Can't seem to lose the last 10-15 = Team up for success



  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Water :

    tues: 18/8 cups
    wed: 11/8 cups
    thurs: 14/8 cups
    fri: 0/8 cups
    sat: 0/8 cups
    sun: 0/8 cups
    mon: 0/8 cups

    total: 53/56 cups

    I can't believe how many people want in on this, it's fantastic!

    Love your tracking! Are those 8oz glasses? Im assuming they are.
  • sj915
    sj915 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm one of the gents here--I hope that's OK--but I added my information to this list:
    Ok ladies (I don't think we have any gents yet) so far we have 23 committments to shed up to 20 pounds - this is great! I am confident that together we will be able to meet our goals! I am posting your "names" please update with your starting weight, your goal, and your motivation or "prize" for hitting your goal. Just add a simley face beside your name so I know who updated and can track it I think it would be neat to see how much weight we collectively wish to lose, and to be able to track our progress as individuals and as a team.
    bethy0316 I really need the motivation ... yesterday I started this and didn't do so well, but did drink 10 glasses of water. Hopefully you will let me join in. Thanks
    BJC78 SW: 144 GW: 135 - This last 9 is horrible! I want to continue to firm and tone! My reward is a little shopping spree at VS and maybe some cute little lingerie
    Danielle1978 - SW: 135 GW:125 - I want a flat tummy. After 2 kids its been hard to come by. My reward is a new string bikini from VS I've been eyeing.
    jtp5184-SW 130 GW 115 total 15 pounds-I want my clothes that used to be baggy to be baggy once again! My prize is new work pants because that is what i want to be baggy!
    mjp202 I'm in! Starting weight 216, current weight 202, goal weight 188. I've been looking for some accountability to push past this mini-plateau, so I'll happily join the Tuesday weigh-in.:smile:
    nmkruse 160 as of today... tomorrow maybe 159 maybe 161. Im sick of being stuck! I want to get to the 140-145 mark. Ive never been a healthy weight, in fact, I think I was overweight when I was born! I want to like how I feel! My prize is wearing a size M shirt.... or maybe a size 8-9 pants... and showing everyone that I can do it!
    Rogiefreida starting weight is 141.5 as of Sunday. Goal is 130, hopefully by 11/11, which is my BFF's wedding date where I will be wearing my very cute (and short! and sleeveless!) maid of honor gown.
    sass30 starting weight is 137.5, my goal is 130 hopefully before the end of the summer. My goal isn't really weight but I really want a rock hard body. My motivation is my kids...I don't want them to have unproductive lives full of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day long. Once I achieve that awesome body/weight I am going t get a new tattoo on my side.
    Sassy_Cass Starting weight 148 - goal 135 (13 pounds) My motivation is being able to love myself again, I want to look in the mirror and see past the jiggle and see a beautiful healthy version of me! When I reach the 10 pound mark (and my neighbor does as well) we are buying a new outfit and going on a double date with the men in our lives *they provide a tun of support when reaching for the chocolate bar*
    shaindi Starting weight 126 - goal 115 (11lbs). 5 kids did not do pleasant things to my body. Meeting my goal will be rewarding enough, no other "prize" necessary!
    sweettandb: Starting weight as of today is 175.4 lbs. Goal wt. is 167-170 (still slightly over the suggested BMI but I wouldnt look right at that recommended weight in my opinion). My motivation is being as healthy as possible in order to avoid numerous medical issues and being able to enjoy life to the fullest with my hubby and kids. Once I reach my final goal, I am going on a shopping spree for some lovely grown and sexy outfits. Hubby will like that.
    neela31 :) currently 141. My goal right now is 135 (6 pounds), but I'd LOVE to get to 130 (11 pounds). I've been in a platuea for over a year!! My motivation is to be able to wear low rise jeans.
  • sj915
    sj915 Posts: 16 Member
    Water :

    tues: 18/8 cups
    wed: 11/8 cups
    thurs: 14/8 cups
    fri: 0/8 cups
    sat: 0/8 cups
    sun: 0/8 cups
    mon: 0/8 cups

    total: 53/56 cups

    I can't believe how many people want in on this, it's fantastic!

