Binge eating/food obsession



  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    33bbcc33 wrote: »
    Does exercising after a binge negate the calories you ate equally? I had a bad binge the other day (over 1500 calories) and walked a bunch the next morning then went to the gym and did about an hour half hiit on treadmill, weights, plus cut my calories that day by about half. It makes me feel relieved that I am burning off those calories and I calculate it so that it seems the binge never happened. Does all that work really help? I don't do this often, it just would be nice to know you can do something to "fight back" I guess. Plus it seems to put all those extra calories to use.

    1500 calories is actually very low for a binge. Overeating by 1500 isn't hard to compensate for but binges that are higher are obviously much harder to work off.
  • 33bbcc33
    33bbcc33 Posts: 59 Member
    Gotcha. Is just a lot for me when every calorie counts. Makes me feel like I'm setting myself way back.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    33bbcc33 wrote: »
    Does exercising after a binge negate the calories you ate equally? I had a bad binge the other day (over 1500 calories) and walked a bunch the next morning then went to the gym and did about an hour half hiit on treadmill, weights, plus cut my calories that day by about half. It makes me feel relieved that I am burning off those calories and I calculate it so that it seems the binge never happened. Does all that work really help? I don't do this often, it just would be nice to know you can do something to "fight back" I guess. Plus it seems to put all those extra calories to use.

    1500 calories is actually very low for a binge. Overeating by 1500 isn't hard to compensate for but binges that are higher are obviously much harder to work off.

    A binge for me is typically in the 5000 calorie range.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I feel out of control and like it's a binge at about 1500 calories over. It's subjective, no?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Yes it's subjective but just found it interesting that 1500 is considered a very bad binge. I just come from the eating disorder perspective when binges are easily 10, 000+ calories
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Oh, I know your history (sorta, what you share here, SF.) I have a history of compulsive behavior in a lot of different things, not just food.

    It's progress not perfection, right? I used to eat a whole pie and a tub of Cool Whip. Now it's a half a pie and home-whipped cream, so...progress! I'll never cut out those foods entirely. It's a pleasure to eat them in a world with not enough pleasure. :wink:

    So before, when I was not very aware, I would just keep eating. 220 pounds? How'd that happen? Oh. When we know better we do better. 1500 is better than I was, but it still isn't "control."
  • 33bbcc33
    33bbcc33 Posts: 59 Member
    Yea, there were days when I was younger and unaware of the importance of calories I'd eat a whole cake or tub of icing. But now that I count I know that each cookie I eat is 130 calories and each slice of pizza is 300 and each spoonful of pb is 100 and that alone is almost a third of my daily allotment but I can't stop so all I can do is count them up as I continue to eat. But seeing those other numbers does bring some perspective.
  • accepting_freedom
    Thanks Bri for starting this thread! I think your honesty and willingness to face the facts is inspiring.

    I have also been dealing with food obsession and over/under eating. I have found support in so many ways and am getting healthier and more balanced as I reach out. This app is one of those steps. Going to regular Overeaters Anonymous meetings has also been huge for me and sharing my situation with friends and family, being open amd honest. "You are only as sick as your secrets."

    If I can love and support you and everyone else going through this I will. I don't know the extent to which this forum can be a medium for that intention but I hope it can.

  • skinnyfilly
    skinnyfilly Posts: 1 Member
    You are never alone with this disorder. I have been binge eating since I was sixteen because I felt like I was never good enough. Low self esteem leads to this problem and OCD thoughts. The "last supper" mentality keeps you in the cycle. AKA...I will eat everything in sight and starve tomorrow to reach an unrealistic goal weight. Talking to yourself and being able to see the things that cause you to binge as a magic maze to get travel through as the hero/heroine. Give yourself "points" if you can get past the things that cause you to overeat. When you "play the game" with yourself and add up your points, go get a massage, CD, manicure, a call to a friend, any reward that helps you. The idea is to replace triggers with treasures and nonfood rewards....try the "Magic Maze" technique and let me know how the approach works. If you make a mistake, you can stop immediately and start over.
  • rhonnik
    rhonnik Posts: 32 Member
    This book changed my life...and I don't state that lightly!
    Oops...the book is called Made to Crave. Please check it out.

    I just recently downloaded this book after reading a 21 day devotional based on it. It was so inspirational!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited November 2016
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    sadinplaid wrote: »
    Please feel free to add me, I was once diagnosed with something that I'd never heard of a "Binge Eating Disorder". In some way it was a relief to actually have a name for my compulsive behaviour I felt I always had. I've since come to terms with this but the battle goes on, I'm back on the straight an d narrow now and try to deal with this the best I can.

    I felt the exact same way when I found out that this is an actual diagnosable thing in the DSM that many many people are suffering with. For a long time I just believed I was a loser with no will power. It's been nearly 11 months since I last binged, but I don't look at it as something that is cured but more like something that will most likely always be there that I just have to stay aware of.

    Thanks. I already have a psychiatrist (for mental health reasons) and I saw online that he also treats patients with eating disorders. So, I think I will ask him for help with binge eating. It's been something that I've kept private, out of shame.

    I appreciate all of you opening up in this topic and sharing. Thanx a thousand times over.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    projectsix wrote: »
    Yeah I have a binge eating disorder as well but adding friends on MFP I don't think can contribute to success in combating it much. Only YOU can fix the problem and if you really want to fix the problem long term, your go-to option is through a psychiatrist that specializes in eating disorders.

    Do you see a psychiatrist for this? If so, how long have you been getting help for this?
  • UnicornAmandaPanda
    UnicornAmandaPanda Posts: 161 Member
    I have been struggling with this for years... I would love a support system.. any of you guys please feel free to add me :)
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm an emotional binge eater, have been my whole life. That's how I got to where I was, life was sucking for several years then I just got out of control, the eating became a habit and part of everyday.

    But it's nice to see this thread and know we're not alone, lots of us struggle with this. With support of others even by a simple "like" on a post is so motivating, to know that someone has noticed your 10 minutes of walking or your 320 days of logging.

    I honestly feel I could not have lost the 40 I have lost in the past 11 months if I didn't have my friends on here cheering me along. :blush:

    Feel free to add me, we can support each other!
  • MelodieKindreeov
    sadiepie05 wrote: »
    You can add me. I've had a binge problem myself. The only thing that seemed to help me was upping my calories and eating a balanced diet. Having a plan and pre-logging really helps a lot also.

    I agree with the pre logging it really helps me also!
  • autumn_romance
    autumn_romance Posts: 1 Member
  • cuhris
    cuhris Posts: 12 Member
    Sometimes you may be dieting too harshly or rushing too quickly into a diet. I used to binge because of that. If you're used to eating a lot, you should slowly drop your calories/carbs instead of going cold-turkey.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited December 2016
    I've also struggled a lot lately.. I would recommend the book Brain Over Binge, it really shares some good insight into the thought process and brain chemistry that happens when you're in a binge(restrict/purge) cycle, and how to change it.
  • mysehana
    mysehana Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, you're not alone. If you need someone to talk I'm all ears. Sometimes I binge eat as a reaction to boredom. It is almost like an emotional filler when you're scared of some kind of void. I agree with people's advise to try and occupy your mind with other things like reading or drawing.