, I hate running, I always have. That being said, that feeling I get after a long run is almost like being high. I feel completely demolished and yet completely unstoppable at the same time. It's a very strange feeling and I really enjoy it. I also enjoy being in better shape. For now though it's just all about finishing this race without stopping. Next week I don't want to even look at my treadmill let alone run on it but I will definitely need to move on an find another challenge at some point which could be as simple as being able to do a 5K in the spring in a much faster time.

    Thanks for the encouragement and good luck with your half marathon.

    Wow... this sounds all too familiar! When I did my first 5 km race last year in April I too said I don't even know if I'll keep it up. Now I am gong to train for my first half in the spring!! Yes I hated running, but then I got better at it!!!! Now you can't stop me rain, shine or now snow!!!! Maybe your next challenge will be to train for the next 5km to beat your time on this race! That's exactly what I did!!! Have fun!!!!!

    Good luck training for your half marathon.
  • RichardChubb
    RichardChubb Posts: 5 Member
    I suspect that by the time you see this post you'll have completed your run- if not, then best of luck! Lots of great advice already here- eat your normal breakfast, don't change anything on race day, don't start out too fast, hydrate, and enjoy the experience. For what it's worth, I've run various distances, from 5k to full marathon and every time I've tried a new distance, I've been a nervous wreck on the start line. The nerves tend to vanish as you cross that line and focus on the job in hand. Hopefully the race experience will inspire you to do more 5k runs and, who knows, maybe you'll be contemplating a 10k before too long!
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    Good luck! I'm running my first 10k this morning and it's chucking it down with rain!!
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    Drink in the experience! My first 5k that I ran was the Hockeytown 5K. A farewell event to the Joe Louis Arena. Been a long time fan of the Red Wings. Highly motivating to think I would finish center ice.

    It's all about you! Enjoy.

    PS That was the first of five events I've done this fall including a Tough Mudder.