    sorry i meant to quote this one. this equals 43 not 53. but either way you're at a great start! holy cow
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I drank my water every day this week :)

    Friday is my weigh day... guess what

    160 lbs again! lol

    found an intresting article you all should give it a read... about when you are stuck!!
  • ultimatecutie
    ultimatecutie Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!! That's such a great feeling :flowerforyou:
    I drank my water every day this week :)

    Friday is my weigh day... guess what

    160 lbs again! lol

    found an intresting article you all should give it a read... about when you are stuck!!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey ladies, and gent :blushing: Happy end of the weekend - remember to post your weights on Tuesday (even if you weighed in last Thursday) A lot of people have been making excellent successes this week with drinking their water and doing exercise! Congrats to each of you!

    So far we have 39 people in the group committed to dropping those last stubborn pounds! So motivating to see what I am not the only one with this "issue".

    Looking forward to Tuesday!!
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    going to a baseball game tomorrow night...weigh in on tuesday will be motivation for me to not totally pig out!
  • Ok ladies (I don't think we have any gents yet) so far we have 23 committments to shed up to 20 pounds - this is great! I am confident that together we will be able to meet our goals! I am posting your "names" please update with your starting weight, your goal, and your motivation or "prize" for hitting your goal. Just add a simley face beside your name so I know who updated and can track it I think it would be neat to see how much weight we collectively wish to lose, and to be able to track our progress as individuals and as a team.
    bethy0316 I really need the motivation ... yesterday I started this and didn't do so well, but did drink 10 glasses of water. Hopefully you will let me join in. Thanks
    BJC78 SW: 144 GW: 135 - This last 9 is horrible! I want to continue to firm and tone! My reward is a little shopping spree at VS and maybe some cute little lingerie
    Danielle1978 - SW: 135 GW:125 - I want a flat tummy. After 2 kids its been hard to come by. My reward is a new string bikini from VS I've been eyeing.
    jtp5184-SW 130 GW 115 total 15 pounds-I want my clothes that used to be baggy to be baggy once again! My prize is new work pants because that is what i want to be baggy!
    mjp202 I'm in! Starting weight 216, current weight 202, goal weight 188. I've been looking for some accountability to push past this mini-plateau, so I'll happily join the Tuesday weigh-in.
    nmkruse 160 as of today... tomorrow maybe 159 maybe 161. Im sick of being stuck! I want to get to the 140-145 mark. Ive never been a healthy weight, in fact, I think I was overweight when I was born! I want to like how I feel! My prize is wearing a size M shirt.... or maybe a size 8-9 pants... and showing everyone that I can do it!
    Rogiefreida starting weight is 141.5 as of Sunday. Goal is 130, hopefully by 11/11, which is my BFF's wedding date where I will be wearing my very cute (and short! and sleeveless!) maid of honor gown.
    sass30 starting weight is 137.5, my goal is 130 hopefully before the end of the summer. My goal isn't really weight but I really want a rock hard body. My motivation is my kids...I don't want them to have unproductive lives full of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day long. Once I achieve that awesome body/weight I am going t get a new tattoo on my side.
    Sassy_Cass Starting weight 148 - goal 135 (13 pounds) My motivation is being able to love myself again, I want to look in the mirror and see past the jiggle and see a beautiful healthy version of me! When I reach the 10 pound mark (and my neighbor does as well) we are buying a new outfit and going on a double date with the men in our lives *they provide a tun of support when reaching for the chocolate bar*
    shaindi Starting weight 126 - goal 115 (11lbs). 5 kids did not do pleasant things to my body. Meeting my goal will be rewarding enough, no other "prize" necessary!
    sweettandb: Starting weight as of today is 175.4 lbs. Goal wt. is 167-170 (still slightly over the suggested BMI but I wouldnt look right at that recommended weight in my opinion). My motivation is being as healthy as possible in order to avoid numerous medical issues and being able to enjoy life to the fullest with my hubby and kids. Once I reach my final goal, I am going on a shopping spree for some lovely grown and sexy outfits. Hubby will like that.
    neela31 :) currently 141. My goal right now is 135 (6 pounds), but I'd LOVE to get to 130 (11 pounds). I've been in a platuea for over a year!! My motivation is to be able to wear low rise jeans.
    avaloneternal- starting weight 140 been stuck at and can't break through this plateau for 14 months (just getting serious about actually breaking through it) goal 123 (I like that number and it is 20 lbs from my start on MFP) reward is to see how much I can speed up for my second marathon in october by weighing less
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    HAPPY Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to enjoy the weather - hot as it is I am not rushing the summer, no need to speed into winter again!

