My husband is losing weight faster than me - I feel like giving up :(



  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited November 2016
    Work out harder and tighten up your Calories In vs Calories Out.

    How often are you exercising? For how long? What kind of exercise?
    If you can follow a TV program or read a magazine then you are not "exercising" hard enough.
    If you don't need to stop & catch your breath and let your heart rate slow periodically then you are not "exercising" hard enough.
    Cleaning the house or playing with the kids/pets does not count as exercise.

    Do you even know what your BMR, TDEE or body fat percentage is?
    What are you doing now for diet? What is your deficit at in MFP? What are your macros?
    40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat is a decent place to start.
    I'll bet you are not getting even 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight now, which is the minimum I would target.
    Track everything more carefully. How long have you been at it?
    You should not expect any real results for 3 to 4 weeks after you make a change.

    Use the MFP app and open it up if you want help with your diet.
    Move to a weight training workout with HIIT cardio on the off days.
    StrongLifts5x5 or Thinner Leaner Stronger is a decent place to start.
    No, lifting weights will not make you "bulky". Don't start with that BS as an excuse for not doing the work.

    Stop comparing yourself to him and using it as an excuse to feel sorry for yourself.
    How about feeling proud of him for what he has accomplished instead?
    Use your spouse as an inspiration for improving yourself and working harder.



  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    I agree with the hard, cold truth of what @cqbkaju posted.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Stop with the comparisons...especially comparisons with the opposite sex. Men tend to lose weight faster and in a more linear fashion than women...we have higher calorie requirements and thus we can eat more and still lose weight and/or maintain larger deficits due to higher requirements...also, men don't have the hormonal fluctuations like women which leads to greater fluctuations from water retention/release...

    Stop comparing yourself to a man...
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    In September, my hubby started day shift, for the first time in our 23 years together. Since then, he has lost five pounds, as he doesn't go to fast food restaurants anymore.

    I have gained back five of the 80 I had lost, because I'm now making huge meals every night, instead of only on the weekends. The struggle is real, folks! :(

    What question is this an answer to? lol :|

    This was not an answer per se. I was sharing. I was letting her know that I deal with a similar situation, where he's losing and I'm suddenly gaining. Not that complicated. Why do you ask?
  • drawaimfire
    drawaimfire Posts: 83 Member
    I like to reverse things, and then see how I would feel. If you were losing faster than him, how would he treat you and better still, how would you expect to be treated and how would you treat him if you were 'winning'?

    Celebrate both of your accomplishments and leave no space for negative thinking. He is your partner for life, respect that and enjoy this journey together.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Please be THRILLED that your husband is losing weight! It's awesome that you can do this together and you have a partner for this journey. My hubby is great, but many ladies here would LOVE for their hubby to lose weight with them. Slap yourself in the head and knock some good sense into it, girl! (meant to be postive & fun comment)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Stop with the comparisons...especially comparisons with the opposite sex. Men tend to lose weight faster and in a more linear fashion than women...we have higher calorie requirements and thus we can eat more and still lose weight and/or maintain larger deficits due to higher requirements...also, men don't have the hormonal fluctuations like women which leads to greater fluctuations from water retention/release...

    Stop comparing yourself to a man...

    Were you trying to make the OP's point? ;)
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    In September, my hubby started day shift, for the first time in our 23 years together. Since then, he has lost five pounds, as he doesn't go to fast food restaurants anymore.

    I have gained back five of the 80 I had lost, because I'm now making huge meals every night, instead of only on the weekends. The struggle is real, folks! :(

    What question is this an answer to? lol :|

    This was not an answer per se. I was sharing. I was letting her know that I deal with a similar situation, where he's losing and I'm suddenly gaining. Not that complicated. Why do you ask?

    Cos it didnt answer the OPs question. Struck me funny

    I think you just like to be difficult, judging by this and other comments made by you on many threads.
  • As long as he isn't rubbing it in your face I wouldn't worry. But if he is being smug about it I would have a serious talk with him.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Go look for the many threads about people who have split up because one person lost weight while the other one didn't, and you'll see common themes - jealousy, resentment, insecurity. Letting yourself feel like you're somehow failing because he's progressing faster is where those issues can start to breed. Don't let them. Communicate with him. Be inspired by him. Support him, and ask him to do the same for you. And remember that every bit of progress you make, you're bettering your own health so you can have a longer life with him. That's not something worth giving up on.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Be happy that you have someone to lose weight with
    Be happy he is doing well
    Keep on going and you will lose yours too
    Good luck
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Aw, don't give up, you're married, you're a team, be happy for him. His success is your success. I'd be sad if my spouse wasn't happy for me! Oh yeah, and do remember like others have said, men do tend to lose faster than woman, you'll both get there in the end!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    If you can have the same amount of testosterone and gH in your system as him, you'll lose just as fast. Unfortunately this means you'd have to "gear up" to achieve that. Your voice would get deeper, you'll get facial hair, and even your jawline will change.
    Or you can accept that you're female and understand that you're hormonally different than he is.
    You continue. Don't compare. Don't be jealous. Don't get mad. It will happen if you stay consistent.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    Even if your plans were absolutely identical and you did everything the same... it depends on a few factors.

    I'm not sure what your starting weight and his starting weight were, but keep in mind that those who are higher in BMI tend to lose weight a little faster at first. I was sometimes losing 6 pounds a week at the start - now I don't lose as much per week.

    Remember also that people who have a uterus/get periods will retain a hell of a lot of water. My weight stops moving for a fortnight even though I've been thoroughly committed to my diet. The first time I noticed it, it was really upsetting for me - I had been working so hard! But now I just work twice as hard so I can see what ridiculous amount of water weight I can drop at the end!

    The fact that your husband is doing well is rad, and if you're sticking to your plan, you are doing well too. You are not defeated. I think when we're losing weight, we forget the little victories because we don't notice them... if you stick to your plan, your body will change every day - not necessarily the number on the scale, but over time, our bodyfat% changes, our size changes, etc.

    This isn't a sprint - it's a marathon. It's about seeing it all the way through.

    What I do to keep my spirits up... little goals often. Every 10 pounds, I celebrate what I've done so far - and I mix it up by celebrating getting under a full stone, pounds lost in brackets of 10, moving BMI category etc. It means I feel like I'm celebrating every week (because one of the systems will be in my favour somewhere!) so I can distract myself a little from what is otherwise a very drawn-out process.

    Hugs to you - and keep going! :smiley:
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    the point of these forums is to offer advice and support. support comes in many forms, such as offering a similar situation to show the OP is not alone. plus she didnt waffle, it was 2 or 3 sentences.

    OP, men always lose faster than women, it sucks, but it's the truth. if you are still losing, great. if you've stalled, check your intake, and use the flow chart posted a little earlier. weight loss isn't linear, you've got to take into account so many factors. you got this. relax, give your hubby a high five, and look towards tomorrow. x
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    There is a thread on the first page of the General Weigh Loss forum that has links to men vs women weight loss articles. Check it out!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited November 2016
    Why are you, a woman, comparing your losses to your husband, a man? Your husband has a higher TDEE than you do. Is he eating at least 1600 calories? Be proud of YOUR losses and be happy for HIM. You and your husband are two very different people, with different stats and different deficits. I highly doubt your husband started at the same weight and is the exact same height and has the eact same activity level as you do. Relax. :)
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    My wife can get drunk faster than me. I feel like giving up booze. :/
    Do not dare give up! Keep fighting, my friend!