    Tomorrow is weigh in day so drink responsibly LoL
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I have been drinking water like crazy! My body seriously craves it now! I've been drinking about 5 - 32oz bottles per day ;) Hope everyone is doing great! Last week I decided to change things up a bit since I was feeling frustrated.... I changed my loss per week goal to .5 lb which gave me about 1440 calories to consume per day (yes this scared the heck outta me!). I also started c25k on friday and feel crazy to say it but im loving it- it really makes me want to push myself further which is very empowering ;) I took a break from Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30- after completing 30 day shred...I just felt like I needed a break from her! Hopefully ill restart week 2 with her today (no promises there just yet lol). Sorry for the long post ;)

    Kick *kitten* today everyone ;)

  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I know that people will kill me for saying this...but I WISH we could enjoy the weather out here! It was 59 degrees and raining yesterday :explode: . I don't know if I would trade it for the 100+ degrees everyone else is having, but a rainy summer is a bummer.

    On to other topics....I am proud to report that I drank at least 8 glasses of water daily for the last week, except for Sunday. Which was an epic cheat day (but a long time coming). I will have weight in numbers tomorrow night!

    BTW...thank you for making weigh in day on Tuesday, especially after the food I ate on Sunday!. :laugh:

    Have a good week everyone!
  • bethy0316
    bethy0316 Posts: 75
    Just weighed in and am down 5 lbs. from 178 to 173.
    I drank my water every day and all weekend, all 8 glasses and then some.

    Hope everyone did good!! :)

    Thanks for including me.
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    Up a pound today (203.2)--seem to be stuck in a 3-4 lb. range right around 200 lbs. I really want to break through this plateau.

    SW 216 CW 203 GW 188
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Just weighed in and am down 5 lbs. from 178 to 173.
    I drank my water every day and all weekend, all 8 glasses and then some.

    Hope everyone did good!! :)

    Thanks for including me.

    Amazing work girlfriend!!! you need to tell us what you did! Thats a weightloss percentage of 2.8%!!!

    Add the image to your signature to demonstrate your success (make the IMG's into small letters and it will appear like the below)

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Up a pound today (203.2)--seem to be stuck in a 3-4 lb. range right around 200 lbs. I really want to break through this plateau.

    SW 216 CW 203 GW 188

    No worries buddy we are all there / have been there! The goal is to keep moving and to keep working at it. You are doing well with your daily food entries etc. Keep up the solid work!

    Next week could be your week!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Is it too late to join in? I'm on my last 20...
  • bethy0316
    bethy0316 Posts: 75
    I think I've fixed the Signature ... hopefully ...
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Is it too late to join in? I'm on my last 20...

    Never too late - just need your starting weight, goal weight and your motivation - we weigh in on Tuesdays and share your tips and tricks etc,
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I think I've fixed the Signature ... hopefully ...

    Yup - looks great!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey guys - down 3 this week thanks to a fever I think and walking dogs for 2+ hours a day. It was a very busy week for me. Heres to hoping I keep it off for next week :)